Retrieving and exporting millions of rows from SQL Server - excel

The company that I work for recently moved all of our medical claims onto a SQL Server database, and we now need software to retrieve these records and export them to a csv or txt file. Presently, our claims table has 11 million records but this increases daily.
Can this be done in Desktop BI, Power BI, Desktop Excel, or SQL Server Management Studio? I know that sheets in Desktop Excel have a cap at 1.2M rows, but we're thinking of loading into a data model and exporting that way (perhaps with DaxStudio).
Thank you.

You dont need Power BI or DaxStudio, exporting to CSV can be achieved within SQL Server Management Studio.
Right click on a database -> Tasks -> Export Data
Select your data source, probably using SQL Server Native Client. Input Server Name, Authentication details, and Database name
On the Destination tab, select Flat File, and enter a name / location and select file type of csv
Select "Copy data from one or more tables"
Select your table to export and configure the csv output as needed
On the next screen Run Immediately (you can also generate a rerunnable package from here) and Finish


Azure SQL - Take Backup of sepcific tables to another Database

I was trying to take specfic tables data in an Azure SQL DB and then dump this data in to a new table of same structure inside another existing SQL database. I don't want full back-up and both Azure SQL Databases are inside the same Azure SQL Server. It shows some security errors and so I thought I might be doing something wrong. Any tools/automated way to achieve this in Azure?
Try to use SQL Server Management Studio to generate a script of the data to copy from table A on Database A to table A on Database B as explained here.
Right click the source database and select "Generate Scripts..."
Click "Next" and skip the introduction. Click "Select specific database objects" and select the desired table "Newsletters" and "Next".
Now comes the important, "Advanced" part: Generate a script by selecting the output to a file, to the clipboard or to a new query window. Click on "Advanced" and in the option "Types of data to script", select "Data only" as shown here. Click "OK".
Select the "Types of data to script" as needed...
Now confirm the script generation with "Next".
The script has been generated. Click "Finish" to close the wizard. You will get the generated script in a new query window in the background.
Open a new query window in the destination database.
Then, copy the generated script into the destination query windows connected to the destination database and execute it (F5).
Check the result. All data should be available in the destination database in the table.

Refreshable pivot table connected to an external source

I am planning to deploy an Excel file where the users would only need to refresh to see the updated data. I can currently do this by sending out a new Excel file every time.
What I have:
Office 365
MariaDB on Digital Ocean
What I want:
Create a pivot table/data model connected to the database and have the data updated real time upon refresh.
I can do this on my own via ODBC but when sharing the file, it asks for the credentials which is saved on my ODBC file. Ideally, I don't want to share the credentials even though it's read-only.
Is there an alternative to ODBC so I can easily share the refreshable pivot table?

export complete database from Microsft Azure to .CSV or .TXT or .XLS or .XML etc

I would like to download my complete database that is stored on a microsft azure cloud system but I do not know how to do it. Could any one please help me out?
Try to use SQL Server Management Studio Data Export capability.
1) Download SSMS
2) Connect to your database (you may find the connection string on the DB dashboard)
3) Right click on your database in SSMS and choose Tasks -> Export Data
4) Complete the wizard. In destination part you may choose "Flat File Destination".
That should get you the data in the, for example, CSV format.

Import data from FoxPor .dbc files, re-create .frx reports in Excel / Power BI

there's an app in our company running on Visual FoxPro.
I need to create MS Power BI reports based on data from this app.
Files can be exported from the app manually to excel, which takes some time.
Ideally there was a data connection to Power BI to refresh data.
Opened .dbc file in VFP9, lots of tables and connections.
No app documentation available, don't know where to start.
Imported some data into x32 Access and Excel with MS ODBC connector.
Don't know how to re-create the connections and business-logic.
Opened .frx files for business logic. how do I convert that in Excel?
I am initially an Excel user, don't know any SQL or FoxPro.
Could learn MS Access if there's a way to import data from FoxPro.
So, I am not looking for a tool to migrate data from FoxPro.
But to refresh FoxPro DB data and re-create .frx logic in Excel / Power BI.
Is this feasable?

Windows Azure: importing data from Excel sheet?

I have a Windows Azure mobile service with a sql database.
I was wondering if it's possible to insert records from an excel sheet to an azure database table.
in other words, I have an excel sheet with many data records, I want to export the records to a database table.
is there any tool/service/SDK that provides this ?
I don't know of a tool that does that natively, but you can save your data in Excel as a CSV file, and use the BCP utility to load that data into any SQL database. Here is an older blog about the use of BCP with Azure SQL Database to get you started. If you are familiar with SSIS, you could import your data that way as well.
you could also try that that through SSMS normally (edit all rows and then just add it :-)) or use Access to connect to the front end?
