Varnish Max Threads hit & backend and session connections issue - varnish

We are facing issues with varnish Max Threads hit & backend and session connections spikes. We are not sure about the cause, but what we have observed is it happens when the origin servers have high response times and eventually return uncacheable (502) responses.
Varnish usage :
We've configured varnish behind nginx proxy, so the incoming requests first hit nginx and then is consistently balanced to n varnish. Varnish, in case of miss, call the origin nginx host, here
In our case, we only cache HTTP GET requests and all of them have JSON payload in response, size ranging from 0.001 MB to 2 MB.
Example request :
Expected xkey : test/abc
Response : Json payload
Approx QPS : 60-80 HTTP GET Requests
Avg obj ttl : 2d
Avg obj grace : 1d
Attaching the vcl file, statistics and varnish run command for debugging purpose.
Monitoring Stats :
Cache status
Backend Connections
Objects expired
Varnish and VCL Configuration :
Varnish version : Linux,5.4.0,x86_64,varnish-6.5.1
varnishd -F -j unix,user=nobody -a :6081 -T localhost:6082 -f /etc/varnish/default.vcl -s file,/opt/varnishdata/cache,750G
vcl 4.0;
import xkey;
import std;
acl purgers {
backend default {
.host = "";
.port = "80";
sub vcl_recv {
unset req.http.Cookie;
if (req.method == "PURGE") {
if (client.ip !~ purgers) {
return (synth(403, "Forbidden"));
if (req.http.xkey) {
set req.http.n-gone = xkey.softpurge(req.http.xkey);
return (synth(200, "Invalidated "+req.http.n-gone+" objects"));
else {
return (purge);
# remove request id from request
set req.url = regsuball(req.url, "reqid=[-_A-z0-9+()%.]+&?", "");
# remove trailing ? or &
set req.url = regsub(req.url, "[?|&]+$", "");
# set hostname for backend request
set = "";
sub vcl_backend_response {
# Sets default TTL in case the baackend does not send a Caching related header
set beresp.ttl = std.duration(beresp.http.X-Cache-ttl, 2d);
# Grace period to keep serving stale entries
set beresp.grace = std.duration(beresp.http.X-Cache-grace, 1d);
# extract xkey
if (bereq.url ~ "/some-string/") {
set beresp.http.xkey = regsub (bereq.url,".*/some-string/([^?]+).*","\1");
# This block will make sure that if the upstream return a 5xx, but we have the response in the cache (even if it's expired),
# we fall back to the cached value (until the grace period is over).
if ( beresp.status != 200 && beresp.status != 422 ){
# This check is important. If is_bgfetch is true, it means that we've found and returned the cached object to the client,
# and triggered an asynchronous background update. In that case, if it was a 5xx, we have to abandon, otherwise the previously cached object
# would be erased from the cache (even if we set uncacheable to true).
if (bereq.is_bgfetch)
return (abandon);
# We should never cache a 5xx response.
set beresp.uncacheable = true;
sub vcl_deliver {
unset resp.http.X-Varnish;
unset resp.http.Via;
set resp.http.X-Cached = req.http.X-Cached;
sub vcl_hit {
if (obj.ttl >= 0s) {
set req.http.X-Cached = "HIT";
return (deliver);
if (obj.ttl + obj.grace > 0s) {
set req.http.X-Cached = "STALE";
return (deliver);
set req.http.X-Cached = "MISS";
sub vcl_miss {
set req.http.X-Cached = "MISS";
Please let us know if there are any suggestions to improve the current configuration or anything else required to debug the same.
Abhishek Surve

Measure thread shortage and increase thread count
If you run out of threads, from a firefighting point of view it makes sense to increase the threads per thread pool.
Here's a varnishstat command that displays realtime thread consumption and potential thread limits:
varnishstat -f MAIN.threads -f MAIN.threads_limited
Press the d key to display fields with a zero value.
If the MAIN.threads_limited increases, we know you have exceeded the maximum threads per pool that is set by the thread_pool_max runtime parameter.
It makes sense to display the current thread_pool_max value by executing the following command:
varnishadm thread_pool_max
You can use varnishadm to set the new thread_pool_max value, but it is not persisted and won't survive a restart.
The best way is to set it though a -p parameter in your systemd service file.
Watch out with file storage
I noticed you're using the file stevedore to store large volumes of data. We strongly advise against using it, because it is very sensitive to disk fragmentation. It can slow down Varnish when it has to perform too many disk seeks and relies too much on the kernel's page cache to be efficient.
On open source Varnish, -s malloc is still your best bet. You can increase your cache capacity through horizontal scaling and having 2 tiers of Varnish.
The most reliable way to use disk for large volumes of data is Varnish Enterprise's Massive Storage Engine. It's not free and open source, but it was built specifically to counter the poor performance of the file stevedore.
Looking for uncached content
Based on how you're describing the problem, it looks like Varnish has to spend too much time dealing with uncached responses. This requires a backend connection.
Luckily Varnish lets go of the backend thread and allows client threads to deal with other tasks while Varnish is waiting for the backend to respond.
But if we can limit the number of backend fetches, maybe we can improve the overall performance of Varnish.
I'm not too concerned about cache misses, because a cache miss is a hit that hasn't happened yet, however we can look at the requests that cause the most cache misses by running the following command:
varnishtop -g request -i requrl -q "VCL_Call eq 'MISS'"
This will list the URL of the top misses. You can then drill down on individual request and figure out why cause cache misses so often.
You can use the following command to inspect the logs for a specific URL:
varnishlog -g request -q "ReqUrl eq '/my-page'"
Please replace /my-page with the URL of the endpoint you're inspecting.
For cache misses, we care about their TTL. Maybe the TTL was set too low. The TTL tag will show you which TTL value is used.
Also keep an eye on the Timestamp tags, because they can highlight any potential slowdown.
Looking for uncacheable content
Uncacheable content is more dangerous than uncached content. A cache miss will eventually result in a hit, whereas a cache bypass will always be uncacheable and will always require a backend fetch.
The following command will list your top cache bypasses by URL:
varnishtop -g request -i requrl -q "VCL_Call eq 'PASS'"
Then again, you can drill down using the following command
varnishlog -g request -q "ReqUrl eq '/my-page'"
It's important to understand why Varnish would bypass the cache for certain requests. The built-in VCL describes this process. See for more information about the built-in VCL.
Typical things you should look for:
HTTP requests with a request method other than GET or HEAD
HTTP requests with an Authorization header
HTTP requests with a Cookie header
HTTP responses with a Set-Cookie header
HTTP responses with a s-maxage=0 or a max-age=0 directive in the Cache-Control header
HTTP responses with a private, no-cache or no-store directive in the Cache-Control header
HTTP responses that contain a Vary: * header
You can also run the following command to figure out how many passes take place on your system:
varnishstat -f MAIN.s_pass
If that is too high, you might want to write some VCL that handles Authorization headers, Cookie headers and Set-Cookie headers.
The conclusion can also be that you need to optimize your Cache-Control headers.
If you've done all the optimization you can and you still get a lot of cache bypasses, you need to scale out your platform a bit more.
Be on the lookout for zero TTL
One line of VCL that caught my eye is the following:
set beresp.ttl = std.duration(beresp.http.X-Cache-ttl, 2d);
You are using an X-Cache-ttl response header to set the TTL. Why would you do that if there is a conventional Cache-Control header for that?
An extra risk is that fact that the built-in VCL cannot handle this and cannot properly mark these requests as uncacheable.
The most dangerous thing that can happen is that you set beresp.ttl = 0 through this header and that you hit a scenario where set beresp.uncacheable = true is reached in your VCL.
If the beresp.ttl remains zero at that point, Varnish will not be able to store Hit-For-Miss objects in the cache for these situations. This means that subsequent requests for this resource will be added to the waiting list. But because we're dealing with uncacheable content, these requests will never be satisfied by Varnish's request coalescing mechanism.
The result is that the waiting list will be processed serially and this will increase the waiting time, which might result in exceeding the available threads.
My advice is to add set beresp.ttl = 120s right before you set set beresp.uncacheable = true;. This will ensure Hit-For-Miss objects are created for uncacheable content.
Use s-maxage & stale-while-revalidate
To build on the entire conventional header argument, please remove the following lines of code from your VCL:
# Sets default TTL in case the baackend does not send a Caching related header
set beresp.ttl = std.duration(beresp.http.X-Cache-ttl, 2d);
# Grace period to keep serving stale entries
set beresp.grace = std.duration(beresp.http.X-Cache-grace, 1d);
Replace this logic with the proper use of Cache-Control headers.
Here's an example of a Cache-Control header with a 3600s TTL and a 1 day grace:
Cache-Control: public, s-maxage=3600, stale-while-revalidate=86400
This feedback is not related to your problem, but is just a general best practice.
At this point it's not really clear what the root cause of your problem is. You talk about threads and slow backends.
On the one hand I have given you ways to inspect the thread pool usage and a way to increase the threads per pool.
On the other hand, we need to look at potential cache misses and cache bypass scenarios that might disrupt the balance on the system.
If certain headers cause unwanted cache bypasses, we might be able to improve the situation by writing the proper VCL
And finally, we need to ensure you are not adding requests to the waitlist if they are uncacheable.


Varnish 3: Accept JSON returns HTML

I try to make an REST-API, but varnish returns always the first called response and I have no idea why.
If I open a page with a Browser, Varnish returns HTML -> is OK.
If I curl the same page curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" Varnish also returns HTML -> which is False.
As I see, Varnish always returns the first cached item, If this is JSON varnish returns JSON, if this is HTML Varnish returns HTML.
Without Varnish everything works like expected.
If you're serving different content type on the same URL, you you might want to tell Varnish to partition cache accordingly.
In fact, Varnish doesn't do much special about it, and it behaves like other proxies would. If they see a URL without information specifying how a resource's cache should partition, then no matter if it is a JSON or a regular request, the first request will be cached and served the same irrespective of request type.
So you need to tell Varnish how to partition cache for a resource.
The "Vary" header
The most straightforward and "HTTP" compatible way for other proxies in the wild, is Vary response header.
It tells the proxy cache (Varnish in this case), to partition, vary cache for a resource based on a header value coming from a client.
E.g. client sends header X: some-value and your app sends header Vary: X is what it takes to make the cache different between different value of X.
For Varnish 3, there is an example with Accept-Encoding.
The article details an implementation challenge with Vary - different clients may be sending quite different values for varied header thus resulting in severely partitioned cache. So you typically want to normalize the varying header's value, to a set of known, expected values.
In your case you want to Vary (and normalize) the Accept header. So something along the lines of (in vcl_recv procedure):
if (req.http.Accept) {
if (req.http.Accept ~ "application/json") {
set req.http.Accept = "application/json";
} else {
set req.http.Accept = "text/html";
Next you need to have your app actually send Vary: Accept (inside your app source files). Alternatively, you can throw some Varnish VCL instead, if modiying app source files is not feasible:
sub vcl_fetch {
if (!beresp.http.Vary) { # no Vary at all
set beresp.http.Vary = "Accept";
} elseif (beresp.http.Vary !~ "Accept") { # add to existing Vary
set beresp.http.Vary = beresp.http.Vary + ", Accept";

Varnish clear cached items based on status code

We're caching 404 for images as sometimes our app would be released ahead of the actual images and would like to be able to clear them based on status code rather than ALL the images or specific images one by one.
However I am new to Varnish an unsure whether that is doable as I couldn't find any specific documentation on clearing based on status code.
you can either PURGE and image or BAN it.
Purging: it deletes a specific object from cache and to do so you will need to know the host and the URL of the specific object you want to purge.
Banning: to ban you can use regex and for your use case something among those lines should work.
In vcl_recv:
if (req.method == "BAN") {
ban("req.status == "404");
It seems that purge method is just an overlay on vcl's ban.
Using varnishadmn to test I've found to purge specific status, code only obj.status is accepted.
varnishadm ban obj.status == 404
verify with:
varnishadm ban.list

How to display the age of an nginx cached file in headers

I've set up a caching server for a site through nginx 1.6.3 on CentOS 7, and it's configured to add http headers to served files to show if said files came from the caching server (HIT, MISS, or BYPASS) like so:
add_header X-Cached $upstream_cache_status;
However, i'd like to see if there's a way to add a header to display the age of the cached file, as my solution has proxy_cache_valid 200 60m; set, and i'd like to check that it's respecting that setting.
So what i'm looking for would be something like:
add_header Cache-Age $upstream_cache_age;
I'm unable to find anything of the sort though, can you help?
The nginx documentation is quite exhaustive — there's no variable with the direct relative age of the cached file.
The best way would be to use the $upstream_http_ variable class to get the absolute age of the resource by picking up its Date header through $upsteam_http_date.
add_header X-Cache-Date $upstream_http_date;
For the semantic meaning of the Date header field in HTTP/1.1, refer to rfc7231#section-, which describes it as the time of the HTTP response generation, so, basically, this should accomplish exactly what you want (especially if the backend runs with the same timecounter).
I spent some time attempting to solve this with the Nginx Perl module, which does not seem to have access to $upstream_http_NAME headers that would allow you to successfully calculate the current time from a timestamp header that your proxied application created during render time.
Alternatively, you could use a different caching layer architecture like Varnish Cache, which does indeed provide the Age HTTP response header:
I made a solution that works for this, with the Lua module, in this question: Nginx: Add “Age” header, with Lua. Is this a good solution?
I'm going to post here the code, for any suggestion it would be better to discuss it in the other link, where I explain it in more detail.
map $upstream_http_Date $mapdate {
default $upstream_http_Date;
'' 'Sat, 21 Dec 2019 00:00:00 GMT';
Inside location:
header_filter_by_lua_block {
ngx.header["Age"] = ngx.time() - ngx.parse_http_time(ngx.var.mapdate);

Trying to decipher this varnish vcl block (pertaining to grace)

So in my vcl_recv I have this header being set
set req.http.Grace = "NONE";
and when the backend is up, everything has the Grace: NONE header being set which is great... and then we have
sub vcl_hit {
# Called when a cache lookup is successful.
if (obj.ttl >= 0s) {
# A pure unadultered hit, deliver it
return (deliver);
if (std.healthy(req.backend_hint)) {
# Backend is healthy. Limit age to 10s.
if (obj.ttl + 10s > 0s) {
set req.http.Grace = "normal(limited)";
return (deliver);
} else {
# No candidate for grace. Fetch a fresh object.
} else {
# backend is sick - use full grace
if (obj.ttl + obj.grace > 0s) {
set req.http.Grace = "full";
return (deliver);
} else {
# no graced object.
return (fetch);
# fetch & deliver once we get the result
return (fetch); # Dead code, keep as a safeguard
So, I understand that apparently the full grace is when the backend is down and I get that if the backend isn't down we don't adjust the grace, but when exactly will that normal(limited) block kick in? It seems like when the backend is up it serves everything with Grace: NONE, and if I stop nginx it goes right to Grace: FULL. I just don't know when
if (obj.ttl + 10s > 0s) {
set req.http.Grace = "normal(limited)";
should kick in since I can't seem to make it, at least according to that header being set...
My vcl_backend_response has these values (for testing, but yea)
# A TTL of 24h
set beresp.ttl = 60s;
# Define the default grace period to serve cached content
set beresp.grace = 6h;
The block in question will kick in for the first request to come in for an expired object within 10 seconds after its' expiration.
E.g., you request an object at 00:00:00, it gets fetched from the backend and gets stored with a TTL of 60 seconds. If you request the same object at 00:01:07, you should receive the (now-expired) cached object and see the "normal(limited)" header.
Assuming this VCL is running on Varnish 4.x, hitting an expired object in grace should trigger a background refresh, so any subsequest requests should receive a freshly-cached object.
In a nutshell, this rule is saying:
Store all objects for 6 hours and 1 minute
Serve objects younger than 60 seconds from cache
Serve objects between 60 and 70 seconds old from cache, but refresh the cached object in the background
Only serve objects older than 70 seconds from cache if the backend healhcheck is failing
You pretty much got it. Objects are stored - kept in memory - for the sum of TTL and grace. That's how we arrive at the maximum storage duration of 6 hours and 1 minute - 6 hours grace and 1 minute TTL.
TTL is how long you consider an object to be "fresh" for, meaning that it can be served from cache without checking if it might have changed on the origin server. Grace, on the other hand, kicks in when an object is no longer "fresh", but you want to serve it anyway - usually, for one of two reasons:
Your backend is failing, and serving a "stale", expired object is better than serving an error.
For example, think of a CMS that shows articles and comments. Normally, you'd like to keep the TTL short so that new comments are displayed in a timely manner. However, if your CMS crashes, you'd rather serve the article with old comments rather than an "Oops, the server's dead" page.
The object expired recently, so it's not a huge deal to serve the expired object - and it's preferable to serve a slightly stale object instantly rather than waiting for the backend application to return a response.
In this case, think of an application that aggregates third party feeds - you'd rather serve a slightly state set of feed data, and then refresh the cached object in the background, rather than make the user wait until all calls to third party applications complete and the data is aggregated.

Infinite redirection loop in varnish cache

we recently have put Varnish in front of our Drupal because the server was suffering heavy load and we are very pleased in general.
The only problem remaining is that we sometimes have an infinite redirection loop in the cached data. We have found this through our HTTP-Monitoring. We check the front page every minute. The page in the cache sometimes contains the full front page, but with a Location header set, that sends the user to the front page again.
We are not quite sure what could cause this, but also have no clue on how could track this down. Of course, the best way to handle this would be on the drupal side, but we can't really tell why this does happen.
Is there a way to log the cases when this happens? Or is it possible to detect this in varnish and mark the current cache content as invalid?
Of course, we don't want to always pass intentional redirects to the origin server, but the ones that would cause an infinite loop.
I hope to hear some ideas how we can further track this down. Many thank in advance for all kinds of hints.
I have found a workaround for this:
sub vcl_fetch {
// Fix a strange problem: HTTP 301 redirects to the same page sometimes go in$
if (beresp.http.Location == "http://" + + req.url) {
if (req.restarts > 2) {
unset beresp.http.Location;
#set beresp.http.X-Restarts = req.restarts;
} else {
return (restart);
I give the backend a second (and thirhd) chance to return a proper page. If that fails as well, the Location header is removed. This works, because the proper page is served with just an additional invalid Location header.
The accepted answer by #philip updated for Varnish 4:
sub vcl_backend_response {
#Fix a strange problem: HTTP 301 redirects to the same page sometimes go in$
if (beresp.http.Location == "http://" + + bereq.url) {
if (bereq.retries > 2) {
unset beresp.http.Location;
#set beresp.http.X-Restarts = bereq.retries;
} else {
return (retry);
