On my backend I use mongoDB with nodejs and mongoose
I have many records in mongodb with this structure:
type: 'out',
user: 'id1', <--mongodb objectID,
orderPayment: [
_id: 'id1',
paid: true,
paymentSum: 40
_id: 'id2',
paid: true,
paymentSum: 60,
_id: 'id3',
paid: false,
paymentSum: 50,
type: 'in',
user: 'id1', <--mongodb objectID
orderPayment: [
_id: 'id1',
paid: true,
paymentSum: 10
_id: 'id2',
paid: true,
paymentSum: 10,
_id: 'id3',
paid: false,
paymentSum: 77,
I need to group this records by 'type' and get sum with conditions.
need to get sum of 'paid' records and sum of noPaid records.
for a better understanding, here is the result Ι need to get
Output is:
out { <-- type field
paid: 100, <-- sum of paid
noPaid: 50 <-- sum of noPaid
in: { <-- type field
paid: 20, <-- sum of paid
noPaid: 77 <-- sum of noPaid
Different solution would be this one. It may give better performance than solution of #YuTing:
$project: {
type: 1,
paid: {
$filter: {
input: "$orderPayment",
cond: "$$this.paid"
noPaid: {
$filter: {
input: "$orderPayment",
cond: { $not: "$$this.paid" }
$set: {
paid: { $sum: "$paid.paymentSum" },
noPaid: { $sum: "$noPaid.paymentSum" }
$group: {
_id: "$type",
paid: { $sum: "$paid" },
noPaid: { $sum: "$noPaid" }
Mongo Playground
use $cond in $group
"$unwind": "$orderPayment"
"$group": {
"_id": "$type",
"paid": {
"$sum": {
$cond: {
if: { $eq: [ "$orderPayment.paid", true ] },
then: "$orderPayment.paymentSum",
else: 0
"noPaid": {
"$sum": {
$cond: {
if: { $eq: [ "$orderPayment.paid", false ] },
then: "$orderPayment.paymentSum",
else: 0
I have the following MySQL query in which I have done sum profit which I have fields like: rate, credit(money)
SELECT SUM((credit*(100-rate))/100) FROM roznamcha WHERE (accountNum=$id AND rate!=0.0)'
I have written the following query in mongodb using node.js but it returns null whoever I have some data in my database
const profit=await roznamcha.aggregate([
_id :'$accountNum',
} }
My output:
"status": "success",
"data": {
"profit": [
"_id": "612deac8fbc8ef21a0fa4ea7",
"resultMultiply": null,
"sumcredit": 0
"_id": "612223327e2af83a4cec1272",
"resultMultiply": null,
"sumcredit": 0
my schema:
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const roznamchaSchem=mongoose.Schema({
accountNum: {
required: ['please specify this record is from who', true],
credit: {
type: Number,
default: 0
debit: {
type: Number,
default: 0
rate: {
type: Number,
default: 0
required:['description can not be empty',true],
minlength: 8
type: Date,
required:['add an valide date',true]
const Roznamcha=mongoose.model('roznamcha',roznamchaSchem);
and my example of document:
description:"this it for you"
can anyone guide me in solving this query?
Besides #Joe and #Nenad answer the error for the subtraction: '$rate-$100';
You need to re-position your logic structure.
Perform calculation: SUM((credit*(100-rate))/100).
Group by $accountNum and aggregate SUM for resultMultiply.
$match: {
rate: {
$ne: 0
$addFields: {
resultMultiply: {
$divide: [
$multiply: [
"$subtract": [
$group: {
_id: "$accountNum",
total: {
$sum: "$resultMultiply"
"_id": 2,
"total": 1.5
"_id": 1,
"total": 5.5
Sample MongoDB playground
'$rate-$100' is referring to a field named "rate-$100". You probably meant to subtract using
{$subtract: [ 100, "$rate"]}
You can not use mathematical operator minus for substraction, you have to use $subtract aggregation operator.
resultMultiply: {
$divide: [{
$multiply: [
{ $subtract: [ 100, "$rate" ] }
I am calculating the notification percentage in my app for tracking some statistics.
My Collection:
_id: "123",
status: "seen",
userId: "589"
_id: "223",
status: "seen",
userId: "589"
_id: "474",
status: "unseen",
userId: "589"
_id: "875",
status: "seen",
userId: "112"
_id: "891",
status: "unseen",
userId: "112"
Expected Result:
Here we can see that, UserId - 589 has received 3 notifications out of which 2 are seen. So the calculation is (totalNumOfSeen/totalNumOfNoticationsSent) * 100
userId: "589",
notificationPercentage : 66.66
userId: "112",
notificationPercentage : 50
I am using a facet for grouping and matching but that is returning me an array of object and I am not getting how to perform divide on this.
My Query:
$facet: {
totalNumOfSeen: [
$match: {
userId: "589",
status: "seen"
$group: {
_id: "$userId",
totalNumOfSeen: {
$sum: 1
totalNumOfNoticationsSent: [
$match: {
userId: "589",
$group: {
_id: "$userId",
totalNumOfNoticationsSent: {
$sum: 1
The Above Query is giving me the below Result:
"totalNumOfNoticationsSent": [
"_id": "589",
"totalNumOfNoticationsSent": 3
"totalNumOfSeen": [
"_id": "589",
"totalNumOfSeen": 2
MongoPlayground - https://mongoplayground.net/p/jHn2ZlshgDL
Now I need to add one more field as notificationPercentage and calculate the notification percentage based on the above facet result. Really appreciate the help.
You can try,
$group by userId and get totalSeen count using $cond if status is seen, get total count of notification using $sum,
$project to show required fields, and calculate percentage using $divide and $multiply
$group: {
_id: "$userId",
totalSeen: {
$sum: { $cond: [{ $eq: ["$status", "seen"] }, 1, 0] }
total: { $sum: 1 }
$project: {
_id: 0,
userId: "$_id",
notificationPercentage: {
$multiply: [{ $divide: ["$totalSeen", "$total"] }, 100]
var oneWeekAgo = new Date();
oneWeekAgo.setDate(oneWeekAgo.getDate() - 7);
{ $match: { isAdmin: false, isActive: true } },
$group: {
_id: null,
totalCount: {
$sum: 1
{ $match: { isAdmin: false, dateCreated: { $gte: oneWeekAgo }, isActive: true } },
$group: {
_id: null,
lastWeekTotal: {
$sum: 1
is there a way to combine 2 aggregation queries above?
I want to count all the entries in the collection and also entries that are created within a week.
Expected result:
[ { _id: null, totalCount: 100 , lastWeekTotal: 10 } ]
You can combine inside $group together like this,
The $cond operator, there are three arguments ($cond: [if check condition, then, else])
first part if condition checks your conditions using $and operator, if conditions is true then return 1 otherwise 0
$group: {
_id: null,
totalCount: {
$sum: {
$cond: [
$and: [
{ $eq: ["$isAdmin", false] },
{ $eq: ["$isActive", true] }
lastWeekTotal: {
$sum: {
$cond: [
$and: [
{ $gte: ["$dateCreated", oneWeekAgo] },
{ $eq: ["$isAdmin", false] },
{ $eq: ["$isActive", true] }
type: 1,//credit
amount: 60
type: 2,//debit
amount: 35
type: 3,//credit
amount: 25
type: 4,//debit
amount: 80
type: 5,//credit
amount: 70
_id: {
Name: "Credition",
Type: [1, 3, 5]
Total_Amount: 155
_id: {
Name: "Debition",
Type: [2, 4]
Total_Amount: 115
In my schema, there are millions of logs records in which few are credited logs, few are debited logs.
I want to use MongoDB aggregate pipe and have to group like above for million records at a time
Yes you can do that first you need to add a new field transaction on the basis of the type of logs, then you can group the logs on the basis of that field.
