I need to use data from one sheet to fill in another sheet in the same workbook.
Using sheet1's data:
Column C's item will be copied to Sheet2 and any relevant information will be copied over as well.
Then Column D's item will be copied to the next row with its relevant information.
This will be repeated until all rows in Sheet1 are copied over to Sheet2.
(Note: I put this macro as a button in another sheet so I'm referencing each sheet in my code.)
NumRows = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("C2", Range("C2").End(xlDown)).Rows.Count
' Select cell, *first line of data*.
' Set Do loop to stop when ten consecutive empty cells are reached. (Make sure it's safely run; ignore)
j = 4
Do Until IsEmpty(ActiveCell) And IsEmpty(ActiveCell.Offset(10, 0))
For i = 2 To NumRows
j = j + 1
Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(i, "C").Value = Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(j, "C").Value
Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(i, "A").Value = Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(j, "A").Value
Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(i, "B").Value = Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(j, "B").Value
Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(i, "E").Value = Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(j, "D").Value
' New row for next item
j = j + 1
Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(i, "D").Value = Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(j, "C").Value
Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(i, "A").Value = Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(j, "A").Value
Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(i, "B").Value = Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(j, "B").Value
Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(i, "E").Value = Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(j, "D").Value
' Step down 1 row from present location.
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Your code is copying from sheet2 to sheet1.
Option Explicit
Sub Macro1()
Dim j As Long, i As Long, c As Long
Dim ws2 As Worksheet, lastrow As Long
Set ws2 = Sheets("Sheet2")
j = 1
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With Sheets("Sheet1")
lastrow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row
For i = 2 To lastrow
For c = 3 To 4
If Len(.Cells(i, c)) > 0 Then
j = j + 1
ws2.Cells(j, "A") = .Cells(i, "A")
ws2.Cells(j, "B") = .Cells(i, "B")
ws2.Cells(j, "C") = .Cells(i, c)
ws2.Cells(j, "D") = .Cells(i, "E")
End If
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
MsgBox j-1 & " rows copied", vbInformation
End Sub
Unpivot Data
The title says it all: it's a job for Power Query. Yet, here's my stab at VBA.
Option Explicit
Sub UnpivotData()
Const ProcTitle As String = "Unpivot Data"
Const sName As String = "Sheet1"
Dim ssCols As Variant: ssCols = VBA.Array(1, 2, 5)
Dim smCols As Variant: smCols = VBA.Array(3, 4)
Const dName As String = "Sheet2"
Const dFirst As String = "A2"
Dim dsCols As Variant: dsCols = VBA.Array(1, 2, 4)
Const dmCol As Long = 3
Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = ThisWorkbook ' workbook containing this code
Dim sws As Worksheet: Set sws = wb.Worksheets(sName)
Dim strg As Range: Set strg = sws.Range("A1").CurrentRegion
Dim srCount As Long: srCount = strg.Rows.Count - 1 ' no headers
Dim sdrg As Range: Set sdrg = strg.Resize(srCount).Offset(1)
Dim sdData As Variant: sdData = sdrg.Value
Dim drCount As Long: drCount = srCount * (UBound(smCols) + 1)
Dim dcCount As Long: dcCount = UBound(dsCols) + 2
Dim ddData As Variant: ReDim ddData(1 To drCount, 1 To dcCount)
Dim sdValue As Variant
Dim sr As Long
Dim sc As Long
Dim c As Long
Dim dr As Long
For sr = 1 To srCount
For sc = 0 To UBound(smCols)
sdValue = sdData(sr, smCols(sc))
If Not IsError(sdValue) Then
If Len(CStr(sdValue)) > 0 Then
dr = dr + 1
ddData(dr, dmCol) = sdValue
For c = 0 To UBound(ssCols)
ddData(dr, dsCols(c)) = sdData(sr, ssCols(c))
Next c
'Else ' blank value
End If
'Else ' error value
End If
Next sc
Next sr
Dim dws As Worksheet: Set dws = wb.Worksheets(dName)
Dim dfCell As Range: Set dfCell = dws.Range(dFirst)
Dim ddrg As Range: Set ddrg = dfCell.Resize(dr, dcCount)
ddrg.Value = ddData
MsgBox "Data copied.", vbInformation, ProcTitle
End Sub
I believe you wanna copy data from sheet1 to sheet2 down the line of sheet to data, not sure about asking overriding the data on sheet to, we can create script without looping, please find below if it is helpful.
