How to change variable value while debugging in Gnome Builder? - gnome

How to change variable value while debugging in Gnome Builder? I have used "set var=val" but it did not worked in c++ gtkmm3.


Local window shows empty Variables while debugging SSIS package in VS Data tools 2012

This has been bothering me for a long time. I am unable to debug SSIS package efficiently because the Variables collection of SSIS package is always empty.
SS of Locals window showing blank value for Variables collection variable
Updated after userfl89 gave an alternative solution
Also, the watch window is showing unable to evaluate the expression error message
I found a similar issue in general VS development environments (C#, VB.NET) and tried suggestions/answers. For example, changing Debug->Options->Debugging-> check Managed c++ compatibility mode (see ss below) but it did not work for me.
SS of debugging setting:
I have also tried to run in both 64bit mode and 32bit mode, but this also did not work. However, I can see variable values inside script task written in C# code. It has become a painful task to debug packages. Please someone help.
Windows 7 Enterprise (64bit)
Visual studio 2012 for Data Tools (version 11.0.6xxx)
.Net Framework 4.6
I'm assuming that you already set a breakpoint? When the package hits the breakpoint, on the top menu go to Debug > Windows > Locals and from here expand the top variables node, however it looks like you've already done this. You can also view the variables values in the Watch windows by typing the name of the variable in the Name field when the breakpoint is reached. This will only be the variable name, not the #[User::Variable] syntax.

Examining variables while debugging in Android Studio

I'm looking for a way to examine the value of variables while debugging in Android Studio. In Xcode, you can type commands into the terminal window to execute code. For example: po would print the user's name. There is a similar facility in the Chrome debugger. You could just type user.getFriends() and it would output the list of friends.
Does something like this exist in Android Studio? At the moment I'm limited to having to examine the variables in the Variables window which is slower and much less flexible because you can't print the value of functions.
When debugging an application, you can set a breakpoint and when that triggers, you can right click in the editor and select 'Evaluate Expression...' I believe this will give you close to what you are looking for.

Preventing a Shortcut on the Start Menu from Being Highlighted installshield 2012

My Basic MSI project aims to install two different shortcuts in the Windows startup menu:
one advertised shortcut which proceeds to repair if something is wrong whith the software installation (reset accidentaly removed DLLs for example). This shortcut is only used by the support team if something gone wrong.
one not-advertised shortcut which is the mainly used by the user
After installation, the repair shortcut is highlighted in the startup menu but the main shortcut isn't.
I specify here having tested these manipulations on a Windows Seven operating system with Windows Installer version> = 5.0
I tried the solution from the Installshield Documentation which consists to add a spécific Shell Shortcut Property
Repair Shortcut settings:
Shell Shortcut Property
Key Name = System.AppUserModel.ExcludeFromShowInNewInstall
value = 1
It doesn't work. The repair Shortcut is still highlighted after install.
I tried to set the System.AppUserModel.ID property first like this link indicates
Repair Shortcut settings:
Shell Shortcut Property
Key Name = System.AppUserModel.ID
value = 1
Key Name = System.AppUserModel.ExcludeFromShowInNewInstall
value = 1
It doesn't work,The repair Shortcut is still highlighted after install on the same configuration.
My main objective is to prevent the repair shortcut from being Highlighted and to activate shortcut highlighting for the main shortcut only.
Thank you for your help.

Console2 cygwin all green

I just set up Console2 and cygwin. All defaul settings.
Then in Console2 settings I configured new tab to use cygwin (set Shell to C:\programs\cygwin\Cygwin.bat).
Now when I open cygwin console font is green. Part of prompt have different color, but when I type characters are green.
I used to use this configuration before and never have such problem.
PS: When I launch Cygwin.bat from explorer situation is same. But when I do it from FAR Manager all colors are OK.
Most probably you have this colors configured in Windows console defaults. Run cmd from Win-R and check result.
To fix that I runned bash.exe from explorer, opened Defaults menu and changed Screen Text property in Colors tab.
Thanks ti #Maximus for idea

Remap keys for groovysh when opened in ConEmu

Previous Title: Groovy shell settings/config file location on windows and an example
Where can I find/create a groovysh/groovy shell settings/config file in Microsoft Windows 7?
Groovysh currently has an issue GROOVY-6453 where certain keys don't work correctly on windows for my version of groovy. I'd previously used AutoHotkey to remap the keys but I've started to use ConEMU and haven't figured out how to differentiate the tabs so far with AutoHotkey.
I'm hoping I'll be able to remap the keys in the config file so it works globally for my user and not need the AutoHotkey script anymore.
Just to clarify there is nothing wrong with ConEmu just the specific version of groovysh I'm using.
If you set the title of a cmd window then start the groovysh the title will stick and AutoHotkey can check the window title.
In the ConEmu Commands input box enter -new_console:t:Groovy"cmd.exe /c title Groovy&&groovysh"
The t:Groovy sets the title for the tab from ConEmu's viewpoint and the cmd.exe /c title Groovy sets the title from the cmd's viewpoint. The additional &&groovysh starts the groovy console. AutoHotkey sees the title as 'Groovy (Admin)'
I use AutoHotkey to 'fix' several of the keys mentioned in the GROOVY-6453.
#If (WinActive("Groovy (Admin)") || WinActive("Administrator: C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe - groovysh"))
Update: the 'Right' arrow no longer works for me in Windows 10, it opens the find now.
