I have a databricks job that run many commands and at the end it tries to save the results to a folder. However, it is failed because it tried to write a file to folder but folder was not exists.
I simply created the folder.
However, how can I make it continue where it left without executing all the previous commands.
I assume that by Databricks job you refer to the way to run non-interactive code in a Databricks cluster.
I do not think that what you ask is possible, namely getting the output of a certain Spark task from a previous job run on Databricks. As pointed out in the other answer, "if job is finished, then all processed data is gone". This has to do with the way Spark works under the hood. If you are curious about this topic, I suggest you start reading this post about Transformations and Actions in Spark.
Although you can think of a few workarounds, for instance if you are curious about certain intermediate outputs of your job, you could decide to temporary write your DataFrame/Dataset to some external location. In this way you can easily resume a the job from your preferred point by reading one of your checkpoints as input. This approach is a bit clanky and I do not recommend it, but it's a quick and dirty solution you might want to choose if you are in the testing/designing phase.
A more robust solution would involve splitting your job in multiple sub-jobs and setting upstream & downstream dependencies among them. You can do that using Databricks natively (Task dependencies section) or an external scheduler that integrates with Databricks, like Airflow.
In this way, you can split your tasks and you will be able to have an higher control granularity on your Application. So, in case of again failures on the writing step, you will be able to re run only the writing easily.
If job is finished, then all processed data is gone, until you write some intermediate states (additional tables, etc.) from which you can continue processing. In most cases, Spark actually execute the code only when it's writing results of execution of provided transformations.
So right now you just need to rerun the job.
Short question: what are the best practices for using spark in large ETL processes in terms of reliability and fault tolerance?
My team and I are working on the pyspark pipeline processing many (~50) tables resulting in wide tables (~5000 columns). The pipeline is so complex that usual way of using spark (series of joins and transformation) cannot be applied here: spark takes a lot of time just to construct the execution plan and fails often during the execution.
Instead, we use intermediate steps which are temporary tables. Every few joins we save the data to some table and use it afterwards. It does really help with reliability but reduces the speed of process: subsequent steps are not executed until the previous steps have been completed. Additionally, intermediate tables help to debug the pipeline and compare different versions between each other.
Our solution to the speed problem is to parallelise the execution of steps manually: we separate ones which can be run independently and put them into different files. These files then are launched in airflow as different operators.
The approach we use which is described above sounds like a big crutch because it feels like we are doing the spark’s job manually. Are there any other possibilities to tackle these problems?
We considered using spark’s .checkpoint() method but it has drawbacks:
The storage the method uses is not a usual table and it is not possible (or not convenient) to use for debug or compare purposes
If the pipeline fails than you have to restart the whole process from the start. Using our approach one can restart only failed operator in airflow and use results of previous operators to continue the job
I am using the %run feature in Azure databricks to execute many notebooks in sequence from a command notebook. One notebook has a single line of code which is a long computation on a dataset (~ 5 hrs) and I want to save the output of this. I tried including the save step at the end of the long-running notebook, but the save times out (see error below). I'm only seeing this error when the long-running notebook takes 2+ hrs to run. Is there any way I can automate this?
I'm able to pass the data I want back through the %run feature in the command notebook and save the data there, but I have to run the save manually after the long-running notebook, otherwise I get the same authentication timeout error. I'd like to be able to have one notebook where I only need to click "run all".
I find it is better to break up long notebooks into smaller ones and use the multi-task job scheduler to help run them in order.
If a single line of code cannot be broken up (per comment), then I wonder if the single line is being parallelized. If so, maybe you need more workers. If not, then using a large single node cluster would be my suggestion if parallelizing is not an option.
I am trying to understand how the apache beam works and im not quite sure if i do. So, i want someone to tell me if my understanding is right:
Beam is a layer of abstraction over big data frameworks like spark,hadoop,google data flow etc. Now quite every functionality but almost that is the case
Beam treats data in two forms bounded and unbounded. Bounded like a .csv and unbounded like a kafka subscription. There are different i/o read methods for each. For unbounded data we need to implement windowing (attaching a timestamp to each data point) and trigger (a timestamp). A batch here would be all the datapoints in a window till a trigger is hit. For the bounded datasets however, all the dataset is loaded in RAM (? if yes, how do i make beam work on batches?). The output of a i/o method is a pCollection
There are pTransformations (these are the operations i want run on the data) that apply to each element of the of the pCollection. I can make these pTransformations apply over a spark or flint cluster (this choice goes in the initial options set for the pipeline). each pTransformation emits a pCollection and that is how we chain various pTransformations together. End is a pCollection that can be saved to disk
End of the pipeline could be a save on some file system (How does this happen when i am reading a .csv in batches?)
