Moving out of a function both owned and borrowed entities? - rust

What is proper way of doing that? What options are available? I am aware about the problem of dangled references and the problem of self-referential struct. Still I have strong intuition it's a reachable problem because both owner and borrowed reference are returned and no memory deallocation happen. Also it's quite general problem! In theory, it's a solvable one.
use byte_slice_cast::*;
fn main() {
let context = context_make();
fn context_make<'a>() -> Context<'a> {
struct Context<'a> {
pub dst_buffer: Box<[f32]>,
pub dst_buffer_bytes: &'a [u8],
impl<'a> Context<'a> {
fn new() -> Context<'a> {
let len: usize = 13;
let dst_buffer: Box<[f32]> = vec![0_f32; len].into_boxed_slice();
let dst_buffer_bytes = dst_buffer.as_byte_slice();
Context {
Note: this code requires byte-slice-cast = "1.2.0"
Interesting to compare solutions if there are more than one alternatives.

You can not do this in safe rust. There are good reasons for this like not being able to trivially move the struct without changing where the reference points to.
Instead, you would implement a function to get that reference:
struct Context {
pub dst_buffer: Box<[f32]>,
impl Context {
fn new() -> Context {
let len: usize = 13;
Context {
dst_buffer: vec![0_f32; len].into_boxed_slice(),
fn dst_buffer_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {
And if you really want to print out the bytes too:
use std::fmt;
impl fmt::Debug for Context {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
.field("dst_buffer", &self.dst_buffer)
.field("dst_buffer_bytes", self.dst_buffer_bytes())

Solution I have found. It possible with help of create owning-ref. Interesting is it possible to reach the same result with help of standard Pin?
use byte_slice_cast::*;
use owning_ref::*;
fn main() {
let context = Context::new();
struct Context {
// pub dst_buffer : Box::< [ f32 ] >,
// pub dst_buffer_bytes : &'a [ u8 ],
pub dst: OwningRef<Box<[f32]>, [u8]>,
impl Context {
fn new() -> Context {
let len: usize = 2;
let dst_buffer: Box<[f32]> = vec![0_f32; len].into_boxed_slice();
// let dst_buffer_bytes = dst_buffer.as_byte_slice();
let dst = OwningRef::new(dst_buffer);
let dst =|dst_buffer| dst_buffer.as_byte_slice());
Context { dst }
// Context { dst_buffer, dst_buffer_bytes }


How to create factory that dynamically creates values and returns borrows to them?

