Laravel - Datatables export excel from filtered data - excel

Hello i would like to export data from my datatable based on user filtered data here for example :
I have done export excel for all row but now i'm trying to export data based on filtered, here is my filtered function() in index.blade php:
$(".filterButton").on('click', function(){
i have tried to use formated Datatables example from Datatable example : Format Output Data, but i don't know how to put the export button and make it as a custom <a href=""> for the Excel export in image above, maybe someone can provide an example how to make it? thank you!.
here what is my input in index.blade.php :
<div class="col">
<button id="filterButton" class="btn btn-primary filterButton"><i class="fa fa-filter"></i> Filter</button>
<div class="dropdown d-inline">
<button class="btn btn-primary dropdown-toggle" type="button" id="dropdownMenuButton" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">
<i class="fa fa-file-excel-o"></i> Export
<!-- dropdown-menu -->
<div class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="dropdownMenuButton" id="export-choose">
<a class="dropdown-item export-link" id="export-filtered">Excel</a>
<a class="dropdown-item export-link" href="{{ route('media-order.export') }}" id="exportRaw">Excel Raw</a>
<!-- end dropdown-menu -->
<button class="btn btn-primary float-right" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#addMediaOrderModal" data-backdrop="static" data-keyboard="false" class="btn btn-primary">
<i class="fa fa-plus-square mr-1"></i> Add Order
</div><!-- dropdown -->
So far i've been trying to put the <a href="" id="export-filtered"> to act as an Export button, add it as an onClick="exportFiltered" function and throw it into the javascript but it doesn't work, here is my javascript :
$(".exportFiltered").on('click', function(e) {
$('.hiddenbuttons button').eq(0).click();
but sadly it doesn't work, and it just make the Excel export become blank
UPDATE : Data Table
here is my datatable :
'use strict';
var addMediaOrderSubmitButton = Ladda('#addMediaOrderSubmitButton');
var editMediaOrderSubmitButton = Ladda('#editMediaOrderSubmitButton');
var tableMediaOrder = dt('#dt-media-order','media_order',{
// dom: '<"hiddenbuttons"B>rtip',
processing: true,
serverside: true,
iDisplayLength: 100,
bFilter: true,
searchable: true,
exportOptions: {
rows: 'visible'
ajax: {
url: "{{ route('media-order.index') }}?dt=1",
data: function (d){
d.filter_order = $('#input-order-filter').val();
d.filter_agency = $('#input-agency-filter').val();
d.filter_advertiser = $('#input-advertiser-filter').val();
d.filter_brand = $('#input-brand-filter').val();
// d.filter_start = $('#input-start-date').val();
// d.filter_end = $('#input-end-date').val();
//d.filterButton = $('#filterButton').val();
columns: [
data: 'action',
name: 'action',
orderable: false,
sortable: false,
className: 'text-center'},
{data: 'nomor', name: 'nomor'},
{data: 'nomor_reference', name: 'nomor_reference'},
{data: 'periode_start',
name: 'periode_start',
render: function(data){
var date = new Date(data);
var month = date.getMonth() + 1;
return (month.toString().length > 1 ? month : "0" + month) + "/" + date.getDate() + "/" + date.getFullYear();
searchable: true,
data: 'periode_end',
name: 'periode_end',
render: function(date){
var date = new Date(date);
var month = date.getMonth() + 1;
return (month.toString().length > 1 ? month : "0" + month) + "/" + date.getDate() + "/" + date.getFullYear();
searchable: true,
data: 'category_id',
name: 'category_id',
render: function(data, type, row) {
switch (data) {
case '1':
return 'New Order';
case '2':
return 'Additional Order';
case '3':
return 'Cancel Order';
case '4':
return 'Paid';
case '5':
return 'Bonus';
return 'Null';
searchable: true,
data: 'type_id',
name: 'type_id',
render: function(data, type, row) {
switch (data) {
case '1':
return 'Reguler';
case '2':
return 'Reguler PIB';
case '3':
return 'CPRP';
case '4':
return 'Package';
case '5':
return 'Sponsor';
case '6':
return 'Blocking';
return 'Null';
searchable: true,
data: 'agency_name',
name: 'agency_name'
searchable: true,
data: 'advertiser_name',
name: 'advertiser_name'
searchable: true,
data: 'brand_name',
name: 'brand_name'
searchable: true,
data: 'version_code',
name: 'version_code'
data: 'gross_value',
name: 'gross_value' ,
render: $.fn.dataTable.render.number( ',', '.', 2, 'Rp','' )
data: 'nett_budget',
name: 'nett_budget',
render: $.fn.dataTable.render.number( ',', '.', 2, 'Rp','' )
data: 'nett_cashback',
name: 'nett_cashback',
render: $.fn.dataTable.render.number( ',', '.', 2, 'Rp','' )
data: 'nett_bundling',
name: 'nett_bundling',
render: $.fn.dataTable.render.number( ',', '.', 2, 'Rp','' )
{data: 'spot', name: 'spot' },
searchable: true,
data: 'accountexecutive_name',
name: 'accountexecutive_name'
searchable: true,
data: 'userto_name',
name: 'userto_name'
searchable: true,
data: 'group_id',
name: 'group_id'
{data: 'notes', name: 'notes' },
searchable: true,
data: 'attachment_name',
name: 'attachment_name'
buttons: [
{ // this exports only filtered data
extend: 'excelHtml5',
exportOptions: {
modifier: { search: 'applied' }
{ // this exports all data regardless of filtering
extend: 'excelHtml5',
exportOptions: {
modifier: { search: 'none' }
initComplete: function(setting, json){
rowCallback: function( row, data, index) {
if (data.isdisabled == 1){
$(row).css('background-color', 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.2)');
it turns out i forgot to add the :
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
And also is there a way to customize the column since the "Action" column are also being exported like this :
But sadly the custom export <a href="" id="export-filtered"> is still not working, thanks again.
After searching and tinkering, i've finally found my solution which is using :
var buttons = new $.fn.dataTable.Buttons(tableMediaOrder, {
buttons: [
extend: 'excelHtml5',
// "dom": {
// "button": {
// "tag": "button",
// "className" : "exportFiltered",
// }
// },
exportOptions: {
// rows: '"visible'
columns: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20],
modifier: { search: 'applied' }
And finally able to use the :
as a external link to export the excel.

