Android Studio - Cannot install emulator on M1 - android-studio

I am on the latest Canary build of Android Studio (2021.2.1 Canary 3) and trying to create a Virtual Device.
When i open the AVD manager, it says at the top:
No emulator installed.
with a Install Emulator button. When clicked, it says
The following packages are not available. Package id emulator.
I then headed over to SDK Tools but unfortunately, for me, "Android Emulator" is no more listed there under SDK Tools. (Check screenshot)
I tried manually downloading the emulator from and unzipped the files inside `Library/Android/sdk/emulator' but no changes reflected on Android Studio.
I am not sure if this is M1 chip specific but i have tried several solutions including upgrading/downgrading/fresh-installing Android Studio but with no luck at all.
Any leads will be very helpful.


Can't run Android Studio's Emulator

I guess it was because after run instrumented test file so become can't open Android Studio's emulator?
But I am not sure.
Error message:
Launching 'app' on No Devices.
Error while waiting for device: The emulator process for AVD Pixel_4_XL_API_30 was killed.
I used follow solution solved this problem.↓
Tools -> SDK Manager -> SDK Tools (tab) -> Deselect 'Android Emulator' -> OK
Now, when you try to run your app, or launch device from AVD Manager, it will give the 'Install Emulator' error -> Click Ok. This will automatically download the correct version.
I experienced the same problem with emulator version 30.6.4 and Android Studio Arctic Fox 2020.3.1 Canary 15. I tried switching from Intel HAXM to Windows Hyper-V and re-installed all android build tool and emulator packages. Afterwards it worked for a day.
The second thing I tried is manually installing an older version (30.5.5) of the emulator which you can get from here. Now Android Studio does not recognize my manual installation of the emulator and I can not start the AVD from the UI. However I can start it via cmd and install apps from within android studio without crashes (at least for the moment).
Start your AVD with the following command (android/sdk/emulator):
emulator -avd <name-with-_-instead-of-spaces>

Android Studios error : Unable to locate adb location

I'm new to Android Studios. After trying to press play on my Pixel 3a device emulator on AVD Manager this pops up. Error Message : Unable to locate adb
However my emulator runs just fine, I just can't run the "flutter run" command and the flutter app on the emulator. Emulator
I'm on Android Studios 4.0. Here's what I've tried so far to solve this issue.
AVG Antivirus
I added the adb.exe path in the exception section of my antivirus. AVG Antivirus
Android SDK Location
I went to SDK Manager, pressed edit beside the Android SDK Location box. All SDK components are already updated. Android SDK LocationUpdated SDK Components
SDK Platform Tools
I unchecked and checked SDK Platform Tools on SDK Tools.
Platform Tools
I've tried everything but still no luck. It's been a week and it's getting really annoying. I really do hope someone can help me. Really much appreciate it. Thanks in advance 😊
I've been tearing my hair out about this since I updated to v4.0 about an hour ago! :) This is what worked for me in the end (the other solutions about stopping starting adb server etc. just didn't work at all). YMMV.
Go into SDK manager, and uninstall :
Android Emulator
SDK platform tools
SDK command line tools
Close SDK manager and/or android studio completely.
Make sure the directories for these tools under AppData/ .. /Sdk have all been removed properly. Just zap them if they haven't.
Restart Android Studio and re-install all these packages.
I did another stop/restart after this, just to be sure.
Step 3: Profit!
Seems that upgrading the existing packages maybe didn't work properly, even if AS thought it did.
Still seem to be having issues using the geolocator package now (which was working fine before, so thinking this is setup too), but the emulator is starting OK now with no adb issues.
I tried reinstalling Android SDK after deleting the platform-tools dir but with no success. What did work for me were the following steps:
In Android Studio go to File > Project Structure (Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S in windows);
Under Project Settings>Project>Project SDK must have a valid Android SDK selected;
emulate a new device;
check if the adb daemon is running and recognizes the emulated device: open cmd prompt, run %ANDROID_HOME%\platform-tools\adb.exe devices and it should list the device you have on atm.
If you already have installed the Sdk tools at ~/Android/Sdk, you can add this to your .bashrc or .zshrc, alias adb=/home/USER/Android/Sdk/platform-tools/adb (change USER to your user) and restarting android studio, not invalidate caches/restart but closing it and re-opening it, which should pick the new adb alias from the shell.
The answers didn't work for me. So I removed/uninstalled everything and install a new android studio.
How to remove android studio correcly:

I can't run the Android Emulator

I'm completely new to Android and Android Studio. I was just coding.
So I was running the previous version of Android Emulator and it worked perfectly fine.
However, when I downloaded the latest Android Emulator 27.1.12, my Emulator couldn't run properly.
Issue: The code is running fine, but the Emulator can't display my application. When I click on the Emulator screen, I can still hear the Audio of my app. So I think the problem would be with my computer's hardware.
Because the Emulator couldn't run, I uninstalled the Android Emulator 27.1.12 and Android Studio reported these errors:
08:32 Emulator: [6684]:ERROR:android/android-emu/android/qt/qt_setup.cpp:28:Qt library not found at C:\Users\dell\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\emulator\lib64\qt\lib
08:32 Emulator: Could not launch ‘C:\Users\dell\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\emulator/qemu/windows-x86_64/qemu-system-i386.exe’: No such file or directory.
So, when I install the Emulator, it crashes, when I un-install it, I encounter these 2 errors. So is there a way for me to use the Emulator without causing the 2 errors?
I am not sure from your question, whether or not you have uninstalled and reinstalled the AVD Manager, so in the case you haven't:
I suggest you completely uninstall and then reinstall the Android Virtual Devices SDK (AVD Manager).
You can use the following instructions to help you out:
To uninstall/install the AVD Manager, go to Tools > SDK Manager > Android SDK and select the SDK Tools Tab. Then scroll down until you find the Android AVD/Virtual Devices SDK.
Also, make sure that the Android Emulator SDK is also installed.
I see in the new update of Android Studio, the Android Emulator option is not enabled by default.
So, let enable it in the Settings as the bellow and run Android Emulator again.
Have Android 3.2.1 which you need to install emulator manually by going into
Tools > SDK Manager > Android SDK and then select the SDK Tools Tab. Check the 'Android Emulator' then Apply.

Cannot Start Android Emulator on Android Studio Version 2.3.3 After Android Oreo Installation

I am unable start android emulator on android version 2.3.3 after android Oreo installation.
At first it worked,but now after a weekend when i ran a project the emulator doesn't pop up.
AVD loading notification is shown as in the below screenshot(dummy screenshot image in reality the notification is different)
But it will not appear,I have completely installed every package related to android Oreo in the sdk tool manager
Still the same result,if anyone has the same issue and have found a solution.Please,help.
Try to use cmd command like
*path_to_your_android_sdk*\tools\emulator -avd *device_name, f.e Nexus_5_API_23*
It should give you some detailed output about what happened wrong or would launch emulator.
Also make sure you are using last version of emulator (you have added screenshots only for SDK).
If nothing works - just remove all related to emulator sdk tools and reinstall them.

AndroidStudio 15.1 emulator error 'mksdcard.exe' is missing from the SDK tools folder

My android studio 15.1 gives this error when i try to run an emulator and it does not allow me to click on the button AVD manager. please help
I was faceting the same error. When I had been trying to add a new Virtual Device Android Studio was telling me Android Emulator was not installed even though it was installed. If I was keeping trying to add to the virtual device it warned me to check logs.
Looking at my idea.log file I found the following message
'mksdcard' is missing from the SDK tools folder.
So I tried to reinstall Android Emulator from SDK Manager at Tools -> SDK Manager and it was solved.
