How to implement the `Index` trait for a simple struct? - rust

I'm trying to implement the Index trait for a simple trait, and I want to use it with usize. I added SliceIndex<[T], Output = T> so I can use T to index the slice inside A.
use std::ops::Index;
use std::slice::SliceIndex;
struct A <'a, T>{
slice: &'a [T]
impl<'a, T: Index<T, Output = T> + SliceIndex<[T], Output = T>> Index<T>
for A<'a, T>
type Output = T;
fn index(&self, index: T) -> &Self::Output {
fn main() {
let mut aa: Vec<u64> = vec![0; 10];
let coefficient_iterable = A{slice: &aa};
println!("{}", coefficient_iterable[1usize]);
But I get:
error[E0608]: cannot index into a value of type `A<'_, u64>`
--> src/
22 | println!("{}", coefficient_iterable[1usize]);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0608`.
error: could not compile `playground` due to previous error
I have no idea why, since usize implements SliceIndex<[T]>.

Requiring T to be both Index and SliceIndex doesn't make sense because Index describes the behaviour of indexable containers, while SliceIndex is a bound you can put on a generic indexing type to make it more flexible.
You don't want to implement Index<T> because T here is the type of the items in the slice, not the type of the index. For the code in your main function to work you could just implement Index<usize>, but generically implementing Index<Idx> (where Idx: SliceIndex) gives more flexibility so you can use ranges too.
use std::ops::Index;
use std::slice::SliceIndex;
struct A<'a, T> {
slice: &'a [T],
impl<'a, T, Idx> Index<Idx> for A<'a, T>
Idx: SliceIndex<[T], Output = T>,
type Output = T;
fn index(&self, index: Idx) -> &Self::Output {
fn main() {
let aa: Vec<u64> = vec![0; 10];
let coefficient_iterable = A { slice: &aa };
assert_eq!(coefficient_iterable[1], 0);


type mismatch with Peekable of Iterator trait object

This code compiles fine:
use std::iter::Peekable;
struct Token {
length: u32,
fn get_tokens() -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Token>> {
fn do_something_with_boxed_filter(boxed: Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Token>>) {}
fn main() {
let tokens = get_tokens();
let long_tokens = tokens.filter(|token| token.length > 32);
let boxed = Box::new(long_tokens);
But if I try to make a peekable version, as shown below, it fails to compile.
use std::iter::Peekable;
struct Token {
length: u32,
fn get_tokens() -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Token>> {
fn do_something_with_peekable(peekable: Peekable<Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Token>>>) {}
fn main() {
let tokens = get_tokens();
let long_tokens = tokens.filter(|token| token.length > 32);
let boxed = Box::new(long_tokens);
let peekable = boxed.peekable();
The error message is:
error[E0308]: mismatched types
--> src/
15 | let long_tokens = tokens.filter(|token| token.length > 32);
| ------------------------- the found closure
18 | do_something_with_peekable(peekable);
| ^^^^^^^^ expected trait object `dyn Iterator`, found struct `Filter`
= note: expected struct `Peekable<Box<(dyn Iterator<Item = Token> + 'static)>>`
found struct `Peekable<Box<Filter<Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Token>>, [closure#src/ 15:62]>>>`
For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0308`.
I don't understand this; the Filter struct implements Iterator so shouldn't I be able to use a Filter struct in place of the dyn Iterator trait object?
Yes, you are right with all the things you said.
The problem is that you can only feed things into functions that can be coerced.
Box<T> is coercible to Box<dyn Trait> if T: Trait. However, at the time of writing, this goes only one level deep. Peekable<Box<T>> can not be coerced into Peekable<Box<dyn Trait>>. Therefore, you need to force the coercion before creating the Peekable:
use std::iter::Peekable;
struct Token {
length: u32,
fn get_tokens() -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Token>> {
fn do_something_with_peekable(peekable: Peekable<Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Token>>>) {}
fn main() {
let tokens = get_tokens();
let long_tokens = tokens.filter(|token| token.length > 32);
let boxed = Box::new(long_tokens) as Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Token>>;
let peekable = boxed.peekable();
An alternative would be to use the impl keyword:
use std::iter::Peekable;
struct Token {
length: u32,
fn get_tokens() -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Token>> {
fn do_something_with_peekable(peekable: Peekable<Box<impl Iterator<Item = Token>>>) {}
fn main() {
let tokens = get_tokens();
let long_tokens = tokens.filter(|token| token.length > 32);
let boxed = Box::new(long_tokens);
let peekable = boxed.peekable();
With impl, no coercion happens. Box<dyn Trait> is a Box to an unsized trait type, where Box<impl Trait> is actually a real type that implements the Trait. The information what type it is does not get lost to the compiler, impl Trait is actually syntactic sugar for intruducing a generic Box<T> where T: Trait.
impl has advantages and disadvantages. The biggest disadvantage is that just like normal generics, it compiles a new version of the function for every type that gets used with it (I think).
The advantage is that there is no longer the need for a Box at all:
use std::iter::Peekable;
struct Token {
length: u32,
fn get_tokens() -> impl Iterator<Item = Token> {
fn do_something_with_peekable(peekable: Peekable<impl Iterator<Item = Token>>) {}
fn main() {
let tokens = get_tokens();
let long_tokens = tokens.filter(|token| token.length > 32);
let peekable = long_tokens.peekable();
Just be aware that the types of two objects of Peekable<dyn Trait> are always identical, while the type of two Peekable<impl Trait> objects could be different. Peekable<dyn Trait> is a type, while Peekable<impl Trait> is not a type, it's more of a placeholder for a type. Therefore, you cannot store different objects of Peekable<impl Trait> in one vector, because the vector wouldn't know which type to choose.

