Why would you use the spread operator to spread a variable onto itself? - node.js

In the Google Getting started with Node.js tutorial they perform the following operation
data = {...data};
in the code for sending data to Firestore.
You can see it on their Github, line 63.
As far as I can tell this doesn't do anything.
Is there a good reason for doing this?
Is it potentially future proofing, so that if you added your own data you'd be less likely to do something like data = {data, moreData}?

#Manu's answer details what the line of code is doing, but not why it's there.
I don't know exactly why the Google code example uses this approach, but I would guess at the following reason (and would do the same myself in this situation):
Because objects in JavaScript are passed by reference, it becomes necessary to rebuild the 'data' object from it's constituent parts to avoid the original data object being further modified by the ref.set(data) call on line 64 of the example code:
await ref.set(data);
For example, in MongoDB, when you pass an object into a write or update method, Mongo will actually modify the object to add extra properties such as the datetime it was insert into a collection or it's ID within the collection. I don't know for sure if Firestore does the same, but if it doesn't now, it's possible that it may in future. If it does, and if your original code that calls the update method from Google's example code goes on to further manipulate the data object that it originally passed, that object would now have extra properties on it that may cause unexpected problems. Therefore, it's prudent to rebuild the data object from the original object's properties to avoid contamination of the original object elsewhere in code.
I hope that makes sense - the more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that this must be the reason and it's actually a great learning point.
I include the full original function from Google's code here in case others come across this in future, since the code is subject to change (copied from https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/nodejs-getting-started/blob/master/bookshelf/books/firestore.js at the time of writing this answer):
// Creates a new book or updates an existing book with new data.
async function update(id, data) {
let ref;
if (id === null) {
ref = db.collection(collection).doc();
} else {
ref = db.collection(collection).doc(id);
data.id = ref.id;
data = {...data};
await ref.set(data);
return data;

It's making a shallow copy of data; let's say you have a third-party function that mutates the input:
const foo = input => {
input['changed'] = true;
And you need to call it, but don't want to get your object modified, so instead of:
data = {life: 42}
// > data
// { life: 42, changed: true }
You may use the Spread Syntax:
data = {life: 42}
// > data
// { life: 42 }
Not sure if this is the particular case with Firestone but the thing is: spreading an object you get a shallow copy of that obj.
Related: Object copy using Spread operator actually shallow or deep?


Transforming large array of objects to csv using json2csv

I need to transform a large array of JSON (that can have over 100k positions) into a CSV.
This array is created directly in the application, it's not the result of an uploaded file.
Looking at the documentation, I've thought on using parser but it says that:
For that reason is rarely a good reason to use it until your data is very small or your application doesn't do anything else.
Because the data is not small and my app will do other things than creating the csv, I don't think it'll be the best approach but I may be misunderstanding the documentation.
Is it possible to use the others options (async parser or transform) with an already created data (and not a stream of data)?
FYI: It's a nest application but I'm using this node.js lib.
Update: I've tryied to insert with an array with over 300k positions, and it went smoothly.
Why do you need any external modules?
Converting JSON into a javascript array of javascript objects is a piece of cake with the native JSON.parse() function.
let jsontxt=await fs.readFile('mythings.json','uft8');
let mythings = JSON.parse(jsontxt);
if (!Array.isArray(mythings)) throw "Oooops, stranger things happen!"
And, then, converting a javascript array into a CSV is very straightforward.
The most obvious and absurd case is just mapping every element of the array into a string that is the JSON representation of the object element. You end up with a useless CSV with a single column containing every element of your original array. And then joining the resulting strings array into a single string, separated by newlines \n. It's good for nothing but, heck, it's a CSV!
let csvtxt = mythings.map(JSON.stringify).join("\n");
await fs.writeFile("mythings.csv",csvtxt,"utf8");
Now, you can feel that you are almost there. Replace the useless mapping function into your own
let csvtxt = mythings.map(mapElementToColumns).join("\n");
and choose a good mapping between the fields of the objects of your array, and the columns of your csv.
function mapElementToColumns(element) {
return `${JSON.stringify(element.id)},${JSON.stringify(element.name)},${JSON.stringify(element.value)}`;
or, in a more thorough way
function mapElementToColumns(fieldNames) {
return function (element) {
let fields = fieldnames.map(n => element[n] ? JSON.stringify(element[n]) : '""');
return fields.join(',');
that you may invoke in your map
Finally, you might decide to use an automated for "all fields in all objects" approach; which requires that all the objects in the original array maintain a similar fields schema.
You extract all the fields of the first object of the array, and use them as the header row of the csv and as the template for extracting the rest of the elements.
let fieldnames = Object.keys(mythings[0]);
and then use this field names array as parameter of your map function
let csvtxt= mythings.map(mapElementToColumns(fieldnames)).join("\n");
and, also, prepending them as the CSV header
Putting all the pieces together...
function mapElementToColumns(fieldNames) {
return function (element) {
let fields = fieldnames.map(n => element[n] ? JSON.stringify(element[n]) : '""');
return fields.join(',');
let jsontxt=await fs.readFile('mythings.json','uft8');
let mythings = JSON.parse(jsontxt);
if (!Array.isArray(mythings)) throw "Oooops, stranger things happen!";
let fieldnames = Object.keys(mythings[0]);
let csvtxt= mythings.map(mapElementToColumns(fieldnames)).join("\n");
await fs.writeFile("mythings.csv",csvtxt,"utf8");
And that's it. Pretty neat, uh?

How to add object to file in nodejs?

title pretty much explains it all. I'm trying to add objects into a nodejs file and cant seem to get it working.
Each file essentially looks like this
[{"name":name,"date":date},{"name":name,"date":date}] (in simplest terms)
I want to be able to add an object, to that array that is in that file. Here is the code I came up with
for(o in collections){
fs.readFile(__dirname + "/HowIsCollections/"+collections[o].mintDate,'utf8',function(err,data){
const dat = JSON.parse(data)
const existedData = []
for(i in dat){
const project = JSON.stringify(collections[o])
fs.writeFileSync(__dirname + "/HowIsCollections/"+collections[o].mintDate,JSON.stringify(dat))
Its pretty self explanatory. From the top, its reading the file, getting the data, taking all of the objects found in the file and putting it into an array.
the second half of the code, stringifys each object, it then compares against the array to see if that object exists in the array (existedData, the data from the file). If it doesnt, it adds it. Then at the end im just resaving the file.
dat.push(project) is the array in the file.
I have similar setups like this in other parts of my code, which work. this however does not, i get no errors, nothing, it just doesnt work. All of my console.log's show, but thats it.
I tried looking on here mostly for solutions, but most of them were just talking about stringifying an object in fs.writefile, which isnt what i need here.

Creating Node.js enum in code to match list of values in database

I have a list of valid values that I am storing in a data store. This list is about 20 items long now and will likely grow to around 100, maybe more.
I feel there are a variety of reasons it makes sense to store this in a data store rather than just storing in code. I want to be able to maintain the list and its metadata and make it accessible to other services, so it seems like a micro-service data store.
But in code, we want to make sure only values from the list are passed, and they can typically be hardcoded. So we would like to create an enum that can be used in code to ensure that valid values are passed.
I have created a simple node.js that can generate a JS file with the enum right from the data store. This could be regenerated anytime the file changes or maybe on a schedule. But sharing the enum file with any node.js applications that use it would not be trivial.
Has anyone done anything like this? Any reason why this would be a bad approach? Any feedback is welcome.
Piggy-backing off of this answer, which describes a way of creating an "enum" in JavaScript: you can grab the list of constants from your server (via an HTTP call) and then generate the enum in code, without the need for creating and loading a JavaScript source file.
Given that you have loaded your enumConstants from the back-end (here I hard-coded them):
const enumConstants = [
const temp = {};
for (const constant of enumConstants) {
temp[constant] = constant;
const PlaceEnum = Object.freeze(temp);
// Or, in one line
const PlaceEnum2 = Object.freeze(enumConstants.reduce((o, c) => { o[c] = c; return o; }, {}));
It is not ideal for code analysis or when using a smart editor, because the object is not explicitly defined and the editor will complain, but it will work.
Another approach is just to use an array and look for its members.
const members = ['first', 'second', 'third'...]
// then test for the members
members.indexOf('first') // 0
members.indexOf('third') // 2
members.indexOf('zero') // -1
members.indexOf('your_variable_to_test') // does it exist in the "enum"?
Any value that is >=0 will be a member of the list. -1 will not be a member. This doesn't "lock" the object like freeze (above) but I find it suffices for most of my similar scenarios.

Why does this Context.Sync not work?

Why does this code snippet not write the values back to Excel unless I un-comment the range.values=range.values line?
$('#run').click(function() {
function invokeRun() {
return Excel.run(function(context) {
var range = context.workbook.worksheets.getItem("Sheet1").getRange("A1:B3");
return context.sync()
.then(function() {
return context.sync();
Array properties are special. I have added a page on my website to describe the topic: Reading and writing array properties.
Summarizing from there, the way that the proxy-object model works, whenever you set a property on an object, the Office.js runtime has a hook into the setter and getter, which is used to intercept the call and add the command to the queue.
Let's take an example of a regular property first. Per the above, whenever you set something like range.format.fill.color = "red", the setter for the color property intercepts the request and internally adds a command into the queue to set the range fill color to red (to be dispatched with the next context.sync)
On the other hand, if all you had was var color = range.format.fill.color
(after a load and a sync, of course), the getter would fire instead of the setter, and the color variable would get the range's current fill color.
Now, that was regular properties. Whenever you set an element of the array, you are effectively accessing the array value as a getter. From a runtime perspective, this line is no different from a slightly more verbose version:
var array = range.values;
array[r][c] = '-';
Because the getter for range.values returns a perfectly plain JS array object, accessing it and then setting its value does nothing to propagate it back to the original Range object.
If you want the values to get reflected back, the best thing is to get a reference to the array right after the sync (i.e., var array = range.values, just as above), then set the values on the array as needed, and then finally set it back to the object: range.values = array.
It means you could also modify the values array in place, and then assign the values property back to itself at the completion of the loop (range.values = range.values). However, this looks awkward, as if it’s a no-op, whereas in reality it is not. So personally, I prefer to retrieve the array at the beginning and assign it to its own variable, then do any necessary modifications, and finally set the full array back.
UPDATE to clarify the above:
To be very clear, the arrays returned by accessing the .values, .formulas, etc., ARE pure vanilla JS arrays. That's actually the crux of the problem: that in order for Office.js to return pure objects, it means that those pure objects can't be "spiked" with the ability to reflect changes.
For what it's worth, we actually have an upcoming feature that should be rolling out in a month or two, where we will be introducing an object.set syntax, as in:
values: [[1, 2], [3, 4]],
format: {
fill: {
color: "purple"
This will make it more convenient to set multiple properties on the same object, but it might also make the array properties easier to deal with.

How to maintain counters with LinqToObjects?

I have the following c# code:
private XElement BuildXmlBlob(string id, Part part, out int counter)
// return some unique xml particular to the parameters passed
// remember to increment the counter also before returning.
Which is called by:
var counter = 0;
result.AddRange(from rec in listOfRecordings
from par in rec.Parts
let id = GetId("mods", rec.CKey + par.UniqueId)
select BuildXmlBlob(id, par, counter));
Above code samples are symbolic of what I am trying to achieve.
According to the Eric Lippert, the out keyword and linq does not mix. OK fair enough but can someone help me refactor the above so it does work? A colleague at work mentioned accumulator and aggregate functions but I am novice to Linq and my google searches were bearing any real fruit so I thought I would ask here :).
To Clarify:
I am counting the number of parts I might have which could be any number of them each time the code is called. So every time the BuildXmlBlob() method is called, the resulting xml produced will have a unique element in there denoting the 'partNumber'.
So if the counter is currently on 7, that means we are processing 7th part so far!! That means XML returned from BuildXmlBlob() will have the counter value embedded in there somewhere. That's why I need it somehow to be passed and incremented every time the BuildXmlBlob() is called per run through.
If you want to keep this purely in LINQ and you need to maintain a running count for use within your queries, the cleanest way to do so would be to make use of the Select() overloads that includes the index in the query to get the current index.
In this case, it would be cleaner to do a query which collects the inputs first, then use the overload to do the projection.
var inputs =
from recording in listOfRecordings
from part in recording.Parts
select new
Id = GetId("mods", recording.CKey + part.UniqueId),
Part = part,
result.AddRange(inputs.Select((x, i) => BuildXmlBlob(x.Id, x.Part, i)));
Then you wouldn't need to use the out/ref parameter.
XElement BuildXmlBlob(string id, Part part, int counter)
// implementation
Below is what I managed to figure out on my own:.
result.AddRange(listOfRecordings.SelectMany(rec => rec.Parts, (rec, par) => new {rec, par})
.Select(#t => new
Id = GetStructMapItemId("mods", #t.rec.CKey + #t.par.UniqueId)
.Select((#t, i) => BuildPartsDmdSec(#t.Id, #t.#t.par, i)));
I used resharper to convert it into a method chain which constructed the basics for what I needed and then i simply tacked on the select statement right at the end.
