I want to parse a current date to step that is editing given field in request file.
id: "string",
date: "string" (must be today)
So I have step to insert given string in feature file, but I dont know how can I parse current date
Thank you for any help
I'm trying to retrieve an attached file (or files) from a record in Acumatica. I'm using the following example:
I've attached a file to the demo inventory stock item "AACOMPUT01".
Most of the code runs as expected, but when it gets to the code line:
JArray jFiles = jItem.Value<JArray>("files");
it returns null for the jFiles JArray - as if there are no files attached.
Is there something wrong with this example - or something I need to add to get it to work?
I'm using 2021 R1 (21.107.0023), and the endpoint is default 20.200.001...
Execute a GET request on StockItem endpoint with the expand files option:
This returns the files array:
"files": [
"id": "bdb9534c-6aa9-41fa-a65d-3119e32b0fe5",
"filename": "Stock Items (AACOMPUT01)\\AACOMPUT01.jpg",
"href": "/Acumatica/entity/Default/20.200.001/files/bdb9534c-6aa9-41fa-a65d-3119e32b0fe5"
Use the href URL parameter value to issue the GET request which returns the file content:
Desired Behaviour
Upload file using Microsoft Forms
Get file content
Create new file in new location
Delete original file
Actual Behaviour
I am getting error at step 2:
"body": {
"status": 404,
"message": "File not found\r\nclientRequestId: yadda-yadda\r\nserviceRequestId: yadda-yadda"
What I've Tried
In the Power Automate flow, the trigger is:
When a new response is submitted
The next action is:
Get response details
The Raw Outputs of this last action is essentially:
"body": {
"responder": "me#domain.com",
"submitDate": "7/5/2021 3:17:56 AM",
"my-text-field-01": "text string here",
"my-file-upload-field-01": [{.....}],
"my-file-upload-field-02": [{.....}],
"my-text-field-02": "text string here"
The file upload fields have this schema:
"name": "My File Name_Uploader Name.docx",
"link": "https://my-tenant.sharepoint.com/sites/my-team-site/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc=%7B0F1C3107-32C9-4CEF-B4BA-87E57C9DC514%7D&file=My%20File%20Name_Uploader%20Name.docx&action=default&mobileredirect=true",
"type": null,
"size": 20400,
"driveId": "letters-and-numbers-here",
"status": 1,
"uploadSessionUrl": null
Strangely, the id or referenceId values in this object do not correspond with the Document ID that is displayed when looking at the document's properties in the SharePoint document library:
Anyhow, I can target the uploaded file properties with these expressions in the flow:
The next action I want to take is Get file content.
It seems this can be done via the following actions:
SharePoint Connectors
Get file content
Get file content using path
OneDrive for Business Connectors
Get file content
Get file content using path
I'd like to use Get file content (as it seems more dynamic than having to pass through a hardcoded path).
Several posts suggest the value I pass through to this action as the File ID should be a concatenation of driveId and id, ie:
Move, rename a file submitted in a Microsoft Form
Working with files from the Forms "File Upload" question type
However, when I try the following:
I get the error:
"body": {
"status": 404,
"message": "File not found\r\nclientRequestId: yadda-yadda\r\nserviceRequestId: yadda-yadda"
What should I be passing into Get file content as the File Identifier?
Edit 1
After reading this, perhaps File Identifier actually refers to a 'file path', ie:
/Shared Documents/Apps/Microsoft Forms/My Form Name/Question/My File Name.docx
Ergh, I tried the path above as the File Identifier (by using the UI to manually select the file) and it works - not sure how I can create it dynamically as passing in a dynamic file name does not work:
/Shared Documents/Apps/Microsoft Forms/My Form Name/Question/#{variables('file_upload_wor_document_name')}
Edit 2
The last code snippet works as File Identifier when using SharePoint's Get file content using path connector.
Would still appreciate any clarification on all the different types of id that are referred to in SharePoint/Power Automate/MS Graph etc and why driveId.id was suggested as the value to use in some places.
I am finding not having access to the relevant file id at different times is problematic, eg the Delete file action requires File Identifier to delete the file uploaded to Microsoft Forms - and I don't have access to that from the Get response details response.
You may find what you need by first getting the file metadata. When working with files uploaded through forms I sometimes use the following steps:
Parse JSON for the question related to the uploaded file(s).
Get File Metadata (in my example, using path)
Now you have the details for doing what you want. In my example to create a table in the uploaded XLXS file for other uses.
Example: Getting file metadata from MS/Forms Upload
I have a SharePoint library in which I will upload an excel file periodically.
I want to read the content of the excel file, and do some processing.
I have added the 'List rows present in a table' and it is working okay initially.
However when I upload an updated excel file, the flow fails with the below error:
No table was found with the name '{********-****-****-****-C30E********}'.
clientRequestId: ********-****-****-****-4fbe********
serviceRequestId: ********-****-****-****-c00c********
How can I get around this?
The number of rows will be different each time.
Is there any other way to read the content of the excel file?
You may wish to use the below. You can build a string variable of your file name and call an http request to Sharepoint to evaluate it, find the file, and return the file ID.
I use this method so a user can provide the XLSX file name at runtime as an input to a manually triggered flow.
"Send an HTTP request to Sharepoint"
Site address : the Sharepoint Site
Method : Get
URI : _api/v2.0/drive/root:/My Sharepoint Folder if not at the root folder/My Sharepoint File.xlsx
Headers : accept application/json
Body : {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"path": {
"type": "string"
"table": {
"type": "string"
Test if it failed .. do something else
Then you can use the ID in your
"List rows present in a table"
Location : The Sharepoint Site
Document Library: Documents
File : #{body('Send_an_HTTP_request_to_SharePoint')?['id']}
Table : Table1
Rephrasing question entirely, as first attempt was unclear.
In my logic app I am reading a .json from blob which contains:
"alpha": {
"url": "https://linktoalpha.com",
"meta": "This logic app does job aaaa"
"beta": {
"url": "https://linktobeta.com",
"meta": "This logic app does job beta"
"theta": {
"url": "https://linktotheta.com",
"meta": "This logic app does job theta"
I'm triggering the logic app with a http post which contains in the body:
{ "logicappname": "beta" }
But the value for 'logicappname' could be alpha, beta or theta. I now need to set a variable which contains the url value for 'beta'. How can this be achieved without jsonpath support?
I am already json parsing the file contents from the blob and this IS giving me the tokens... but I cannot see how to select the value I need. Would appreciate any assistance, thank you.
For your requirement, I think just use "Parse JSON" action to do it. Please refer to the steps below:
1. I upload a file testJson.json to my blob storage, then get it and parse it in my logic app.
2. We can see there are three url in the screenshot below. As you want to get the url value for beta, it is the second one, so we can choose the second one.
If you want to get the url value by the param logicappname from the "When a HTTP request is received" trigger, you can use a expression when you create the result variable.
In my screenshot, the expression is:
As the description of your question is a little unclear and I'm confused about the meaning of I am already json parsing the file contents from the blob and this IS giving me the tokens, why is "tokens" involved in it ? And in the original question it seems you want to do it by jsonpath but in the latest description you said without jsonpath ? So if I misunderstand your question, please let me know. Thanks.
Not sure if I understand your question. But I believe you can use Pars Json action after the http trigger.
With this you will get a control over the incoming JSON message and you can choose the 'URL' value as a dynamic content in the subsequent actions.
Let me know if my understanding about your question is wrong.
I'm working with SailsJS and MongoDB and I have an API that has two models and I want to store Date and Time separately but as in the official documentation said it doesn't have a typeof Time attribute, just Date and DateTime. So, I'm using DateTime to store Time values.
I send the values in the request to be stored in the database, I have no problem to store dates, I just send a value like:
and that's it, it is stored in the table with no problem, but when I want to store a Time value like:
it doesn't works. The error is:
"error": "E_VALIDATION",
"status": 400,
"summary": "1 attribute is invalid",
"model": "ReTime",
"invalidAttributes": {
"value": [
"rule": "datetime",
"message": "`undefined` should be a datetime (instead of \"19:23:12\", which is a string)"
So, any idea how to send the time value to be stored in a DateTime attribute?
I also have tried to send it in different formats like:
But any of them works fine.
Also I was thinking to store both values (Date and Time) in plain text, I mean typeof String attributes. But I need to make some queries and I don't know if it will affect the performance with the waterline ORM.
Please any kind of help will come in handy.
Thanks a lot!
You have two options here. The best would be to simply store the date and time as a datetime and parse them into separate values when you need to use them. MongoDB will store this in BSON format and this will be the most efficient method.
Otherwise, you could use string and create a custom validation rule as described in the Sails documentation.