Significant figures for mean and sds in forest plot for metafor - decimal

I created a forest plot using metafor. The data I downloaded all has two significant figures after the decimal point for the study means and SDs, but when it uploads to the forest plot, these trailing zeros are dropped.
How can I keep these trailing zeros to make it look better?
The code for the forest plot is:
forest(meta2, showweights = TRUE, ilab.xpos=c(-24.5,-22, -19.5, -16, -13.75, -11),
ilab=cbind(bmi_awm$Intervention_n, bmi_awm$Intervention_mean, bmi_awm$Intervention_SD, bmi_awm$Comparison_n, bmi_awm$Comparison_mean, bmi_awm$Comparison_SD),(digits=2),
ilab.pos = 4,
rows=c(48), ylim=c(-1, 51.5), xlim=c(-35.5, 14), at=(c(-7, 0, 7))
enter image description here

See the documentation of the forest() function:
digits: integer to specify the number of decimal places to which the tick mark labels of the x-axis and the annotations should be rounded (the default is 2L). Can also be a vector of two integers, the first to specify the number of decimal places for the annotations, the second for the x-axis labels. When specifying an integer (e.g., 2L), trailing zeros after the decimal mark are dropped for the x-axis labels. When specifying a numeric value (e.g., 2), trailing zeros are retained.
The problem in your code is that you have digits=2 wrapped in parentheses. Get rid of those and the training zeros should be retained.


calculate the absolute area from a graph that also gets negative

I want to calculate the absolute area under the given graph. What now happens is that it just integrates the line f. This line also gets negative. I am integrating from -5 to 5.
How can I adjust the function so it will give the absolute value?
Something else I would like to know is how to calculate the area only where f(x) >0? Is there an option to do a double integral easily?
from numpy import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = arange(-5,5.001,0.00001)
f = cos(4*x+1)**2 *(6 - 0.5* x**2)
You can use numpy.abs(..) [numpy-doc] to calculate the element-wise absolute value for the array of values.
So we can calculate the values for f with:
f_abs = np.abs(f)
This will then calculate an approximation of the area, and thus consider the area under the x-axis to be positive as well.
If you want to ignore the negative parts, you can set negative values to 0 with numpy.clip(..) [numpy-doc]:

svg feGaussianBlur: correlation between stdDeviation and size

When I blur an object in Inkscape by let's say 10%, it get's a filter with a feGaussionBlur with a stdDeviation of 10% * size / 2.
However the filter has a size of 124% (it is actually that big, Inkscape doesn't add a bit just to be on the safe-side).
Where does this number come from? My guess would be 100% + 2.4 * (2*stdDeviation/size), but then where does this 2.4 come from?
From the SVG 1.1 spec:
This filter primitive performs a Gaussian blur on the input image.
The Gaussian blur kernel is an approximation of the normalized convolution:
G(x,y) = H(x)I(y)
H(x) = exp(-x2/ (2s2)) / sqrt(2* pis2)
I(y) = exp(-y2/ (2t2)) / sqrt(2 pi*t2)
with 's' being the standard deviation in the x direction and 't' being the standard deviation in the y direction, as specified by ‘stdDeviation’.
The value of ‘stdDeviation’ can be either one or two numbers. If two numbers are provided, the first number represents a standard deviation value along the x-axis of the current coordinate system and the second value represents a standard deviation in Y. If one number is provided, then that value is used for both X and Y.
Even if only one value is provided for ‘stdDeviation’, this can be implemented as a separable convolution.
For larger values of 's' (s >= 2.0), an approximation can be used: Three successive box-blurs build a piece-wise quadratic convolution kernel, which approximates the Gaussian kernel to within roughly 3%.
let d = floor(s * 3*sqrt(2*pi)/4 + 0.5)
... if d is odd, use three box-blurs of size 'd', centered on the output pixel.
... if d is even, two box-blurs of size 'd' (the first one centered on the pixel boundary between the output pixel and the one to the left, the second one centered on the pixel boundary between the output pixel and the one to the right) and one box blur of size 'd+1' centered on the output pixel.
Note: the approximation formula also applies correspondingly to 't'.*

How do you pack a 3-floats (space vector) into 4 bytes (pixel)?

