How would I go about querying MongoDB efficiently using Mongoose? - node.js

I'm trying to query MongoDB with text.
Say I enter "Oven", the server should find all contraptions and users, including the word "Oven" in a field called "title" for contraptions and a field called "username" for users.
Right now, my code looks like this:
const foundContraptions = await Contraptions.find({});
const foundUsers = await Profiles.find({});
const filteredContraptions = QueryContraptions(foundContraptions, query);
const filteredUsers = QueryUsers(foundUsers, query);
function QueryContraptions(arr, query) {
const filtered = [];
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
const contraption = arr[i];
if (contraption.title.toLowerCase().includes(query.toLowerCase())) {
return filtered;
function QueryUsers(arr, query) {
const filtered = [];
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
const user = arr[i];
if (user.username.toLowerCase().includes(query.toLowerCase())) {
return filtered;
This works perfectly fine, but assuming I have a lot of data in my DB, at some point I would get an Error HeapOutOfMemory, or it would take a long time to execute the loops.
So I wanted to ask how I would go about querying MongoDB efficiently using Mongoose.

I managed to find an answer by myself using the MongoDB query operators
const contraption = await Contraptions.find({ 'title': { '$eq': query } }).catch(err => { console.log(err); });


Single Http Request to get multiple file data

I'm using Back4app.
My Profile class schema has 4 File columns containing pictures.
So when I retrieve an object , I have to make an HTTP request for each file URL and get the byte data like this.
const data = await Parse.Cloud.httpRequest({url:profilePhoto.url()});
return data.buffer.toString('base64');
But for all four files I have to do 4 HTTP requests to the server.
Is there anyway to do a batch HTTP request so that with just 1 request I can get data for all 4 files ?
My main aim is to do the least amount of requests to the server as possible.
There is no out-of-the-box way to retrieve multiple files with one request in Parse Server.
You could implement your own Parse Cloud Code function to retrieve multiple files, but you would have to manually combine them server side and separate them client side.
As a starting point you could look at packages like multistream that allow you to combine multiple file streams into one to get some inspiration.
You might be able to do something similar to what I've done in cloud code.
I had to load up a bunch of information at the start of my application, requiring many round trips to the server.
So I wrote a function called getUserData().
This does many unrelated queries, and jams all of the results into one big object. I then return the object from the function.
Here is the entire function:
console.log("startig getUserData");
var callCount = 0;
var lastLoadTime=0;
// Given a user, load all friends. Save the objects to ret.objects,
// and save the objectIds to ret.friends
// Note: we always load the exhaustive friend list, because
// otherwise, we would have no way of recognizing
// removed friendships.
async function loadFriends(user, ret) {
const friendQuery = user.relation("friends").query();
const friends = await findFully(friendQuery);
for(var i=0;i<friends.length;i++){
// Given a user, load all owned cells. Save the objects to ret.owned,
// and save their objectIds to ret.ownedCells.
// Also, save the ids of members, which we will use to flesh out ret.objects with
// the objects who are not friends, but share a cell with the current user.
async function loadPublicCells(user, ret, memberIds) {
const ownedCellQ = new Parse.Query('PublicCell');
const joinedCellQ = new Parse.Query('PublicCell');
const publicCellQ = Parse.Query.or(ownedCellQ,joinedCellQ);
publicCellQ.greaterThan("updatedAt",new Date(lastLoadTime));
const publicCells=await findFully(publicCellQ);
for(var i=0;i<publicCells.length;i++) {
const cell = publicCells[i];
const owner = cell.get("owner");
if( === {
} else {
const memberQ = cell.relation("members").query();
const members = await findFully(memberQ);
const map = ret.memberMap[];
for(var j=0;j<members.length;j++){
const member=members[j];
// given a list of all members of all cells, load those objects and store
// them in ret.objects. We do not have to record which cells they belong
// to, because that information is in ret.memberMap
async function loadMembers(memberIds, ret) {
const memberQ = new Parse.Query(Parse.User);
var partIds;
partIds = memberIds.splice(0,100);
const part = await findFully(memberQ);
for(var i=0;i<part.length;i++) {
// given a user, save all of the objectIds of people who have annoyed him with
// spam. We save only the ids, they don't go on ret.objects, because we only
// need to filter them out of things. The objectIds are sufficient.
