NetSuite WYSIWYG Preview no longer working - netsuite

I am creating a custom advanced PDF/HTML template. I switched between WYSIWYG editor and source code editor and maybe saved. So now my template no longer shows up properly when try to preview it.
Does anyone know how I can fix this so that the preview shows my
changes as I make them?
Can anyone suggest what I can use going
forward so this doesn't happen to me again (ex: an IDE where I can
preview before moving code into NetSuite)?
Also, I did not save my source code before editing it since I thought NS was just making a
copy of the code in the custom template. So if anyone knows where I can get a copy of the
original source code for the original template that may help as well.
Thanks in advance for any help.

To answer your third question, I am assuming you started from one of the standard Advanced PDF/HTML templates and hit customize? If so, you should be able to get the source code for the standard template the same way: hit customize, then switch to source code view.
Remember that NetSuite does warn you that once you switch to source code, switching back may not work for that template. I generally switch to source code mode and do all my work in that mode. I use a sample transaction to preview the changes, or hit the "preview" button in the template editor.
I am not aware of any editor that will let you preview this in WYSIWYG mode, but I use Visual Studio Code to edit the templates. They now also have a SuiteCloud integration plug in, but it's a bit buggy. WebStorm is probably ok, but is not free. There is also Eclipse which is free, but they are deprecating its NetSuite plug in, and the upload to account functions don't work anymore because of the security enhancement to authentication.


Can;t show task pane of excel add-in tutorial

I am learning Office add-n and have just been practicing to make a button in excel. I can't show the new button in the excel ribbon even copy and run the complete add-in project from GitHub. Can anyone help?
Best regards
You need to make sure the following applies:
Office Desktop products must be versioned 16 or higher
In your XML, you need to make sure that you are making all HttpS requests. It must be secure
Make sure that you are not missing any closing tag />.
Also you should be able to see the changes on 365 since they are using the latest version.

Are there configuration settings to remember docked toolwindow positions in the VBE?

I've just installed the Rubberduck add-in.
If I configure my vbe windows so I can see your duck-windows it all looks lovely but when I restart Excel it is back the way it was before: is there a way around this so my configuration of the vbe persists?
Yes, it is possible to configure this, but no, it has not been implemented yet. Essentially, this would involve remembering whether the dockable windows are currently displayed when the add-in is unloaded.
In order to do this, Rubberduck could store these positions in the settings file and display them when it is loaded.
If you wish, you can create an issue for this, and the team may implement it in time for the next release if it has enough support.
Full Disclosure: I am currently working on the Rubberduck Team.

Open custom user control in tool window using VS Package

I'm trying to create simple custom command (added in TOOLS menu option) to open the tool bar with custom control in VS 2013 using VS Package project.
I'm following this guide but not sure why it's not working.
When I click on it, it opens tool window but without content under it. I want to show the MyControl.cs or custom control content under it.
I've tried a lot to find it out on Google but no relevent article found for same.
I've notice when I created new VS Package, it created "MyControl.xaml" file which loading it's data properly. I deleted that file and created new user control "MyControl.cs" which is not loading data.
Not sure if it requires VSIX project or VS Package. Is there any other way to do this?
Nothing in vsix development is simple at first. Try using this tutorial. It's from a series you can find here.
For you to show custom tool window content you have to extend the ToolWindowPane class and override the Window property returning your content as a IWin32Window. The tutorial fully explains it, and very well I might add, and the series is excellent even though it targets vs2010.

How to override DbContext.Seed() when using the Visual Studio Model Designer

I just started to play around with EntityFramework. In VS2012 I can use the designer which nicely creates all the boilerplate code. However, I am now at a point where I wanted to start playing with overriding DbContext.Seed() to initialize the database with some data. While there is this quite easily done writing the DbContext myself, I was not able to find a way to do this from within the designer. It seems to be no option to modify the Designer created 'Context' class. The comment at the top of the file tells me, that all manually added code will be lost when the file is regenerated.
Am I missing something? Can someone please point me in the right direction. How can I do all the nice more advanced things and still continue to use the designer.
try to find a package in Nuget there will be a ready solution to connect. Read more here or search in google poco Nuget.

VS2012: show onle _one_ file in code review mode

I'm conducting a code review in VS2012RC using built in tool (TFS?)
There have been substantial refactoring done to the file, so diff is meaningless. I would like to see only new file (i.e. without diffs). Is there a way to configure code review view to see only one file?
The functionality you seek is implemented in alternative code review tool that is called Review Assistant.
It's an add-in for Visual Studio 2010 and 2012, and works with TFS.
