Recode column values in unix - linux

1859115 2258379 24636 Yes 06S14028968 13 1 1 2
1859115 2258379 24636 Yes 06S14028968 13 1 1 2
1859116 2255037 21608 Yes 06S14028969 11 0 2 3
1859117 2268746 34027 Yes 06S14028970 10 0 2 1
Above is the example of my data set. I want to replace the values of 7th column in a way that 1 should be replaced by 2 and 0 should be replaced by 1. So the outcome i am expecting should be like following.
1859115 2258379 24636 Yes 06S14028968 13 2 1 2
1859115 2258379 24636 Yes 06S14028968 13 2 1 2
1859116 2255037 21608 Yes 06S14028969 11 1 2 3
1859117 2268746 34027 Yes 06S14028970 10 1 2 1
I have tried using this approach
awk 'NR==1{$10="Pheno";print;next}\
$7 == "1" {$10="2"};\
$7 == "0" {$10="1"}1' old.txt |column -t > new.txt
and then removing the first row and extracting columns of interest. But i need straight forward way.

This could be simply done by putting a simple condition to check if NF(number of fields in each line) is greater OR equal to 7 then increment 7th field with 1 and print edited/non-edited line then(by doing this we can avoid adding 1 if number of fields are lesser than 7 in any line).
awk 'NF>=7{$7+=1} 1' Input_file


How to extract the number after specific word using awk?

I have several lines of text. I want to extract the number after specific word using awk.
I tried the following code but it does not work.
At first, create the test file by: vi test.text. There are 3 columns (the 3 fields are generated by some other pipeline commands using awk).
Index AllocTres CPUTotal
1 cpu=1,mem=256G 18
2 cpu=2,mem=1024M 16
3 4
4 cpu=12,gres/gpu=3 12
5 8
6 9
7 cpu=13,gres/gpu=4,gres/gpu:ret6000=2 20
8 mem=12G,gres/gpu=3,gres/gpu:1080ti=1 21
Please note there are several empty fields in this file.
what I want to achieve is to extract the number after the first gres/gpu= in each line (if no gres/gpu= occurs in this line, the default number is 0) using a pipeline like: cat test.text | awk '{some_commands}' to output 4 columns:
Index AllocTres CPUTotal GPUAllocated
1 cpu=1,mem=256G 18 0
2 cpu=2,mem=1024M 16 0
3 4 0
4 cpu=12,gres/gpu=3 12 3
5 8 0
6 9 0
7 cpu=13,gres/gpu=4,gres/gpu:ret6000=2 20 4
8 mem=12G,gres/gpu=3,gres/gpu:1080ti=1 21 3
Firstly: awk do not need cat, it could read files on its' own. Combining cat and awk is generally discouraged as useless use of cat.
For this task I would use GNU AWK following way, let file.txt content be
awk 'BEGIN{FS="gres/gpu="}{print $2+0}' file.txt
Explanation: I inform GNU AWK that field separator (FS) is gres/gpu= then for each line I do print 2nd field increased by zero. For lines without gres/gpu= $2 is empty string, when used in arithmetic context this is same as zero so zero plus zero gives zero. For lines with at least one gres/gpu= increasing by zero provokes GNU AWK to find longest prefix which is legal number, thus 3 (4th line) becomes 3, 4, (7th line) becomes 4, 3, (8th line) becomes 3.
(tested in GNU Awk 5.0.1)
With your shown samples in GNU awk you can try following code. Written and tested in GNU awk. Simple explanation would be using awk's match function where using regex gres\/gpu=([0-9]+)(escaping / here) and creating one and only capturing group to capture all digits coming after =. Once match is found printing current line followed by array's arr's 1st element +0(to print zero in case no match found for any line) here.
awk '
print $0,"GPUAllocated"
print $0,arr[1]+0
' Input_file
Using sed
$ sed '1s/$/\tGPUAllocated/;s~.*gres/gpu=\([0-9]\).*~& \t\1~;1!{\~gres/gpu=[0-9]~!s/$/ \t0/}' input_file
Index AllocTres CPUTotal GPUAllocated
1 cpu=1,mem=256G 18 0
2 cpu=2,mem=1024M 16 0
3 4 0
4 cpu=12,gres/gpu=3 12 3
5 8 0
6 9 0
7 cpu=13,gres/gpu=4,gres/gpu:ret6000=2 20 4
8 mem=12G,gres/gpu=3,gres/gpu:1080ti=1 21 3
awk '
$(NF+1)=FS 0
split($0, a, "=")
gp=a[3]; gsub(/[ ,].*/, "", gp)
$NF=FS gp
}1' test.text
Index AllocTres CPUTotal GPUAllocated
1 cpu=1,mem=256G 18 0
2 cpu=2,mem=1024M 16 0
3 4 0
4 cpu=12,gres/gpu=3 12 3
5 8 0
6 9 0
7 cpu=13,gres/gpu=4,gres/gpu:ret6000=2 20 4
8 mem=12G,gres/gpu=3,gres/gpu:1080ti=1 21 3

