Mongoose bulk update - node.js

I want to be able to update an array of objects where each object has a new unique value assigned to it.
Here is a simplified example of what I'm doing. items is an array of my collection items.
let items = [{_id: '903040349304', number: 55}, {_id: '12341244', number: 1166}, {_id: '667554', number: 51115}]
I want to assign a new number to each item, and then update it in collection:
items = => {
item.number = randomInt(0, 1000000);
return item;
What would be the best way to update the collection at once? I know that I could do it in forEach instead of map, how ever this seems as a dirty way of doing it, as it won't do the bulk update.
items.forEach(async (item) => {
await this.itemModel.update({_id: item._id}, {number: randomInt(0, 1000000)})
I've checked the updateMany as well but my understanding of it is that it's only used to update the documents with a same new value - not like in my case, that every document has a new unique value assigned to it.

After a bit of thinking, I came up with this solution using bulkWrite.
const updateQueries = [];
items.forEach(async (item) => {
updateOne: {
filter: { _id: item._id },
update: { number: item.number },
await this.itemModel.bulkWrite(updateQueries);
About bulkWrite
Sends multiple insertOne, updateOne, updateMany, replaceOne,
deleteOne, and/or deleteMany operations to the MongoDB server in one
command. This is faster than sending multiple independent operations
(like) if you use create()) because with bulkWrite() there is only one
round trip to MongoDB.

You can call an aggregate() to instantly update them without needing to pull them first:
Step1: get a random number with mongoDb build in $rand option which returns a number between 0 and 1
Step2: $multiply this number by 1000000 since that is what you defined ;)
Step3: use another $set with $floor to remove the decimal portion
'$set': {
'value': {
'$multiply': [
'$rand': {}
}, 1000000
}, {
'$set': {
'value': {
'$floor': '$value'
Here a picture of how that looks in mongo Compass as a proof of it working:


Update collection to change the rank

i have a mongodb collection that I sort by the amount of points each item has, and it shows a rank according to it's place in the collection :
db.collection('websites').find({}).sort({ "points": -1 }).forEach(doc => {
doc.rank = rank;
delete doc._id;
Si I thought to myself : Ok, I'm gonna update the rank in the collection, so I added this :
{ $set: { rank: doc.rank } }
But I was too good to be true, and it updates every single item with the same rank, which changes at each refresh, what exactly is going on, here ?
EDIT : I managed to do it by doing this :
rank = 0;
db.collection('websites').find({}).sort({ "points": -1 }).forEach(doc => {
doc.rank = rank;
//delete doc._id;
db.collection('websites').updateMany({_id : doc._id},
{ $set: { rank: doc.rank } },
{ upsert: true }
Try this:
.updateOne( //update only one
{rank: doc.rank}, //update the one where rank is the sent in parameter doc.rank
{ $set: { rank: doc.rank } } // if multiple docs have the same rank you should send in more parameters
db.collection('websites').updateMany({/*All docs match*/},
{ $set: { rank: doc.rank } }
Reason it updates same rank because you have no filter which means it matches all docs in the collection and you have updateMany
You need to set a filter to restrict docs to be updated.
db.collection('websites').updateMany({id: "someID"},
{ $set: { rank: doc.rank } }
The OP states we want to sort all the docs by points, then "rerank" them from 1 to n in that order and update the DB. Here is an example of where "aggregate is the new update" thanks to the power of $merge onto the same collection as the input:[
// Get everything in descending order...
{$sort: {'points':-1}}
// ... and turn it into a big array:
,{$group: {_id:null, X:{$push: '$$ROOT'}}}
// Walk the array and incrementally set rank. The input arg
// is $X and we set $X so we are overwriting the old X:
,{$addFields: {X: {$function: {
body: function(items) {
for(var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
items[i]['rank'] = (i+1);
return items;
args: [ '$X' ],
lang: "js"
// Get us back to regular docs, not an array:
,{$unwind: '$X'}
,{$replaceRoot: {newRoot: '$X'}}
// ... and update everything:
,{$merge: {
into: "foo",
on: [ "_id" ],
whenMatched: "merge",
whenNotMatched: "fail"
If using $function spooks you, you can use a somewhat more obtuse approach with $reduce as a stateful for loop substitute. To better understand what is happening, block comment with /* */ the stages below $group and one by one uncomment each successive stage to see how that operator is affecting the pipeline.[
// Get everything in descending order...
{$sort: {'points':-1}}
// ... and turn it into a big array:
,{$group: {_id:null, X:{$push: '$$ROOT'}}}
// Use $reduce as a for loop with state.
,{$addFields: {X: {$reduce: {
input: '$X',
// The value (stateful) part of the loop will contain a
// counter n and the array newX which we will rebuild with
// the incremental rank:
initialValue: {
in: {$let: {
vars: {qq:{$add:['$$value.n',1]}}, // n = n + 1
in: {
n: '$$qq',
newX: {$concatArrays: [
// A little weird but this means "take the
// current item in the array ($$this) and
// set $$this.rank = $qq by merging it into the
// item. This results in a new object but
// $concatArrays needs an array so wrap it
// with [ ]":
[ {$mergeObjects: ['$$this',{rank:'$$qq'}]} ]
,{$unwind: '$X.newX'}
,{$replaceRoot: {newRoot: '$X.newX'}}
,{$merge: {
into: "foo",
on: [ "_id" ],
whenMatched: "merge",
whenNotMatched: "fail"
The problem here is that mongo is using the same doc.rank value to update all the records that match the filter criteria (all records in your case). Now you have two options to resolve the issue -
Works but is less efficient) - Idea here is that you need to calculate the rank for each website that you want to update. loop throuh all the document and run below query which will update every document with it's calculated rank. You could probably think that this is inefficient and you would be right. We are making large number of network calls to update the records. Worse part is that the slowness is unbounded and will get slower as number of records increases.
{ id: 'docIdThatNeedsToBeUpdated'},
{ $set: { rank: 'calculatedRankOfTheWebsite' } }
Efficient option - Use the same technique to calculate the rank for each website and loop through it to generate the update statement as above. But this time you would not make the update calls separately for all the websites. Rather you would use Bulk update technique. You add all your update statement to a batch and execute them all at one go.
//loop and use below two line to add the statements to a batch.
var bulk = db.websites.initializeUnorderedBulkOp();
bulk.find({ id: 'docIdThatNeedsToBeUpdated' })
$set: {
rank: 'calculatedRankOfTheWebsite'
//execute all of the statement at one go outside of the loop
I managed to do it by doing:
rank = 0;
db.collection('websites').find({}).sort({ "points": -1 }).forEach(doc => {
doc.rank = rank;
//delete doc._id;
db.collection('websites').updateMany({_id : doc._id},
{ $set: { rank: doc.rank } },
{ upsert: true }
Thank you everyone !