Sub Copydata()
Dim I As Long
I = Range("C10000").End(xlUp).Row
Range("C2:C" & I).Select
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Copy
Range("C10000").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Select
End Sub
My goal is to build a looping function that can take the *data and convert it into the *Goal Output
This is as far as I can make it with the code, my fundamental question is how to I nest my code inside of VBA to run 3 lines of code and then skip to line 6
*Data - sheet1
Machine 1
Work Center 1
Machine 2
Work Center 2
*Output - sheet2
Work Center
Machine 1
Work Center 1
Machine 1
Work Center 1
*Goal Output - sheet 3
Work Center
Machine 1
Work Center 1
Machine 2
Work Center 2
Sub Fill_Data()
Set ws = Sheets("Sheet1")
Set ws2 = Sheets("Sheet2")
emptyrow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To 3
ws.Cells(i, 1).Copy
ws2.Cells(emptyrow, i).PasteSpecial
Next i
emptyrow = emptyrow + 1
End Sub
The below creates the loop you are asking for, you would just need to modify to your specific need.
Sub Fill_Data()
Set ws = Sheets("Sheet1")
Set ws2 = Sheets("Sheet2")
emptyrow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1
Dim i As Integer
Dim x As Integer
x = 1
For i = 1 To emptyrow
ws.Range(Cells(i, 1), Cells(i + 2, 1)).copy
ws2.Cells(x, 1).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _
False, Transpose:=True
i = i + 4
x = x + 1
Next i
End Sub
No need to nest any loops, you just need a couple extra incrementers to track everything.
Sub Fill_Data()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim ws2 As Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set ws2 = Worksheets("Sheet2")
Dim emptyrow As Long
Dim lr As Long
Dim col As Long
Dim i As Long
With ws2
emptyrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1
If emptyrow = 2 Then 'Populate Headers
.Cells(1, 1).Value = "Machine"
.Cells(1, 2).Value = "Work Center"
.Cells(1, 3).Value = "Date"
End If
End With
col = 1
With ws
lr = .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 1 To lr
If Not .Cells(i, 1).Value = "" And Not IsEmpty(.Cells(i, 1).Value) Then 'Skip blanks
ws2.Cells(emptyrow, col).Value = .Cells(i, 1).Value
If col = 3 Then 'Reset column and increment row
col = 1
emptyrow = emptyrow + 1
col = col + 1
End If
End If
Next i
End With
End Sub
Transpose Groups of Data
Option Explicit
Sub TransposeGroupsOfData()
Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = ThisWorkbook ' workbook containing this code
Dim sws As Worksheet: Set sws = wb.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Dim slRow As Long: slRow = sws.Cells(sws.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Dim dws As Worksheet: Set dws = wb.Worksheets("Sheet2")
Dim dlRow As Long: dlRow = dws.Cells(dws.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Dim dCell As Range: Set dCell = dws.Cells(dlRow + 1, "A")
Dim sfgr As Long ' Source First Group Row
Dim sr As Long ' Source Row
Dim dco As Long ' Destination Column Offset
For sfgr = 1 To slRow Step 5
sr = sfgr
For dco = 0 To 2
dCell.Offset(, dco).Value = sws.Cells(sr, "A").Value
sr = sr + 1 ' next source row
Next dco
Set dCell = dCell.Offset(1) ' next cell below
Next sfgr
MsgBox "Data exported.", vbInformation
End Sub
I've been trying to tinker with this source code that transposes 1 column separated by spaces.