Working example - https://mongoplayground.net/p/e4kqeKLIuIr
$addFields: {
transaction: {
$cond: {
if: {
$in: [
then: "Credition",
else: "Debition"
$group: {
_id: "$transaction",
Type: {
$addToSet: "$type"
Total_Amount: {
$sum: "$amount"
After this, you can also use $project operator to change the name or structure of the record, if needed
You can use the operator $cond during the grouping stage:
$group: {
_id: {
$cond: [
$in: [ "$type", [1,3,5] ]
type: {
$addToSet: "$type"
amount: {
$sum: "$amount"
$project: {
_id: {
Name: "$_id",
Type: "$type"
Total_Amount: "$amount"
I've been working on a small project that takes MQTT data from sensors and stores it in a MongoDB database. I'm working with nodeJS and mongoose. These are my schemas.
export const SensorSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
name: { type: String, required: true, unique: true },
location: { type: String, required: true },
type: { type: String, required: true },
unit: { type: String, required: true },
measurements: { type: [MeasurementSchema] }
toObject: { virtuals: true },
toJSON: { virtuals: true }
export const MeasurementSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
value: {type: Number, required: true},
time: {type: Date, required: true}
First I wrote a function that retrieves all measurements that were made in between two timestamps.
const values = Sensor.aggregate([
{ $match: Sensor.getValuesFromPath(sensorPath) },
{ $unwind: "$measurements"},
{ $match: { "measurements.time": { $gte: startTime, $lte: endTime} }},
{ $replaceRoot: { newRoot: "$measurements" } },
{ $project: { _id: 0}},
{ $sort: {time: 1}}
In order to draw a graph in the UI, I need to somehow sort and then limit the data that gets sent to the client. I want to send every Nth Value in a certain interval to ensure that the data somewhat resembles the course of the data.
I would prefer a solution that doesn't fetch all the data from the database.
How would I go about doing this on the db? Can I somehow access the positional index of an element after sorting it? Is $arrayElemAt or $elemMatch the solution?
Befure you run $unwind you can use $filter to apply start/end Date filtering. This will allow you to process measurements as an array. In the next step you can get every N-th element by using $range to define a list of indexes and $arrayElemAt to retrieve elements from these indexes:
const values = Sensor.aggregate([
{ $match: Sensor.getValuesFromPath(sensorPath) },
{ $addFields: {
measurements: {
$filter: {
input: "$measurements",
cond: { $and: [
{ $gte: [ "$$this.time", startTime ] },
{ $lte: [ "$$this.time", endTime ] }
} },
{ $addFields: {
measurements: {
$map: {
input: input: { $range: [ 0, { $size: "$measurements" }, N ] },
as: "index",
in: { $arrayElemAt: [ "$measurements", "$$index" ] }
} },
{ $unwind: "$measurements" },
{ $replaceRoot: { newRoot: "$measurements" } },
{ $project: { _id: 0}},
{ $sort: {time: 1}}
The following aggregation (i) retrieves all measurements that were made in between two timestamps, (ii) sorts by timestamp for each sensor, and (iii) gets every Nth value (specified by the variable EVERY_N).
Sample documents (with some arbitrary data for testing):
name: "s-1",
location: "123",
type: "456",
measurements: [ { time: 2, value: 12 }, { time: 3, value: 13 },
{ time: 4, value: 15 }, { time: 5, value: 22 },
{ time: 6, value: 34 }, { time: 7, value: 9 },
{ time: 8, value: 5 }, { time: 9, value: 1 },
name: "s-2",
location: "789",
type: "900",
measurements: [ { time: 1, value: 31 }, { time: 3, value: 32 },
{ time: 4, value: 35 }, { time: 6, value: 39 },
{ time: 7, value: 6}, { time: 8, value: 70 },
{ time: 9, value: 74 }, { time: 10, value: 82 }
The aggregation:
var startTime = 3, endTime = 10
var EVERY_N = 2 // value can be 3, etc.
db.collection.aggregate( [
$unwind: "$measurements"
$match: {
"measurements.time": { $gte: startTime, $lte: endTime }
$sort: { name: 1, "measurements.time": 1 }
$group: {
_id: "$name",
measurements: { $push: "$measurements" },
doc: { $first: "$$ROOT" }
$addFields: {
"doc.measurements": "$measurements"
$replaceRoot: { newRoot: "$doc" }
$addFields: {
measurements: {
$reduce: {
input: { $range: [ 0, { $size: "$measurements" } ] },
initialValue: [ ],
in: { $cond: [ { $eq: [ { $mod: [ "$$this", EVERY_N ] }, 0 ] },
{ $concatArrays: [ "$$value", [ { $arrayElemAt: [ "$measurements", "$$this" ] } ] ] },
] )