Python3: What's wrong with my Singleton class and why can't I instantiate it? - python-3.x

Trying to create a Singleton class to fetch and manage data like following but I keep getting RunTimeError, not sure if cls.stock_data is correct here either.
class StockData:
__instance = None
def __init__(self):
raise RuntimeError("Call instance()")
def instance(cls):
if cls.__instance is None:
cls.__instance = cls()
cls.__instance.__dict__ = {}
cls.stock_data = {}
return cls.__instance
def save_stock_data_from_yahoo(self, stock_symbol):
import urllib.request
import json
url = "" + stock_symbol + "&f=sl1d1t1c1ohgv&e=.csv"
response = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
data ="utf-8")
data = data.split(',')
self.stock_data = {
"symbol": data[0],
"last_trade_price": data[1],
"date": data[2],
"time": data[3],
"change": data[4],
"change_in_percent": data[5],
"open": data[6],
"high": data[7],
"low": data[8],
"volume": data[9],
"average_daily_volume": data[10],
"previous_close": data[11],
"price_per_sales": data[12],
"price_per_book": data[13],
"pe_ratio": data[14],
"dividend_per_share": data[15],
"dividend_yield": data[16],
"earnings_per_share": data[17],
"ebitda": data[18],
"market_cap": data[19],
"one_year_target_price": data[20],
"price_earnings_ratio": data[21],
"price_earnings_growth_ratio": data[22],
"price_sales_ratio": data[23],
"price_book_ratio": data[24],
"short_ratio": data[25],
"day_range": data[26],
"day_range_realtime": data[27],
"year_range": data[28]
def get_stock_data(self):
return self.stock_data


Type Error and got an unexpected keyword argument: When passing dict to Python Zeep's Client.Service call