Struggle with mongoose query, pushing different Objects into different arrays in a single deeply nested object

I just can't figure out the query and even if it's allowed to write a single query to push 4 different objects into 4 different arrays deeply nested inside the user Object.
I receive PATCH request from front-end which's body looks like this:
bodyweight: 80,
waist: 60,
biceps: 20,
benchpress: 50,
timestamp: 1645996168125
I want to create 4 Objects and push them into user's data in Mongo Atlas
{date:1645996168125, value:80} into user.stats.bodyweight <-array
{date:1645996168125, value:60} into user.stats.waist <-array
I am trying to figure out second argument for:
let user = await User.findOneAndUpdate({}, ???)
But i am happy to update it with any other mongoose method if possible.
PS: I am not using _id given by mongoDB on purpose
You'll want to use the $push operator. It accepts paths as the field names, so you can specify a path to each of the arrays.
I assume the fields included in your request are fixed (the same four property names / arrays for every request)
let user = await User.findOneAndUpdate(
{ id: },
$push: {
"stats.bodyweight": {
date: 1645996168125,
value: 80,
"stats.waist": {
date: 1645996168125,
value: 60,
// ...
If the fields are dynamic, use an object and if conditions, like this:
const update = {};
if ("bodyweight" in req.body) {
update["stats.bodyweight"] = {
date: 1645996168125,
value: 80,
// ...
let user = await User.findOneAndUpdate(
{ id: },
$push: update,
The if condition is just to demonstrate the principle, you'll probably want to use stricter type checking / validation.
try this:
await User.findOneAndUpdate(
{"stats.bodyweight":{date:1645996168125, value:80} }

Push Array Items to Array type Column in mongoDb

This is a Controller in which I'm trying to catch multiple candidates id(ObjectId) and try to store it in the database in the array Candidates. But data is not getting pushed in Candidates column of Array type.'/Job/:id',checkAuthenticated,function(req,res){
var candidates=req.body.candidate;
Job.update({},{$push:{Appliedby : req.user.username}},{$push:{Candidates:{$each:
Console screens output
[ '5eb257119f2b2f0b4883558b', '5eb2ae1cff3ae7106019ad7e' ] //candidates
you have to do all the update operations ($set, $push, $pull, ...) in one object, and this object should be the second argument passed to the update method after the filter object
{$push:{Appliedby : req.user.username}},{$push:{Candidates:{$each: candidates}}
this will update the Appliedby array only, as the third object in update is reserved for the options (like upsert, new, ....)
you have to do something like that
{ $push: { Appliedby: req.user.username, Candidates: { $each: candidates } } }
then the whole query should be something like that'/Job/:id', checkAuthenticated, function (req, res) {
var candidates = req.body.candidate;
{ _id: }, // filter part
{ $push: { Appliedby: req.user.username, Candidates: { $each: candidates } } } // update part in one object
this could do the trick I guess, hope it helps

mongo $push overwrites rather than adds to an array within a document

I am trying to create a historical record for updates to a document in Mongo DB via NodeJS. The document updates are only in one object within the document, so it seems like creating an array of historical values makes sense.
However, when I use the $push function with db.collection.update(), it only updates the array at the 0 index rather than add to the array.
Here is what I have:
_id: ID,
odds: {
history: [
0: {
Here is what I would like:
_id: ID,
odds: {
history: [
0: {
1: {
n: {
There is no need to check whether the previous value exists before adding.
Here is my code:
var oddsHistoryUpdate = {
$push: {
'odds.history': {
spread: game.odds.spread,
db.collection('games').update({"_id": ID}, oddsHistoryUpdate).
.then(finish executing)
Why is it only pushing to the 0 index instead of adding to the array? How do I fix?
Bigga_HD's answer is the correct one regarding the $push operator. However, there may be an alternative solution that is more aligned to how MongoDB works under the hood.
A single document in MongoDB has a hard limit of 16MB, and if a document is frequently updated, it is possible that the array grows so large that it hits this limit.
Alternatively, you can just insert a new document into the collection instead of pushing the old document inside an array. The new & old documents can be differentiated by their insertion date. For example:
_id: ID,
name: <some identification>
insert_date: ISODate(...),
odds: {
You can then query the collection using a combination of e.g. its name and insert_date, sorted by its date descending, and limit by 1 to get the latest version:
db.collection.find({name: ...}).sort({insert_date: -1}).limit(1)
or remove the limit to find all versions:
db.collection.find({name: ...}).sort({insert_date: -1})
To support this query, you can create an index based on name and insert_date in descending order (see Create Indexes to Support Your Queries)
db.collection.createIndex({name: 1, insert_date: -1})
As a bonus, you can use a TTL index on the insert_date field to automatically delete old document versions.
The $push operator appends a specified value to an array.
The $push operator has the form:
{ $push: { <field1>: <value1>, ... } }
If the field is absent in the document to update, $push adds the array field with the value as its element.
If the field is not an array, the operation will fail.
If the value is an array, $push appends the whole array as a single element. To add each element of the value separately, use the $each modifier with $push.
$each -Appends multiple values to the array field.
This should do the trick for you. Obviously, it's a very simplified example.
{ $push: { <field1>: { <modifier1>: <value1>, ... }, ... } }
let oddsHistoryUpdate = {
spread: game.odds.spread,
{ _id: ID },
{ $push: { odds.history: oddsHistoryUpdate} }
I suggest try using Mongoose for your NodeJS - MongoDB interactions.
The answer was uncovered by dnickless.
In a previous call, I update the main odds object which I didn't realize was wiping out the history array.
Updating the previous call from
update($set: {odds: { spread: SPREAD, total: TOTAL }})
update($set: {"odds.spread": SPREAD, "": TOTAL})
and then making my $push call as written, all works fine.

I want to update sub document in array

I now use mongooses to pull and pull subdocuments to the array, and now I want to change the contents of the detail field of that subdocument with the _id of the subdocument.
subDocument: [{
_id: ObjectId('123'),
detail: 'I want update this part'
I tried to use the $set method as shown below but it did not work as expected.
Model.findByIdAndUpdate(uid, { $Set: {subDocument: {_id: _id}}});
Looking at the for statement as shown below is likely to have a bad effect on performance. So I want to avoid this method.
const data = findById(uid);
for(...) {
if(data.subDocument[i]._id==_id) {
data.subDocument[i].detail = detail
Can you tell me some mongodb queries that I can implement?
And, Is it not better to use the 'for(;;)' statement shown above than to search using mongodb's query?
This should work:
Model.findOneAndUpdate({"subdocument._id": uid},
$set: {
"subdocument.$.detail ": "detail here"
).exec(function(err, doc) {
To find subdocument by id, I am using something like this :
var subDocument =;
if (subDocument) {
// Do some stuff
else {
// No subDocument found
Hope it helps.