// We always send all spam objects, otherwise we would not recognize deletions
async function loadUserSpams(user, ret) {
const userSpamsQ = new Parse.Query("_User");
userSpamsQ.greaterThan("updatedAt", new Date(lastLoadTime));
const userSpams = await findFully(userSpamsQ);
for(var i=0;i<userSpams.length;i++){
// given a user, save all of the objectIds of people who have been annoyed *BY*
// him with spam. We save only the ids, they don't go on ret.objects, because we
// only need to filter them out of things. The objectIds are sufficient.
// We always send all spam objects, otherwise we would not recognize deletions
async function loadSpamUsers(user, ret) {
const spamUserR = user.relation('spamUsers');
const spamUserQ = spamUserR.query();
spamUserQ.greaterThan("updatedAt", new Date(lastLoadTime));
const spamUsers = await findFully(spamUserQ);
for(var i=0;i<spamUsers.length;i++){
// given a user, save all of the objectIds of people to whom he has sent a
// friend request which is still pending. We save only the ids, they don't go
// on ret.objects, because we only need to filter them out of things. The
// objectIds are sufficient.
async function loadPendingFriends(user, ret) {
const request1Q = new Parse.Query('Request');
const request2Q = new Parse.Query('Request');
const requestQ = Parse.Query.or(request1Q,request2Q);
const requests = await findFully(requestQ);
for(var i=0;i<requests.length;i++){
const request = requests[i];
const sentBy = request.get("owner");
const sentTo = request.get("sentTo");
} else if ( ) {
// given a user, load all of his private cells. We do not store
// the user objects, because only friends will be in your private cells.
async function loadPrivateCells(user, ret) {
const privateCellQ = new Parse.Query('PrivateCell');
privateCellQ.equalTo("owner", user);
privateCellQ.greaterThan("updatedAt", new Date(lastLoadTime));
const privateCells = await findFully(privateCellQ);
for(var i=0;i<privateCells.length;i++) {
const cell = privateCells[i];
const map = ret.memberMap[];
const memberQ = cell.relation("members").query();
const members = await findFully(memberQ);
for(var j=0;j<members.length;j++){
const member=members[j];
// we use objects as maps to weed out duplicate objects and cells.
// when we are done, we use this function to replace the object
// with an array of objects. we don't need to send the keys, since
// they already exist within the objects.
function objToValueList(k,ret){
const objs = [];
for( var id in ret[k] )
// convert the objects which have been used to accumulate key lists
// to arrays of objectIds. k is the name of the list we are working
// on. ret[k] is the list itself.
function objToKeyList(k,ret) {
const objs = [];
for( var id in ret[k] ) {
async function checkUserConsent(user){
const query = new Parse.Query("PrivacyPolicy");
const res = await query.find();
if(res.length==0) {
return true;
const policy=res[0];
const userConsent=user.get("lastConsent");
return userConsent!=null && ==;
async function loadAlerts(user,ret) {
const q1 = new Parse.Query("Alert");
q1.equalTo("owner", user);
const q2 = new Parse.Query("Response");
q2.equalTo("owner", user);
const q3 = new Parse.Query("Alert");
q3.matchesKeyInQuery("objectId", "alert", q2);
const q = Parse.Query.or(q1,q3);
const list = await q.find();
var time = new Date().getTime();
time -= 1000*86400;
time=Math.max(lastLoadTime, time);
for(var i=0;i<list.length;i++) {
const item=list[i];
async function doGetUserData(user) {
return {fatal: 'not logged in!' };
const ret = {
owner: {},
privateCells: {},
friends: {},
alerts: {},
objects: {},
ownedCells: {},
joinedCells: {},
spamUsers: {},
userSpams: {},
pendingFriends: {},
friendingPends: {},
memberMap: {},
loadTime: lastLoadTime,
counts: {callCount: callCount++},
const memberIds={};
await loadFriends(user,ret);
await loadPrivateCells(user,ret,memberIds);
await loadPublicCells(user,ret,memberIds);
await loadPendingFriends(user,ret);
await loadUserSpams(user,ret);
await loadSpamUsers(user,ret);
await loadAlerts(user,ret);
const memberList=[];
for( var id in memberIds ) {
await loadMembers(memberList,ret);
for(var cell in ret.memberMap) {
var map = ret.memberMap[cell];
var list = [];
for(var member in map) {
delete ret.objects[];
'friends', "friendingPends", 'pendingFriends',
'privateCells', 'ownedCells', 'joinedCells',
'userSpams', 'spamUsers', "alerts"
delete ret.counts;
return ret;
async function getUserData(req) {
try {
var nextLoadTime=new Date().getTime();
const user = req.user;
lastLoadTime = req.params.lastLoadTime;
lastLoadTime = new Date(lastLoadTime);
const ret = await doGetUserData(user);
return ret;
} catch ( err ) {
try {
} catch ( xxx ) {
throw (`error getting data: ${err}`);
Parse.Cloud.define("getUserData", getUserData);
Something like this could easily be done to get your data for you. Like this solution, it is unlikely to be entirely pretty, but it would probably work.

How to handle a long request with Express

I'm working on a simple function I have for a specific GET request triggered in the browser. The objective of this request is to make multiple queries to a mongodb (mongoose) database and then perform some calculation and structure formating on the results to send it back to the browser.
The only problem is that everything takes too long and it results in an error in the browser:
to give an example of part of the function I'm trying to build here it goes:
async function getPriceByMake(makes, id) {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
let pMakes = {};
const makesArr = Object.keys(makes);
for (let i = 0; i < makesArr.length; i++) {
console.log('Getting the docs ... ' + Math.round(i/makesArr.length*100) + '%')
const currMake = makesArr[i];
pMakes[currMake] = {};
const modelsArr = Object.keys(makes[currMake]);
for (let j = 0; j < modelsArr.length; j++) {
const currModel = modelsArr[j];
await Listing.find({ catFrom: id, model: currModel }, 'year asking', (err, docs) => {
if (docs.length > 1) {
pMakes[currMake][currModel] = [docs];
} else {
pMakes[currMake][currModel] = {};
In this function, if I leave the async / await out, I get an empty {} on the other end. Which is obviously not the objective.
I've been searching the web a little and was able to find an article pointing to this scheme:
Initiates request
displays progress
Show result
Submit event
Checks for completion
Return result
Picks up event
Runs task
Returns results
My question is the following:
How can I do that with NodeJS and Express?
In this code:
for (let j = 0; j < modelsArr.length; j++) {
const currModel = modelsArr[j];
await Listing.find({ catFrom: id, model: currModel }, 'year asking', (err, docs) => {
if (docs.length > 1) {
pMakes[currMake][currModel] = [docs];
} else {
pMakes[currMake][currModel] = {};
Your await isn't working because you're passing a callback to Listing.find(). When you do that, it does NOT return a promise and therefore the await does nothing useful. You get the empty response because the await doesn't work and thus you call resolve() before there's any actual data there.
Change the code to this:
for (let j = 0; j < modelsArr.length; j++) {
const currModel = modelsArr[j];
let docs = await Listing.find({ catFrom: id, model: currModel }, 'year asking');
if (docs.length > 1) {
pMakes[currMake][currModel] = [docs];
} else {
pMakes[currMake][currModel] = {};
And, then the await will work properly.
You also should remove the return new Promise() wrapper. You don't want that. Just make the function async and use await and it will already return a promise.
Here's your function with the unnecessary promise wrapper removed:
async function getPriceByMake(makes, id) {
let pMakes = {};
const makesArr = Object.keys(makes);
for (let i = 0; i < makesArr.length; i++) {
console.log('Getting the docs ... ' + Math.round(i/makesArr.length*100) + '%')
const currMake = makesArr[i];
pMakes[currMake] = {};
const modelsArr = Object.keys(makes[currMake]);
for (let j = 0; j < modelsArr.length; j++) {
const currModel = modelsArr[j];
let docs = await Listing.find({ catFrom: id, model: currModel }, 'year asking');
if (docs.length > 1) {
pMakes[currMake][currModel] = [docs];
} else {
pMakes[currMake][currModel] = {};
return pMakes;
Then, keep in mind that whatever code sends your actual response needs to use .then() or await when calling this async function in order to get the final result.
Your best bet to speed up this code would be to refactor either your queries or your database structure or both to not have to do N * M separate queries to get your final result. That's likely where your slowness is coming from. The biggest performance gains will probably come from reducing the number of queries you have to run here to far fewer.
Depending upon your database configuration and capabilities, it might speed things up to run the inner loop queries in parallel as shown here:
async function getPriceByMake(makes, id) {
let pMakes = {};
const makesArr = Object.keys(makes);
for (let i = 0; i < makesArr.length; i++) {
console.log('Getting the docs ... ' + Math.round(i/makesArr.length*100) + '%')
const currMake = makesArr[i];
pMakes[currMake] = {};
const modelsArr = Object.keys(makes[currMake]);
await Promise.all( currModel => {
let docs = await Listing.find({ catFrom: id, model: currModel }, 'year asking');
if (docs.length > 1) {
pMakes[currMake][currModel] = [docs];
} else {
pMakes[currMake][currModel] = {};
return pMakes;

How do I query Firestore all documents today date?

