Currently using WSL2, C++20, with #define _XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED 1, #include <panel.h>, -lpanelw -lncursesw.
If I have multiple panels of the same size, what would be the most efficient way to update and refresh the current panel that is in focus?
My current approach is to use hide_panel() on the rest of the panels, and use wrefresh() on the panel I want to focus on. Or would it be better to keep all the panels in the panel stack (visible), and use top_panel() whenever I want to switch panels, and update them using update_panels() and doupdate()?
Is there a simple way to hide all widgets (essentially hide the whole application)? There are multiple windows and widgets not attached to any window. I'm assuming it's some sort of modifier to the QApplication([]).
Better wording of my question thanks to #eyllanesc:
hide() method that prevents any window (or widget) from showing after using it and you also want the "show" method restore to the previous state.
A possible solution is to iterate over the top level widgets using QApplication::topLevelWidgets() and hide it:
for tl in QtWidgets.QApplication.topLevelWidgets():
# or
# tl.close()
I want to create a application in python using wxpython library with multiple windows which will be inter-related to each other using buttons, i.e. we can go from one window to other and again come back to the previous window using buttons just like an app.
There should be one window on the screen at any time if possible. Is this possible using wxpython library. If so then can you suggest me how.
It is really simple. Normally you create one window (usually a frame or a dialog). If you want more windows, you will just create more frames or dialogs.
My application has a GUI, it first reads a initialization file and then decides how many control objects (e.g., wxTextCtrl, wxToggleButton, etc.) need to be added to a wxFrame. When there are too many objects on the wxFrame, some objects are out of visible boundary, i.e., they are on the wxFrame, but user can not see them.
I am wondering whether it is possible to add a vertical and a horizontal scroll bar into wxFrame.
You should not add controls to a wxFrame. The wxFrame can be used to hold windows, including scrolled windows, on which controls can be placed.
Take a look at some of the sample apps in the distribution to see how this works.
I am trying to create a dockable window in Qt (it sits taking 4px width at the edge of the screen, always on top and it slides out when you hover it). I have to use WindowFlag BypassX11WindowManager (in order to hide taskbar hint, disable moving/resizing/etc. from window manager). I use these flags:
When I need my dock to be activated, I use the activateWindow() method. However, I have no idea, how to deactivate it.
Is there a way I can force my window deactivate? Now I can do it only by clicking another window and then return to the one that was active before revealing dock.
You should be able to use ->hide() to simply hide it if you don't want it to appear at certain points.
I assume, by the way, you know there is QDockWidget/ class that may help you as well. It's unclear from the above if you're using it or not.
I am trying to have a horizontally scrolling table within a HTMLComponent as the tables can be wider than the width of the mobile phone and I don't want the user to have a wrapped table. I set setScrollableX(true) for HTMLTable, but I am having a lot of problems getting focus in and out of the different components. Any tips on how I would go about achieving this?
Focus in LWUIT is a mixed bag of issues and the HTML component inherits quite allot of them. The Browser demo available in LWUIT's SVN ( ) has a feature that allows showing a "mouse pointer" within the browser window so you can avoid focus and just point at a cell.
I'm not sure if it was tested with side scrolling but its possibly the easiest approach to make this UI more usable.