IntoIterator as a function argument doesn't accept adapter struct

I want to have a function, that accepts &IntoIterator<Item=u32>, so I could pass to it both &Vec<u32> and iterators' adapter structs (like Map, Filter and any other, which I believe all implement IntoIterator)
So I have a function like
pub fn f<'a, T>(it_src: &'a T) -> u32
where &'a T: IntoIterator<Item = u32> {
let it = it_src.into_iter();
let result: u32;
// more more usage
And this is how I tried to use it (same signature, but different name)
pub fn f_with_feature()<'a, T>(it_src: &'a T) -> u32
where &'a T: IntoIterator<Item = u32> {
let adjusted_values = it_src.into_iter()
.map(|e| adjust(e));
What I've got is an error
error[E0308]: mismatched types
--> src\
14 | f(&adjusted_values)
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected type parameter, found struct `std::iter::Map`
= note: expected type `&T`
found type `&std::iter::Map<<&T as std::iter::IntoIterator>::IntoIter, [closure#src\ 13:27]>`
How is it that Map doesn't match as T?
Also, I've come up with an idea, that passing iterators' adaptors with static dispatch isn't a good idea since each other closure used to generate a Map will create a new function specialization. Though I've seen that static dispatch approach for most of the times is idiomatic in Rust. How to manage this situation?
I think you want to have trait bounds on T (and not on &'a T). So I guess you actually want the following:
pub fn f<'a, T>(it_src: &'a T) -> u32
where T: IntoIterator<Item = u32> {
let it = it_src.into_iter();
let result: u32 = 1;
// more more usage
pub fn f_with_feature<'a, T>(it_src: &'a T) -> u32
where T: IntoIterator<Item = u32> {
let adjusted_values = it_src.into_iter()
.map(|e| adjust(e));
Which brings us to the next problem: IntoIterator's into_iter consumes self, which means that you cannot call it_src.into_iter if you only borrow it_src.
So if you really want to use into_iter, you can try this:
pub fn f<T>(it_src: T) -> u32
where T: IntoIterator<Item = u32> {
let it = it_src.into_iter();
let result: u32 = 1;
// more more usage
pub fn f_with_feature<T>(it_src: T) -> u32
where T: IntoIterator<Item = u32> {
let adjusted_values = it_src.into_iter()
.map(|e| adjust(e));
The above, however, requires you to move the values into f resp. f_with_feature.
In my experience, just taking an iterator (and doing the conversion at call site if necessary), leads to simple, straightforward solutions:
pub fn f<T>(it_src: T) -> u32
where T: Iterator<Item = u32> {
let it = it_src.into_iter();
let result: u32 = 1;
// more more usage
pub fn f_with_feature<T>(it_src: T) -> u32
where T: Iterator<Item = u32> {
let adjusted_values = it_src.into_iter()
.map(|e| adjust(e));

How to implement Index over a wrapped HashMap?