Sub Transpose()
Dim lastrow As Long, i As Long, j As Long, iStart As Long, iEnd As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With Sheets("Sheet1")
Set ws = Sheets.Add(after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count))
lastrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).row
iStart = 1
For i = 1 To lastrow + 1
If .Range("A" & i).Value = "" Then
iEnd = i
j = j + 1
.Range(.Cells(iStart, 1), .Cells(iEnd, 1)).Copy
ws.Range("A" & j).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Transpose:=True
iStart = iEnd + 1
End If
Next i
End With
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
I'm trying to take take 4 columns ranges with variable rows
And transpose each range adjacently so that it looks like this:
Any input appreciated.
Try this out:
Sub Transpose()
Dim ws As Worksheet, cCopy As Range, cPaste As Range
Set ws = Sheets("Sheet1")
Set cCopy = ws.Range("A1") 'top-left of first data block
Set cPaste = ws.Range("F1") 'first output cell
Do While Len(cCopy.Value) > 0 'while have data to transpose
With cCopy.CurrentRegion
Debug.Print "Copying", .Address, " to ", cPaste.Address
cPaste.Resize(.Columns.Count, .Rows.Count) = _
Set cPaste = cPaste.Offset(.Columns.Count + 1) 'next paste position
Set cCopy = cCopy.Offset(.Rows.Count + 1) 'next data block
End With
End Sub
Took way too long to do this and the most atrocious architecture but it works.
r = 1
c = 1
cl = 6
rw = 1
For r = 1 To 13
For c = 1 To 4
If Cells(r, c) <> "" Then
Cells(rw, cl) = Cells(r, c)
rw = rw + 1
End If
'If Cells(r, c) = "" Then cl = 6
rw = 1
cl = cl + 1
rw = 5
cl = 6
For r = 1 To 4
For c = 10 To 12
Cells(rw, cl) = Cells(r, c)
cl = cl + 1
rw = rw + 1
cl = 6
rw = 9
cl = 6
For r = 1 To 4
For c = 14 To 18
Cells(rw, cl) = Cells(r, c)
cl = cl + 1
rw = rw + 1
cl = 6
Try this code:
Sub SubRollData()
Dim RngSource As Range
Dim RngTarget As Range
Dim DblRowOffset As Double
Dim DblColumnOffset As Double
Set RngSource = Range("A1")
Set RngTarget = Range("F1")
'Checkpoint for the block processing.
'Covering each column.
For DblColumnOffset = 0 To 3
'Setting DblRowOffset to start covering for the first row of the block.
DblRowOffset = 0
'Covering each row of the block of the given column until an empty cell is fount.
Do Until RngSource.Offset(DblRowOffset, DblColumnOffset) = ""
'Reporting the data with switched offset.
RngTarget.Offset(DblColumnOffset, DblRowOffset).Value = RngSource.Offset(DblRowOffset, DblColumnOffset).Value
'Setting DblRowOffset for the next row.
DblRowOffset = DblRowOffset + 1
'Setting RngSource to aim at the next block.
If RngSource.Offset(1, 0) = "" Then
Set RngSource = RngSource.Offset(2, 0)
Set RngSource = RngSource.End(xlDown).Offset(2, 0)
End If
'Setting RngSource to aim at the next empty row to fill in with data.
If RngTarget.Offset(1, 0) = "" Then
Set RngTarget = RngTarget.Offset(1, 0)
Set RngTarget = RngTarget.End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0)
End If
'If RngSource has no data, there is no more block to be processed. Otherwise, the next block is processed.
If RngSource.Value <> "" Then GoTo CP_Block
End Sub
It works with the example you've given and also with isoletd (single row) source data.
Just for fun, here is a possible formula based solution to be placed in cell F1 and dragged:
Naturally it's really heavy and stupidly complicated, but as i said: made it just for fun.
