Formula in saved search - netsuite

I have created a saved search that in the criteria I have all the bank accounts with multiple currencies, in the results I have a column that calculate the amount (account currency) using this formula:
CASE WHEN {account.number} IN ('10003','10005','10007','10008','10009','10010','10011','10012','10013','10101','10102','10103','10104','10105','10106') THEN {amount} ELSE {fxamount} END
I need to add another column that calculate the accumulated balance for each day , according to the account currency, the same way it appears in the trail balance netsuite report.
for example if the first transaction on 01/01/2021 in BANK USD is 100 so I want the value in the new column will be 100, if on 02/01/2021 I have payment of -45 USD then I want the value will be 55 (100-45) etc...
I hope its clear enough, please advise !

If I understand your question, you want a running total?
Perhaps this will work for you, in a currency formula use:
SUM/* comment */(CASE WHEN {account.number} IN ('10003','10005','10007','10008','10009','10010','10011','10012','10013','10101','10102','10103','10104','10105','10106') THEN {amount} ELSE {fxamount} END) OVER(PARTITION BY {account.number} ORDER BY {internalid} ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW)
I found this solution from this blog:
I apologize if I misunderstood the question.


NetSuite formula for dates without transactions

I’m trying to create a report that has everyday of the month listed as a column and sums the transaction quantity for that day if transactions exist and enters a 0 in the column if no transactions exist for that day.
1 2 3 … 28 29 30 31
Sales Rep.
John Doe. 5 0 0… 10 15 0 30
Any ideas how to make this work? I thought about extracting the day from the transaction date but I can’t figure out how to get the days without any transactions. I thought about using current date to extract day but then the formulas would change every day. Ugh!! Help me please!
You can do this with 31 formula fields.
To avoid overlapping months add a formula text column with a formula TO_CHAR({trandate}, 'YYYY-MM')
Create a saved search on sales orders that filters to the month of interest and includes sales rep, date, document number and amount (at least)
for each date you want to report on include a formula numberic column with a formula like case when TO_number(TO_CHAR({trandate}, 'DD')) = 14 then {amount} else 0 end. Give it a custom label of the day number (e.g. 14)
Set summary columns as follows:
Sales Rep - Group
Document Number - Count
Formula Text - Group
each Formula Numeric - Sum
That's all you need to do but the 31 formula columns are tedious so when I do this sort of thing I do the following to create a template of the saved search and then add and adjust the date range (e.g. add filters in the displayed filter region)
Open any scripted record. Usually just view a sales order. If the step below fails try in a sales order in Edit mode. You won't be saving or updating the order
Right click and select 'Inspect'. This opens the developer tools
Find the 'console'. You should see some clear space at the bottom.
Copy and paste the text below into the console and press your enter key.
If all went well the script will print a number
You can then take the search title (Daily Rep Sales in the example code) and paste it in the NS global search. If you run the search you'll see the last 30 days of sales totalled by rep. Add and update filters (e.g. for different date ranges or only for last month or only for this month etc) and then make the search public to share it (or share it with certain users etc)
require(['N/search'], search =>{
var dateCols = [];
for(var i = 1; i< 32; i++){
label:'Day '+ i,
formula: "case when TO_number(TO_CHAR({trandate}, 'DD')) = "+ i + " then {amount} else 0 end"
const searchId = search.create({
title:'Daily Rep Sales',
['mainline', 'is', 'T'], 'AND',
['trandate', 'onorafter', 'daysago30']
search.createColumn({name:'formulatext', formula:"TO_CHAR({trandate}, 'YYYY-MM')", summary:search.Summary.GROUP}),
search.createColumn({name:'salesrep', summary:search.Summary.GROUP}),
search.createColumn({name:'tranid', summary:search.Summary.COUNT}),
// whatever drill down fields you want without summary

How to Calculate Loan Balance at Any Given Point In Time Without Use of a Table in Excel