You can delegate a DataTables export button to another external (non-DataTables) element.
The following example uses two different Excel Export buttons - one for a full export of all data, regardless of any filtering which has been applied, and the other to export only the filtered-in data:
buttons: [
// see
{ // this exports only filtered data
extend: 'excelHtml5',
exportOptions: {
modifier: { search: 'applied' }
{ // this exports all data regardless of filtering
extend: 'excelHtml5',
exportOptions: {
modifier: { search: 'none' }
Then, we hide these buttons using the following:
dom: '<"hiddenbuttons"B>rtip'
initComplete: function(settings, json) {
$('.hiddenbuttons').css('display', 'none');
These two DataTables export buttons can now be invoked from elsewhere - for example, based on the change event of a select list.
Here is the select list:
<select name="export" id="export">
<option value="noexport">-- select --</option>
<option value="filtered">Excel Filtered Data</option>
<option value="alldata">Excel All Data</option>
And here is the related event listener:
$("#export").on('change', function(e) {
var mode = $("#export :selected").val();
if (mode === 'filtered') {
$('.hiddenbuttons button').eq(0).click();
} else if (mode === 'alldata') {
$('.hiddenbuttons button').eq(1).click();
For reference, here is the full approach, as a self-contained web page:
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""/>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<div style="margin: 20px;">
<input type="text" id="name" placeholder="Enter name">
<input type="text" id="office" placeholder="Enter office">
<button id="filterButton" type="button">Filter</button>
<select name="export" id="export">
<option value="noexport">-- select --</option>
<option value="filtered">Excel Filtered Data</option>
<option value="alldata">Excel All Data</option>
<table id="example" class="display dataTable cell-border" style="width:100%">
var dataSet = [
"id": "1",
"name": "Tiger Nixon",
"position": "System Architect",
"salary": "$320,800",
"start_date": "2011/04/25",
"office": "Zurich",
"extn": "5421"
"id": "2",
"name": "Garrett Winters",
"position": "Accountant",
"salary": "$170,750",
"start_date": "2011/07/25",
"office": "Tokyo",
"extn": "8422"
"id": "3",
"name": "Ashton Cox",
"position": "Junior Technical Author",
"salary": "$86,000",
"start_date": "2009/01/12",
"office": "San Francisco",
"extn": "1562"
"id": "4",
"name": "Cedric Kelly",
"position": "Senior Javascript Developer",
"salary": "$433,060",
"start_date": "2012/03/29",
"office": "Edinburgh",
"extn": "6224"
"id": "5",
"name": "Airi Satou",
"position": "Accountant",
"salary": "$162,700",
"start_date": "2008/11/28",
"office": "Tokyo",
"extn": "5407"
"id": "6",
"name": "Donna Snider",
"position": "Customer Support",
"salary": "$112,000",
"start_date": "2011/01/25",
"office": "New York",
"extn": "4226"
$(document).ready(function() {
var table = $('#example').DataTable( {
dom: '<"hiddenbuttons"B>rtip',
lengthMenu: [ [5, -1], [5, "All"] ],
data: dataSet,
columns: [
{ title: "ID", data: "id" },
{ title: "Name", data: "name" },
{ title: "Office", data: "office" },
{ title: "Position", data: "position" },
{ title: "Start date", data: "start_date" },
{ title: "Extn.", data: "extn" },
{ title: "Salary", data: "salary" }
buttons: [
// see
{ // this exports only filtered data
extend: 'excelHtml5',
exportOptions: {
modifier: { search: 'applied' }
{ // this exports all data regardless of filtering
extend: 'excelHtml5',
exportOptions: {
modifier: { search: 'none' }
initComplete: function(settings, json) {
$('.hiddenbuttons').css('display', 'none');
} );
$("#filterButton").on('click', function() {
$("#export").on('change', function(e) {
var mode = $("#export :selected").val();
if (mode === 'filtered') {
$('.hiddenbuttons button').eq(0).click();
} else if (mode === 'alldata') {
$('.hiddenbuttons button').eq(1).click();
} );
If you want to use a <a> link to generate an Excel export, then maybe this will help:
Let's assume we have a link like the one from your question:
To handle a click event for this, you can use the following:
$("#export-filtered").on('click', function(e) {
$('.hiddenbuttons button').eq(0).click();
Note that the link's ID is export-filtered - therefore you need to refer to that in your JavaScript, using the # symbol (which is for an ID) - and not the . symbol (which is for a class name):
Then you need to prevent the default click action from being applied, because you do not want the click to cause you to navigate to another page. I recommend doing this even if you have href="".
That works for me, using my DataTables code.
In your question, you do not show how you changed your DataTables code - so this may still not work for you. If that is the case, then there must be other differences (which are not shown in the question) between my example and your overall solution.