Please point out to me any lapses in my understanding
Beam is not like google cloud dataflow, Cloud Dataflow is a runner on top of Apache Beam. It executes Apache Beam pipelines. But you can run an Apache Beam job with a local runner not on the cloud. There are plenty of different runners that you can find in the documentation : https://beam.apache.org/documentation/#available-runners
One specific aspect of Beam is that it's the same pipeline for Batch and Stream and that's the purpose. You can specify --streaming as an argument to execute your pipeline, withou it it should execute it in batch. But it mostly depends on you inputs, the data will just flow into the pipeline. And that's one important point, PCollections do not contain persistent data just like RDD's for Spark RDD.
You can apply a PTransform on part of your data, it's not necessarly on all the data. All the PTranforms together forms the pipeline.
It really depends where and what format you want for your output...
I have a spark process that writes to hdfs (parquet files). My guess is that by default, if spark has some failure and retry, it could write some files twice (am I wrong?).
But then, how should I do to get idempotence on the hdfs output?
I see 2 situations that should be questioned differently (but please correct me or develop it if you know better):
the failure happens while writing one item: I guess the writes is restarted, thus could write twice if the post on hdfs is not "atomic" w.r.t to spark writing call. What are the chances?
the failure happens in any place, but due to how the execution dag is made, the restart will happens in a task that is before several write tasks (I am thinking of having to restart before some groupBy for example), and some of these writes tasks were already done. Does spark execution guarantee that those tasks won't be called again?
I think it is depends on what kind of committer you use for your job and that committer is able to undo the failed job or not. for example
when you using Apache Parquet-formatted output, Spark expects the committer Parquet to be a subclass of ParquetOutputCommitter. and if you use this committer DirectParquetOutputCommitter to for example appending data it is not able to undo the job. code
if you use ParquetOutputCommitter itself you can see that it extends FileOutputCommitter and overrides commitJob(JobContext jobContext) method a bit.
OutputCommitter API:
The setupJob() method is called before the job is run, and is typically used to perform
initialization. For FileOutputCommitter, the method creates the final output directory,
${mapreduce.output.fileoutputformat.outputdir}, and a temporary working space
for task output, _temporary, as a subdirectory underneath it.
If the job succeeds, the commitJob() method is called, which in the default file-based
implementation deletes the temporary working space and creates a hidden empty marker
file in the output directory called _SUCCESS to indicate to filesystem clients that the job
completed successfully. If the job did not succeed, abortJob() is called with a state object
indicating whether the job failed or was killed (by a user, for example). In the default
implementation, this will delete the job’s temporary working space.
The operations are similar at the task level. The setupTask() method is called before the
task is run, and the default implementation doesn’t do anything, because temporary
directories named for task outputs are created when the task outputs are written.
The commit phase for tasks is optional and may be disabled by returning false from
needsTaskCommit(). This saves the framework from having to run the distributed commit
protocol for the task, and neither commitTask() nor abortTask() is called.
FileOutputCommitter will skip the commit phase when no output has been written by a
If a task succeeds, commitTask() is called, which in the default implementation moves the
temporary task output directory (which has the task attempt ID in its name to avoid
conflicts between task attempts) to the final output path,
${mapreduce.output.fileoutputformat.outputdir}. Otherwise, the framework calls
abortTask(), which deletes the temporary task output directory.
The framework ensures that in the event of multiple task attempts for a particular task,
only one will be committed; the others will be aborted. This situation may arise because
the first attempt failed for some reason — in which case, it would be aborted, and a later,
successful attempt would be committed. It can also occur if two task attempts were
running concurrently as speculative duplicates; in this instance, the one that finished first
would be committed, and the other would be aborted.
I have an application written for Spark using Scala language. My application code is kind of ready and the job runs for around 10-15 mins.
There is an additional requirement to provide status of the application execution when spark job is executing at run time. I know that spark runs in lazy way and it is not nice to retrieve data back to the driver program during spark execution. Typically, I would be interested in providing status at regular intervals.
Eg. if there 20 functional points configured in the spark application then I would like to provide status of each of these functional points as and when they are executed/ or steps are over during spark execution.
These incoming status of function points will then be taken to some custom User Interface to display the status of the job.
Can some one give me some pointers on how this can be achieved.
There are few things you can do on this front that I can think of.
If your job contains multiple actions, you can write a script to poll for the expected output of those actions. For example, imagine your script have 4 different DataFrame save calls. You could have your status script poll HDFS/S3 to see if the data has showed up in the expected output location yet. Another example, I have used Spark to index to ElasticSearch, and I have written status logging to poll for how many records are in the index to print periodic progress.
Another thing I tried before is use Accumulators to try and keep rough track of progress and how much data has been written. This works ok, but it is a little arbitrary when Spark updates the visible totals with information from the executors so I haven't found it to be too helpfully for this purpose generally.
The other approach you could do is poll Spark's status and metric APIs directly. You will be able to pull all of the information backing the Spark UI into your code and do with it whatever you want. It won't necessarily tell you exactly where you are in your driver code, but if you manually figure out how your driver maps to stages you could figure that out. For reference, here are is the documentation on polling the status API: