MacOS Monterey and SAP Commerce / Hybris 1905: Cannot start - sap-commerce-cloud

I'm not able to start on my MacOS Machine with 12.0.1. Ant all / build was successful, but after hitting ./, I'm getting the following error message:
The files are available...
...and I should have full access to the path / file, at least the information window shows it.
Thank you for your help!

It's a very common issue on MAC. Please go to System Preferences --> Security Preferences --> General --> allow the blocked script here. Here you may be asked to allow the script to run a couple of more times. Then you will be able to start the server. Hope its helps.


Setting up development environment in Windows 10 without admin rights

Let me give a quick background of the work I do and then I'll explain the problem I am facing.
I am a software developer with more than 15+ years work experience. My work involves a lot of varied tasks:
data analysis using R, Python
development of web applications using Ruby on Rails, JS, etc.
building models using open source libraries
So far, I have been doing all this in my personal laptop (Ubuntu 18.04) and have faced no issues.
But I would soon need to start using a laptop provided by the organisation that I am working for. This org is not a IT company, it's a public body. They only use Windows (10) and don't provide admin access to anyone. It's very hard to get permission to install any kind of "approved" software. Just to give an example, they refused to install Chrome in my laptop as they wouldn't be able to control the updates.
So here's my problem - what do I do to work peacefully using their laptop? The primary reason I have to use the work laptop is that there are a lot of important documents kept in shared drives that are accessible only in their machines.
I have been looking at options like WSL or Hyper-V. But, before I put in a request to the IT team to get them to agree, I wanted to know a few things:
1) Which among WSL or Hyper-V would be the better approach for setting up the dev environment that I want?
2) IF I get the IT team to install WSL/HV, would I be able to set up everything else without having to go back to them for each software? Is there a way of secure local admin access these options would provide that will ease their concerns?
3) Is there some other way of setting up what I want?
If still applicable and actual I can share my solution:
If you should work on a windows machine where you don’t have administrative privileges, you can very easily make a portable R/Rstudio installation.
Download a recent version of R from the CRAN site and the recent version of RStudio. After download extract RStudio installation exec with 7Zip and copy files from $_OUTDIR to the desired location (in case you making an update, simply overwrite all files, that already exist). Your RStudio executable will be in
Then run CRAN-R installation, ignore the warning that you don’t have administrative privileges and go forward until installation will complete. Run RStudio, from the menu
Tools->Global Options
locate where your R installation is located.
If you performing an update (more recent version of R), copy all files from the library subfolder of the old R installation into new, but this time DON’T OVERWRITE! This operation vill preserves the packages you have installed in the previous version of R. After copying update all your packages from the RStudio window (Packages->Update). When the packages update process will end check which packages failed to update (You will see warning messages near them in the RStudio console). Remove these packages (write down names of failed packages and delete corresponding folders from library subfolder). For this, you will need to exit from RStudio. After deletion launch RStudio again and execute the packages install command in the RStudio console:
install.packages(c("package1", "package2", "package3"))
Congratulations, You are ready to go!

node.js Setup Wizard ended prematurely in windows 10 64bit

For the last 3 days I have been trying to figure out how to install node.js. I tried every solution that I found on the internet, like disabling certain components during installation, installing both x86 and x64 etc, none of them worked.
My OS is Windows 10 x64. I tried different versions of node.js and they all return the same error shown in the screenshot below.
I tried installing through the command line and got the log. But I could not find anything useful from the log either. Please help.
The log can be found here: this path :
MSI (s) (74:88) [20:49:45:955]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=RegisterEventManifest,,)
MSI (s) (74:88) [20:49:45:961]: Executing op: CustomActionSchedule(Action=RegisterEventManifest,ActionType=3073,Source=BinaryData,Target=CAQuietExec,CustomActionData="wevtutil.exe" im "C:\Program Files\nodejs\")
MSI (s) (74:A0) [20:49:45:969]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\WINDOWS\Installer\MSI33C1.tmp, Entrypoint: CAQuietExec
CAQuietExec: Error 0xc0000409: Command line returned an error.
This is the relevant part of the log and where the install keels over, noise removed. 0xc0000409 is very, very nasty. STATUS_STACK_BUFFER_OVERRUN is a stack corruption error, triggered by code that protects against viral attacks.
Searching for "nodejs install 0xc0000409" takes you to this bug report, notable from December 2015. This issue has been dogging users for a long time, but they are having trouble finding the root cause. The generic workaround is to disable this install step by disabling the installation of the ETW performance counters.
Which works, but is but a band-aid. I think macario1983's comment points at the real troublemaker. It got a lot of helpful votes in just two days. And points at the kind of viral rootkit that programmer's voluntarily install, the kind that can so easily cause a STATUS_STACK_BUFFER_OVERRUN error with no decent way to identify the code that causes it. Anti-malware has become a cure that is worse than the disease, Avast in particular is a truly awful product and does not belong on a programmer's machine.
So decent advice is to 1: disable the anti-malware product before installing Node. 2: get rid of completely if it is Avast. 3: disable the performance counter registration. 4: try the updated installer, patched 4 days ago.
I disabled the AVG antivirus(version 18.4.3056) but not windows firewall and then i was able to install nodejs.
Possible options to solve this:
1. Removing previous installations traces
If you have previous installations, make sure that they were uninstaled completely. If HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Perflib\_V2Providers\{1e2e15d7-3760-470e-8699-b9db5248edd5} record exist in your register, remove it.
2. Disabling Performance Counters
If you don't need Performance counters feature, try to install without it (or maybe even without Event Tracing).
3. Disabling security and giving the full permissions
Clean Temp Folder
Disable your antivirus/firewall for the period of installation.
C:/users/$user/AppData/Local/Temp- Right Click on Temp and go to Properties > select Security Tab > give the user permissions by checking Full Control on permission
Install Node.js
I had today the same problem with Windows 10 64 bit and Node.js 8.11.2: disabling completly Avast just for the time of the installation solved the issue.
I was trying to install Node.js through node-v8.11.2-x64.exe, but it was rolling back every time at the end. The error in the event log was about wevtutil.exe, version 10.0.17134.1
I had the same issue on a Windows 2012R2 server installing node-v8.11.2-x64, and disabled the McAfee anti-virus to no avail. When I went to clean out the TEMP folder as suggested in this thread, I noticed that several files and folders were locked and could not be deleted, so I rebooted the machine (with the anti-virus disabled). After the reboot, I noticed that the locked temp files had been deleted, and I was able to install node.js, including the Performance Counters and Event Tracking options.
I spent one day for that ....Best solutions is download zip example