I have the following XML which I am sending to the target web application using SOAPUI and it works.
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:wsu="">
<RequestMessage xmlns="">
<OutageSet xmlns="">
I am trying to generate the XML using python's zeep module and for that I have the modifeid xml and converting that to dict using xmltodict module.
Below is the XMLtoDIct code sinppet -
import xmltodict
import pprint
import json
my_xml = """
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:wsu="">
<RequestMessage xmlns="">
<OutageSet xmlns="">
my_dict = xmltodict.parse(my_xml, process_namespaces= True)
#pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2)
Below is the dict after conversion -
{'': {'': None, '': {'': {'': {'': 'create', '': 'OutageSet', '': {'': '72465', '': '2022-12-27T00:40:00-07:00'}, '': '004', '': 'TAEPTC', '': 'API_OutplanOSITCC'}, '': {'': {'': {'': {'': 'PL', '': {'': 'API_OutplanOSITCC', '': 'APIOutplanOSITCC'}, '': 'tempdisclaimer', '': 'true'}, '': {'': 'TAEPTC', '': '1589', '': '_{072D6FCA-D121-49E7-AC9D-CDF5D4DB3D70}', '': 'DSC', '': 'AIRLINE', '': 'O', '': '1', '': 'OE'}, '': {'': '2023-01-16T10:00:00', '': '2023-01-17T10:00:00', '': '2023-01-16T10:00:00', '': '2023-01-17T12:00:00'}}}}}}}}
however, when I am passing this dict to the request data like below -
request_data = {'': {'': {'': 'create', '': 'OutageSet', '': {'': '72465', '': '2022-12-27T00:40:00-07:00'}, '': '004', '': 'TAEPTC', '': 'API_OutplanOSITCC'}, '': {'': {'': {'': {'': 'PL', '': {'': 'API_OutplanOSITCC', '': 'APIOutplanOSITCC'}, '': 'tempdisclaimer', '': 'true'}, '': {'': 'TAEPTC', '': '1589', '': '_{072D6FCA-D121-49E7-AC9D-CDF5D4DB3D70}', '': 'DSC', '': 'AIRLINE', '': 'O', '': '1', '': 'OE'}, '': {'': '2023-01-16T10:00:00', '': '2023-01-17T10:00:00', '': '2023-01-16T10:00:00', '': '2023-01-17T12:00:00'}}}}}}
print("Call URL")
I am getting the below error -
Creating client.
zeep.transports: Loading remote data from:
Making request.
Call URL
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\SGUPTA\PycharmProjects\ERCOT\", line 110, in <module>
File "C:\Users\SGUPTA\PycharmProjects\ERCOT\venv\lib\site-packages\zeep\", line 46, in __call__
return self._proxy._binding.send(
File "C:\Users\SGUPTA\PycharmProjects\ERCOT\venv\lib\site-packages\zeep\wsdl\bindings\", line 123, in send
envelope, http_headers = self._create(
File "C:\Users\SGUPTA\PycharmProjects\ERCOT\venv\lib\site-packages\zeep\wsdl\bindings\", line 73, in _create
serialized = operation_obj.create(*args, **kwargs)
File "C:\Users\SGUPTA\PycharmProjects\ERCOT\venv\lib\site-packages\zeep\wsdl\", line 222, in create
return self.input.serialize(*args, **kwargs)
File "C:\Users\SGUPTA\PycharmProjects\ERCOT\venv\lib\site-packages\zeep\wsdl\messages\", line 73, in serialize
body_value = self.body(*args, **kwargs)
File "C:\Users\SGUPTA\PycharmProjects\ERCOT\venv\lib\site-packages\zeep\xsd\elements\", line 58, in __call__
instance = self.type(*args, **kwargs)
File "C:\Users\SGUPTA\PycharmProjects\ERCOT\venv\lib\site-packages\zeep\xsd\types\", line 63, in __call__
return self._value_class(*args, **kwargs)
File "C:\Users\SGUPTA\PycharmProjects\ERCOT\venv\lib\site-packages\zeep\xsd\", line 106, in __init__
items = _process_signature(self._xsd_type, args, kwargs)
File "C:\Users\SGUPTA\PycharmProjects\ERCOT\venv\lib\site-packages\zeep\xsd\", line 241, in _process_signature
raise TypeError(
TypeError: {}RequestMessage() got an unexpected keyword argument ''. Signature: `Header: {}HeaderType, Request: {}RequestType, Payload: {}PayloadType`
Process finished with exit code 1
is this because of the namespaces in both RequestMessage and Outageset nodes?
Here is my complete code -
from zeep.wsse.signature import BinarySignature
from zeep.wsse import utils
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import contextlib
import os
import requests
from requests_pkcs12 import Pkcs12Adapter
from zeep.transports import Transport
from zeep import Client, Settings
from pathlib import Path
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import Encoding, PrivateFormat, NoEncryption
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.pkcs12 import load_key_and_certificates
import random
import logging.config
'version': 1,
'formatters': {
'verbose': {
'format': '%(name)s: %(message)s'
'handlers': {
'console': {
'level': 'DEBUG',
'class': 'logging.StreamHandler',
'formatter': 'verbose',
'loggers': {
'zeep.transports': {
'level': 'DEBUG',
'propagate': True,
'handlers': ['console'],
class BinarySignatureTimestamp(BinarySignature):
def apply(self, envelope, headers):
security = utils.get_security_header(envelope)
created = datetime.utcnow()
expired = created + timedelta(seconds=1 * 60)
timestamp = utils.WSU('Timestamp')
timestamp.append(utils.WSU('Created', created.replace(microsecond=0).isoformat() + 'Z'))
timestamp.append(utils.WSU('Expires', expired.replace(microsecond=0).isoformat() + 'Z'))
super().apply(envelope, headers)
return envelope, headers
def verify(self, envelope):
return envelope
def pfx_to_pem(pfx_path, pfx_password):
''' Decrypts the .pfx file to be used with requests. '''
pfx = Path(pfx_path).read_bytes()
private_key, main_cert, add_certs = load_key_and_certificates(pfx, pfx_password.encode('utf-8'), None)
with NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.pem', delete=False) as t_pem:
with open(, 'wb') as pem_file:
pem_file.write(private_key.private_bytes(Encoding.PEM, PrivateFormat.PKCS8, NoEncryption()))
for ca in add_certs:
def generate_nonce(length=15):
"""Generate pseudorandom number."""
return ''.join([str(random.randint(0, 9)) for i in range(length)])
api_p12_key = os.path.join('C:\\Users\\SGUPTA\\ALL\\Projects\\AEPE2\\API Outplan OSI TCC MOTE.p12')
api_certificate = os.path.join('C:\\Users\\SGUPTA\\ALL\\Projects\\AEPE2\\OSITCC.crt')
api_pfx_key = os.path.join('C:\\Users\\SGUPTA\\ALL\\Projects\\AEPE2\\API Outplan OSI TCC MOTE.pfx')
wsdl_file = os.path.join('C:\\Users\\SGUPTA\\ALL\\Projects\\AEPE2\\Nodal.wsdl')
api_base_url = ""
session = requests.Session()
Pkcs12Adapter(pkcs12_filename=api_p12_key, pkcs12_password='HIDDEN'))
session.verify = None
transport = Transport(session=session)
settings = Settings(forbid_entities=False)
print("Creating client.")
with pfx_to_pem(pfx_path=api_pfx_key, pfx_password='AEP') as pem_fle:
client = Client(wsdl=wsdl_file, settings=settings, transport=transport,
wsse=BinarySignatureTimestamp(pem_fle, api_certificate, "AEP"))
print("Making request.")
request_data = {'': {'': {'': 'create', '': 'OutageSet', '': {'': '72465', '': '2022-12-27T00:40:00-07:00'}, '': '004', '': 'TAEPTC', '': 'API_OutplanOSITCC'}, '': {'': {'': {'': {'': 'PL', '': {'': 'API_OutplanOSITCC', '': 'APIOutplanOSITCC'}, '': 'tempdisclaimer', '': 'true'}, '': {'': 'TAEPTC', '': '1589', '': '_{072D6FCA-D121-49E7-AC9D-CDF5D4DB3D70}', '': 'DSC', '': 'AIRLINE', '': 'O', '': '1', '': 'OE'}, '': {'': '2023-01-16T10:00:00', '': '2023-01-17T10:00:00', '': '2023-01-16T10:00:00', '': '2023-01-17T12:00:00'}}}}}}
print("Call URL")
The same code is working when I am calling another webservice just by sending the header(does not have a namespace) in the request data like below -
from zeep.wsse.signature import BinarySignature
from zeep.wsse import utils
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import contextlib
import os
import requests
from requests_pkcs12 import Pkcs12Adapter
from zeep.transports import Transport
from zeep import Client, Settings
from pathlib import Path
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import Encoding, PrivateFormat, NoEncryption
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.pkcs12 import load_key_and_certificates
import random
import logging.config
'version': 1,
'formatters': {
'verbose': {
'format': '%(name)s: %(message)s'
'handlers': {
'console': {
'level': 'DEBUG',
'class': 'logging.StreamHandler',
'formatter': 'verbose',
'loggers': {
'zeep.transports': {
'level': 'DEBUG',
'propagate': True,
'handlers': ['console'],
class BinarySignatureTimestamp(BinarySignature):
def apply(self, envelope, headers):
security = utils.get_security_header(envelope)
created = datetime.utcnow()
expired = created + timedelta(seconds=1 * 60)
timestamp = utils.WSU('Timestamp')
timestamp.append(utils.WSU('Created', created.replace(microsecond=0).isoformat()+'Z'))
timestamp.append(utils.WSU('Expires', expired.replace(microsecond=0).isoformat()+'Z'))
super().apply(envelope, headers)
return envelope, headers
def verify(self, envelope):
return envelope
def pfx_to_pem(pfx_path, pfx_password):
''' Decrypts the .pfx file to be used with requests. '''
pfx = Path(pfx_path).read_bytes()
private_key, main_cert, add_certs = load_key_and_certificates(pfx, pfx_password.encode('utf-8'), None)
with NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.pem', delete=False) as t_pem:
with open(, 'wb') as pem_file:
pem_file.write(private_key.private_bytes(Encoding.PEM, PrivateFormat.PKCS8, NoEncryption()))
for ca in add_certs:
def generate_nonce(length=15):
"""Generate pseudorandom number."""
return ''.join([str(random.randint(0, 9)) for i in range(length)])
api_p12_key = os.path.join('C:\\Users\\SGUPTA\\ALL\\Projects\\AEPE2\\API Outplan OSI TCC MOTE.p12')
api_certificate = os.path.join('C:\\Users\\SGUPTA\\ALL\\Projects\\AEPE2\\OSITCC.crt')
api_pfx_key = os.path.join('C:\\Users\\SGUPTA\\ALL\\Projects\\AEPE2\\API Outplan OSI TCC MOTE.pfx')
wsdl_file = os.path.join('C:\\Users\\SGUPTA\\ALL\\Projects\\AEPE2\\Nodal.wsdl')
api_base_url = ""
session = requests.Session()
Pkcs12Adapter(pkcs12_filename=api_p12_key, pkcs12_password='AEP'))
session.verify = None
transport = Transport(session=session)
settings = Settings(forbid_entities=False)
print("Creating client.")
with pfx_to_pem(pfx_path=api_pfx_key, pfx_password='hidden') as pem_fle:
client = Client(wsdl=wsdl_file, settings=settings, transport=transport,
wsse=BinarySignatureTimestamp(pem_fle, api_certificate, "AEP"))
print("Making request.")
request_data = {
"Header": {
"Verb": "get",
"Noun": "SystemStatus",
"ReplayDetection": {
"Nonce": generate_nonce(),
"Created": "2022-11-10T15:34:00-06:00"},
"Revision": "1",
"Source": "API Outplan OSI TCC",
"UserID": "API_OutplanOSITCC",
print("Call URL")
Could anyone please advise how to fix this and what needs to be changed?

AttributeError: module '' has no attribute 'types'

I am building a telegram-bot and using Dialogflow in it, I am getting the following error :
2021-11-19 23:26:46,936 - __main__ - ERROR - Update '{'message': {'entities': [],
'delete_chat_photo': False, 'text': 'hi', 'date': 1637344606, 'new_chat_members': [],
'channel_chat_created': False, 'message_id': 93, 'photo': [], 'group_chat_created':
False, 'supergroup_chat_created': False, 'new_chat_photo': [], 'caption_entities': [],
'chat': {'id': 902424541, 'type': 'private', 'first_name': 'Akriti'},
'from': {'first_name': 'Akriti', 'id': 902424541, 'is_bot': False, 'language_code': 'en'}
}, 'update_id': 624230278}' caused error 'module '' has no
attribute 'types''
It appears there is some issue with the Dialogflow attribute "types", but I don't know what I am doing wrong.
Here is the code where I am using it:
import os
os.environ["GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS"] = "client.json"
from import dialogflow
dialogflow_session_client = dialogflow.SessionsClient()
PROJECT_ID = "get-informed-ufnl"
from gnewsclient import gnewsclient
client = gnewsclient.NewsClient()
def detect_intent_from_text(text, session_id, language_code='en'):
session = dialogflow_session_client.session_path(PROJECT_ID, session_id)
text_input = dialogflow.types.TextInput(text=text, language_code=language_code)
query_input = dialogflow.types.QueryInput(text=text_input)
response = dialogflow_session_client.detect_intent(session=session, query_input=query_input)
return response.query_result
def get_reply(query, chat_id):
response = detect_intent_from_text(query, chat_id)
if response.intent.display_name == 'get_news':
return "get_news", dict(response.parameters)
return "small_talk", response.fulfillment_text
def fetch_news(parameters):
client.language = parameters.get('language')
client.location = parameters.get('geo-country')
client.topic = parameters.get('topic')
return client.get_news()[:5]
topics_keyboard = [
['Top Stories', 'World', 'Nation'],
['Business', 'Technology', 'Entertainment'],
['Sports', 'Science', 'Health']
I figured it out, the problem lies in the import statement. The correct module name should be:
import as dialogflow
I recommend to deactivate your current error handler or use one similar to this example such that you can see the full traceback of the exception :)
Disclaimer: I'm currently the maintainer of python-telegram-bot

Flask - TypeError: Object of type cycle is not JSON serializable

I'm trying to return a json response from server to client after client makes a post via AJAX.
Like this, it works:
#app.route("/test", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def test():
if request.is_xhr:
json_response = {
"result": "success"
except Exception as e:
err = _except(line=sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno, error=e, function_name=what_func(), script_name=__file__)
json_response = {"result": "failure", "msg": err}
return jsonify(json_response)
return redirect("/not-found")
return ''
If I do like this, it doesn't works:
#app.route("/test", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def test():
if request.is_xhr:
_dict = {
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2"
if not "my_dict" in session:
session["my_dict"] = [_dict]
session["my_dict"] = session["my_dict"] + [_dict]
session.modified = True
json_response = {
"result": "success"
except Exception as e:
err = _except(line=sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno, error=e, function_name=what_func(), script_name=__file__)
json_response = {"result": "failure", "msg": err}
return jsonify(json_response)
return redirect("/not-found")
return ''
I get the following error and client doesn't receives json response:
File "~/myprojectenv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/flask/json/", line 100, in default
return _json.JSONEncoder.default(self, o)
File "/usr/lib/python3.8/json/", line 179, in default
raise TypeError(f'Object of type {o.__class__.__name__} '
TypeError: Object of type cycle is not JSON serializable
[2020-09-26 19:01:14,091] ERROR in app: Request finalizing failed with an error while handling an error
If I remove that stretch:
if not "my_dict" in session:
session["my_dict"] = [_dict]
session["my_dict"] = session["my_dict"] + [_dict]
session.modified = True
It works again. Client receives json response.
I figured out the trouble.
Check out the following function:
#app.route("/test", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def test():
if request.is_xhr:
licycle = cycle(files)
nextelem = next(licycle)
_dict = {
"sid": session["_id"],
"licycle": licycle,
"nextelem": nextelem,
"licycle2": licycle2,
"nextelem2": nextelem2,
"mon_id": _id,
"sch_id": 0
if not "all_submons" in session:
session["all_submons"] = [_dict]
session["all_submons"] = session["all_submons"] + [_dict]
session.modified = True
all_submons.setdefault("sub_mons", []).append(_dict)
json_response = {"result": "success"}
except Exception as e:
err = _except(line=sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno, error=e, function_name=what_func(), script_name=__file__)
json_response = {"result": "failure", "err": err}
except Exception as e:
return jsonify(json_response)
return redirect("/not-found")
return ""
The reason is that type of licycle variable is <class 'itertools.cycle'> and session "probably doesn't accepts" that type of variable like a dictionary accepts as you can see in my all_submons dict variable.
The point is:
The execution DOESN'T FALLS in exception. And _dict is stored on session as you can see to next.
print(f"Session before: {session}")
print(f"all_submons before: {all_submons}")
if not "all_submons" in session:
session["all_submons"] = [_dict]
session["all_submons"] = session["all_submons"] + [_dict]
session.modified = True
all_submons.setdefault("sub_mons", []).append(_dict)
print(f"Session after: {session}")
print(f"all_submons after: {all_submons}\n")
You can check the output:
Session before: <SecureCookieSession {'_fresh': True, '_id': 'e253a950...', 'all_submons': [], 'user_id': '1'}>
all_submons before: {}
Session after: <SecureCookieSession {'_fresh': True, '_id': 'e253a...', 'all_submons': [{'sid': 'e253a95...', 'licycle': <itertools.cycle object at 0x7fc989237280>, 'nextelem': ('1a4add0f275c7275.jpg',), 'licycle2': None, 'nextelem2': None, 'mon_id': 1, 'sch_id': 0}], 'user_id': '1'}>
all_submons after: {'sub_mons': [{'sid': 'e253a...', 'licycle': <itertools.cycle object at 0x7fd6f1a17b80>, 'nextelem': ('1a4add0f275c7275.jpg',), 'licycle2': None, 'nextelem2': None, 'mon_id': 1, 'sch_id': 0}]}
I'm not sure about session "probably doesn't accepts" that type of variable - <class 'itertools.cycle'>
But I created other dictionary with others variables, without type of itertools.cycle and it worked.