I am trying to generate report at a fixed schedule. But I am having a problem where I cannot retrieve the date for today onwards until the current time where the function will run.
exports.generateReport = functions.pubsub.schedule('36 15 * * *').onRun(async (context) => {
const currentTime =;
const shopSnapshot = await db.collection("shops").get();
let shopDoc = =>;
const promises = [];
let transactionList = [];
let reportList = [];
let i = 0;
shopDoc = shopDoc.filter(shop => !!shop.key);
for(var j=0; j<shopDoc.length; j++){
console.log("Enter shop ID:"+shopDoc[j].key);
const snapshotArrays = await Promise.all(promises);
snapshotArrays.forEach(snapArray => {
snapArray.forEach(snap => {
transactionList.push({data:, key: shopDoc[i].key});
for(var k=0; k<shopDoc.length; k++){
let amount = 0;
for (var l=0; l<transactionList.length; l++){
if(shopDoc[k].key === transactionList[l].key){
console.log("get date");
if (transactionList[l].data.createAt < currentTime){
amount += transactionList[l].data.amount;
reportList.push({amount: amount, key: shopDoc[k].key});
I tried using new Date() also compared with a string of date exactly the same as Firestore Timestamp format but still all transaction appear before the time or no transaction is included at this time.
If I correctly understand that you want to generate a daily report for all the transactions that occurred yesterday by running a schedule Cloud Function today at 00:05 for example, here is a possible approach using the moment.js library:
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
const moment = require('moment');
exports.generateReport = functions.pubsub.schedule('05 00 * * *').onRun(async (context) => {
let m1 = moment();
let m2 = moment();
m1.add(-1, 'days');
m2.add(-1, 'days');
const shopSnapshot = await db.collection("shops").get();
let shopDoc = =>;
const promises = [];
let transactionList = [];
let reportList = [];
let i = 0;
shopDoc = shopDoc.filter(shop => !!shop.key);
for(var j=0; j<shopDoc.length; j++){
console.log("Enter shop ID:"+shopDoc[j].key);
.where("createAt", ">", m1.toDate())
.where("createAt", "<=", m2.toDate())
const snapshotArrays = await Promise.all(promises);
snapshotArrays.forEach(snapArray => {
snapArray.forEach(snap => {
transactionList.push({data:, key: shopDoc[i].key});
for(var k=0; k<shopDoc.length; k++){
let amount = 0;
for (var l=0; l<transactionList.length; l++){
if(shopDoc[k].key === transactionList[l].key){
amount += transactionList[l].data.amount;
reportList.push({amount: amount, key: shopDoc[k].key});
So, what do we do in this code?
First we create two moment objects and we set their date to yesterday. Then, with startOf() and endOf() we adjust the time of the first one to yesterday at 12:00:00.000 am (i.e. 00:00:00, see here) and the second one to yesterday at 11:59:59.999 pm (i.e. 23:59:59).
With these two dates, for each transactions collection, we adapt the query as follows, calling the toDate() method:
.where("createAt", ">", m1.toDate())
.where("createAt", "<=", m2.toDate())
And that's it. The big advantage here, is that the filtering is done in the Firestore database (in the back-end), not in the front-end as you did in your question (if (transactionList[l].data.createAt < currentTime){...})

get name from id inside loop in node js

hello all I am new to node js and mongo db so I am facing a problem which is written above want to match an id from an array and get all the record of matching id , but thats not working i have already tried for loop but that is taking too much time so i am looking for some kind of query by which I pass id and get the matching results i have below function also where i can pass id and get the matching result but i don't know how to call that .
exports.getDistrictFromId = function(req, res, next) {
var distId =;
districtslib.getDistricts({_id: utils.toObjectId(distId)}, function(err, district) {
if (err) {
return next(err);
} = district;
Here is my code
exports.getCompleteTeachersList = function(req, res, next) {
var query ='query');
var teacherQuery = {enabled: true};
var searchQuery = '';
if (!_.isUndefined(query)) {
// schoolQuery = {'name':new RegExp(query.replace(/([.?*+^$[\]\\(){}|-])/g, "\\$1"),'i')};
//{ $text: { $search: "amit hinduja"} }
//teacherQuery = {enabled: true,$or:[{firstName:new RegExp(query.replace(/([.?*+^$[\]\\(){}|-])/g, "\\$1"),'i')},{lastName:new RegExp(query.replace(/([.?*+^$[\]\\(){}|-])/g, "\\$1"),'i')}]};
if(query.trim() != '') {
teacherQuery = {enabled: true,$text: { $search: query} };
searchQuery = query;
teacherslib.getTeachers(teacherQuery, function(err, teachers) {
if (err) {
return next(err);
var schools ='schools');
for(var i = 0; i < teachers.length; i++) {
teachers[i].schoolName = "";
for(var j = 0; j < schools.length; j++) {
if (teachers[i].schoolId.toString() === schools[j]._id.toString()) {
teachers[i].schoolName = schools[j].name;
teachers[i].distId = "";
var districts ='districts');
// i want to get the array of matching district id `schools[j].distId` from the district array from `var districts ='districts');` this line
}'searchQuery', searchQuery);'teachers', teachers);
//'districts', districts);
Collection structure is like this
1) distid is coming in schools collection
using distid get all the matching record from district
2)district array has countyid and from that county id has to get data from the county collection
Instead of looping inside a loop, i would suggest you look into the $lookup operator of the aggregation framework. Here you can perform the lookup server side.

