Vim: Create a template for Latex - vim

I have created this VimScript function to automatically generate a template for newly created latex files (with *.tex extension)
function CreateLatexTemplate()
normal ggi\documentclass[10pt,a4paper]{article}
normal o\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}
normal o\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
normal o\usepackage{amsmath}
normal o\usepackage{amsfonts}
normal o\usepackage{amssymb}
normal o\usepackage{graphicx}
normal o\usepackage[left=1.00cm, right=1.00cm, top=1.00cm, bottom=1.00cm]{geometry}
normal o\author{Author Name}
normal o\begin{document}
normal o\end{document}
normal ko
autocmd BufNewFile *.tex call CreateLatexTemplate()
So far it works just fine. But as you can see that I am repeating myself several times in the function CreateLatexTemplate.
Could someone please suggest a better alternative to my syntax?
Thank you

I don't think there is a better alternative for this syntax, but I want to suggest a different approach.
You may be interested in snippets which are essentially templates that make it easier to enter repeating code patterns. Here is a demo from the Ultisnips repo that shows how it works:
You just need to install the snippets plugin and create a snippet from your template to use it in your work.
This is quite popular approach to writing complex LaTeX documents, you could see this post for more inspiration.

Apart from using snippet plugin, you can also use a template plugin like vim-template, see also this post.


Configure vim to add module declaration for haskell files

When I edit a new Haskell file e.g. "xyz.hs", I'd like vim to automatically add
module Xyz where
at the first line. How can it be configured?
You could do something like
au BufNewFile *.hs call WriteHaskellModuleHeader(expand('%:t:r'))
function! WriteHaskellModuleHeader(fname)
execute "normal imodule " . a:fname . " where\n"
in your .vimrc for starters; But of course that breaks the moment you use hierarchical modules (in which case a general vimscript only solution wouldn't work anymore, you'd probably have to invoke cabal or something to find your source roots, and the whole thing would probably get fairly messy very quickly).
Opinion: It doesn't seem to me like something particularly worthwhile, it's not a lot of text to write and you don't write it often.
You can use a snippet engine like Ultisnips together with vim-snippets you can trigger the keyword module to get the desired result.
See for the line responsible for this.
For emacs one choice would be yasnippets: and the module keyword is supported in

How do I customize three letter sequences in Vim Latex-Suite?

I installed Latex-Suite for Vim, and I like it very much, but I'd like to be able to customize the environment mappings that came by default, and add new ones. For example I want to edit the equation environment that appears typing EEQ and move around some elements, like the \label{} command. How can I do this? I've been scanning everything inside my /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/ftplugin but I can't find a way to do it (or I just don't understand what those files are).
You want to check out the documentation on Macro Customisation, specifically the Tex_Env_{name} bit.
In short, if you want your theorem snippet to look like
then you want a line like
let g:Tex_Env_theorem = "\\begin{theorem}\<CR><++>\<CR>\\end{theorem}"
in your vimrc.
Note the backslashes to escape carriage-return, and double-backslash for normal backslashes.
The <F5> functionality (press F5 after typing an environment name, i.e. figure<F5>) should work out of the box, but you may need to refresh the three-letter code. This is more hassle than it needs to be, but something like
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.tex call IMAP('EFI', g:Tex_Env_figure,'tex')
will do the job.
The answer to the question you asked comes with a caveat, which is that Latex-Suite is an enormous amount of code that is very hard and annoying to modify, and which does not play nicely with other plugins. This falls into Latex-Suite's philosophy that it's the only plugin you need for editing latex within vim.
That said, you want to look in /path/to/ftplugin/latex-suite/envmacros.vim. Searching for EEQ will lead you on the path to understanding the set of calls that latex-suite performs. I would like to reiterate that many functions are deeply intertwined.
On the other hand, there is a very easy way to have very easily customizable environments, which are snippets. See the UltiSnips page for a good example of how this works. These are designed for customization and extremely easy to write.

Vim: Making Auto-Completion Smarter

I use ctags, taglist, etc., to have auto completion in Vim. However, it is very limited compared to Visual Studio intellisense or Eclipse auto-completion. I am wondering whether it is possible to tune Vim to:
Show auto-completion whenever . or -> are typed. But only after some text that might be a variable (e.g. avoid showing auto completion after a number).
Show function parameters when ( is typed.
Stop removing the auto completion list when some delete all characters after . or ->: When I enter a variable name, then press . or -> to search for a certain member, I frequently have to delete all the characters I type after the . or ->, but this makes Vim hide the auto completion list. I would like to keep it visible unless I press Esc.
Showing related auto completion: When I type a variable and press ^X ^O, it usually shows me all the tags in the ctags file. I would like to have it showing only the tags related to the variable.
Thanks for the help.
EDIT: Some people are voting for this question, but no body seems to know the answer. So just wanted to mention that you don't have to provide a complete answer; partial answers to any of the mentioned points would be good also.
AutoComplPop is what you need.
For (1) when working with C++ or C clang complete is a really nice option
To make vim trigger a certain behavior when a key is pressed you need to map the key to a function.
For instance to map the key . to call some type of completion when in INSERT mode you would need to do:
:inoremap <expr> <buffer> . MyFunction()
and then the function would need to evaluate the context where it was called and present an appropriate answer to the user.
Edit: This is the basis of how clang complete mentioned by #honk works.
I'm not sure if you can customize the behavior of omnifunc to meet your needs but on my experience, I never went too far. As #Mikhail said, you would need to keep track of things which in practice means interpreting or even running the code to some extent.
I use vim every day, and I'm not aware of any existing script that may do this. This action would require understanding of classes and keeping track of variables. someObject-> means that VIM would know what class the variable someObject is, and then be able to search methods/variables within that class.
Writing scripts for vim is relatively easy, though like you've commented - no one has answered this yet. Up vote from me.
I would love to have that same functionality that you are looking for and just came across a promising plugin: looks like it could be the new autocomplpop, and seems to work quite well during my initial trials... now to configure the omni completion to work with scala~
I've recently discovered YouCompleteMe, it behaves similarly to the Visual Studio autocomplete tool. A demonstration can be seen here:
In any case, I recommend YouCompleteMe (YCM). It provides (fuzzy) matching of identifiers of your current file, as well as path-completion, integration with external completion engines,...
ad 1)
If you like the semantic completion of eclipse, use eclim to integrate vim with eclipse. (alernatively use another semantic engine for YCM)
ad 2)
These 2 play nicely together btw.,: YCM can even provide the function definition (= parameter list) of the recently completed function!
ad 3)
that's what YCM does anyways
ad 4)
not quite sure, what you mean by that one. never used ctags!
P.S.: I strongly recommend using UltiSnips and Tagbar (and if you like UndoTree) additionally, what makes vim a perfect IDE for me.