TatSu: yaml.representer.RepresenterError when dumping to YAML

I have a object model generated by TatSu after doing a successful parse. The model dumps to stdout using JSON format OK. But when I try to dump it to YAML, I get a RepresenterError exception. I am not sure how to solve this. The object model is generated internally by TatSu. Can anyone shed any light on how to potentially resolve this error?
Using python 3.7.0 with TatSu v4.4.0 with pyyaml 5.1.2.
My code:
import sys
import json
import datetime
import tatsu
from tatsu.ast import asjson
from tatsu.objectmodel import Node
from tatsu.semantics import ModelBuilderSemantics
from tatsu.exceptions import FailedParse
class ModelBase(Node):
class MyModelBuilderSemantics(ModelBuilderSemantics):
def __init__(self, context=None, types=None):
types = [
t for t in globals().values()
if type(t) is type and issubclass(t, ModelBase)
] + (types or [])
super(MyModelBuilderSemantics, self).__init__(context=context, types=types)
def main():
grammar = open('STIL1999.ebnf.working').read()
parser = tatsu.compile(grammar, semantics=MyModelBuilderSemantics(), asmodel=True)
assert (parser is not None)
start =
ast = parser.parse(open(sys.argv[1]).read(), filename=sys.argv[1])
finish =
print('Total = %s' % (finish - start).total_seconds())
print(json.dumps(asjson(ast), indent=2))
except FailedParse as e:
print('Parse error : %s' % e.message)
return 1
from tatsu.yaml import ast_dump
ast_dump(ast, stream=open('foo.yaml', 'w'))
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
The output:
Total = 0.007043
"__class__": "StilSession",
"version": {
"ver": 1.0
"header": {
"__class__": "Header",
"objs": [
"k": "Title",
"v": "foo.gz"
"k": "Date",
"v": "Mon Nov 4 02:48:48 2019"
"k": "Source",
"v": "foo.gz"
"k": "History",
"objs": [
"__class__": "Annotation",
"ann": " This is a test "
"blocks": []
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./", line 57, in <module>
File "./", line 52, in main
ast_dump(ast, stream=open('foo.yaml', 'w'))
File "/sw_tools/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tatsu/", line 50, i
n ast_dump
return dump(data, object_pairs_hook=AST, **kwargs)
File "/sw_tools/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tatsu/", line 33, i
n dump
File "/sw_tools/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/yaml/", line 29
0, in dump
return dump_all([data], stream, Dumper=Dumper, **kwds)
File "/sw_tools/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/yaml/", line 27
8, in dump_all
File "/sw_tools/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/yaml/", line
27, in represent
node = self.represent_data(data)
File "/sw_tools/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/yaml/", line
58, in represent_data
node = self.yaml_representers[None](self, data)
File "/sw_tools/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/yaml/", line
231, in represent_undefined
raise RepresenterError("cannot represent an object", data)
yaml.representer.RepresenterError: ('cannot represent an object', <tatsu.synth.StilSession object at 0x7ffff6
This issue was resolved by the OP in TatSu pull request #146

Flask TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable

I am not sure why I am getting this TypeError:
File "C:/Users/PycharmProjects/REST/", line 30, in
if ("isbn" in book and "name" in book and "price" in book):
TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable - - [12/Nov/2018 14:22:29] "POST /books HTTP/1.1" 500 -
from flask import Flask, jsonify, request
from test import *
{'name': 'M',
'price': 6.75,
{'name': 'G',
'price': 7.75,
#GET /store
#app.route('/books') #first endpoint
def get_books():
return jsonify({'books': books})
# POST /books
#{'name': 'F',
#'price': 7.00,
#'isbn': 789
def valid_book_object(book):
if ("isbn" in book and "name" in book and "price" in book):
return True
return False
#app.route('/books', methods=['POST'])
def add_book():
#return jsonify(request.get_json())
books.insert(0, request_data)
return "True"
return "False"
#GET /books/456
#app.route('/books/<int:isbn>') #second endpoint
def get_book_by_isbn(isbn):
for book in books:
if book["isbn"]==isbn:
'name': book["name"],
return jsonify(return_value)
You are not sending JSON data to /books route using POST method.
I tried your solution with postman and it worked. Also, if you want to use some route for GET and POST, don't split them. Use methods=['GET', 'POST']. Here is your code reformatted with PEP 8 standard:
from flask import Flask, jsonify, request
app = Flask(__name__)
books = [
{'name': 'M',
'price': 6.75,
'isbn': 123
{'name': 'G',
'price': 7.75,
'isbn': 456
# POST /books
# {
# "name": "F",
# "price": 7.00,
# "isbn": 789
# }
def valid_book_object(book):
if "isbn" in book and "name" in book and "price" in book:
return True
return False
#app.route('/books', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def add_book():
# If request is GET, just return JSON data of books.
if request.method == 'GET':
return jsonify({'books': books})
# This is part if it is POST request
request_data = request.get_json()
if valid_book_object(request_data):
books.insert(0, request_data)
return "True"
return "False"
# GET /books/456
#app.route('/books/<int:isbn>') # second endpoint
def get_book_by_isbn(isbn):
return_value = {}
for book in books:
if book["isbn"] == isbn:
return_value = {
'name': book["name"],
'price': book["price"]
return jsonify(return_value)
return 'No book with {} isbn value'.format(isbn)
if __name__ == '__main__':
And here is the output from postman (you can see True at the bottom, that is what you return if POST was successful):
If you use postman, be sure to select application/json content-type.
If you are using JQuery ajax method, please read this answer. But anyway, here is using JQuery (tested):
data = JSON.stringify({
name: "F",
price: 7.00,
isbn: 789
url: '/books',
type: "POST",
data: data,
contentType: "application/json",
dataType: "json",
success: function(){
console.log('Post executed successfully');