Transpose Groups of Data to a New Worksheet
Sub TransposeGroups()
' Source - use as-is (read (copy) from)
Const sName As String = "Sheet1"
Const sFirstRowAddress As String = "A1:D1"
Const sMandatoryColumnIndex As Long = 1 ' dictates if empty row (gap)
' Destination - delete if exists and put last (write (paste) to)
Const dName As String = "Result"
Const dFirstCellAddress As String = "A1"
' Workbook
Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = ThisWorkbook ' workbook containing this code
' Write the values from the source range to a 2D one-based array
' and write its upper limits to variables.
Dim sws As Worksheet: Set sws = wb.Worksheets(sName)
Dim sData As Variant
Dim srCount As Long
Dim scCount As Long
With sws.Range(sFirstRowAddress)
Dim lCell As Range
With .Columns(sMandatoryColumnIndex)
Set lCell = .Resize(sws.Rows.Count - .Row + 1) _
.Find("*", , xlFormulas, , , xlPrevious)
End With
If lCell Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "No data in column " & sMandatoryColumnIndex & ".", _
Exit Sub
End If
scCount = .Columns.Count
srCount = lCell.Row - .Row + 1
sData = .Resize(srCount).Value
End With
' Loop through the rows of the source array and map the first row,
' the last row and the following gap count (empty rows) in each row
' of three columns of another 2D one-based array.
' Note that this array has the same number of rows as the source array,
' but the data of interest will be in much fewer rows ('mr').
' (Probably a collection of collections (or three element arrays)
' would have been a better choice.)
Dim mArr() As Long: ReDim mArr(1 To srCount, 1 To 3)
Dim sr As Long
Dim sValueFound As Boolean
Dim mr As Long
Dim ccCount As Long
Dim dcCount As Long
Dim GapCount As Long
For sr = 1 To srCount
If Len(CStr(sData(sr, sMandatoryColumnIndex))) > 0 Then
If Not sValueFound Then
mr = mr + 1
mArr(mr, 1) = sr ' first row
sValueFound = True
End If
If sValueFound Then
sValueFound = False
mArr(mr, 2) = sr - 1 ' last row
ccCount = sr - mArr(mr, 1)
If ccCount > dcCount Then dcCount = ccCount
End If
mArr(mr, 3) = mArr(mr, 3) + 1 ' gap
GapCount = GapCount + 1 ' to determine the number of rows of 'dData'
End If
Next sr
' The very last row (of interest).
mArr(mr, 2) = srCount
ccCount = sr - mArr(mr, 1)
If ccCount > dcCount Then dcCount = ccCount
' Using the source array and the information from the mapping array,
' write the results to the destination array.
Dim drCount As Long: drCount = mr * scCount + GapCount
Dim dData As Variant: ReDim dData(1 To drCount, 1 To dcCount)
Dim drFirst As Long
Dim sc As Long
Dim dc As Long
For mr = 1 To mr
For sc = 1 To scCount
For sr = mArr(mr, 1) To mArr(mr, 2)
dc = dc + 1
dData(drFirst + sc, dc) = sData(sr, sc)
Next sr
dc = 0
Next sc
drFirst = drFirst + sc + mArr(mr, 3) - 1
Next mr
' Write the values from the destination array to a new worksheet.
' Check if a sheet with the same name exists.
Dim dsh As Object
On Error Resume Next
Set dsh = wb.Sheets(dName)
On Error GoTo 0
' If it exists, delete it without confirmation.
If Not dsh Is Nothing Then
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End If
' Add a new worksheet and rename it accordingly.
Dim dws As Worksheet
Set dws = wb.Worksheets.Add(After:=wb.Sheets(wb.Sheets.Count))
dws.Name = dName
' Write the values from the destination array to the destination worksheet.
With dws.Range(dFirstCellAddress)
.Resize(drCount, dcCount).Value = dData
End With
' Inform.
MsgBox "Groups transposed.", vbInformation
End Sub
I currently have two spreadsheets: one that pulls data from a SQL Server and is a data dump and one that needs to have those values populated into them. For the sake of simplicity, I've compiled a mini prototype to use for the purpose of my question. Things to note, the data dump sheet will have a varying amount of rows, however the columns will be static which should hopefully make for easy mapping. What I need my macro to be able to accomplish is to
Check if an ID value matches the one directly below it, if so
Check if the Spouse_Indicator field has an "N" or "Y" value
If the indicator is an "N" value then I need the corresponding rows from the employer and title fields to be populated into the student table
If the indicator is a "Y" value then I need the corresponding rows from the employer and title fields to be populated into the spouse table
If there is a sequence where the ID does not match the one directly below it, the data automatically gets populated into the student table
The problem that I am having with the way that my macro is set up is that only the most recent ID with a "N" indicator is getting populated into every cell of the student table whereas I need only unique values to be populated until the last ID has been read. The image attached shows a small sample size of the data, the first table shows what my macro is producing while the last table shows my target. I am also including my code to show what I've gotten so far. Let me know if I need to clarify anything, thanks a bunch.
Sub test2()
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim id As Range
Dim cell As Range
Dim student_employer As Range
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Set ws = wb.Sheets("Sheet1")
Set id = ws.Range("A2:A" & Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row)
Set student_employer = ws.Range("G3:G8")
For Each cell In id
If cell.Value = cell.Offset(1, 0).Value And cell.Offset(0, 1).Value = "N" Then
cell.Offset(0, 2).Copy student_employer.Cells
End If
MsgBox ("DONE")
End Sub
I've edited my code and it is somewhat capturing what I am trying to accomplish, however I need the values to be pasted into the next empty cell, while mine currently skips the amount of cells depending on when the next copy-paste takes place.
Sub test2()
Dim id As Long
Dim x As Long
Dim emp As Range
Set emp = Range("G3:G8")
id = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
For x = 2 To id
If Cells(x, 1).Value = Cells(x, 1).Offset(1, 0) Then
Cells(x, 1).Offset(0, 2).Copy Cells(x, 6).Offset(1, 0)
End If
Next x
MsgBox ("DONE")
End Sub
Copy Unique Rows
Adjust the values in the constants section. If you feel like it, use the out-commented constants and sCols to get rid of the 'magic' numbers (1, 2, 3, 4).
For the sake of simplicity, it is assumed that the source data starts in cell A1 (CurrentRegion).
Option Explicit
Sub test1()
Const sName As String = "Sheet1"
'Const sCritCol As Long = 2
'Const sColsList As String = "1,3,4"
'Const scCount As Long = 4
Const sCrit1 As String = "N"
Const sCrit2 As String = "Y"
Const dName As String = "Sheet1"
Const dFirst As String = "F1"
Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Dim sws As Worksheet: Set sws = wb.Worksheets(sName)
Dim srg As Range: Set srg = sws.Range("A1").CurrentRegion
If srg.Columns.Count <> 4 Then Exit Sub
Dim srCount As Long: srCount = srg.Rows.Count
If srCount = 1 Then Exit Sub
Dim sData As Variant: sData = srg.Value
'Dim sCols() As String: sCols = Split(sColsList, ",")
Dim dict1 As Object: Set dict1 = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
dict1.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
Dim dict2 As Object: Set dict2 = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
dict2.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
Dim cDat As Variant: ReDim cDat(1 To 3)
Dim Key As Variant
Dim sCrit As Variant
Dim r As Long
For r = 2 To srCount
sCrit = sData(r, 2)
Select Case UCase(CStr(sCrit))
Case sCrit1
Key = sData(r, 1)
If Not dict1.Exists(Key) Then
cDat(1) = sData(r, 1)
cDat(2) = sData(r, 3)
cDat(3) = sData(r, 4)
dict1(Key) = cDat
End If
Case sCrit2
Key = sData(r, 1)
If Not dict2.Exists(Key) Then
cDat(1) = sData(r, 1)
cDat(2) = sData(r, 3)
cDat(3) = sData(r, 4)
dict2(Key) = cDat
End If
End Select
Next r
Dim drCount As Long: drCount = dict1.Count + dict2.Count + 4
Dim dData As Variant: ReDim dData(1 To drCount, 1 To 3)
r = 1
dData(r, 1) = "student"
r = r + 1
dData(r, 1) = sData(1, 1)
dData(r, 2) = sData(1, 3)
dData(r, 3) = sData(1, 4)
Dim n As Long
If dict1.Count > 0 Then
For Each Key In dict1.Keys
r = r + 1
For n = 1 To 3
dData(r, n) = dict1(Key)(n)
Next n
Next Key
End If
r = r + 1
dData(r, 1) = "spouse"
r = r + 1
dData(r, 1) = sData(1, 1)
dData(r, 2) = sData(1, 3)
dData(r, 3) = sData(1, 4)
If dict2.Count > 0 Then
For Each Key In dict2.Keys
r = r + 1
For n = 1 To 3
dData(r, n) = dict2(Key)(n)
Next n
Next Key
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
' Write.
Dim dws As Worksheet: Set dws = wb.Worksheets(dName)
Dim drg As Range: Set drg = dws.Range(dFirst).Resize(r, 3)
drg.Clear ' because of merged cells
drg.Value = dData
' Clear below.
Dim crg As Range
Set crg = drg.Resize(dws.Rows.Count - drg.Row - r + 1).Offset(r)
' Format 'student'
With drg.Rows(1)
.Cells(1).Font.Bold = True
.MergeCells = True
.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
.BorderAround xlContinuous, xlThick
End With
' Format 'spouse'.
With drg.Rows(dict1.Count + 3)
.Cells(1).Font.Bold = True
.MergeCells = True
.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
.BorderAround xlContinuous, xlThick
End With
' Format all.
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
MsgBox ("DONE")
End Sub
Need some solution in VBA ->If the blank value in column A then takes value from column B.
I wrote some code, but I don't have any idea why this is not working.
dim LastR as Long
LastR = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("BU" & Worksheets("Sheet1").Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
dim i as long
For i = LastR To 2 Step -1
If IsEmpty(Cells(i, "a")) Then Cells(i, "a").Value = Cells(i, "b").Value
Next i
You should check if the value is empty.
See two examples:
Dim LastR As Long
LastR = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("BU" & Worksheets("Sheet1").Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Dim i As Long
For i = LastR To 2 Step -1
'If Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(i, "a") = "" Then Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(i, 1).Value = Cells(i, 2).Value
If IsEmpty(Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(i, "a").Value) = True Then Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(i, 1).Value = Cells(i, 2).Value
Next i
Loop Through the Cells of a Column
All three versions do the same and are about equally efficient.
Option Explicit
Sub FillEmptiesConstants()
Const wsName As String = "Sheet1" ' Worksheet Name
Const fRow As Long = 2 ' First Row
Const lrCol As String = "BU" ' Last Row Column
Const lCol As String = "A" ' Lookup Column
Const dCol As String = "A" ' Destination Column
Const sCol As String = "B" ' Source Column
Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = ThisWorkbook ' workbook containing this code
Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = wb.Worksheets(wsName)
Dim lRow As Long: lRow = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, lrCol).End(xlUp).Row
If lRow < fRow Then Exit Sub
Dim r As Long
For r = fRow To lRow
If IsEmpty(ws.Cells(r, lCol)) Then
ws.Cells(r, dCol).Value = ws.Cells(r, sCol).Value
End If
Next r
End Sub
Sub FillEmptiesSimple()
Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = ThisWorkbook ' workbook containing this code
Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = wb.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Dim lRow As Long: lRow = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "BU").End(xlUp).Row
If lRow < 2 Then Exit Sub
Dim r As Long
For r = 2 To lRow
If IsEmpty(ws.Cells(r, "A")) Then
ws.Cells(r, "A").Value = ws.Cells(r, "B").Value
End If
Next r
End Sub
Sub FillEmptiesSimpleWith()
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Dim lRow As Long: lRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "BU").End(xlUp).Row
If lRow < 2 Then Exit Sub
Dim r As Long
For r = 2 To lRow
If IsEmpty(.Cells(r, "A")) Then
.Cells(r, "A").Value = .Cells(r, "B").Value
End If
Next r
End With
End Sub
I am trying to build a macro that goes through my data set and checks if there's any text in column W, if it does I would like the macro to duplicate the row beneath it, then move the values from Columns X and W to U and Q respectively.
My code at the moment is only trying to get the duplicate part down but its not working and I'm kind of stuck, could you have a look at it and help out?
Dim lastRow2 as Long
Dim cel as Range, srchRng as Range
lastRow2 = Worksheets("UPLOAD COPY").Cells(Rows.Count, 23).End(xlUp).Row
Set srchRng = Range("W2: W" & lastRow2)
For Each cel In srchRng
If InStr(1, cel.Value, "*") > 0 Then
cel.EntireRow.Copy cel.Offset(1)
Set cel = cel.Offset(2)
End If
Next cel
Create Duplicate Rows
Option Explicit
Sub createDuplicateRows()
Const wsName As String = "UPLOAD COPY"
Const FirstRow As Long = 2
Const Col As Variant = "W" ' or 23
Dim OldCols As Variant: OldCols = Array("W", "X") ' or 23, 24
Dim NewCols As Variant: NewCols = Array("Q", "U") ' or 17, 21
Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = wb.Worksheets(wsName)
Dim LastRow As Long: LastRow = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, Col).End(xlUp).Row
Dim CurrentRow As Long: CurrentRow = FirstRow
Dim j As Long
If ws.Cells(CurrentRow, Col).Value <> "" Then GoSub insertRow
CurrentRow = CurrentRow + 1
Loop Until CurrentRow > LastRow
Exit Sub
ws.Rows(CurrentRow + 1).EntireRow.Insert Shift:=xlDown
ws.Rows(CurrentRow).EntireRow.Copy ws.Rows(CurrentRow + 1)
CurrentRow = CurrentRow + 1
GoSub changeValues
LastRow = LastRow + 1
For j = 0 To UBound(OldCols)
ws.Cells(CurrentRow, NewCols(j)).Value _
= ws.Cells(CurrentRow, OldCols(j)).Value
ws.Cells(CurrentRow, OldCols(j)).ClearContents
Next j
End Sub
You can write the 'delete part' in a separate subroutine. Then you can do what I suggested in the comments. Sorry, I didn't realize that previously it would copy the already cleared (empty) values.
Option Explicit
Sub createDuplicateRows()
Const wsName As String = "UPLOAD COPY"
Const FirstRow As Long = 2
Const Col As Variant = "W" ' or 23
Dim OldCols As Variant: OldCols = Array("W", "X", "X") ' or 23, 24, 24
Dim NewCols As Variant: NewCols = Array("Q", "U", "Y") ' or 17, 21, 25
Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = wb.Worksheets(wsName)
Dim LastRow As Long: LastRow = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, Col).End(xlUp).Row
Dim CurrentRow As Long: CurrentRow = FirstRow
Dim j As Long
If ws.Cells(CurrentRow, Col).Value <> "" Then GoSub insertRow
CurrentRow = CurrentRow + 1
Loop Until CurrentRow > LastRow
Exit Sub
ws.Rows(CurrentRow + 1).EntireRow.Insert Shift:=xlDown
ws.Rows(CurrentRow).EntireRow.Copy ws.Rows(CurrentRow + 1)
CurrentRow = CurrentRow + 1
GoSub changeValues
LastRow = LastRow + 1
For j = 0 To UBound(OldCols)
ws.Cells(CurrentRow, NewCols(j)).Value _
= ws.Cells(CurrentRow, OldCols(j)).Value
Next j
GoSub deleteValues
For j = 0 To UBound(OldCols)
ws.Cells(CurrentRow, OldCols(j)).ClearContents
Next j
End Sub