I would like to implement the Index trait for a wrapper type over the HashMap type:
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::option::Option;
use std::ops::Index;
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct Value {
val: i32,
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct HMShadow {
hashmap: HashMap<String, Value>,
impl HMShadow {
fn new() -> HMShadow {
HMShadow {
hashmap: {
HashMap::<String, Value>::new()
fn insert<S>(&mut self, key: S, element: Value) -> Option<Value>
where S: Into<String>
self.hashmap.insert(key.into(), element)
fn get(&mut self, key: &str) -> &mut Value {
self.hashmap.get_mut(key).expect("no entry found for key")
fn main()
let mut s: HMShadow = HMShadow::new();
let v: Value = Value { val : 5 };
let _ = s.insert("test", v);
println!("{:?}", s);
println!("Get: {}", s.get("test").val);
impl<'a> Index<&'a str> for HMShadow {
type Output = &'a mut Value;
fn index(&self, key: &'a str) -> &&'a mut Value {
match self.hashmap.get_mut(key) {
Some(val) => &mut val,
_ => panic!("no entry found for key"),
fn test_index() {
let mut s: HMShadow = HMShadow::new();
let v: Value = Value { val : 5 };
let _ = s.insert("test", v);
println!("{:?}", s);
println!("Index: {}", s["test"].val);
Doing rustc --test the compiler says:
error[E0495]: cannot infer an appropriate lifetime for autoref due to conflicting requirements
51 | match self.hashmap.get_mut(key) {
| ^^^^^^^
help: consider using an explicit lifetime parameter as shown: fn index(&'a self, key: &'a str) -> &&'a mut Value
50 | fn index(&self, key: &'a str) -> &&'a mut Value {
| ^
But I cannot do fn index(&'a self, key: &'a str) -> &&'a mut Value because the Index trait does not allow &'a self and the compiler errors:
error[E0308]: method not compatible with trait
Since your question is pretty unclear, I will reinterpret it as follows:
I am trying to implement Index for my struct, but somehow it doesn't work.
The errors
After looking at the compiler errors, it became clear that your implementation of Index is wrong for many reasons:
The Index trait defines a function called index, which returns an immutable reference to the value. However, you are trying to return a mutable reference. Of course, Rust complains that the method you are implementing is incompatible with the trait.
The Output associated type of your Index implementation should not be wrapped in a reference. Therefore, instead of type Output = &'a mut Value; you need type Output = Value;
The lifetimes of key and the output in the index function are unrelated, but you use 'a for both.
You need to make the Value type public in order to use it in a trait implementation.
The code
A correct and simple implementation of Index would be:
impl<'a> Index<&'a str> for HMShadow {
type Output = Value;
fn index(&self, key: &'a str) -> &Value {
I guess, I was looking for
impl<'a> IndexMut<&'a str> for HMShadow {
fn index_mut<'b>(&'b mut self, key: &'a str) -> &'b mut Value {
self.hashmap.get_mut(key).expect("no entry found for key")

How to have a struct field with the same mutability as the parent struct?

I'm trying to wrap a slice in a struct so that I will be able to instantiate the struct mutably or immutably. Here's a minimal example:
use std::ops::{ Index, IndexMut };
struct Test<'a, T: 'a> {
inner: &'a[T]
impl<'a, T: 'a> Test<'a, T> {
fn new (inner: &'a[T]) -> Self { Test { inner: inner } }
impl<'a, T> Index<usize> for Test<'a, T> {
type Output = T;
fn index (&self, i: usize) -> &T { &self.inner[i] }
impl<'a, T> IndexMut<usize> for Test<'a, T> {
fn index_mut (&mut self, i: usize) -> &mut T { &mut self.inner[i] }
fn main() {
let store = [0; 3];
let test = Test::new (&store);
println!("{}", test[1]);
let mut mut_store = [0; 3];
let mut mut_test = Test::new (&mut mut_store);
mut_test[1] = 42;
println!("{}", mut_test[1]);
This doesn't compile: "cannot borrow immutable indexed content self.inner[..] as mutable".
I could get it to compile by changing the definition of inner to be of type &'a mut[T], but then inner is mutable even when I don't need it to be (in the above example, I must then declare store as mutable too even though test is immutable).
Is there a way to make it so that the mutability of inner follows the mutability of the Test instance?
As well said in the question, this code compiles:
struct Test<'a, A: 'a> {
inner: &'a mut A,
fn main() {
let t = Test { inner: &mut 5i32 };
*t.inner = 9;
It is indeed possible to mutate a borrowed element, even when the borrowing content is immutable. This is a case where you must choose your guarantees, while keeping in mind that the mutability of a binding is always independent of the borrowed content's mutability.
Right now, I can think of two possible solutions: you can encapsulate the borrowed content over methods that depend on self's mutability (Playground, will no longer compile):
impl<'a, A: 'a> Test<'a, A> {
fn inner(&self) -> &A {
fn inner_mut(&mut self) -> &mut A {
Although you still need to keep a borrow to mutable content, it can no longer be mutated from an immutable binding of Test. If you also need it to point to immutable content, you should consider having two different structs (Playground):
struct Test<'a, A: 'a> {
inner: &'a A,
impl<'a, A: 'a> Test<'a, A> {
fn inner(&self) -> &A {
struct TestMut<'a, A: 'a> {
inner: &'a mut A,
impl<'a, A: 'a> TestMut<'a, A> {
fn inner(&self) -> &A {
fn inner_mut(&mut self) -> &mut A {
There is a third option: to keep both kinds of borrows exclusively with an enum. At this point however, using the borrowed content as mutable requires run-time checks.

