Get information when the server started running (nestJs) - nestjs

I want to get information into a variable when my server started running.
Is there an order that gives me this?


Unable to run the angular application. Getting error No such file exists robots933456.txt

I am running the angular application in Microsoft Teams and deploying it on Azure.
But it's not running up as it is looking for the robots933456.txt route.
It wasn’t the case before today.
Please guide me on how to proceed further.
On running the app the logs shows:
The error was natively on my side nothing to do with the above but pretty much seen and raised by people so thought of sharing below:
After doing some research figured out I can safely ignore this message. /robots933456.txt is a dummy URL
the path that App Service uses to check if the container is capable of serving
requests. A 404 response simply indicates that the path doesn't exist, but
it lets App Service know that the container is healthy and ready to respond
to requests.

EADDRINUSE Error Keeps on being Generated on Every Save

I am using node with vue.js as front-end and Express as back-end. I am furthermore using nodemon. Everything has been working properly until 1 hour ago. Since then, every time I save my code, express crashes with the following error (4000 being my port used):
Error: listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::4000
I am required to kill the process (kill -15 PID) and then re-start the server, which re-crashes again upon saving the code. Please note that I haven't launched any new processes or applications since that time.
Edit: I have also noticed that if I run pgrep node, I obtain a list of a dozen processes. Is this normal?
How could this happen?

NodeJS start mongoDB server

I need to start the mongoDB server from my NodeJS application. I managed to do this before but for some reason I forgot how. I though I used a cild process but not sure anymore as I can't get anything to work at the moment.
How would I start the mongoDB server (command mongod) from withing my NodeJS app and execute some other code when the server had been started (guessing using a promise...)?
You can use child_process to run mongod from your application, but this may cause the MongoDB server to exit when your app exits. It's generally better to have the DB server running all the time.

Parse Server "Unable to ensure uniqueness for usernames"

Me and my partner are having serious issues with MongoDB these days. Suddenly, our Parse Server mounted on MongoDB, in a VPS, started failing. Our app couldn't connect there, nor the Parse Dashboard. Something was failing.
In the parse logs, this is what appears:
{"level":"info","message":"Parse LiveQuery Server starts
{"level":"info","message":"Parse LiveQuery Server starts
running","timestamp":"2017-07-09T20:25:47.884Z"} {"message":"Unable to
ensure uniqueness for usernames:
","name":"MongoError","stack":"MongoError: failed to connect to server
[localhost:27017] on first connect\n at null.
(/home/main/StepApp/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/$ {"message":"Unable
to ensure uniqueness for user email addresses:
","name":"MongoError","stack":"MongoError: failed to connect to server
[localhost:27017] on first connect\n at null.
We tried this whole bunch of things:
Installing a new MongoDB version
Import the old .db files
Restart our Node.js instancies via pm2
Adding more space to our VPS (it seems MongoDB was having some trouble with disk space, but this is already fixed).
Adding an admin user to our db, with all permissions, and then adding it to the mongodb connection string in our Node file.
After all of this, several server restarts, pm2 restarts, mongo restarts...
... nothing works.
When I restart the server, I receive that strange error string I copied before, though Mongo is working fine.
Seems to be more of a Parse problem... but, why?
Any help will he appreciated!
I've been checking if MongoDB is working, and it's service "mongod" is online. Tried to listen to a different port, changed it too in the index.js mongo connection string, but I keep getting the same error.
Strange thing is, that when I connect to my database with my newly created Mongo user, it authenticates correctly! (I could see it in the logs). So it seems to be a Parse error, somehow it doesn't get the Mongo response or something like that.
What do you think?

Node Mongodb error : No valid replicaset instance servers found

We have multiple APIs running on AWS instance on different ports. One of the API is giving error "No valid replicaset instance servers found". Other APIs is working fine. No messages in mongodb log. Tried all other options mentioned in stackoverflow such as increasing timeout etc. However did not help.
Same API works properly when run on local server. Restarted AWS instance and it started working fine.
Not able to replicate the issue. Any direction to check the root cause. Would like to avoid happening again. Would appreciate any areas to investigate further to find root cause.