Tabulator 4.5 get data from api but do not render the table with data

In a modal context , Tabulator get data from api but do not render the table.
If I put a sleep of 500 milliseconds before return json from the api, the data show up.
<div class="form-group">
<div id="tablePersonnages"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var table = new Tabulator("#tablePersonnages",({
pagination: "local",
paginationSize: 10,
history: true,
ajaxURL: '#Url.Action("ObtenirPersonnages", "FicheHistorique")',
ajaxParams: { idFiche: '#Model' },
ajaxConfig: "POST",
layout: "fitColumns",
locale: true,
langs: {
"fr-fr": {
"ajax": {
"loading": "Chargement", //ajax loader text
"error": "Erreur" //ajax error text
"pagination": {
"first": "Début", //text for the first page button
"first_title": "Première page", //tooltip text for the first page button
"last": "Fin",
"last_title": "Dernière page",
"prev": "Préc",
"prev_title": "Page précédente",
"next": "Suiv",
"next_title": "Page suivante"
columns: [ //Define Table Columns
{ title: "Id", field: "Id", visible: false },
{ title: "Nom", field: "Nom", headerFilter: "input", headerFilterPlaceholder: " " },
{ title: "Prenom", field: "Prenom", headerFilter: "input", headerFilterPlaceholder: " " },
{ title: "Fonction", field: "Fonction", headerFilter: "input", headerFilterPlaceholder: " " },
{ title: "Naissance", field: "Naissance" },
{ title: "Deces", field: "Deces" },
{ formatter: link, width: 10 }
On Modal Open Event
Call table.redraw(true) If still doesn't work put the redraw in a setTimeout()