I've successfully packed floats with values in [0,1] without losing too much precision using:
byte packedVal = floatVal * 255.0f ; // [0,1] -> [0,255]
Then when I want to unpack the packedVal back into a float, I simply do
float unpacked = packedVal / 255.0f ; // [0,255] -> [0,1]
That works fine, as long as the floats are between 0 and 1.
Now here's the real deal. I'm trying to turn a 3d space vector (with 3 float components) into 4 bytes. The reason I'm doing this is because I am using a texture to store these vectors, with 1 pixel per vector. It should be something like a "normal map", (but not exactly this, you'll see why after the jump)
So there, each pixel represents a 3d space vector. Where the value is very red, the normal vector's direction is mostly +x (to the right).
So of course, normals are normalized. So they don't require a magnitude (scaling) vector. But I'm trying to store a vector with arbitrary magnitude, 1 vector per pixel.
Because textures have 4 components (rgba), I am thinking of storing a scaling vector in the w component.
Any other suggestions for packing an arbitrary sized 3 space vector, (say with upper limit on magnitude of 200 or so on each of x,y,z), into a 4-byte pixel color value?
Storing the magnitude in the 4th component sounds very reasonable. As long as the magnitude is bounded to something reasonable and not completely arbitrary.
If you want a more flexible range of magnitudes you can pre-multiply the normalized direction vector by (0.5, 1.0] when you store it, and when you unpack it multiply it by pow(2, w).
Such method is used for storing high dynamic range images - RGBM encoding (M stands for magnitude). One of it's drawbacks is wrong results from interpolation so you can't use bilinear filtering for your texture.
You can look for other options from HDR encodings: here is a small list of few most popular

Is bilinear filtering reversible?

When using a bilinear filter to magnify an image (by some non-integer factor), is that process lossless? That is, is there some way to calculate the original image, as long as the original resolution, the upscaled image and the exact algorithm used are known, and there is no loss in precision when upscaling (no rounding errors)?
My guess would be that it is, but that is based on some calculations on a napkin regarding the one-dimensional case only.
Taking the 1D case as a simplification. Each output point can be expressed as a linear combination of two of the input points, i.e.:
y_n = k_n * x_m + (1-k_n) * x_{m+1}
You have a whole set of these equations, which can be expressed in vector notation as:
Y = K * X
where X is a length-M vector of input points, Y is a length-N vector of output points, and K is a sparse matrix (size NxM) containing the (known) values of k.
For the interpolation to be reversible, K must be an invertible matrix. This means that there must be at least M linearly-independent rows. This is true if and only if there is at least one output point in-between each pair of input points.

How to set data values on a vtkStructuredGrid

I'm trying to fill in a structured grid with an analytical field, but despite reading the vtk docs, I haven't found out how to actually set scalar values at the grid points or the set the spacing/origin info of the grid. Starting from the code below, how do I
associate spatial information with the grid (ie cell 0,0,0 is at coordinates 0,0,0, the spacing is dx in every direction)
associate scalar values with each grid point. To start, I just need one, but eventually I'd like to store 3 pieces of data at each point (not a vector, 3 distinct scalars).
grid = vtk.vtkStructuredGrid()
numPoints = int((maxGrid - minGrid)/dx)
grid.SetDimensions(numPoints, numPoints, numPoints)
In VTK there are 3 types of "structured" grids, vtkImageData (vtkUniformGrid derives from this), vtkRectilinearGrid, and vtkStructuredGrid. They are all structured in the sense that the topology is set. vtkImageData has constant spacing between points and is axis aligned, vtkRectilinearGrid is axis aligned but can vary the spacing in each axis direction, and vtkStructuredGrid has arbitrarily located points (cells may not be valid though).
For what you want to do you should do:
from vtk import *
dx = 2.0
grid = vtkImageData()
grid.SetOrigin(0, 0, 0) # default values
grid.SetSpacing(dx, dx, dx)
grid.SetDimensions(5, 8, 10) # number of points in each direction
# print grid.GetNumberOfPoints()
# print grid.GetNumberOfCells()
array = vtkDoubleArray()
array.SetNumberOfComponents(1) # this is 3 for a vector
for i in range(grid.GetNumberOfPoints()):
array.SetValue(i, 1)
# print grid.GetPointData().GetNumberOfArrays()
array.SetName("unit array")