I'm trying to calculate the remaining balance of a home loan at any point in time for multiple home loans.
Its looks like it is not possible to find the home loan balance w/ out creating one of those long tables (example). Finding the future balance for multiple home loans would require setting up a table for ea. home (in this case, 25).
With a table, when you want to look at the balance after a certain amount of payments have been made for the home loan, you would just visually scan the table for that period...
But is there any single formula which shows the remaining loan balance by just changing the "time" variable? (# of years/mths in the future)...
An example of the information I'm trying to find is "what would be the remaining balance on a home loan with the following criteria after 10 years":
original loan amt: $100K
term: 30-yr
rate: 5%
mthly pmts: $536.82
pmts per yr: 12
I'd hate to have to create 25 different amortization schedules - a lot of copy-paste-dragging...
Thanks in advance!
You're looking for =FV(), or "future value).
The function needs 5 inputs, as follows:
=FV(rate, nper, pmt, pv, type)
rate = interest rate for the period of interest. In this case, you are making payments and compounding interest monthly, so your interest rate would be 0.05/12 = 0.00417
nper = the number of periods elapsed. This is your 'time' variable, in this case, number of months elapsed.
pmt = the payment in each period. in your case $536.82.
pv = the 'present value', in this case the principle of the loan at the start, or -100,000. Note that for a debt example, you can use a negative value here.
type = Whether payments are made at the beginning (1) or end (0) of the period.
In your example, to calculate the principle after 10 years, you could use:
Which produces:
For a loan this size, you would have $81,342.32 left to pay off after 10 years.
I don't like to post answer when there already exist a brilliant answer, but I want to give some views. Understanding why the formula works and why you should use FV as P.J correctly states!
They use PV in the example and you can always double-check Present Value (PV) vs Future Value (FV), why?
Because they are linked to each other.
FV is the compounded value of PV.
PV is the discounted value at interest rate of FV.
Which can be illustrated in this graph, source link:
In the example below, where I replicated the way the example calculate PV (Column E the example from excel-easy, Loan Amortization Schedule) and in Column F we use Excel's build in function PV. You want to know the other way... therefore FV Column J.
Since they are linked they need to give the same Cash Flows over time (bit more tricky if the period/interest rate is not constant over time)!!
And they indeed do:
Payment number is the number of periods you want to look at (10 year * 12 payments per year = 120, yellow cells).
PV function is composed by:
rate: discount rate per period
nper: total amount of periods left. (total periods - current period), (12*30-120)
pmt: the fixed amount paid every month
FV: is the value of the loan in the future at end after 360 periods (after 30 year * 12 payments per year). A future value of a loan at the end is always 0.
Type: when payments occur in the year, usually calculated at the end.
PV: 0.05/12, (12*30)-120, 536.82 ,0 , 0 = 81 342.06
FV: 0.05/12, 120, 536.82 , 100 000.00 , 0 = -81 342.06

Trying to sum where multiple instances of an account number in a month

I have a data sheet that col A is an account number, col F is a payment amount, col I is a user, and col H is a payment date....I am trying to sum payment amounts that fall in the same month for a particular user for a average monthly payment amount. It is a list of future payments that can have weekly or biweekly payments. I am trying to find which payments fall within the same month and sum those amounts and then average those payment amounts??? Any clues? This formula gets me a unique value for each user but cannot seem to get what I am looking for:
=SUM(--(FREQUENCY(IF('RD-CRC Payments'!I:I <> " ",IF('RD-CRC Payments'!I:I=C5,'RD-CRC Payments'!A:A)),'RD-CRC Payments'!A:A)>0))
This maybe what you are looking for. Enter cell with Name and cell with Date/Month you want to search for where it says CELLWITHDATE and CELLWITHNAME.
This will get you the sum.
This will get you the average payment for that month.
I decided to add this if you need to use a Month instead of an Actual Date. This can be adjusted to use over years as well.
=SUMIFS($F:$F,$H:$H,">="&DATEVALUE(CellWithMonth&" 1"),$H:$H,"<="&EOMONTH(DATEVALUE(CellWithMonth&" 1"),0),$I:$I,CellWithName)
=SUMIFS($F:$F,$H:$H,">="&EOMONTH(DATEVALUE(CellWithMonth&" 1"),-1)+1,$H:$H,"<="&EOMONTH(DATEVALUE(CellWithMonth&" 1"),0),$I:$I,CellWithName)/COUNTIFS($H:$H,">="&EOMONTH(DATEVALUE(CellWithMonth&" 1"),-1)+1,$H:$H,"<="&EOMONTH(DATEVALUE(CellWithMonth&" 1"),0),$I:$I,CellWithName)