How to add a key value pair on existing object created via Vue Reactivity

I already have an existing form which is dynamically created. However, I have problems with regards to adding a new set of key value pairs to the existing object. I have used the Vue Reactivity using the this.$set() method with success on the FIRST pair only.
{ "traveller_1": { "gender": "c" },
"traveller_2": { "gender": "f" },
"traveller_3": { "gender": "i" }
Expected Output
{ "traveller_1": { "firstname": "John", "age": "23", "gender": "m" },
"traveller_2": { "firstname": "Jane", "age": "21", "gender": "f" },
"traveller_3": { "firstname": "Jade", "age": "25", "gender": "f" },
<div class="col-md-10" id="app"> {{ travellerDetails }}
<div class="form-row" v-for="i in travellers">
<div class="form-group col-md-6" v-for="(details, index) in bookingRequiredDetails">
<label for="required-details">{{ details }}</label>
#input="prop('traveller_' + i, details, $event)"
placeholder="Required Details"
new Vue({
el: '#app',
mounted () {
data () {
return {
test: { 'unit1' : { life: 30}},
travellerDetails: { },
travellers: 3,
bookingRequiredDetails: ['fullname', 'age', 'gender'],
methods: {
prop: function(obj, prop, event) {
this.$set(this.travellerDetails, obj, { [prop] : } );
You're overriding all object every time you assign new value. You should change a single prop only
prop: function(obj, prop, event) {
const data = this.travellerDetails[obj] || {}
data[prop] =
this.travellerDetails = {
[obj]: {}

Vuetify treeview search behavior

Hello and Happy new Year guys,
Again I ask about v-treeview search. When I do my filter, the behavior do not satisfy me.
I updated my version of vuetify to 1.4.0. And I'm using vue 2.5.15
<div id="app">
<v-container grid-list-md>
<v-layout wrap>
<v-flex xs6>
<!-- Search Field -->
<v-text-field label="search" v-model="search" box>
<!-- Treeview -->
<v-treeview :items="filteredTree"
active-class="grey lighten-4 indigo--text"
<v-flex xs6>
<v-chip v-for="(s , i) in selected" :key="i">
JS :
new Vue({
el: '#app',
search: '',
tree: [
id: 1,
name: 'Applications',
children: [
{ id: 2, name: 'Calendar' },
{ id: 3, name: 'Chrome' },
{ id: 4, name: 'Webstorm' }
id: 5,
name: 'Languages',
children: [
{ id: 6, name: 'English' },
{ id: 7, name: 'French' },
{ id: 8, name: 'Spannish' }
selected: []
filteredTree: {
get: function() {
let regexp = new RegExp(, "i")
return this.filterTree(this.tree, regexp) || []
methods: {
filterTree: function(tree, filter) {
if (!Array.isArray(tree)) return null
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(tree)).filter(function matchName(o) {
let temp;
if ( {
return true;
if (!Array.isArray(o.children)) {
return false;
temp = o.children.filter(matchName);
if (temp.length) {
o.children = temp;
return true;
In this exemple when I search "Calen", only "Application -> Calendar" is visible. Until now, it's what I want.
But when I select Calendar, "Application" is also selected; and when I clear the filter, all the children of "Application" are selected too. And I'd like to select "Calendar" and when I clear I don't want its siblings to be selected.
Thank you for reading

How to vue watch a specific property in an array of objects

I'm using vue.js 2.5.2
I have an array of objects and I'd like to watch forms[*].selected and if it changes call a function.
This is my attempt, but obviously, it is not correct. I tried putting the array into a for loop to watch each object's property selected.
watch: {
for (var i = 0; i < forms.length; i++)
forms[i].selected: function(){
console.log("change made to selection");
This is the array of objects called forms[]
forms: [
day: '12',
month: '9',
year: '2035',
colors: 'lightblue',//default colour in case none is chosen
selected: true
day: '28',
month: '01',
year: '2017',
colors: 'lightgreen',//default colour in case none is chosen
selected: true
Any help would be greatly appreciated,
You could use a deep watcher, but a more elegant solution would be to create computed property of the data you want to watch, and watch that instead:
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: () => ({
forms: [{
day: '12',
month: '9',
year: '2035',
colors: 'lightblue',
selected: true
day: '28',
month: '01',
year: '2017',
colors: 'lightgreen',
selected: true
computed: {
selected() {
return => form.selected)
watch: {
selected(newValue) {
console.log("change made to selection")
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<li v-for="(form, i) in forms" :key="i">
<input type="checkbox" v-model="form.selected"> {{form.colors}}
Vue Watchers
Using deep tag is a simpler option but be careful with lists with many objects. It is not very optimized
watch: {
colours: {
// This will let Vue know to look inside the array
deep: true,
// We have to move our method to a handler field
console.log('The list of colours has changed!');

