How to extract numbers with repeating digits within a range - python-3.x

I need to identify the count of numbers with non-repeating digits in the range of two numbers.
Suppose n1=11 and n2=15.
There is the number 11, which has repeated digits, but 12, 13, 14 and 15 have no repeated digits. So, the output is 4.
Wrote this code:
for i in range(n1,n2+1):
while (n1>0):
for j in range(0,len(lst)-1):
for k in range(j+1,len(lst)):
if (lst[j]==lst[k]):
print (count)
While running the code and after inputting the two numbers, it does not run the code but still accepts input. What did I miss?

The reason your code doesn't run is because it gets stuck in your while loop, it can never exit that condition, since n1 > 0 will never have a chance to be evaluated as False, unless the input itself is <= 0.
Anyway, your approach is over complicated, not quite readable and not exactly pythonic. Here's a simpler, and more readable approach:
from collections import Counter
n1 = int(input())
n2 = int(input())
count = 0
for num in range(n1, n2+1):
num = str(num)
digit_count = Counter(num)
has_repeating_digits = any((True for count in digit_count.values() if count > 1))
if not has_repeating_digits:
count += 1
When writing code, in general you should try to avoid nesting too much stuff (in your original example you have 4 nested loops, that's readability and debugging nightmare), and try using self-describing variable names (so a, x, j, k, b... are kind of a no-go).
If in a IPython session you run import this you can also read the "Zen of Python", which kind of sums up the concept of writing proper pythonic code.


I need the code to stop after break and it should not print max(b)

Rahul was learning about numbers in list. He came across one word ground of a number.
A ground of a number is defined as the number which is just smaller or equal to the number given to you.Hence he started solving some assignments related to it. He got struck in some questions. Your task is to help him.
O(n) time complexity
O(n) Auxilary space
Input Description:
First line contains two numbers ‘n’ denoting number of integers and ‘k’ whose ground is to be check. Next line contains n space separated numbers.
Output Description:
Print the index of val.Print -1 if equal or near exqual number
Sample Input :
7 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Sample Output :
n,k = 7,3
a= [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
for i in range(n):
if k==a[i]:
elif a[i]<k:
I've found a solution, you can pour in if you've any different views
n,k = 7,12
a= [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
for i in range(n):
if k==a[i]:
elif a[i]<k:
From what I understand, these are the conditions to your question,
If can find number, print the number and break
If cannot find number, get the last index IF it's less than value k
Firstly, it's unsafe to manually input the length of iteration for your list, do it like this:
k = 3
a= [1,7,2,2,5,1,7]
finalindex = 0
for i, val in enumerate(a):
if val==k:
finalindex = i #+1 to index because loop will end prematurely
elif val>=k:
finalindex = i #skip this if value not more or equal to k
print(finalindex) #this will either be the index of value found OR if not found,
#it will be the latest index which value lesser than k
Basically, you don't need to print twice. because it's mutually exclusive. Either you find the value, print the index or if you don't find it you print the latest index that is lesser than K. You don't need max() because the index only increases, and the latest index would already be your max value.
Another thing that I notice, if you use your else statement like in your answer, if you have two elements in your list that are larger than value K, you will be printing max() twice. It's redundant

I don't know why the correct answer isn't coming up

I'm novice programmer.
I want the smallest of the input values ​​to be output, but I don't know what's wrong.
Input example :
10 4 2 3 6 6 7 9 8 5
Output example :
n = int(input())
a = input().split()
for i in range(n) :
if a[i] < min :
min = a[i]
what is the problem? please help me
Your code should work (and it does for me).
Nevertheless, min is a reserved Python word. Taking that into consideration, I also recommend the following changes for it to be more idiomatic:
a = input().split()
min_num = a[0]
for element in a:
if element < min :
min = element
Variables can be either number or strings. For example "2" is different from 2.
The function split returns an array of strings. You would need to convert each to a number if you want to do number comparison, like:
n = int(input())
a = input().split()
for i in range(n) :
if int(a[i]) < min :
min = int(a[i])
Note: you already did that for n (first line in original code), but you did not do the same when you access a.
So, min is actually a python built-in, which would be very useful in this scenario. Also, you are not making the input values in a into integers, so we can do that too:
n = int(input())
a = list(map(int, input().split()))
We use map to turn all the values from the split list into integers, then turn the map object back into a list. Then, using min, we can find the smallest number very easily, without a for loop.
I think you should convert each element to integers before comparing them.
a = [int(i) for i in input().split()]
Your code should work, but it will compare strings against strings instead of integers against integers.

Estimating value of 1/pi using Ramajunam equation, returning wrong value when comparing with (1/math.pi)

