Accessing the values to monitor for checkpoint saving - pytorch

I would like to save the top-10 checkpionts along training. By checking documentations, setting save_top_k, monitor and mode options in ModelCheckpoint jointly seem to do the job.
But I am not sure what are the parameters available for the this callback to monitor. Are they logged values saved during training_step() or validation_step() through self.log("loss", XYZ)?
Thank you in advance!

Yes. As in your example, loss can be use in monitor. Similarly, you can specify
self.log("val_acc", X_variable).


Why does SageMaker PyTorch DDP init times out on SageMaker?

I'm using PyTorch DDP on SageMaker PyTorch Training DLC 1.8.1 The code seems properly DDP-formatted. I'm using instance_count = 2, and launching torch.distributed.launch and I believe the ranks and world size are properly set however the dist.init_process_group waits and times out
RuntimeError: Timed out initializing process group in store based barrier on rank: 0, for key: store_based_barrier_key:1 (world_size=2, worker_count=1, timeout=0:30:00)
What could go wrong? machines not networked together?
This is usually something to do with the way local_rank is retrieved and used during initialization. Please refer to the below example and see if you can figure out the difference.
The torch.distributed.launch is the helper utility within the torch.distributed package which can be used to launch multiple processes per node for distributed training. It tells all workers which IP address is of rank 0 which is set by MASTER_ADDR,
Each rank needs to be able to communicate to the MASTER_ADDR on the port MASTER_PORT. If those are set but the workers cannot reach the MASTER_ADDR, then it can be the root cause of hang and timeoutfor the job.
Besides, it will also wait until all nodes report in from --nodes defined in the launch as well.

python-can Keep getting the same message(id)

I'm more of a HW engineer who's currently trying to use Python at work. What I want to accomplish via Python is read the CAN-FD output from the DUT and use it for monitoring purposes in the measurement setup. But, I think I didn't get the correct result. Because it shows the same message(id) even there so much more. Based on my understanding from other examples, this should shows the stream of all the messages since there was no filters. Is there anyone who can help me solve this issue or have the similar experience?
import can
def _get_message(msg):
return msg
bus = can.interface.Bus(bustype='vector',app_name ='app', channel=1, bitrate=500000)
buffer = can.BufferedReader()
while True:
msgs = bus.recv(None)
You don't say what you expected to see on your bus, but I assume there are a lot of different messages on it.
Simplify your problem to start with - set up a bus which has only a single message on it at a low rate. You might have to write some code for that, or you might get some tools which can send periodic messages with counters in for example. Make sure you can capture that correctly first. Then add a second message at a faster rate.
You will proably learn a selection of useful things from these exercises which mean that when you go back to your full-system you have more success, or at least have more ideas on what to debug :)
First of all, thanks for the answers and comments. the root cause was the incorrect HW configuration for the interface. I thought if HW configuration is wrong in the first place, there will be no output at all. But it turned out it is not. After proper configuration, I could see the output stream I expected.

Tune Hyperparameter in sklearn with ray

I wonder but could not found any information why this appears all the time if I try to tune hyperparameter from sklearn with TuneSearchCV:
Note that the important part is the Log sync warning and as a result that the logging in combination with tensorflow and search_optimization such as optuna does not work:
Backend is sklearn
Concatenating h5 datasets of the following files:
('output/example_train_1.h5', 'output/example_train_2.h5')
based on the following keys:
('x', 'y')
Concatenation successful, resulting shapes for the given dsets:
Key: x, shape: (20000, 25)
Key: y, shape: (20000,)
Log sync requires rsync to be installed.
Process finished with exit code 0
The tuning processes seem to be working, as long as I do not use search-optimization such as optional.
I use it within a docker container. I got through the ray-documentation, but I could find the source where I think the error drops. However, I could not find any settings or additional options on how to prevent it.
Furthermore, it seems that rsync is just necessary if I use a cluster. But actually, I don't do that right now.
The warning (Log sync requires rsync to be installed.) does not stop the script from executing. If rsync is not installed, it will just not synchronize logs between nodes, which seems to be unnecessary in your case anyway. You shouldn't run into any problem there.
It's hard to say what the problem here is, as we're missing crucial information: Which version of Ray are you running, which version of tune-sklearn, and how does your training script look like?
If you're running into problems and you suspect it is a bug, please consider opening an issue in the tune-sklearn repository, and make sure to include the above information and preferably a minimal reproducible script so the maintainers can look into this.

I need to measure the response time for a file export using Trueclient protocol in loadrunner

I need to measure the response time for a file export using Trueclient protocol in loadrunner.After i click on the export button the file will get downloaded. But i am not able to measure the time for the download accurately.
Pull that data from the HTTP request log, which will show the download request, and, if the w3c time-taken value is included in the log, the time required to fulfill the download.
You can process the log at the end of the test for the response time data. If you need to, you cam import a set of datapoints into analysis for representation with the rest of your data. You might want to consider a normalized value for your download, instead of a raw response time. I imagine that the files are of different sizes, so naturally they will have different download times. However, if you divide download bytes with time (in seconds), then you will have a normalized measurement of bytes per second which then allows you to compare one download to the next for consistent operation.
Also, keep in mind that since you are downloading a file, writing to a local disk, for (presumably) multiple users on a host, you will face the risk of turning your local file system into a bottleneck. You can see this same effect if you turn up logging on all users to the highest level and run your test. The wait for lock and wait for write, plus the actual writing of data, becomes a drag anchor to the performance of your virtual user. This is why the recommended log level is "log on error" or send the error to the output window of the controller via lr_output_message() or lr_vuser_status_message(). Consider a control load generator of the same hardware definition as the others with only a single virtual user of this type on it. If the control group and global group degrade together then you have an app issue. If your control user does not degrade, but your other users do, then you have a test bed induced influence on your results.
These are all issues independent of the tool you are using for the test.

where does iwconfig get data on bitrate in linux

I am writing a C program to calculate current bandwidth usage on a data link. I also need the bandwidth of the link.
For wireless links, iwconfig prints the wireless link characteristics which are stored in /proc/net/wireless. However how about data rate of the wireless link? Is it also stored somewhere in the (another)file?
Also for ethernet links, Are there similar files where all the link details are stored?
You should use libnl to query interface information. Don't rely on files under /proc or scrape the output of iw or iwconfig, since their output format might change any time.
If you are curious about the details, check out the source code of iw. It's easy to understand (I used it myself to understand how to query nl80211 for interface info).
So, I solved my problem by reading the tx_bytes and rx_bytes in the statistics directory of each interface. My function is called every 10 seconds. so, I save the current value of tx/rx_bytes in memory and when my function is called the next time, i use the current value and previous value to calculate the data rate.
