Hi I am trying to plot a figure like this:
The right side
The line is not importand, it could be a sine curve or anything like that
The gnuplot keyword is rangelimited
set xtics nomirror rangelimited
set ytics nomirror rangelimited
set border 3 # only left + bottom
set offset 5,5,5,5 # this much space between axes and data on all sides
plot 'hull.dat' with points notitle
I don't know if there were a feature like that. What you can do is to manually define the x and y tics, remove them from the top and right side, remove the axis all 4 sides, and then draw where you need them.
Here is an example that plots a range from x^2, and showing only the relevant axis range.
f(x) = x>2 ? ( x<4 ? x**2 : 1/0) : 1/0
set xrange [0:5]
set yrange [0:20]
set ytics 4,2,16 nomirror
set xtics 2,1,4 nomirror
unset border
set arrow from 2,0 to 4,0 nohead
set arrow from 0,4 to 0,16 nohead
p f(x)
It looks like:
The idea was from here: http://www.phyast.pitt.edu/~zov1/
Is there a way to align vertically the y labels of in gnuplot's multiplot so that they are below each other? The problematic example is below (the red line is annotation showing the problem):
set xrange[0:10]
set multiplot layout 2,1 margins 0.1,0.95,0.1,0.95 spacing 0,0
set ylabel "y1\nlabel"
set ytics
set format y "%.2f"
plot -1000*cos(x)**2 w l lt 4 lw 2
set ylabel "y2\nlabel"
set format y "%.1f"
plot cos(x) w l lt 5 lw 2
unset multiplot
which generates:
And I would like to automatically position the labels such, that the red annotated line "touches the same text". Note that I am really interested in automatic way or more correct way that a workaround using a trial and error with set ylabel "lable" offset -x,0
As you already noted, you can set an offset to the x- or y-label (check help xlabel), however, no absolute position.
This you can do with setting your own label. You can set the position relative to the screen and/or relative to the graph. gnuplot keeps these values for the second plot, no need to specify again. Check help label.
Check the following example:
### align ylabels in multiplot
reset session
set xrange[0:10]
set multiplot layout 2,1 margins 0.15,0.95,0.1,0.95 spacing 0,0
set format x ""
unset ylabel
set label 1 "y1\nlabel" at screen 0.02, graph 0.5 center rotate by 90
set ytics 200
set ytics add ("" -1000) # remove -1000
set format y "%.2f"
set grid x,y
plot -1000*cos(x)**2 w l lt 4 lw 2
set format x
set label 1 "y2\nlabel"
set ytics 0.4
set format y "%.1f"
plot cos(x) w l lt 5 lw 2
unset multiplot
### end of code
I am trying to plot an inlet graph which is shown in Figure. Being an inlet graph it is needed to show x tics and y ticks of relatively big sizes for clear visibility. But when I increase the fonts as,
set xtics font ", 40"
tics overlaps with axis. I increased the plot size set term png size 1000, 1000 but still the issue persists. Kindly suggest if there is a way to move the tics below or to a desired position in graph.
The gnuplot script looks like this,
set term png size 1000, 1000
set output "b_vs_N.png"
set style fill solid
set style circle radius 0.001
set yrange [0.15:0.25]
set style fill solid
set style circle radius 0.001
set xtics 10
set ytics 0.03
set border 15 back lw 6
set xtics font ", 40"
set ytics font ", 22"
set ylabel "b" enhanced font "1 {,40}"
set xlabel "N_i" font "1 {,40}"
set lmargin 12
set bmargin 4
set palette model HSV
set palette rgb 3,2,2
set palette maxcolors 12
set view map
fit AA(x) "data.txt" using 1:2 via c, b, a
plot "data.txt" using 1:2 lt 1 pt 11 ps 2.0 lc rgb "black" notitle, AA(x) w lines lw 2 lc rgb "sienna1" notitle
Your example is uncomplete without code and therefore difficult to reproduce. Please check help xtics. There is the option offset.
Maybe the following example helps to solve your issue.
In the example below no special offset seems to be necessary, i.e. offset 0,0, but you can shift and adjust the labels in x and y direction.
