Issue in proto3 file format data type error - node.js

I am working on project where I am using nodejs and Proto3 for jobs. I have following proto3 file. where I want to add version as a field.
message Request {
string id = 1;
string body = 4;
string createdAt = 5;
string updatedAt = 6;
string traceId = 7;
I have an additional field version, when I was sending this field to it my system was giving error
Expect string provided number
So I modified it like this
message Request {
string id = 1;
string body = 4;
string createdAt = 5;
string updatedAt = 6;
string traceId = 7;
optional int32 version = 8;
Now I am getting reverse error that it expected integer and getting string. Althought I define here int32 which is integer in proto3.
I think it is about matching number in nodejs and int32 in proto3. I tried optional float version = 8; but still getting.
Here is complete error.
message="[rabbit] Request received"
request.version: number expected" stack="Error: request.version: number expected\n
It is saying it expect number and client is sending number version_$numberLong="1". The project is a lot complicated with large files I just condense to show working code. Any solution how can I make them to work together.


How to get the 2nd and 3rd character of a String as Integer - C89

So if I have a String
char string[4];
string = "A10";
How Can I get 10 as an Integer.
I tried getting 10 by itself using this but it didn't work.
char string[4];
char string2[2];
string = "A10";
string2[0] = string[1];
string2[1] = string[2];
I don't need to worry about the A, I know how to get that, I need to be able to get the 10 as an integer.
In java you can use the following code to convert string to integer,
int i=Integer.parseInt(s2);
for more information view this website,

convert protobuf to other protobuf

I have reading Protobuf from Kaka so finally I'm getting a generated Java Object.
I would like to rename/create other Protobuf based on the original I got.
let say I have 2 classes A and B.
my code listen to Kafka topic and gets A.
I would like to "convert" A to B which is almost the same Object (few variable name changes).
is there any way to overwrite Protobuf Parser? in order to Generate B instead of A?
for example:
Class A{
String aa;
int aaaa;
Class B{
String bb;
int bbbb;
my Listener gets A and i would like to get B (bb=aa, bb=aaaa
Assuming A and B are compatible (same tags have the same type), you can serialize back your proto and parse it again.
This will also work if some tags are missing in one object, but parsing will mostly fail if two tags exists with the different types.
Message A {
string aa = 1;
int32 aaaa = 2;
int32 a_only = 3;
Message B {
string bb = 1;
int32 bbbb = 2;
string b_only = 4; // Must not be 3.
A a = GetAFromQueue();
B b = B.parseFrom(a.toByteArray());
Another (probably better) option would be to get a the message from Kafka as a byte array and to parse it into a A or into a B as needed. This avoids re-serializing the data, though the same tags with different type issue is still relevant.
byte[] data = GetDataFromQueue();
A a = A.parseFrom(data);
B b = B.parseFrom(data);

How to define a *.proto file with variable payload length?

I try to write my first *.proto file. This is my try:
syntax = "proto3";
package Message;
message Message {
string name = 1;
string serial = 2;
int32 command = 3;
enum Status {
GOOD = 0;
BAD = 1;
Status status = 4;
int32 length = 5;
// end of header
// start of payload
int32 data = 6;
string address = 7;
The header has the field length. This value defines the length of the data field in the payload. And that is my problem: The data field is dynamic, I can't know the size right now.
I could split the header and the payload in 2 separate *.proto files. But then still I don't know how to dynamically set the length of one of the fields.
Thanks in advance for the help!
Protocol buffer does not allow to check dependencies between fields. You have to check if the length matches the length of data yourself.

Converting hex values within a string to their string equivalent

So, I've been looking around SO and a few other sites for a solid method of converting hex values embedded in normal strings (eg. The '/' are in the string as '\x2F') and wasn't able to find a solution that specifically fit my needs.
What I ended up doing was writing a bit of code myself to handle this:
for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++)
string hexString = i.ToString("X").PadLeft(2, '0');
string searchString = #"\x" + hexString;
if (response.Contains(searchString))
int charValue = Convert.ToInt32(hexString, 16);
string character = Char.ConvertFromUtf32(charValue);
response = response.Replace(searchString, character);
My question is this:
Is this a good way of going about it?
Any perticular drawbacks to me using this?
The purpose of this code is to take a string like:
"previous content...http:\x2F\ content"
and convert it to:
"previous content... content"

have to create java pojo for the existing proto includes Map

I have tried converting proto to java pojo . But got the error
[Stderr] Order.proto:12:18: Expected "required", "optional", or "repeated".
[Stderr] Order.proto:12:21: Expected field name.
optional int32 orderID = 1;
optional int32 quantity = 2;
map<string,string> map_field = 4;
repeated string product = 3;
Please help me what needs to be changed. i searched on google protobuf developer site
It says that Map fields cannot be repeated, optional, or required
Please help me to resolve the issue.
Maps are a new feature in protobuf 3.0 (aka "proto3"), which is still in alpha. You are probably using 2.x, in which case there are no maps. Your best bet is to use a repeated field:
repeated MyMap map_field = 4;
message MyMap {
optional string key = 1;
optional string value = 2;
