PhpStorm looks for Google Chrome when I set up Firefox - browser

PhpStorm 2021.2.2 on Ubuntu 20.04. I set up a Run Configuration as follow:
But when I launch this Run Configuration I get:
I don't understand why it look for Google Chrome if I selected Firefox as a browser.

Sadly that is correct / no error here.
JavaScript debug is done with Chrome-based browsers only (has been like that for quite some time now).
Debugging of JavaScript code is only supported in Google Chrome and in other Chromium-based browsers.
To debug JavaScript using Firefox you need to use Firefox Remote type of Run/Debug Configuration (need to manually create and use it) and enable Remote Debugging in Firefox in advance. has all the info.
A ticket to watch after:
NOTE: the aforementioned Firefox Remote type of Run/Debug Configuration is no longer present in current 2021.2 version. The last version that has it is 2021.1.
In addition to the above, from
Unfortunately, there's nothing we can offer for debugging in Firefox now :(
We used to support Firefox Remote Debugging (but without source maps) through the Firefox Remote run configuration, but our solution doesn't work in the latest Firefox versions due to changes in the protocol, and there doesn't seem to be an easy way to fix it. We've made some progress recently, but there are still some blocking issues.
Related tickets:


Memory profiler is being disabled while running Chrome dev-tool on Node inspector

I am trying to find away to analyze the memory consumption in a NodeJS application. I am trying to use Chrome dev-tool on top of node inspector. It's quite basic to start and I am listening on default 9229 port as suggested here.
After connecting to the port from chrome, I can see the consoles and files under Node but I am unable to run memory snapshots. It's just disabled.
Opened the inspect screen and clicked on the inspect.
Then I see these options completely disabled.
On hover of record button, I see a message "Another profiler is already active" which I don't have a clue to.
What could be the underlying issue here?
System specifications
Chrome - 83.0.4103.97
OS - Windows 10
Node - 8.9.4
Any help is appreciated!
Finally after trying out different versions, new Microsoft edge, I found out that it's an issue with version incompatibility.
I tried with Node 9.11.1 and it didn't work.
But at end switched to 12.16.1 and it works there. For now I assume chrome/chromium dev-tools supports higher versions of NodeJS.
I also found that the platform needs to be the same.
That is to say, if you run nodejs on Linux, you also need to run Chrome on Linux.

How to configure headless browser using protractor on windows so that it can be run using team city without any GUI resolution issues?

How to configure headless browser using protractor on windows so that it can be run using team city without any GUI resolution issues?
Currently I am using chrome browser to run my UI automation test but at some page I am facing element not found issue due to resolution issue.
So I wanted to go for an headless browser.
Phantomjs is officially discontinued, so you must use headless Chrome. As for the instructions on how to set it up, follow instructions
Getting started with headless chrome can be found here

how to solve extension, theme, app add to chrome error network_failed in vmware

When I try to add any extension, theme or app from chrome webstore ( to chrome on VMWare, it gives me all the same error.
An Error has Occured.
I don't know how to fix it and because the normal chrome, I mean not on VMWare, acts normally, so I guess it's the VMWare issue.
Please let me know how to fix and add to chrome successfully on VMWare.
As we discussed in the comment, Google has removed NPAPI support for some time now. Since the VMware requires NPAPI, so that it will break and reproduce the error. However Google has provided an override to enable NPAPI support by simply clicking "Enable" in the chrome://flags/#enable-npapi page. Glad it helps!

AT-SPI for Google Chrome in Linux

I have been finding the way to get the urls of opened tabs of the browsers of Firefox and Chrome using Accessibiltiy.
I found that Firefox can get the urls using at-spi, but Chrome can get the url of focused tab a few months ago.
I have gotten a new result recently during the test. It is that I cannot access the child of Chrome using Accessibility, so I don't even know the url of focused tab.
"atspi_accessible_get_child_count" returns 0.
But as I said earlier, it worked on Chrome 31 version.
According to Assistive technology support, there are not tools to test accessibility in Linux.
Chrome does not support Accessibility anymore?
There is the answer in Chrome Accessibility.
That says accessibility of Chromium on desktop Linux is not really supported currently.
You need to start Chrome like this:
ACCESSIBILITY_ENABLED=1 chrome --force-renderer-accessibility
Both of these are necessary. For electron apps, ACCESSIBILITY_ENABLED=1 seems to be enough, at least that was the case with VSCodium and Signal Desktop.
On Windows, this is not necessary because a11y enables itself once a known screen reader is detected (afaik), but Orca under Linux is apparently not known.

How can I check my ajax application and site on multiple browsers?

I am running windows 7 which won't even allow me to use the latest IE version for testing.
I currently use google crome and firefox. Is there a program or easy way to test a site with multiple browsers, and not just
the way they might look but everything like javascript and ajax just as if I were using that particular browser? has some great online browser virtualizations.
They take a bit to load but are perfect for testing. Javascript and such will work like normal and you can try out all the versions of IE from the same computer without installing anything.
I should note that these launch fully functional browser windows- It is not an in browser preview type thing.
They used to have multiple IE versions, Firefox, Opera and safari available to download as portable software but I can't find them anymore :(
Install a virtual machine manager - OpenBox from Sun is free and works OK - and install a copy of Windows / Linux / whatever in each of a bunch of virtual machines. Then in each Windows either keep the installed browser (ie IE 6, hahah, in XP) or upgrade it to IE 7 or IE 8. Also install whatever versions of FF and Opera and so on.
It's not perfect, but I get by using IETester for different versions of IE. The author claims it works on Windows 7.
You can check out the TestSwarm, by John Resig. His blog article on here is at:
