define variable list as a file in ansible playbook - linux

Can someone help me in finding the best way to declare all variables inside a file and define the file path in ansible playbook? Here's my ansible-playbook
- hosts: myhost
- var: /root/dir.txt
- name: print variables
msg: "username: {{ username }}, password: {{ password }}"
These are the contents inside dir.txt
When I run this, I am facing an error
TASK [print variables] *********************************************************************************************************
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"msg": "The task includes an option with an undefined variable. The error was: 'username' is undefined\n\nThe error appears to be in '/root/test.yml': line 6, column 7, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n tasks:\n - name: print variables\n ^ here\n"}
Expected output is to print the variables by this method
Any help would be appreciated

There are two reasons why your code won't work.
A variables file should be in YAML or JSON format for Ansible to load it
Such variables files are loaded with vars_files directive or include_vars task, rather than vars
So a YAML file named /root/dir.yml:
username: test1
password: mypassword
Can be used in a playbook like:
- hosts: myhost
- /root/dir.yml
- name: print variables
msg: "username: {{ username }}, password: {{ password }}"


How can I pass a varialbe set by the set_fact module to the Jinja2 template?

I have a role to setup NATS cluster,, I've used host_vars to define which node is the master node like below:
is_master: true
Then in the setup-nats.yml task, I used the following to extract the master node's IP address based on the host_var I've set and then used it as a variable for the Jinja2 template, however, the variable doesn't get passed down to the template and I get the `variable 'master_ip' is undefined.
- name: Set master IP
set_master_ip: "{{ ansible_facts['default_ipv4']['address'] }}"
cacheable: yes
when: is_master
- name: debug
msg: "{{ set_master_ip }}"
run_once: true
- name: generate nats-server.conf for the slave nodes
src: nats-server-slave.conf.j2
dest: /etc/nats-server.conf
owner: nats
group: nats
mode: 0644
- is_master == false
master_ip: "{{ set_master_ip }}"
notify: nats-server
The variable is used like below in the Jinja2 template:
routes = [
nats-route://ruser:{{ nats_server_password }}#{{ master_ip }}:6222
Is this approach according to the best practices?
What is the correct way of doing the above so the variable is passed down to the template?
Test Output:
I'm using Molecule to test my Ansible and even though in the debug task the IP address is visible, it doesn't get passed down to the template:
TASK [nats : Set master IP] ****************************************************
ok: [target1]
skipping: [target2]
skipping: [target3]
TASK [nats : debug] ************************************************************
ok: [target1] =>
TASK [nats : generate nats-server.conf for the slave nodes] ********************
skipping: [target1]
An exception occurred during task execution. To see the full traceback, use -vvv. The error was: ansible.errors.AnsibleUndefinedVariable: {{ set_master_ip }}: 'set_master_ip' is undefined
fatal: [target2]: FAILED! => changed=false
msg: 'AnsibleUndefinedVariable: {{ set_master_ip }}: ''set_master_ip'' is undefined'
An exception occurred during task execution. To see the full traceback, use -vvv. The error was: ansible.errors.AnsibleUndefinedVariable: {{ set_master_ip }}: 'set_master_ip' is undefined
fatal: [target3]: FAILED! => changed=false
msg: 'AnsibleUndefinedVariable: {{ set_master_ip }}: ''set_master_ip'' is undefined'
Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance.
UPDATE: I suspect the issue has something to do with the variable scope being in the host context but cannot find a way to fix it ( I might be wrong though).
Far from being best practice IMO but answering your direct question. Your problem is not passing the variable to your template but the fact it is not assigned to all hosts in your play loop (and hence is undefined on any non master node). The following (untested) addresses that issue keeping the same task structure.
- name: Set master IP for all nodes
master_ip: "{{ hostvars | dict2items | map(attribute='value'
| selectattr('is_master', 'defined') | selectattr('is_master')
| map(attribute='ansible_facts.default_ipv4.address') | first }}"
cacheable: yes
run_once: true
- name: Show calculated master IP (making sure it is assigned everywhere)
msg: "{{ master_ip }}"
- name: generate nats-server.conf for the slave nodes
src: nats-server-slave.conf.j2
dest: /etc/nats-server.conf
owner: nats
group: nats
mode: 0644
when: not is_master | bool
notify: nats-server
Ideas for enhancement (non exhaustive):
Select your master based on a group membership in the inventory rather than on a host attribute. This makes gathering the ip easier (e.g. master_ip: "{{ hostvars[groups.master | first].ansible_facts.default_ipv4.address }}"
Set the ip as a play var or directly inside the inventory for the node group rather than in a set_fact task.

Ansible Help: "msg": "The task includes an option with an undefined variable

I got below error while running my playbook (below)
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"msg": "The task includes an option with an undefined variable. The error was: float object has no element 55\n\nThe error appears to be in '/home/subbu/Downloads/lab/test-02.yml': line 14, column 5, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n\n - name: Export configuration\n ^ here\n"}
- name: Running config
hosts: ALL
connection: local
- paloaltonetworks.panos
- name: Load Variables
include_vars: vars.yml
- name: Export configuration
provider: '{{ provider }}'
category: 'configuration'
filename: 'running-config.xml'
Here is my vars file used in above playbook
ip_address: "{{ }}"
username: 'admin'
password: 'seeyousoon'
In your vars.yml, try removing the curly brackets and using single quotes for ip_address.
i.e. ip_address: ''

How to rename a file in ansible

I need to rename hosts_example or hosts_Example to be named as hosts_real if any of the file exists
- name: Playbook to Standardize Hosts
hosts: test
destpath: /etc/hosts_real
filename: [ /etc/hosts_example,/etc/hosts_Example ]
- name: Check if file exists
path: "{{ item }}"
- "{{ filename }}"
register: check_file_name
- debug:
msg: "{{check_file_name}}"
- name: Rename file
command: mv "{{ item }}"{{destpath}}"
- "{{ check_file_name.results }}"
when: item.stat.exists == true
I tried this am getting errors and not able to achieve the desired result
name: replace file
shell: mv /local/oracle/12.2/oldora.ora /local/oracle/12.2/tnsnames.ora
become: appuser
Works for us. Update your path in the shell command. I dont think the file module has a rename command. If you have a variable in your shell line put the whole line in quotes like:
shell: "mv {{ path_1 }} {{ path_2 }}"

Ansible - Access output of a shell command with with_items

I wrote a python script which gets executed via my ansible playbook and returns the following output via stdout:
- { username: ansible, admin: yes}
- { username: test, admin: no }
The output then should get saved in the variable "users" and with the "with_items" (or the newer "loop" conditional) I want to iterate through the variable in order to assign the right permissions for each user separately:
- name: execute python script
command: "python3 /tmp/ --user_permissions={{ user_permissions }}"
register: output
- name: register
users: "{{ output.stdout }}"
- name: output
debug: msg="{{ users }}"
- name: Add user to group -admin
name={{ item.username }}
when: "item.admin == yes"
with_items: '{{users}}
However when launching the playbook it says that the variable "users" has no attribute "username".
TASK [create_users : output] ***************************************************
ok: [ansible] => {
"msg": "- { username: ansible, admin: yes }\n- { username: test, admin: no }\n- { username: test2, admin: no }"
TASK [create_users : Add user to group -admin ***************
fatal: [ansible]: FAILED! => {"msg": "The task includes an option with an undefined variable. The error was: 'ansible.utils.unsafe_proxy.AnsibleUnsafeText object' has no attribute 'username'\n\nThe error appears to be in '***': line 29, column 3, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n\n- name: \n ^ here\n"}
Can anyone help me with this case?
You are setting your users var to a string. It happens that this string is a yaml representation of a datastructure but ansible has no clue about that at this point.
To achieve your requirement, you need to parse that string as yaml and register the result. Luckily, there is a from_yaml filter for that purpose
You just have to modify your set_fact task as the following and everything should work as expected:
- name: register
users: "{{ output.stdout | from_yaml }}"

Why Ansible didn't see attribute in variable?

I have Ansible role "db" with simple task:
- name: Check repos
apt_repository: repo="{{ item.repo }}" state={{ item.state }}
- "{{ apt_repos }}"
In /defaults/mail.yml:
# Percona
- { state: present, repo: 'deb wheezy main', keyserver: '', key: '1C4CBDCDCD2EFD2A', needkey: True }
- { state: present, repo: 'deb-src wheezy main', needkey: False }
When i try to run this ansible-playbook:
- hosts: test
- db
i see error:
fatal: [] => One or more undefined variables: 'unicode object' has no attribute 'repo'
FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting
But i have another role with same task and variable and it work perfectly. What's wrong?
You want to be doing this:
with_items: apt_repos
apt_repos is a list. By referencing it as - "{{ apt_repos }}" the extra - is turning it into a list of lists. You also don't need the quotes or braces in this case - those are pretty much just redundant in this type of situation.