### tic label offset
reset session
set multiplot
plot sin(x)/x
set origin 0.07, 0.6
set size 0.3,0.3
set xrange [0:10]
set xtics 5 out font ",20" offset 0,0
plot x**2
unset multiplot
### end of code
gnuplot adds grid lines even on axes, it can cause unpleasant effects:
set logscale x
set xrange [0.01:100]
set xtics font ",12"
set x2tics font ",12"
set mxtics 10
set ytics font ",12"
set y2tics font ",12"
set grid xtics mxtics ytics lt 0 lw 3, lt 0 lw 0.5 behind
set grid
plot sin(x)
Especially if one then plots the above to eps, it looks like there are both logarithmically spaced and linearly spaced tics on the x-axis. Is there any nice way to get rid of the grid lines at axes? A workaround would be to make the axes thicker, but that is not the way I want. I really want to delete those grid lines.
To explain what I mean
The linearly spaced tics that are seen in the picture are actually the dotted grid, so it has nothing to do with tics...
As shown, there are both log and linear tics along x. That is because both the x axis and the x2 axis are contributing tics to both the top and bottom borders. You can turn that off with
set tics nomirror
Are you asking how to make the range of the tics smaller than the range of the axes? In the plot you show, that would be
set yrange [-1:1]
set ytics -0.8, 0.2, 0.8
set ytics add (-1 2, 1, 2)
The last command adds back explicit tics at y=-1 and y=1 without generating a corresponding grid line. See documentation for set xtics list
I saw this graph and only for the curiosity sake was wondering whether it was possible to plot figure with multiple y-axis as in the figure
Many thanks!
As andyras wrote, you can use the second y-axis if you only have two datasets. In this case, you also need to to
set ytics nomirror # remove the tickmarks of the left ayis on the right side
set y2tics # make the right y-axis 'visible'
If you want to plot more than one dataset, I would suggest to use multiplot. You can overlay several independent plots and put a unique offset to the y-axis for each of them.
However, you need to take care that the number of y-tics and y-tick positions is the same.
(I did not care about the key here, this still needs adjustment)
set multiplot
set xrange[0:10]
# We need place to the left, so make the left margin 30% of screen
set lmargin screen 0.3
##### first plot
set ytics 0.4
set yrange[-1.2:1.2]
set ylabel "Voltage" textcolor rgb "red"
plot sin(x)
##### Second plot
set ytics 1
set yrange[-3:3]
set ytics offset -8, 0
set ylabel "Current" offset -8, 0 textcolor rgb "green"
plot 3*cos(x) linecolor 2
##### Third plot
set ytics 0.5
set yrange[-1.5:1.5]
set ytics offset -16, 0
set ylabel "Power" offset -16, 0 textcolor rgb "blue"
plot 3*sin(x)*cos(x) linecolor 3
unset multiplot
Yes, you can have two y axes for free, e.g.
plot x, x**2 axes x1y2
The axes specification lets you put things on x1y1, x2y1, etc. If you want more than two things plotted on the same y axes you have to normalize things yourself:
plot 'data1.dat' using 1:($2/MAX_1), \
'data2.dat' using 1:($2/MAX_2), \
'data3.dat' using 1:($s/MAX_3)
The variables MAX_X can be precalculated by using the stats command in gnuplot 4.6+, or you can put them in manually.
I have something like:
set grid xtics lt 0 lw 1 lc rgb "#a9a9a9"
set grid ytics lt 0 lw 1 lc rgb "#a9a9a9"
or the same without the "xtics" tag, and that works fine!
But if i add:
unset xtics
Then the grid disappears too :(
How can I only have a grid, without tics?
To hide the major ticks, you can use set tics scale 0:
set grid
set tics scale 0
plot x
Note, if one day you also want to use minor ticks and also hide them, you must use set tics scale 0,0.001.
If you only want to make the tic labels disappear then use set format:
set format x ""
set format y ""
set grid
plot x
If you don't want the tics either, then as far as I know you'd need a more complicated script, possibly using iterators and arrows, for example the following (you'll have to change the limits depending on your xrange and yrange and the arrow style to your liking):
unset xtics
unset ytics
set for [i=-5:5:5] arrow from i,-10 to i,10 nohead
set for [j=-5:5:5] arrow from -10,j to 10,j nohead
plot x