How to mount ext4 partition with root and with user write on FreeBSD? - freebsd

How to mount ext4 partition with root and with user write on freebsd ?
What write in the /etc/fstab file ?
I has read many doc but without response.
What I have to use, ext2fs ? or fusefs
example with ext2fs but in root:

My user is sysc4ll, so, after mount the partition in /mnt/data/ :
chown sysc4ll:sysc4ll /mnt/data/
This command solves my problem.


what causes permission of auto-mount in linaro linux

Sdcard is mounted automatically as root permission.
like this.
/dev/mmcblk1p1 on /media/linaro/11bf7464-471c-42ca-bbc8-d229a43e8fe51 type ext4 (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,data=ordered,uhelper=udisks2)
/etc/fstab is emtpy like below.
linaro#linaro-alip:/lib/udev$ cat /etc/fstab
did udisks mount the device? If so, where can I change mount permission option?
Sometimes, it is mounted as a linaro user.
What causes this difference? any idea?
For Gnone to disable Nautilus automount use this command:
gsettings set automount false

Locked out of cifs mounted storage

I've been using this line in /etc/fstab for mounting a storage device to my host:
// /mnt/backup cifs
0 0
I was mounting it to another host, and I ran this to protect the files from change through the new host:
chmod -R 444 /mnt/backup
(I tried to protect the storage from writing from this host, which turned out to change the mode of all the storage files)
I assume the missing executable permissions what causing me this:
$ sudo mount -a
mount error(13): Permission denied
Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs)
I tried unmounting and mounting again, that didn't help, got the same permission error when using the mount command.
ls the dir shows this:
$ ls -la /mnt/backup
?????????? ? ? ? ? ? backup
Dismounting a "Locked Out" Network Drive
To dismount a "locked out" network drive, you can try to force the unmount:
umount -f -t cifs /mnt/backup
If you are having trouble dismounting a drive, make sure that you don't have a console open somewhere where the current working directory (CWD) on the drive which you are trying to dismount, or have a file open in an editor or player somewhere or such.
Properly Mounting a Network Drive
You should add your permissions in your mount options rather than trying to apply them afterwards. You would want to replace these mount options:
Currently you are mounting your CIFS drive as read-write (rw), giving files read-write permission (file_mode=0660) and directories read-write-execute (dir_mode=0770). Simply mounting the drive as read-only (ro) should suffice. (If you do need to fine tune the file and dir modes, rather use umask.)
I would also advise you to double check whether you are using uid and gid correctly: if the user ID or group ID used gets deleted, that could also lead to problems.

mount_root not working/ found linux openwrt

I've updated my openwrt firmware using the web interface. Now the web interface is unreachable.
I lost my root password so i started my router (wr1043nd) in failsafe mode, but the mount_root command is not working:
""/bin/ash: mount_root: not found""
Any clue? I can't find any solution in the docs/ online
You can mount jffs2 partition manually. This partition contains your configuration, so when you mount it, you will be able to edit root password.
Use this command: mount -t jffs2 /dev/mtdblock3 /mnt/. Please note that mtd number may vary in different routers. If there is nothing in /mnt dir after issuing this command, try another mtdblock number.
Then go to /mnt dir and remove /etc/shadow and /etc/passwd files from there to reset root password.

Mount another virtual hard disk always belongs root owner, why?

Environment is in virtual box,ubuntu 12.04. It has 2 disks, /dev/sda1 and /dev/sdb1 are both ext4 type filesystem.
Since /dev/sdb1 is add after system installed, so I want to mount it manually. I'd try this command:
sudo mount -o user,defaults /dev/sdb1 ~/project
No errors report. Then I get mount info by mount:
/dev/sdb1 on /home/igsrd/project rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev
But when I ls -l to see /home/igsrd I found its permission is still belongs root, so I can't touch anything in it. Why it still belongs root?
I have another machine running ubuntu 12.04,too. I mount another partition with same option will be fine, correct permission(ownership). Are any differences between them?
*nix permissions on a filesystem that supports them natively, e.g. ext4, will be maintained regardless of how it is mounted when using a proper filesystem driver, e.g. the native ext4 driver built into Linux.
Why don't you just (while still root) do this:
chown -R <your-user-name> ~<your-user-name>/project

How to mount a qnx partition as read -write enabled only for executing particular lines of code?

ie the partition of interest is already mounted as read-only.the partition need to be mounted as a rw enabled partition for executing particular lines of script alone.After that the partition should go to it's previous state of read only.
Question is for QNX operating system. And correct way to remount partition as read/write can be done using below command.
mount -uw /
To remout a partition read-write:
mount /mnt/mountpoint -oremount,rw
and to remout read-only
mount /mnt/mountpoint -oremount,ro
you may be interested in remount option.
for example, this command is widely used in rooted androids.
mount -o remount,rw /system
mount -o remount,ro /system
mount(8) - Linux man page
Filesystem Independent Mount Options
Attempt to remount an already-mounted filesystem. This is commonly used to change the mount flags for a filesystem, especially to make a readonly filesystem writeable. It does not change device or mount point.
The remount functionality follows the standard way how the mount command works with options from fstab. It means the mount command doesn't read fstab (or mtab) only when a device and dir are fully specified.
mount -o remount,rw /dev/foo /dir
After this call all old mount options are replaced and arbitrary stuff from fstab is ignored, except the loop= option which is internally generated and maintained by the mount command.
mount -o remount,rw /dir
After this call mount reads fstab (or mtab) and merges these options with options from command line ( -o ).