I'd like to have a struct called Factory that dynamically produces new Strings, keeps them inside itself and returns &str borrows of them that live as long as the Factory value itself.
I tried to keep new values inside in a Vec but as Vec grows borrows to elements would get invalidated so they don't live long enough. I tried wrapping them in Boxes, RefCells but I encounter same problems.
I would also like to call this factory method inside a loop so I can make new String in each iteration and get a borrow of it to keep somewhere.
There's a crate called string-interner:
It might be a good idea to use it either directly or through similar structs as below if what you are after are just String handles.
That's what I've got so far thanks to your comments:
use std::{ cell::{Ref, RefCell}, rc::Rc, };
struct StringHandle {
key: usize,
store: Rc<RefCell<Vec<String>>>,
impl StringHandle {
pub fn get(&self) -> Ref<String> {
Ref::map(, |v| &v[self.key])
struct Factory {
pub store: Rc<RefCell<Vec<String>>>,
impl Factory {
pub fn make_next_string(&mut self) -> StringHandle {
let len =;!("string no. {}", len));
StringHandle {
key: len,
pub fn new() -> Factory {
Factory { store: Rc::new(RefCell::new(vec![])) }
let mut f = Factory::new();
let mut strs: Vec<StringHandle> = vec![];
for _ in 0..5 {
let handle = f.make_next_string();
for handle in strs {
println!("{}", handle.get());
And generic version for structs other than String:
use std::{ cell::{Ref, RefCell, RefMut}, rc::Rc, };
struct Handle<T> {
key: usize,
store: Rc<RefCell<Vec<T>>>,
impl<T> Handle<T> {
pub fn get(&self) -> Ref<T> {
Ref::map(, |v| &v[self.key])
pub fn get_mut(&self) -> RefMut<T> {
RefMut::map(, |v| &mut v[self.key])
struct Factory<T> {
pub store: Rc<RefCell<Vec<T>>>,
impl<T: Default> Factory<T> {
pub fn make_next(&mut self) -> Handle<T> {
let len =;;
Handle {
key: len,
pub fn new() -> Factory<T> {
Factory { store: Rc::new(RefCell::new(vec![])) }
struct Data {
pub number: i32
impl Default for Data {
fn default() -> Self {
Data { number: 0 }
let mut objs: Vec<Handle<Data>> = vec![];
let mut f: Factory<Data> = Factory::new();
for i in 0..5 {
let handle = f.make_next();
handle.get_mut().number = i;
for handle in objs {
println!("{:?}", handle.get());
First, if you have a &mut access to the interner, you don't need RefCell on it. But you likely want to access it through shared references so you do need.
Another way is to return a newtyped index into the Vec instead of references. This saves the indirection, but requires an access to the interner to access the interned string, so it may not fulfill the requirements. This also does not allow you to allocate new strings while you keep references to the old around (using RefCell will not help, it will just panic):
use std::ops::Index;
struct StringHandle(usize);
struct Factory {
pub store: Vec<String>,
impl Factory {
pub fn make_next_string(&mut self) -> StringHandle {
let len =;!("string no. {}", len));
pub fn new() -> Factory {
Factory { store: vec![] }
impl Index<StringHandle> for Factory {
type Output = str;
fn index(&self, index: StringHandle) -> &Self::Output {
fn main() {
let mut f = Factory::new();
let mut strs: Vec<StringHandle> = vec![];
for _ in 0..5 {
let handle = f.make_next_string();
for handle in strs {
println!("{}", &f[handle]);
The best way is to use an arena. It allows you to yield references (and therefore does not require access to the interner to access interned strings), and keep the old around while making new. The disadvantages are that it requires using a crate, as you probably don't want to implement the arena yourself (this also requires unsafe code), and that you can't store that interner alongside the interned strings (this is a self-referential struct). You can use the typed-arena crate for that:
use std::cell::Cell;
use typed_arena::Arena;
struct Factory {
store: Arena<String>,
len: Cell<u32>,
impl Factory {
pub fn make_next_string(&self) -> &str {
let len = self.len.get();
self.len.set(len + 1);!("string no. {}", len))
pub fn new() -> Factory {
Factory { store: Arena::new(), len: Cell::new(0) }
fn main() {
let f = Factory::new();
let mut strs: Vec<&str> = vec![];
for _ in 0..5 {
let interned = f.make_next_string();
for interned in strs {
println!("{}", interned);
You can also store strs inside the arean (instead of Strings) The advantages are better cache access as the structure is more flat and much faster drop of the interner itself due to not needing to loop over and drop the stored strings; the disadvantage is that you need to copy the strings before you store them. I recommend bumpalo:
use std::cell::Cell;
use bumpalo::Bump;
struct Factory {
store: Bump,
len: Cell<u32>,
impl Factory {
pub fn make_next_string(&self) -> &str {
let len = self.len.get();
self.len.set(len + 1);!("string no. {}", len))
pub fn new() -> Factory {
Factory { store: Bump::new(), len: Cell::new(0) }
fn main() {
let f = Factory::new();
let mut strs: Vec<&str> = vec![];
for _ in 0..5 {
let interned = f.make_next_string();
for interned in strs {
println!("{}", interned);

How to create a single threaded singleton in Rust?

I'm currently trying to wrap a C library in rust that has a few requirements. The C library can only be run on a single thread, and can only be initialized / cleaned up once on the same thread. I want something something like the following.
extern "C" {
fn init_lib() -> *mut c_void;
fn cleanup_lib(ctx: *mut c_void);
// This line doesn't work.
static mut CTX: Option<(ThreadId, Rc<Context>)> = None;
struct Context(*mut c_void);
impl Context {
fn acquire() -> Result<Rc<Context>, Error> {
// If CTX has a reference on the current thread, clone and return it.
// Otherwise initialize the library and set CTX.
impl Drop for Context {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe { cleanup_lib(self.0); }
Anyone have a good way to achieve something like this? Every solution I try to come up with involves creating a Mutex / Arc and making the Context type Send and Sync which I don't want as I want it to remain single threaded.
A working solution I came up with was to just implement the reference counting myself, removing the need for Rc entirely.
use std::{error::Error, ffi::c_void, fmt, lazy::SyncLazy, sync::Mutex, thread::ThreadId};
extern "C" {
fn init_lib() -> *mut c_void;
fn cleanup_lib(ctx: *mut c_void);
pub enum ContextError {
impl fmt::Display for ContextError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match *self {
ContextError::InitOnOtherThread => {
write!(f, "Context already initialized on a different thread")
impl Error for ContextError {}
struct StaticPtr(*mut c_void);
unsafe impl Send for StaticPtr {}
static CTX: SyncLazy<Mutex<Option<(ThreadId, usize, StaticPtr)>>> =
SyncLazy::new(|| Mutex::new(None));
pub struct Context(*mut c_void);
impl Context {
pub fn acquire() -> Result<Context, ContextError> {
let mut ctx = CTX.lock().unwrap();
if let Some((id, ref_count, ptr)) = ctx.as_mut() {
if *id == std::thread::current().id() {
*ref_count += 1;
return Ok(Context(ptr.0));
} else {
let ptr = unsafe { init_lib() };
*ctx = Some((std::thread::current().id(), 1, StaticPtr(ptr)));
impl Drop for Context {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let mut ctx = CTX.lock().unwrap();
let (_, ref_count, ptr) = ctx.as_mut().unwrap();
*ref_count -= 1;
if *ref_count == 0 {
unsafe {
*ctx = None;
I think the most 'rustic' way to do this is with std::sync::mpsc::sync_channel and an enum describing library operations.
The only public-facing elements of this module are launch_lib(), the SafeLibRef struct (but not its internals), and the pub fn that are part of the impl SafeLibRef.
Also, this example strongly represents the philosophy that the best way to deal with global state is to not have any.
I have played fast and loose with the Result::unwrap() calls. It would be more responsible to handle error conditions better.
use std::sync::{ atomic::{ AtomicBool, Ordering }, mpsc::{ SyncSender, Receiver, sync_channel } };
use std::ffi::c_void;
extern "C" {
fn init_lib() -> *mut c_void;
fn do_op_1(ctx: *mut c_void, a: u16, b: u32, c: u64) -> f64;
fn do_op_2(ctx: *mut c_void, a: f64) -> bool;
fn cleanup_lib(ctx: *mut c_void);
enum LibOperation {
Op2(f64, SyncSender<bool>),
pub struct SafeLibRef(SyncSender<LibOperation>);
fn lib_thread(rx: Receiver<LibOperation>) {
static LIB_INITIALIZED: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false);
if LIB_INITIALIZED.compare_exchange(false, true, Ordering::SeqCst, Ordering::SeqCst).is_err() {
panic!("Tried to double-initialize library!");
let libptr = unsafe { init_lib() };
loop {
let op = rx.recv();
if op.is_err() {
unsafe { cleanup_lib(libptr) };
match op.unwrap() {
LibOperation::Op1(a,b,c,tx_res) => {
let res: f64 = unsafe { do_op_1(libptr, a, b, c) };
LibOperation::Op2(a, tx_res) => {
let res: bool = unsafe { do_op_2(libptr, a) };
LibOperation::Terminate(tx_res) => {
unsafe { cleanup_lib(libptr) };
/// This needs to be called no more than once.
/// The resulting SafeLibRef can be cloned and passed around.
pub fn launch_lib() -> SafeLibRef {
let (tx,rx) = sync_channel(0);
std::thread::spawn(|| lib_thread(rx));
// This is the interface that most of your code will use
impl SafeLibRef {
pub fn op_1(&self, a: u16, b: u32, c: u64) -> f64 {
let (res_tx, res_rx) = sync_channel(1);
self.0.send(LibOperation::Op1(a, b, c, res_tx)).unwrap();
pub fn op_2(&self, a: f64) -> bool {
let (res_tx, res_rx) = sync_channel(1);
self.0.send(LibOperation::Op2(a, res_tx)).unwrap();
pub fn terminate(&self) {
let (res_tx, res_rx) = sync_channel(1);

Rust struct within struct: borrowing, lifetime, generic types and more total confusion

I'm trying to modify an existing application that forces me to learn rust and it's giving me a hard time (reformulating...)
I would like to have a struct with two fields:
pub struct Something<'a> {
pkt_wtr: PacketWriter<&'a mut Vec<u8>>,
buf: Vec<u8>,
Where 'buf' will be used as an io for PacketWriter to write its results. So PacketWriter is something like
use std::io::{self};
pub struct PacketWriter<T :io::Write> {
wtr :T,
impl <T :io::Write> PacketWriter<T> {
pub fn new(wtr :T) -> Self {
return PacketWriter {
pub fn into_inner(self) -> T {
pub fn write(&mut self) {
println!("wrote packet");
Then inside 'Something' I want to use PacketWriter this way: let it write what it needs in 'buf' and drain it by pieces.
impl Something<'_> {
pub fn process(&mut self) {
let c = self.buf.drain(0..1);
What seems to be impossible is to create a workable constructor for 'Something'
impl Something<'_> {
pub fn new() -> Self {
let mut buf = Vec::new();
let pkt_wtr = PacketWriter::new(&mut buf);
return Something {
pkt_wtr: pkt_wtr,
buf: buf,
What does not seem to be doable is, however I try, to have PacketWriter being constructed on a borrowed reference from 'buf' while 'buf' is also stored in the 'Something' object.
I can give 'buf' fully to 'PacketWriter' (per example below) but I cannot then access the content of 'buf' later. I know that it works in the example underneath, but it's because I can have access to the 'buf' after it is given to the "PacketWriter' (through 'wtr'). In reality, the 'PacketWriter' has that field (wtr) private and in addition it's a code that I cannot modify to, for example, obtain a getter for 'wtr'
I wrote a small working program to describe the intent and the problem, with the two options
use std::io::{self};
pub struct PacketWriter<T :io::Write> {
wtr :T,
impl <T :io::Write> PacketWriter<T> {
pub fn new(wtr :T) -> Self {
return PacketWriter {
pub fn into_inner(self) -> T {
pub fn write(&mut self) {
println!("wrote packet");
// that does not work of course because buf is local but this is not the issue
pub struct Something<'a> {
pkt_wtr: PacketWriter<&'a mut Vec<u8>>,
buf: Vec<u8>,
impl Something<'_> {
pub fn new() -> Self {
let mut buf = Vec::new();
let pkt_wtr = PacketWriter::new(&mut buf);
//let mut pkt_wtr = PacketWriter::new(buf);
return Something {
pub fn process(&mut self) {
println!("process {:?}", self.buf);
pub struct Something {
pkt_wtr: PacketWriter<Vec<u8>>,
impl Something {
pub fn new() -> Self {
let pkt_wtr = PacketWriter::new(Vec::new());
return Something {
pub fn process(&mut self) {
let file = &mut self.pkt_wtr.wtr;
println!("processing Something {:?}", file);
let c = file.drain(0..1);
println!("Drained {:?}", c);
fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
let mut file = Vec::new();
let mut wtr = PacketWriter::new(&mut file);
println!("Got data {:?}", file);
let c = file.drain(0..2);
println!("Drained {:?}", c);
println!("Remains {:?}", file);
let mut data = Something::new();
It's not totally clear what the question is, given that the code appears to compile, but I can take a stab at one part: why can't you use into_inner() on self.wtr inside the process function?
into_inner takes ownership of the PacketWriter that gets passed into its self parameter. (You can tell this because the parameter is spelled self, rather than &self or &mut self.) Taking ownership means that it is consumed: it cannot be used anymore by the caller and the callee is responsible for dropping it (read: running destructors). After taking ownership of the PacketWriter, the into_inner function returns just the wtr field and drops (runs destructors on) the rest. But where does that leave the Something struct? It has a field that needs to contain a PacketWriter, and you just took its PacketWriter away and destroyed it! The function ends, and the value held in the PacketWriter field is unknown: it can't be thing that was in there from the beginning, because that was taken over by into_inner and destroyed. But it also can't be anything else.
Rust generally forbids structs from having uninitialized or undefined fields. You need to have that field defined at all times.
Here's the worked example:
pub fn process(&mut self) {
// There's a valid PacketWriter in pkt_wtr
let raw_wtr: Vec<u8> = self.pkt_wtr.into_inner();
// The PacketWriter in pkt_wtr was consumed by into_inner!
// We have a raw_wtr of type Vec<u8>, but that's not the right type for pkt_wtr
// We could try to call this function here, but what would it do?
println!("processing Something");
(Note: The example above has slightly squishy logic. Formally, because you don't own self, you can't do anything that would take ownership of any part of it, even if you put everything back neatly when you're done.)
You have a few options to fix this, but with one major caveat: with the public interface you have described, there is no way to get access to the PacketWriter::wtr field and put it back into the same PacketWriter. You'll have to extract the PacketWriter::wtr field and put it into a new PacketWriter.
Here's one way you could do it. Remember, the goal is to have self.packet_wtr defined at all times, so we'll use a function called mem::replace to put a dummy PacketWriter into self.pkt_wtr. This ensures that self.pkt_wtr always has something in it.
pub fn process(&mut self) {
// Create a new dummy PacketWriter and swap it with self.pkt_wtr
// Returns an owned version of pkt_wtr that we're free to consume
let pkt_wtr_owned = std::mem::replace(&mut self.pkt_wtr, PacketWriter::new(Vec::new()));
// Consume pkt_wtr_owned, returning its wtr field
let raw_wtr = pkt_wtr_owned.into_inner();
// Do anything you want with raw_wtr here -- you own it.
println!("The vec is: {:?}", &raw_wtr);
// Create a new PacketWriter with the old PacketWriter's buffer.
// The dummy PacketWriter is dropped here.
self.pkt_wtr = PacketWriter::new(raw_wtr);
println!("processing Something");
Rust Playground
This solution is definitely a hack, and it's potentially a place where the borrow checker could be improved to realize that leaving a field temporarily undefined is fine, as long as it's not accessed before it is assigned again. (Though there may be an edge case I missed; this stuff is hard to reason about in general.) Additionally, this is the kind of thing that can be optimized away by later compiler passes through dead store elimination.
If this turns out to be a hotspot when profiling, there are unsafe techniques that would allow the field to be invalid for that period, but that would probably need a new question.
However, my recommendation would be to find a way to get an "escape hatch" function added to PacketWriter that lets you do exactly what you want to do: get a mutable reference to the inner wtr without taking ownership of PacketWriter.
impl<T: io::Write> PacketWriter<T> {
pub fn inner_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {
&mut self.wtr
For clarification, I found a solution using Rc+RefCell or Arc+Mutex. I encapsulated the buffer in a Rc/RefCell and added a Write
pub struct WrappedWriter {
data :Arc<Mutex<Vec<u8>>>,
impl WrappedWriter {
pub fn new(data : Arc<Mutex<Vec<u8>>>) -> Self {
return WrappedWriter {
impl Write for WrappedWriter {
fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<usize, Error> {
let mut data =;
fn flush(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
pub struct Something {
wtr: PacketWriter<WrappedWriter>,
data : Arc<Mutex<Vec<u8>>>,
impl Something {
pub fn new() -> Result<Self, Error> {
let data :Arc<Mutex<Vec<u8>>> = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Vec::new()));
let wtr = PacketWriter::new(WrappedWriter::new(Arc::clone(&data)));
return Ok(PassthroughDecoder {
pub fn process(&mut self) {
let mut data =;
You can replace Arc by Rc and Mutex by RefCell if you don't have thread-safe issues in which case the reference access becomes
let data =;

Sending a closure (which returns a struct with a trait) to a thread leads to sized error

I'm trying to send a closure which will generate a structure to a thread, however when I try to do it I get a Sized error. I understand the error (the size is indeed not known at compile time), however adding Boxes and other such tricks does not seem to solve it.
I've tried to look into how to implement the Sized trait, however it seems to be quite special and honestly above my understanding.
I've written a minimal reproducible example:
use std::thread;
trait DataProcess {
fn start(&self);
fn run(&self);
fn stop(&self);
struct SomeDP {
name: String,
impl DataProcess for SomeDP {
fn start(&self) {
fn run(&self) {
fn stop(&self) {
fn thread_maker(builder: Box<dyn Fn() -> (dyn DataProcess + Send)>) {
let thread_builder = thread::Builder::new();
let handle = thread_builder.spawn(move || {
let dp = builder();
fn main() {
let dp_builder = || SomeDP {
name: "nice".to_string(),
Which you can also find on the playground here
This works
use std::thread;
trait DataProcess{
fn start(&self);
fn run(&self);
fn stop(&self);
struct SomeDP{
name: String
impl DataProcess for SomeDP{
fn start(&self){println!("Started");}
fn run(&self){println!("Running");}
fn stop(&self){println!("Stopped");}
fn thread_maker<F>(builder: F)
F: Fn() -> Box<dyn DataProcess>,
F: Send + 'static {
let thread_builder = thread::Builder::new();
let handle = thread_builder.spawn(
move ||{
let dp = builder();
fn main(){
let dp_builder = || -> Box<dyn DataProcess> {
Box::new(SomeDP{name: "nice".to_string()})

Borrows and ownership of object on thread

Sorry for newbie question. The error here is
<anon>:30:5: 30:17 error: cannot borrow immutable borrowed content as mutable
<anon>:30 routing_node.put(3);
I have tried many things to work around this but know for sure this is a simple error. Any help much appreciated.
use std::thread;
use std::thread::spawn;
use std::sync::Arc;
struct RoutingNode {
data: u16
impl RoutingNode {
pub fn new() -> RoutingNode {
RoutingNode { data: 0 }
pub fn run(&self) {
println!("data : {}",;
pub fn put(&mut self, increase: u16) { += increase;
fn main() {
let mut routing_node = Arc::new(RoutingNode::new());
let mut my_node = routing_node.clone();
spawn(move || {; });
Arc isn't allowing to mutate of it's inner state, even if container is marked as mutable. You should use one of Cell, RefCell or Mutex. Both Cell and RefCell are non-threadsafe so you should use Mutex (last paragraph in docs).
use std::thread::spawn;
use std::sync::Mutex;
use std::sync::Arc;
struct RoutingNode {
data: u16,
impl RoutingNode {
pub fn new() -> Self { RoutingNode { data: 0, } }
pub fn run(&self) { println!("data : {}" ,; }
pub fn put(&mut self, increase: u16) { += increase; }
fn main() {
let routing_node = Arc::new(Mutex::new(RoutingNode::new()));
let my_node = routing_node.clone();
let thread = spawn(move || { my_node.lock().unwrap().run(); });
let _ = thread.join();