Edited for Updated code
#racraman. Love you man. You not only helped me improve my code but also to understand the Equation. Thanks for your time.
import math
# performing ramanujan's infinite series to
#generate a numerical approximation of 1/pi:
""" 1/pi = (2*sqrt(2))/9801) * (4*k)!*(1103+26390k)/(((k!)**4)*396**(4k)))"""
def factorial_1(k):
if k==0:
return 1
result = k* factorial_1(k-1)
return result
def estimate_pi():
limit=int(input("Enter the ending limit = ")) #k=0 until limit=infinity!!!!
while True:
total+=result #assigning result to a new variable to keep track of changes
if k>limit:
k+=1 #updating value of k, to improve result & total for each loop.
return 1/total # Return's pi=3.14 only if k=0
The statement :
k = result
is the problem - the variable k cannot be both a loop counter and the running total.
Instead of that statement, you will need to simply decrement k, and also add result to a new running total variable that you initialise to 0 outside the loop.
You would also only want to print the result and return only after the loop has finished.
Please don't use Answers in that way; that's not what they're for, and would be confusing for other readers to try to follow. The question is for containing all (ongoing) steps of defining the problem (just mark the appended updates with "EDIT TO ADD" as I have done with this comment); the answers are for solutions to that problem, to be accepted if they proved useful.
Ramanujan's formula most certainly works for increasing values of k - but you have to iterate starting at 0.
For example, let's say the user enters 5 for k.
What your code is currently doing is incrementing k - so calculating k = 5, 6, 7, ..... terminating when the step's result is 0. You're missing out k=0, 1, 2, 3, 4 - the major terms !
What you want to do instead is sum the results for k = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 so how about :
Have the user enter a variable limit instead of k
Start k at 0, and increment at each iteration
Terminate the loop when the step's result < epsilon, or k > limit
Incidentally, the n=(2*math.sqrt(2)/9801) is a constant, so can go outside the loop therefore get calculated only once.
#racraman. I'm Posting the updated code as an answer do that I could keep track of the Error's I've made for future references. Thanks for the Help.
# performing ramanujan's infinite series to
#generate a numerical approximation of 1/pi:
""" 1/pi = (2*sqrt(2))/9801) * (4*k)!*(1103+26390k)/(((k!)**4)*396**(4k)))"""
def factorial_1(k):
if k==0:
return 1
result = k* factorial_1(k-1)
return result
def estimate_pi():
k=int(input("enter the value of k = "))
while True:
total+=result #assigning result to a new variable to keep track of changes
if abs(result)<epsilon:
k+=1 #updating value of k, to improve result & total for each loop.
return 1/total # Return's pi=3.14 only if k=0

In PyCharm works fine when typing numbers in one by one, but won't work on code lab

Write a loop that reads positive integers from standard input and that terminates when it reads an integer that is not positive. After the loop terminates, it prints out, on a line by itself, the sum of all the even integers read.
number =int(input())
even_number = 0
while number >= 0:
if number % 2 == 0:
even_number += number
number = int(input())
it says:
Exception occurred(, EOFError('EOF when reading a line',), )
Exception occurred(, EOFError('EOF when reading a line',), )
The value of _stdout is incorrect.
We think you might want to consider using: >
We think you might want to consider using: sum
We think you might want to consider using: +
Solutions with your approach don't usually use: +=
After the loop terminates, it prints out, on a line by itself, the sum of all the even integers read.
You seem to be printing each time the sum is updated, instead of just once at the end of the loop. Try moving the print to after the while block.

make a function that take an integer and reduces it down to an odd number

I'm working on my final for a class I'm taking(Python 3) im stuck at this part.
he gave us a file with numbers inside of it. we opened it and add those numbers to a list.
"Create a function called makeOdd() that returns an integer value. This function should take in any integer and reduce it down to an odd number by dividing it in half until it becomes an odd number.
o For example 10 would be cut in half to 5.
o 9 is already odd, so it would stay 9.
o But 12 would be cut in half to 6, and then cut in half again to 3.
o While 16 would be cut to 8 which gets cut to 4 which gets cut to 2 which gets cut to 1.
 Apply this function to every number in the array. "
I have tried to search the internet but i have not clue where to even begin with this one. any help would be nice.
Here my whole final so far:
#imports needed to run this code.
from Final_Functions import *
#Defines empty list
myList = []
sumthing = 0
sortList = []
oddList = []
count = 0
#Starts the Final Project with my name,class, and quarter
#Opens the data file and reads it then places the intrager into a list we can use later.
with open('FinalData.Data', 'r') as f:
myList = [line.strip() for line in f]
print("File Read Complete",'\n')
#Finds the Sum and Adverage of this list from FinalData.Data
print("*******************sum and avg*********************************")
for oneLine in myList:
tempNum = int(oneLine)
sumthing = sumthing + tempNum
avg = sumthing /1111
print("The Sum of the List is:",sumthing)
print("The Adverage of the List is:",avg,'\n')
#finds and prints off the first Ten and the last ten numbers in the list
#Lest sort the list then find the first and last ten numbers in this list
sortList = myList
Language:Python 3
I don't want to give you the answer outright, so I'm going to talk you through the process and let you generate your own code.
You can't solve this problem in a single step. You need to divide repeatedly and check the value every time to see if it's odd.
Broadly speaking, when you need to repeat a process there are two ways to proceed; looping and recursion. (Ok, there are lots, but those are the most common)
When looping, you'd check if the current number x is odd. If not, halve it and check again. Once the loop has completed, x will be your result.
If using recursion, have a function that takes x. If it's odd, simply return x, otherwise call the function again, passing in x/2.
Either of those methods will solve your problem and both are fundamental concepts.
adding to what #Basic said, never do import * is a bad practice and is a potential source of problem later on...
looks like you are still confuse in this simple matter, you want to given a number X reduce it to a odd number by dividing it by 2, right? then ask yourself how I do this by hand? the answer is what #Basic said you first ask "X is a even number?" if the answer is No then I and done reducing this number, but if the answer is Yes then the next step dividing it by 2 and save the result in X, then repeat this process until you get to the desire result. Hint: use a while
to answer your question about
for num in myList:
if num != 0:
num = float(num)
num / 2
the problem here is that you don't save the result of the division, to do that is as simple as this
for num in myList:
if num != 0:
num = float(num)
num = num / 2