Trait to store structs with different generic parameters

I need to store in the same Vec instances of the same struct, but with different generic parameters. This is the struct definition:
struct Struct<'a, T: 'a> {
items: Vec<&'a T>
The struct has a method returning an iterator to a type that does not depend on the generic type parameter T:
impl<'a, T: 'a> Struct<'a, T> {
fn iter(&self) -> slice::Iter<&i32> {
I need to access this method for those different structs in the vector, so I've implemented this trait:
type Iter<'a> = Iterator<Item=&'a i32>;
trait Trait {
fn iter(&self) -> Box<Iter>;
And I've implemented the trait for Struct:
impl<'a, T: 'a> Trait for Struct<'a, T> {
fn iter(&self) -> Box<Iter> {
But the compiler complains:
<anon>:21:9: 21:30 error: type mismatch resolving `<core::slice::Iter<'_, &i32> as core::iter::Iterator>::Item == &i32`:
expected &-ptr,
found i32 [E0271]
<anon>:21 Box::new(self.iter())
<anon>:21:9: 21:30 help: see the detailed explanation for E0271
<anon>:21:9: 21:30 note: required for the cast to the object type `core::iter::Iterator<Item=&i32> + 'static`
<anon>:21 Box::new(self.iter())
I've tried different possibilities for lifetime parameters in the trait, but none of them work. How can I make this work?
Rust Playground snippet
As pointed out by #MatthieuM. one problem is that the type alias is not working properly. Here's another example demonstrating this:
use std::slice;
type Iter<'a> = Iterator<Item=&'a i32>;
struct Struct<'a> { _phantom: std::marker::PhantomData<&'a i32> }
impl<'a> Struct<'a> {
fn direct<'b>(i: &'b slice::Iter<'a, i32>) -> &'b Iterator<Item=&'a i32>
{ i }
fn aliased<'b>(i: &'b slice::Iter<'a, i32>) -> &'b Iter<'a>
{ i }
In this example, direct compiles, but aliased not, with the error:
<anon>:12:7: 12:8 error: the type `core::slice::Iter<'a, i32>` does not fulfill the required lifetime
<anon>:12 { i }
note: type must outlive the static lifetime
But they seem to be the same thing. What's happening?
Problem 1 — slice::Iter<T> has an Iterator::Item of &T, thus your reference levels are mismatched. Change your method to be
fn iter(&self) -> slice::Iter<i32>
Problem 2 — Box<SomeTrait> is equivalent to Box<SomeTrait + 'static>, but your iterator does not live for the 'static lifetime. You need to explicitly bring in a lifetime:
Box<SomeTrait + 'a>
Problem 3 — I don't understand how you can create a type alias for a trait, that seems very odd. You probably don't want it anyway. Instead, create a type alias for the whole boxed version:
type IterBox<'a> = Box<Iterator<Item=&'a i32> + 'a>;
Problem 4 — Rearrange your main so that references will live long enough and add mutability:
fn main() {
let i = 3;
let v = vec![&i];
let mut traits : Vec<Box<Trait>> = Vec::new();
traits.push(Box::new(Struct{ items: v }));
All together:
use std::slice;
type IterBox<'a> = Box<Iterator<Item=&'a i32> + 'a>;
trait Trait {
fn iter<'a>(&'a self) -> IterBox;
struct Struct<'a, T: 'a> {
items: Vec<&'a T>
impl<'a, T: 'a> Struct<'a, T> {
fn iter(&self) -> slice::Iter<i32> {
impl<'a, T: 'a> Trait for Struct<'a, T> {
fn iter(&self) -> IterBox {
fn main() {
let i = 3;
let v = vec![&i];
let mut traits: Vec<Box<Trait>> = Vec::new();
traits.push(Box::new(Struct { items: v }));