nodejs mongodb $in [array] not working if array is a variable

This is very strange to me. If put the array onlyIds in the aggregation query of my db I get no results. If I however put the content of onlyIds that I get printed from line 5 which looks like:
Then it works. But not if I use the variable.
This function:
var onlyIds = [];
for (var i = 0; i < users.length; i++) {
console.log("ids: " + JSON.stringify(onlyIds)); <---------- not empty
db.collection('posts', function(err, collection) {
{$match: {user_id: {$in: onlyIds}}}, <------- not working
{$match: {created:{$gte: 0}}},
{$sort:{"created": -1}},
{$skip: req.body.skip},
{$limit: req.body.limit}
function(err, posts) {
var errorNo, content, message;
if (err) {
errorNo = resSend.errorDB;
message = JSON.stringify(err);
} else {
errorNo = resSend.errorNo;
content = posts;
message = "";
--> console.log(JSON.stringify(posts));
resSend.sendResponse(res, resSend.errorNo, content, message);
So in short, why does this work:
{$match: {user_id: {$in: ["52e953942a13df5be22cf792","52e953942a13df5be22cf793","52e953942a13df5be22cf797"...]}}}
and this doesn't:
{$match: {user_id: {$in: onlyIds}}}
And the line that does not work, works perfectly in another function. Any ideas or enlightenments?
Switching to find and using the below answer like this:
collection.find({'user_id': {$in: onlyIdsX}}).toArray(function(err, posts)
does not work either.
As the selected answer indicates below is when the variable you search for is an ObjectId or a string. For anyone else, make sure that the variable in the db is the same type as the one you try to match it with. In my case both were supposed to be strings, but one's in "onlyIds" were ObjectIds.
Try following code to modify your loop:
var ids = ["52e953942a13df5be22cf792","52e953942a13df5be22cf793","52e953942a13df5be22cf797"];
var obj_ids = [];
for (var i = 0; i < users.length; i++) {
obj_ids.push(new ObjectID(users[i]._id.toString()));
var obj_ids.push(users[i]._id); // <== This will not work if your DB has _id : ObjectID("xyz") [i.e. you are not overiding defaults]
And you should include var ObjectID = require('mongodb').ObjectID; into your code.
You should use .toArray(function(err,.. (Not in your case since you used aggregation framework).This will also cause issue if you are not using findOne() (For more info on this here is the link)
Following is the example which spots the issue (in comments) & working Code:
var mongo = require('mongodb'),
Server = mongo.Server,
Db = mongo.Db,
ObjectID = require('mongodb').ObjectID;
var BSON = require('mongodb').BSONPure;
var server = new Server('localhost', 27017, {
auto_reconnect: true
var MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient
//let id = your _id, smth like '6dg27sh2sdhsdhs72hsdfs2sfs'...
var users = ["52e953942a13df5be22cf792","52cbd028e9f43a090ca0c1af","52e953942a13df5be22cf797"];
var obj_ids = [];
for (var i = 0; i < users.length; i++) {
obj_ids.push(new ObjectID(users[i].toString()));
//obj_ids.push(users[i]._id); // <== This will not work if your DB has _id : ObjectID("xyz") [i.e. you are not overiding defaults]
MongoClient.connect('mongodb://', function(err, db) {
console.log('err' + err);
db.collection('posts', function(error, collection) {
//collection.find({_id:{$in: users}}),function(err, docs) { //This will not work
collection.find({_id:{$in: obj_ids}}).toArray(function(err, docs) {
console.log("Printing docs from Array. count " + docs.length);
docs.forEach(function(doc) {
console.log("Doc from Array ");