Coda Clips for Vim

I'm currently trying to switch from Coda (a Mac IDE) to Vim. One thing I loved about Coda and my knowledge of Vim cannot replace were the so-called "clips". Basically, you type, say, "new", press TAB, and the text is replaced with a basic XHTML page. And you can add as many keyword/clips combinations as you want.
The most I could get with Vim so far was to create a new file containing my clip, and then use :r FILE in Vim in order to get it inserted, but this is not a very elegant solution, as I'd have to carry these clips around in every directory I have a file I want to use my clips with.
So assuming I've explained things properly, what would be my choices?
For various editors, there's a functionality called '''snippets''' which tab expands the beginnings of common text (like a HTML div, or C function definition) into a skeleton for that code.
There's a couple vim plugins that present this functionality. Two off the top of my bookmark list:
I heard of another plugin for quick HTML editing that uses snippets recently:
Check those out and see if they're near what you're looking for.
Also, you can define a default BufNewFile action in vim - which lets you read in a skeleton for a file if it doesn't already exist automatically.
*skeleton* *template*
To read a skeleton (template) file when opening a new file: >
:autocmd BufNewFile *.c 0r ~/vim/skeleton.c
:autocmd BufNewFile *.h 0r ~/vim/skeleton.h
:autocmd BufNewFile *.java 0r ~/vim/
Put those (or the equivalent) in your .vimrc (w/o the leading colon) to have them set up automatically every time you run vim.
Very late to the party, but:
I would recommend something like Dash for this, because the snippets are then available across all your apps.
This can be a significant bonus as your muscle-memory starts to rely on particular snippets, and can also ease the transition from one editor to the other, because your snippets are independent.
Sometimes I find myself using snippets in something like Mail to send to someone else, or in a Vim terminal on a remote machine I haven't configured, and it's great to have them all there at the ready.
Now all we need is a cross-platform solution which moves with you to a colleague's machine!
As well as the various snippet plugins, Vim also has an abbreviation feature built in, using the :ab[breviate] command.
For example you can define this:
:ab <h <head>^M</head>^M<body>^M<\body>
Then when you type <h<SPACE> it will expand into the full text. The ^M in the example above are actually carriage returns inserted in the string definition with <ctrl-V><RETURN>.

How do you use indent in vim for web development?

I'm starting to use Linux and Vim at work. I'm started reading vims documentation and creating my own .vimrc file and such.
I'm a web developer working with HTML, XML, CSS, JS, Python, PHP, ZPT, DTML and SQL.
I would like to have an indent feature like this one: for each language/set, a corresponding indent solution.
So, in js, writing function test(){|} would turn in
function test(){
If php, writing <?php function test(){|}:
function test(){
...and such. Writing a function definition in Python, and then creating a for loop sentece, it would automatically create an indent.
I'm starting with autoindent, smartindent, cindent but I'm a little confused about their differences.
How do the indent in vim works? Am I supposed to download plugins for each language? Is the behavior I described possible with already existing plugins you're used to or do I have to create it?
I keep seeing people using Vim and I'm trying to do this as well since the machine I'm using is too limited, but I'm afraid I won't be able to have a decent auto indenting solution in it. And I really think that having to manually indent code all the time (instead of sometimes only) is a waste of time and it's against vim's "MOTTO" I've seen called "productivity".
(I have used autoindenting in a little small project in Visual Studio, and really liked their approach. Is there a plugin for that?)
Vim is usually pretty smart about indenting once you define the correct settings for tab size and the like. (Edit: As Igor mentions in the other answer, be sure to turn on filetype-specific indenting.) It seems that you want vim to automatically insert newlines though, which I don't think it can do without a plugin.
However, I think you may want to look at snipMate, which is a plugin that defines a large number of 'snippets' for different programming languages, and you can also define your own. It's basically a kind of improved tab-completion:
One example:
turns into
With | being your cursor. Some snippets even define multiple cursor-positions which you can switch to with another press of tab.
vim usually comes with a bunch of syntax plugins for different languages. if you want to use those for indenting, you will need:
set autoindent
filetype indent on
you might also need syntax on but i'm not sure if that's needed for indenting. couldn't hurt though...
I found the setup for this based on a blog post:
set autoindent
inoremap {<CR> {<CR>}<Esc>O<Tab>
Having this with snipmate.vim and autoclose.vim is working flawlessly.