Forgerock - emb.creatingfamsuffix.failure Error when creating the Default Configuration

I did install AM-5.1.1 and embed it on apache-tomcat-8.5.15 port:9595… looks good. I can start it.
The issue I face is regarding the Configuration Options –> Create Default Configuration.
After entering different passwords for the default OpenAM administrator, and default Policy Agent users, I get the following error:
emb.creatingfamsuffix.failure, refer to install.log under /Users/myUserName/openam for more information.
The install.log file didn’t help that much. Any idea how to solve this?
I got this error message and it was due to the iptables service not allowing the connection. Try turning off the iptables service (if you are running Linux) quickly and trying to run the configurator again. If this solves the problem, turn them back on and add a rule to allow your openam traffic.
Fixed... I had to do with OpenDj which was not installed. Did install and works fine now.
For anyone else that may come across this issue, I received this error because I had XAMPP running. Once I quit XAMPP everything was fine.

How to make webDriver testsuite created in windows machine to run in a linux box

I have got selenium WebDriver testsuite done using TestNg framework. I have used selenium webDriver 2.44.0 & FF32.
Now my build team wants my test to run in their demo box which is linux machine. 10..*.248 box
What i have done till now. I am not using any other tools like jenkis, maven etc.
Created java project 'myproject' testsuite in ecplise luna using
TestNg frame in my windows machine
Created a runnable Jar for myproject( myproject-version-1.0.1.jar)
Placed the runnable jar in 248 box using winSCP in a folder /home/project/
In 248 machine FF37 is available. So i upgraded my script with selenium 2.45.0 . It runs fine in my windows machine with FF32 version also.
Now using putty i logged into 248 machine and reached the folder /home/project/ where my runnable jar is placed.
I executed the shell command java -jar myproject-version-1.0.1.jar
Console shows the following exception:
[TestNG] Running:
Command line suite
org.openqa.selenium.firefox.NotConnectedException: Unable to connect to host on port 7055 after 45000 ms. Firefox console output:
Error: no display specified
Error: no display specified
I know i have not done correctly. I read few links posted here about about setting display in linux machine , using Xvfb – the X Virtual FrameBuffer.
Webdriver Unable to connect to host on port 7055 after 45000 ms
I think the person who posted the question in above link had done the similar settings. !
Can somebody please help me with this as i am not able to understand :( Step by step process so that i can run my script in build team's machine.
I am very new to this field and doing all this for the first time. I read someting about headless GUI etc. I am not able to understand.
Would really appreciate if you could help me understand the steps involved.
You have done pretty much the right things as specified in the question
One thing that I came to observer that you have not specified complete URL in the get method. This might cause you some trouble. So first edit
If the code still doesn't works. Then try bundling latest selenium-java.jar and selenium-standalone.jar
But from the error it also seems that may be port 7055 is not free. (but I think you already checked that.)
So the problem gets a little bit confined to the selenium jars which are often incompatible if they are of different versions.

AutoHotkey Run command issue in Windows 8.1

this is my first time on such a prestidigious site, so please welcome me by assisting me. I am doing independent development and am primarily a music designer. So that is why I may not sound like a real pro coder but nevertheless truly love creating my music through automative processes.
My present issue is this:
Windows 8.1 Pro
AutoHotkey 32bit (running as Admin)
Everytime I attempt to use the command 'RUN' with an .ahk target, I get the expected result except that the .ahk residing folder is opened by MS Explorer. I suspect that something like the fact that AutoHokey is an unsigned app, windows does not want it to run flawlessly. I am now trying a number of Administrative Tool Services disabling, but with no success yet.
RUN C\:XZN\Mecanisms\AnyAHK_script.ahk
RUN AnyAHK_script.ahk, C\:XZN\Mecanisms
RUN C\:XZN\Mecanisms\BactchfileLaunchingAboveScript.bat
RUN AnyAHK_script.ahk, C\:XZN\Mecanisms
Would there be a workaround this at the OS settings level or another way to run/start an .ahk file?
I tried the 'Comspec' approach as well as running an .ahk from within a batchfile, but the .ahk always get intercepted whenever it contains a 'RUN' command requesting an .ahk target.
You are using outdated version of AutoHotkey which is more than 5 years old. Always use AutoHotkey and its documenatation from (current uptodate version, new official website)! AutoHotkey and its documentation from is outdated and you may have some problems using them!
One thing to try if you only have this problem on win 8 is to Enable interaction with administrative programs
That script modifies the executable file's embedded manifest, then creates and installs a self-signed certificate and uses it to sign the file. The executable will not run on any other system, unless you install the certificate used to sign the file.
But lets see some script code that way we have something to test with and can better help you out...