Excel 2010 Dax Onhand Quantity Vs. Last Date Qty

Ive spent the last 2 days trying to get this, and I really just need a few pointers. Im using Excel 2010 w/ Power Pivot and calculating inventories. I am trying to get the amount sold between 2 dates. I recorded the quantity on hand if the item was in stock.
Item # Day Date Qty
Black Thursday 11/6/2014 2
Blue Thursday 11/6/2014 3
Green Thursday 11/6/2014 3
Black Friday 11/7/2014 2
Green Friday 11/7/2014 2
Black Monday 11/10/2014 3
Blue Monday 11/10/2014 4
Green Monday 11/10/2014 3
Is there a way to do this in dax? I may have to go back and calculate the differences for each record in excel, but Id like to avoid that if possible.
Somethings that have made this hard for me.
1) I only record the inventory Mon-Fri. I am not sure this will always be the case so i'd like to avoid a dependency on this being only weekdays.
2) When there is none in stock, I dont have a record for that day
Ive tried, CALCULATE with dateadd and it gave me results nearly right, but it ended up filtering out some of the results. Really was odd, but almost right.
Any Help is appreciated.
Bryan, this may not totally answer your question as there are a couple of things that aren't totally clear to me but it should give you a start and I'm happy to expand my answer if you provide further info.
One 'pattern' you can use involves the TOPN function which when used with the parameter n=1 can return the earliest or latest value from a table that it sorts by dates and can be filtered to be earlier/later than dates specified.
For this example I am using a 'disconnected' date table from which the user would select the two dates required in a slicer or report filter:
SUM ( inventory[Qty] ),
FILTER ( inventory, inventory[Date] <= MAX ( dates[Date] ) ),
In this case the TOPN returns a single row table of the latest date earlier than or equal to the latest date provided. The 1st argument in the TOPN specifies the number of rows, the second the table to use, the 3rd the column to sort on and the 4th says to sort descending.
From here it is straightforward to adapt this for a second measure that finds the value for the latest date before or equal to the earliest date selected (i.e. swap MIN for MAX in MAX(dates[Date])).
Hope this helps.
*prettified using

Create an excel formula for "buy one, get the rest 50% off"

I need to create a formula in excel that will kind of do a "buy one item, get the rest at 50% off".
I need excel to pick the most expensive item and charge it at full value, then charge the rest at 50% of their value:
Item A=$30
Item B=$21
If on day one, item A was bought 2 times, and then item B was used once, I need excel to pick out the most expensive item of the day (which would be item A) and charge it at 100% of its value ($30) and then the for the second item A, charge it at 50% of its value ($15) and item B would also be at 50% of its value ($10.5). So the total charge for the day would be $55.50.
I have set up names for each item that correlates to its price. If I put =sum(itemA) in a cell in excel, then it comes up with 30.
I have it set up so that I can put in the number of each item that was bought and excel can multiple it for me =sum(itemA*2)-->60. I just need to figure out the 50% discount for all of the items bought in one day.
Please help, and let me know if there is anymore info that I need to share!!!!
I have added three items using the name function under "define name". Item A is equal to 30, item B equal to 21, item C equal to 15. So this is what I have set up for example, for day one:
Item Quantity Total price
item A 2 60 =sum(itemA*2)
item B 1 21 =sum (itemB*1)
item C 0 0 =sum (itemc*0)
total daily charges: 81 =sum(C2:C4)
total daily charges with discount: 55.5 (THIS IS WHERE I NEED THE FORMULA!)
Ok, so after working with this formula, I have another question:
I have two set of this data, and excel will pick the most expensive of the two sets and charge 100% and then charge the rest at 50%. However, I now need a way to separate out the charges for the two sets of data and get their total. So example:
Item A=30, item B=21, item C=15
Set one: item A used 2x, item B used 1x
Set two: item B used 1x, item C used 1x
Excel picks item A (as this is the highest in both sets) and charges it at 100% (30), then charges the rest of the items at 50% (43.5). The total that is charged is 73.5
Now I need excel to separate out the charges by set.
So set one, the charge is 55.5
set two, the charge is 18.
Please let me know if additional details are needed.
Assuming a layout as A:e below, three added columns might suit, with:
in F2: =MAX(IF(A:A=G2,C:C))
in G2: =IF(A2<>A3,A2,"")
in H2: =IF(G2=0,"",0.5*SUMIF(A:A,G2,E:E))+F2/2
each copied down to suit.
The first an array formula so entered with Ctrl+Shift+Enter.
The first identifies the daily maximum unit price (before discount).
The second to identify the daily summary.
The third for the calculations (same approach as #Ron Rosenfeld).
Depends on how you set things up, and you don't show that. It might be simpler to use an algorithm that computes 50% of everything, then add back 50% of the most expensive item. So if you have three columns: Items Prices Quantity, (where Prices = Price/Item) you could use a formula like:
If some entries in your "Quantity" column might be zero or blank, then use this formula instead:
