Python Storing Dynamic Command inside Dynamic Variable - python-3.x

I've got this list:
appliances = [{'firewall': 'Washington', 'firewall_endpoint': ''}, {'firewall': 'Atlanta', 'firewall_endpoint': ''}]
This list can be dynamic as appliances are added to the network. I found some code that creates dynamic variables based on the item in the list:
for num in range(len(appliances)):
exec(f'firewall_endpoint_'+str(num)+'_session = firewallhost[num]')
I'm able to print out a list of current variables and you can see it creates the two firewall_endpoint_x variables:
['firewall_endpoint_0', 'firewall_endpoint_1', 'time', 'requests', 'sys', 'pprint', 'json', 'socket', 'struct', 'ipaddress', 'InsecureRequestWarning', 'username', 'password', 'FGT', 'appliances', 'num']
Here is an example of how to login to one session:
fgt.login(name=username, key=password)
I'm trying to login to both of them at the same time so both of them have their own session. The syntax is all messed up. I have no idea what the right syntax is
username = admin
password = password123
class FGT(object):
def login(self, name, key):
url = self.url_prefix + '/logincheck'
res =,
data='username=' + name + '&secretkey=' + key,
verify = False)
if type(appliances) == list:
## Create dynamic list of firewall variables and login
for num in range(len(firewallhost)):
exec(f'firewall_endpoint_'+str(num)+'_session = FGT(firewallhost[num][firewall_endpoint]).login(username, password)')


Use for loop with dictionary

I'm using Napalm to change the hostname of many network devices. Since the config will be different for each device, I need the script to assign the proper config to each device based on it's IP address. This seems like a dictionary would work best.
devicelist = {'': 'device1.cfg', '': 'device2.cfg'}
I need help calling the key value in the script below for each IP address. I have highlighted the line of code where this is required.
from napalm import get_network_driver
devicelist = ['',
for ip_address in devicelist:
print ("Connecting to " + str(ip_address))
driver = get_network_driver('ios')
iosv = driver(ip_address, 'admin', 'password')
diffs = iosv.compare_config()
if len(diffs) > 0:
print('No changes required.')
You are asking for a simple access by key on your dictionary, combined with a for loop over the dictionary which is automatically a for loop over the keys. Minimal example:
devicelist = {'': 'device1.cfg', '': 'device2.cfg'}
for ipAdress in devicelist:
print("This IP : {} maps to this name: {}".format(ipAdress, devicelist[ipAdress]))
This IP : maps to this name: device1.cfg
This IP : maps to this name: device2.cfg

Execute customized script when launching instance using openstacksdk

I'm new to Openstack and I'm trying to create a tool so that I can launch any number of instances in an Openstack cloud. This was easily done using the nova-client module of openstacksdk.
Now the problem is that I want to make the instances execute a bash script as they are created by adding it as a userdata file, but it doesn't execute. This is confusing because I don't any error or warning message. Does anyone know what could it be?
Important parts of the code
The most important parts of the Python program are the function which gets the cloud info, the one that creates the instances and the main function, . I'll post them here as #Corey told.
Function that allow us to log at cloud with all the credentials needed.
Username and password are not read from env.
def get_nova_credentials_v2():
d = {}
user = ""
password = ""
print("Logging in...")
user = input("Username: ")
password = getpass.getpass(prompt="Password: ", stream=None)
while (user == "" or password == ""):
print("User or password field is empty")
user = input("Username: ")
password = getpass.getpass(prompt="Password: ", stream=None)
d['version'] = '2.65'
d['username'] = user
d['password'] = password
d['project_id'] = os.environ['OS_PROJECT_ID']
d['auth_url'] = os.environ['OS_AUTH_URL']
d['user_domain_name'] = os.environ['OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME']
return d
Then we have the create_server function:
This function creates a server using the info we got from JSON file
def create_server(server):
s = {}
print("Creating "+server['compulsory']['name']+"...")
s['name'] = server['compulsory']['name']
s['image'] = server['compulsory']['os']
s['flavor'] = server['compulsory']['flavor']
s['min_count'] = server['compulsory']['copyNumber']
s['max_count'] = server['compulsory']['copyNumber']
s['userdata'] = server['file']
s['key_name'] = server['compulsory']['keyName']
s['availability_zone'] = server['compulsory']['availabilityZone']
s['nics'] = server['compulsory']['network']
s['userdata'] = server['file']
And now the main function:
Main process: First we create a connection to Openstack using our credentials.
Once connected we cal get_serverdata function to get all instance objects we want to be created.
We check that it is not empty and that we are not trying to create more instances than we are allowed.
Lastly we create the instances and the program finishes.
credentials = get_nova_credentials_v2()
nova = client.Client(**credentials)
instances = get_serverdata()
current_instances = len(nova.servers.list())
if not instances:
print("No instance was writen. Check instances.json file.")
num = 0
for i in instances:
For the rest of the code you can access to this public repo on github.
Thanks a lot!
Problem solved
The problem was the content of the server['file'] as #Corey said. It cannot be the Path to the file where you wrote the data but the content of it or a file type object. In the case of OpenstackSDK it must be base64 encoded but it is not the case in Novaclient.
Thanks a lot to #Corey for all the help! :)

Creating nested dictionary from text file in python3

I have a text file of thousands of blocks like this. For processing I needed to convert it into dictionary.
Text file Pattern
domain =
id = Mike
token = jkjkhjksdhfkjshdfhsd
domain =
id = Tom
token = hkjhjksdhfks
domain =
id = Jef
token = hkjhadkjhskhfskdj7979
Another sample data
New York
domain =
token = eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6Im5PbzNaRHJPRFhFSzFqS1doWHNsSFJfS1hFZyIsImtpZCI6Im5PbzNaRHJPRFhFSzFqS1doWHNsSFJfS1hFZyJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJodHRwczovL21zLmNvbS9zbm93
method = http
username =
domain =
token = eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6Im5PbzNaRHJPRFhFSzFqS1doWHNsSFJfS1hFZyIsImtpZCI6Im5PbzNaRHJPRFhFSzFqS1doWHNsSFJfS1hFZyJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJodHRwczovL21zLmNvbS9zbm93Zmxha2UvsfdsdcHJvZGJjcy1lYXN0LXVzLTIiLCJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL3N0cy53aW5kb3dzLm5ldC9lMjliODE
method = http
username =
Would like to convert it into following.
d1={{'domain':'','id': 'Mike',token:'jkjkhjksdhfkjshdfhsd'}
conn.def:{'domain':'', 'id': 'Tom',token:'hkjhjksdhfks'}
conn.ghe:{'domain':'', 'id': 'Jef',token:'hkjhadkjhskhfskdj7979'}}
Since the input file can have varying # of lines with data, this code should work.
Each key (eg: will start with open square bracket and end with open square bracket. example []
Each inner dictionary key value will be separated by =
If the key value can either be [key] or key, then use the below line of code instead of the commented line of code.
elif '=' not in line:
#elif line[0] == '[' and line[-1] == ']':
Code for this is:
with open('abc.txt', 'r') as f:
d1 = {}
for i, line in enumerate(f):
line = line.strip()
if line == '': continue
elif line[0] == '[' and line[-1] == ']':
if i !=0: d1[dkey]= dtemp
dkey = line[1:-1]
dtemp = {}
line_key,line_value = line.split('=')
dtemp[line_key.strip()] = line_value.strip()
print (d1)
If the input file is:
domain =
id = Mike
token = jkjkhjksdhfkjshdfhsd
domain =
id = Tom
dummy = Test
token = hkjhjksdhfks
domain =
id = Jef
token = hkjhadkjhskhfskdj7979
The output will be as follows:
{'': {'domain': '', 'id': 'Mike', 'token': 'jkjkhjksdhfkjshdfhsd'},
'conn.def': {'domain': '', 'id': 'Tom', 'dummy': 'Test', 'token': 'hkjhjksdhfks'},
'conn.ghe': {'domain': '', 'id': 'Jef', 'token': 'hkjhadkjhskhfskdj7979'}}
Note here that I added dummy = Test as a key value for conn.def. So your output will have that additional key:value in the output.
You can use standard configparser module:
import configparser
config = configparser.ConfigParser()"name_of_your_file.txt")
Then you can work with config as standard dictionary:
for name_of_section, section in config.items():
for name_of_value, val in section.items():
print(name_of_section, name_of_value, val)
Prints: domain id Mike token jkjkhjksdhfkjshdfhsd
conn.def domain
conn.def id Tom
conn.def token hkjhjksdhfks
conn.ghe domain
conn.ghe id Jef
conn.ghe token hkjhadkjhskhfskdj7979

AWS Cognito 90 day automated Password rotation

I have a requirement to create an automated password reset script. I created a custom field in order to try and track this and also hope I can access some of the standard fields. This script should find users with the following criteria:
The latest of any of the following 3 dates that are >= 90 days ago : Sign_Up, Forgot_Password, or custom:pwdCreateDate
I can't seem to find any boto3 cognito client ways of getting the information on this except for forgot password which shows up in admin_list_user_auth_events and that response doesn't include username in the response. I suppose since you provide username to get the events you can figure out a way to find the latest forgot password from the events and tie it to the username.
Has anyone else implemented any boto3 automation to set the account to force password reset based on any of these fields?
here is where i landed, take it with the understanding that coginito has some limitations which make true flawless password rotation difficult. Also know if you can make the script more efficient you should because in lambda you probably time out with more than about 350 users due to the 5RPS on the admin API.
Prerequisites : set the lambda function to 5 concurrency or you will exceed the limit of 5RPS. 1 mutable field in your cognito userpool attributes to put a date in. a custom lambda zip file that includes pandas saved to s3.
import os
import sys
# this adds the parent directory of bin so we can find the module
parent_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.pardir))
#This addes venv lib/python2.7/site-packages/ to the search path
mod_path = os.path.abspath(parent_dir+"/lib/python"+str(sys.version_info[0])+"."+str(sys.version_info[1])+"/site-packages/")
import boto3
import datetime
import pandas as pd
import time
current_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
# Use this one for the parent directory
ENV_ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(current_path, os.path.pardir))
# Use this one for the current directory
#ENV_ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(current_path))
#if __name__ == "__main__":
def lambda_handler(event, context):
user_pool_id = os.environ['USER_POOL_ID']
idp_client = boto3.client('cognito-idp')
users_list = []
page_token = None
dateToday =
def update_user(user) :
UserPoolId = user_pool_id,
Username = user,
UserStatus = 'RESET_REQUIRED',
UserAttributes = [
'Name': 'custom:pwdCreateDate',
'Value': str(dateToday)
users = idp_client.list_users(
UserPoolId = user_pool_id
for user in users['Users']: users_list.append(user['Username'])
page_token = users['PaginationToken']
while 'PaginationToken' in users :
users = idp_client.list_users(
UserPoolId = user_pool_id,
PaginationToken = page_token
for user in users["Users"]: users_list.append(user["Username"])
if 'PaginationToken' in users :
page_token = users['PaginationToken']
attrPwdDates = []
for i in range(len(users_list)) :
userAttributes = idp_client.admin_get_user(
UserPoolId = user_pool_id,
Username = users_list[i]
for a in userAttributes['UserAttributes'] :
if a['Name'] == 'custom:pwdCreateDate' :
attrPwdDates.append(datetime.datetime.strptime(a['Value'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f').date())
list_of_userattr_tuples = list(zip(users_list, attrPwdDates))
df1 = pd.DataFrame(list_of_userattr_tuples,columns = ['Username','Password_Last_Set'])
authPwdDates = []
for i in range(len(users_list)) :
authEvents = idp_client.admin_list_user_auth_events(
UserPoolId = user_pool_id,
Username = users_list[i]
for event in authEvents['AuthEvents'] :
if event['EventType'] == 'ForgotPassword' and event['EventResponse'] == 'Pass' :
list_of_userauth_tuples = list(zip(users_list, authPwdDates))
df2 = pd.DataFrame(list_of_userauth_tuples,columns = ['Username','Password_Last_Forgot'])
df3 = df1.merge(df2,how='left', on = 'Username')
df3[['Password_Last_Set','Password_Last_Forgot']] = df3[['Password_Last_Set','Password_Last_Forgot']].apply(pd.to_datetime)
cols = ['Password_Last_Set','Password_Last_Forgot']
df4 = df3.loc[df3[cols].max(axis=1)< - pd.Timedelta(90, unit='d'), 'Username']
for i,r in df4.iterrows() :

