Disable mail environment approvers - azure

When deploying to an environment in Azure Devops I set some people to approve a deployment. At least one person must approve the deployments to tst, & uat. two to prd. When deploying all people get a mail, because it is often a person that can approve that oversees the deployment this is not needed. I would like to have that there will be no mails or notifications for the tst & uat environment, only for the prd. Is this possible, I could not find a solution. thx

We can create email notification in Azure Devops , and we can custom email setting to whom we want to send .
Based on the Microsoft documentation:
Choose which team members should receive a notification:
For more information please refer this Microsoft documentation : Define approvals and checks


Getting no email if I am an automatically added reviewer

In Azure DevOps Repos we are using branch protection and the "Include Automatically Code Reviewers" policy. As automatic reviewer we have created an Azure DevOps team to list all the possible reviewers.
If now a PR is created then this team is added automatically as a reviewer. But none of the people within that team get any notification that a review should be done.
Is that on purpose or just a wrong configuration or a bug?
Thank you
You need to set up Team Notifications in your project using Manage notifications for a team, group, or organization documentation page.

Azure DevOps Notifications When Added to a Project

Is there any way to receive an email notification when you are added to a project in Azure DevOps? I've seen a few different ones around builds and pipelines, etc. but nothing for being added to a project.
We've got a number of projects and people may be added well in advance of a work item being assigned to them (for information more than anything). Just wondered if there was a quick way of being able to set this so people have less of an excuse to say they've not had sight of something important.?
receive an email notification when you are added to a project
I am afraid that this is currently not possible in azure devops. Azure devops supports sending email notifications when inviting users into the organization, but it does not provide a subscription to add users to the project.
Apart from the negative answer, I think what you want is a good idea! So I post a feature request here in DC forum, which is our main forum for product suggestions. After suggest raised, you can vote and add your comments for this feedback. The product team would provide the updates if they view it. Thank you for helping us build a better Azure DevOps.

Azure Portal doesn't see DevOps organization [account problems?]

I'm having trouble connecting my Azure Web App to my Azure DevOps organization.
I somehow managed to do it for one Web App (by selecting creating a new 'DevOps Project') but now struggle at setting a new WebApp to link to that same DevOps pipeline. (The goal is to have a two stages delivery pipeline, which requires 2 webapps: one for QA, the other for Prod).
When creating a new WebApp, I go to Deployment Center > Azure Repos > Azure Pipelines (Preview) and get the following error message : "You do not have any valid Azure DevOps organization".
Any idea how to make that work? Note: I tried creating WebApps with same resource group and same App Service Plan and doesn't work.
Thanks a lot for any help.
UPDATE: The issue here is having Azure Portal "see" the DevOps organization.
Seems to be an account issue: you know how one has two options in account?
Pretty sure it has something to do with the Azure Portal and DevOps being on different account "directories": "Default Directory" VS "Microsoft Account". But still can't explain the behaviour....
I encountered the same "You do not have any valid Azure DevOps organization" message. I solved it by going to the Visual Studio Marketplace and enabling billing for our visualstudio.com repo for Microsoft-hosted CI/CD. Some documentation says DevOps (Azure Pipelines) is free for 5 users, I'm guessing we didn't qualify because we have 6 active users in our Azure Devops (visualstudio.com) repo. (We recently had to break out the credit card to enable a 6th team member.)
Here are the steps I used to get to the marketplace and enable billing:
In the Azure Portal, click "All services" then search for "devops".
Click "Azure DevOps organizations"
Our visualstudio.com (aka Azure DevOps, the service formerly known as VSTS) project repo was displayed in the results. Click on it.
A summary display appeared with "Setings | Remove billing | Set up billing | Connect AAD ..." along the top. In lower right of the summary area, click "All settings =>". An "Organization settings" blade (column) displays on the right.
In the "Organization settings" blade, click "Azure Pipelines". In our case, the display showed "MICROSOFT-HOSTED CI/CD" with "0 Edit" beneath, and SELF-HOSTED CI/CD with "1 Edit" beneath. The Self-Hosting doesn't apply to us, so...
Click "Edit" for the Microsoft hosted CI/CD item.
You will be taken to marketplace.visualstudio.com with "Microsoft-hosted CI/CD" displayed on the left and a screen where you can select the number of "Paid parallel jobs". In our case, we use a 3rd party service for our Microsoft licensing, so I wasn't able to see what the Total cost would be. But I chose 1 parallel job and continued through the process. Once I'd enabled billing, I was then able to go back into the Azure Portal and (after refresh) make it into the process of setting up a build pipeline as per the various videos and documentation.
As is so often the case with Microsoft, the initial "You do not have any valid Azure DevOps organization" message was not helpful, the process nothing like the smoke-and-mirror demos, and wording like "free for 5 users" misleading.
Hopefully the above will work as it did for me and save others some time.

vsts Build agent access to a specific team?

In order to not be restricted to 4h of build /month, in VSTS we have bought an hosted build agent for us Team (We can see it in Azure portal).
But how restrict the access to the other teams ?
In the Agent Queues i see nothing to do that...
For the same team project, you can’t do it.
For different team projects, the user with Administrator role of agent pool and project collection can create new queue. So you can remove these permissions for others and delete the Hosted queue from related team project. With this way, they can’t use Hosted queue.
BTW, there isn’t the time restrict once buy a Hosted pipeline.

Can I link multiple Azure subscription to single Team Services accounts(VSTS)?

So I have a single Visual studio account with 3 project in it and I have three different azure subscription for deploying these projects. But I can able to link one of the subscription to VSTS. But other two are I am not able to do linking.
I did some searching on this stuff got a link saying that it is not possible : 1
So can anybody help me on this situation.
You can only link a single subscription to a VSTS account.
That is however for paying for services for VSTS. For deployment you can setup as many connections as you like on the Services tab in the administration.
You can add as many Service Endpoints as you like then use them in Tasks in both Build and Release.