js grid and autocomplete

I am able to create a custom field with jsGrid and jquery autocomplete. All ajax CRUD calls are working for all other fields. The below code activates autocomplete and shows the available options in the input field as expected.
var tags = ["tag1", "tag2", "tag3"];
MyDescriptionField.prototype = new jsGrid.Field({
insertTemplate: function(value) {
return this._editPicker = $("<input>").autocomplete({source : tags});
editTemplate: function(value) {
return this._editPicker = $("<input>").autocomplete({source : tags});
........... (more code)
So far so good. However to actually capture the value so it can be inserted into the db, I also need to define insertValue and editValue.
The code below is NOT working
insertValue: function(){
return this._insertPicker = $("<input>").val();
...........(more code)
this one is not working eiter:
insertValue: function(){
return this._insertPicker.autocomplete({
select: function(event, ui) {
reference: jsGrid.
Try this snippet:
$(function() {
var myTagField = function(config) {, config);
myTagField.prototype = new jsGrid.Field({
sorter: function(tag1, tag2) {
return tag1.localeCompare(tag2);
itemTemplate: function(value) {
return value;
insertTemplate: function(value) {
return this._insertAuto = $("<input>").autocomplete({source : tags});
editTemplate: function(value) {
return this._editAuto = $("<input>").autocomplete({source : tags}).val(value);
insertValue: function() {
return this._insertAuto.val();
editValue: function() {
return this._editAuto.val();
jsGrid.fields.myTagField = myTagField;
width: "100%",
inserting: true,
editing: true,
sorting: true,
paging: true,
fields: [
{ name: "Name", type: "text" },
{ name: "Tag", type: "myTagField", width: 100, align: "center" },
{ type: "control", editButton: false, modeSwitchButton: false }
data: db.users
var tags = ["tag1", "tag2", "tag3"];
var db = {};
db.users = [
"Name": "Carson Kelley",
"Tag": ""
"Name": "Prescott Griffin",
"Tag": "tag1"
"Name": "Amir Saunders",
"Tag": "tag3"
"Name": "Derek Thornton",
"Tag": "tag2"
"Name": "Fletcher Romero",
"Tag": ""
<script src=""></script><script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet"/>
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet"/>
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet"/>
<div id="jsGrid"></div>
or this codepen:
Thanks #beaver. Your pen helped my understand custom fields better. I extended it a bit to add filtering with autocomplete.
$(function() {
var myTagField = function(config) {, config);
myTagField.prototype = new jsGrid.Field({
autosearch: true,
sorter: function(tag1, tag2) {
return tag1.localeCompare(tag2);
itemTemplate: function(value) {
return '<span class="label label-primary">' + value + '</span>';
insertTemplate: function(value) {
return this._insertAuto = $("<input>").autocomplete({
source: tags
filterTemplate: function(value) {
if (!this.filtering)
return "";
var grid = this._grid,
$result = this._filterAuto = $("<input>").autocomplete({
source: tags
if (this.autosearch) {
$result.on("change", function(e) {;
return $result;
editTemplate: function(value) {
return this._editAuto = $("<input>").autocomplete({
source: tags
insertValue: function() {
return this._insertAuto.val();
filterValue: function() {
return this._filterAuto.val();
editValue: function() {
return this._editAuto.val();
jsGrid.fields.myTagField = myTagField;
width: "100%",
filtering: true,
inserting: true,
editing: true,
sorting: true,
paging: true,
fields: [{
name: "Name",
type: "text"
name: "Tag",
type: "myTagField",
width: 100,
align: "center"
type: "control",
editButton: false,
modeSwitchButton: false
data: db.users,
controller: {
loadData: function(filter) {
return $.grep(db.users, function(item) {
return (!filter.Tag || item.Tag.toLowerCase().indexOf(filter.Tag.toLowerCase()) > -1);
var tags = ["tag1", "tag2", "tag3"];
var db = {};
db.users = [{
"Name": "Carson Kelley",
"Tag": ""
"Name": "Prescott Griffin",
"Tag": "tag1"
"Name": "Amir Saunders",
"Tag": "tag3"
"Name": "Derek Thornton",
"Tag": "tag2"
"Name": "Fletcher Romero",
"Tag": ""
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet"/>
<link href=""/>
<h1>Custom Grid DateField filtering with autocomplete</h1>
<div id="jsGrid"></div>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src=""></script>
Thanks #beaver. Your pen helped my understand custom fields better. I extended it a bit to add filtering with autocomplete.