Python - Error querying Solarwinds N-Central via SOAP

I'm using python 3 to write a script that generates a customer report for Solarwinds N-Central. The script uses SOAP to query N-Central and I'm using zeep for this project. While not new to python I am new to SOAP.
When calling the CustomerList fuction I'm getting the TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'listSOs'
import zeep
wsdl = 'http://' + <server url> + '/dms/services/ServerEI?wsdl'
client = zeep.CachingClient(wsdl=wsdl)
config = {'listSOs': 'true'}
customers = client.service.CustomerList(Username=nc_user, Password=nc_pass, Settings=config)
Per the perameters below 'listSOs' is not only a valid keyword, its the only one accepted.
public com.nable.nobj.ei.Customer[] CustomerList(String username, String password, com.nable.nobj.ei.T_KeyPair[] settings) throws RemoteException
username - MSP N-central username
password - Corresponding MSP N-central password
settings - A list of non default settings stored in a T_KeyPair[]. Below is a list of the acceptable Keys and Values. If not used leave null
(Key) listSOs - (Value) "true" or "false". If true only SOs with be shown, if false only customers and sites will be shown. Default value is false.
I've also tried passing the dictionary as part of a list:
config = []
key = {'listSOs': 'true'}
config += key
TypeError: Any element received object of type 'str', expected lxml.etree._Element or builtins.dict or zeep.objects.T_KeyPair
Omitting the Settings value entirely:
customers = client.service.CustomerList(Username=nc_user, Password=nc_pass)
zeep.exceptions.ValidationError: Missing element Settings (CustomerList.Settings)
And trying zeep's SkipValue:
customers = client.service.CustomerList(Username=nc_user, Password=nc_pass, Settings=zeep.xsd.SkipValue)
zeep.exceptions.Fault: java.lang.NullPointerException
I'm probably missing something simple but I've been banging my head against the wall off and on this for awhile I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction.
Here's my source code from my script. I did it in Python2.7, easily upgradeable though. Hope it helps someone else, N-central's API documentation is really bad lol.
#pip2.7 install zeep
import zeep, sys, csv, copy
from zeep import helpers
api_username = 'your_ncentral_api_user'
wsdl = 'https://(yourdomain|tenant)/dms2/services2/ServerEI2?wsdl'
client = zeep.CachingClient(wsdl=wsdl)
response = client.service.deviceList(
'key': 'customerId',
'value': 1
# If you can't tell yet, I code sloppy
devices_list = []
device_dict = {}
dev_inc = 0
max_dict_keys = 0
final_keys = []
for device in response:
# Iterate through all device nodes
for device_properties in device.items:
# Iterate through each device's properties and add it to a dict (keyed array)
# Dig further into device properties
device_properties = client.service.devicePropertyList(
prop_ind = 0 # This is a hacky thing I did to make my CSV writing work
for device_node in device_properties:
for prop_tree in
for key, value in helpers.serialize_object(prop_tree).items():
device_dict["prop" + str(prop_ind) + "_" + str(key)]=str(value)
# Append the dict to a list (array), giving us a multi dimensional array, you need to do deep copy, as .copy will act like a pointer
# check to see the amount of keys in the last item
if len(devices_list[-1].keys()) > max_dict_keys:
max_dict_keys = len(devices_list[-1].keys())
final_keys = devices_list[-1].keys()
print "Gathered all the datas of N-central devices count: ",len(devices_list)
# Write the data out to a CSV
with open('output.csv', 'w') as csvfile:
fieldnames = final_keys
writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames)
for csv_line in devices_list:
