Can't find a way to delete files that match a date pattern - linux

I'm trying to delete all files in a folder structure (recursively) except the youngest one for each month.
In other words.... only keep the first ones from each month in each folder.
On a Linux system (bash) ... ;-) (or even more precise on a Synology NAS)
May thanks for your help !

Please be careful! I take no responsibility!
Try find:
Remove files which are older than 7 days:
find . -type f -ctime +7 -delete


Finding and following symbolic links but without deleting them

The current find command is utilized to find and delete outdated files and directories. The expired data is based on a given properties file and the destination.
If the properties file says…
…then we want files and empty subdirectories deleted after 180 days.
The original command is…
"find ${var[0]} -mtime +${var[2]} -delete &"
…but I now need to modify now that we've discovered is has deleted symbolic links that existed in specified sub-directories after the given expiration date in the properties file. The variable path and variable expiration time are designated in the properties file (as previously demonstrated).
I have been testing using…
"find -L"
…to follow the symbolic links to make sure this clean up command reaches the destinations, as desired.
I have also been testing using…
"\! -type l"
…to ignore deleting symbolic links, so the command I've been trying is…
"find -L ${var[0]} ! -type l -mtime +${var[2]} -delete &"
…but I haven't achieved the desired results. Help please, I am still fresh into Linux and my research hasn't lead me to a desired answer. Thank you for your time.
\! -type l
\! -xtype l
find -L ${var[0]} \\! -xtype l -mtime +${var[2]} -delete &

bash delete older files

I have this unique requirement of finding 2 years older files and delete them. But not only files as well as corresponding empty directories. I have written most of the logic but only thing that is still pending is , when I delete particular file from a directory , How can I delete the corresponding directory when it is empty. As when I delete the particular file , the ctime/mtime would also accordingly get updated. How do I target those corresponding older directories and delete them?
Any pointers will be helpful.
Thanks in advance.
I would do something like this:
find /path/to/files* -mtime +730 -delete
-mtime +730 finds files which are older than 730 days.
Please be careful with this kind of command though, be sure to write find /path/to/files* -mtime +730 beforehand and check that these are the files you want to delete!
Now you have deleted the files from the directories, -mtime +730 won't work.
To delete all empty directories that you have recently altered:
find . -type d -mmin -60 -empty -delete

I wanna to delete all files and directories in linux

I have to delete all directories and files which should be 3 years back from current date what should be the specific command for that in linux.
It depends on how you define "3 years back": created, last modified... If that's last modified, you can do something like this to list those files
find /directory -mtime +1095
/directory is the starting directory, +1095 meaning modified 1095 days ago, 365*3.
If you're okay with the list, then add the delete option
find /directory -mtime +1095 -delete
Be careful not to put -delete before -mtime, there's a specific order there. See man find for more informations.

Is there any way to find out changed file after some date in whole project code?

see i am working in one BIG project source code Now i want to know which files are modified after some date.
Is there any command or any way to get that..
i have tried
# ls -R -l
but here it shows all file with last modified data but i want to filter this output by some data ...
so is there any way to do this in linux? is there any tool available for this?
#set timestamp for file
touch --date "2011-12-31" /tmp/foo
# Find files newer than 2011/Dec/31, in /some/files
find /some/files -newer /tmp/foo
Use find command with mtime arguments: Some examples are here or here
For example, list files changed in last 7 days...
find / -type f -mtime -7
For fine grained search you may try -mmin argument. See an example discussed in another SE site: Find All files older than x minutes
You should use find with -newerXY option.
m – modification time of the file reference
t – reference is interpreted directly as a time
All files modified after 2022-12-01 (inclusive):
find . -type f -newermt 2022-12-01

Two Questions on for Rsync - rsync by date and by file name

I have two questions with respect to rsync:
1: I have a bunch of files which are incremented by day of the year. Ex: file.txt.81, file.txt.82, etc. Now, these files are in different directories:
How can I have rsync get only the *.82 files and not even touch the other files
2: Now I have a similar data directory structure as above. How can I rsync all files that have been modified on or after a specific day?
Here is the answer for #1rsync -avz --include "**/" --include=*.82 --exclude=* /path/from /path/to
This will recursively (-a) include the directories and search them for anything matching .82 and exclude everthing else. You can find more info on this in man rsync and look for "exclude patterns"
For #2 I would find some way to do it with find and mtime. To find files modified in past 60 minutes with the name *.82 this should work:
sudo find /path/from -mmin 60 -type f -name *.82
EDITED: too many backticks