How to replace a number to another number in a specific column using awk

This is probably basic but I am completely new to command-line and using awk.
I have a file like this:
1 RQ22067-0 -9
2 RQ34365-4 1
3 RQ34616-4 1
4 RQ34720-1 0
5 RQ14799-8 0
6 RQ14754-1 0
7 RQ22101-7 0
8 RQ22073-1 0
9 RQ30201-1 0
I want the 0s to change to 1 in column3. And any occurence of 1 and 2 to change to 2 in column3. So essentially only changing numbers in column 3. But I am not changing the -9.
1 RQ22067-0 -9
2 RQ34365-4 2
3 RQ34616-4 2
4 RQ34720-1 1
5 RQ14799-8 1
6 RQ14754-1 1
7 RQ22101-7 1
8 RQ22073-1 1
9 RQ30201-1 1
I have tried using (see below) but it has not worked
>> awk '{gsub("0","1",$3)}1' PRS_with_minus9.pheno.txt > PRS_with_minus9_modified.pheno
>> awk '{gsub("1","2",$3)}1' PRS_with_minus9.pheno.txt > PRS_with_minus9_modified.pheno
Thank you.
With this code in your question:
awk '{gsub("0","1",$3)}1' PRS_with_minus9.pheno.txt > PRS_with_minus9_modified.pheno
awk '{gsub("1","2",$3)}1' PRS_with_minus9.pheno.txt > PRS_with_minus9_modified.pheno
you're running both commands on the same input file and writing their
output to the same output file so only the output of the 2nd script
will be present in the output, and
you're trying to change 0 to 1
first and THEN change 1 to 2 so the $3s that start out as 0 would
end up as 2, you need to change the order of the operations.
This is what you should be doing, using your existing code:
awk '{gsub("1","2",$3); gsub("0","1",$3)}1' PRS_with_minus9.pheno.txt > PRS_with_minus9_modified.pheno
For example:
$ awk '{gsub("1","2",$3); gsub("0","1",$3)}1' file
1 RQ22067-0 -9
2 RQ34365-4 2
3 RQ34616-4 2
4 RQ34720-1 1
5 RQ14799-8 1
6 RQ14754-1 1
7 RQ22101-7 1
8 RQ22073-1 1
9 RQ30201-1 1
The gsub() should also just be sub()s as you only want to perform each substitution once, and you don't need to enclose the numbers in quotes so you could just do:
awk '{sub(1,2,$3); sub(0,1,$3)}1' file
You can check the value of column 3 and then update the field value.
Check for 1 as the first rule because if the first check is for 0, the value will be set to 1 and the next check will set the value to 2 resulting in all 2's.
awk '
if($3==1) $3 = 2
if($3==0) $3 = 1
1' file
1 RQ22067-0 -9
2 RQ34365-4 2
3 RQ34616-4 2
4 RQ34720-1 1
5 RQ14799-8 1
6 RQ14754-1 1
7 RQ22101-7 1
8 RQ22073-1 1
9 RQ30201-1 1
With your shown samples and ternary operators try following code. Simple explanation would be, checking condition if 3rd field is 1 then set it to 2 else check if its 0 then set it to 0 else keep it as it is, finally print the line.
awk '{$3=$3==1?2:($3==0?1:$3)} 1' Input_file
Generic solution: Adding a Generic solution here, where we can have 3 awk variables named: fieldNumber in which you could mention all field numbers which we want to check for. 2nd one is: existValue which we want to match(in condition) and 3rd one is: newValue new value which needs to be there after replacement.
awk -v fieldNumber="3" -v existValue="1,0" -v newValue="2,1" '
if($arr1[i] in value){
' Input_file
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -E 's/\S+/\n&\n/3;h;y/01/12/;G;s/.*\n(.*)\n.*\n(.*)\n.*\n.*/\2\1/' file
Surround 3rd column by newlines.
Make a copy.
Replace all 0's by 1's and all 1's by 2's.
Append the original.
Pattern match on newlines and replace the 3rd column in the original by the 3rd column in the amended line.
Also with awk:
awk 'NR > 1 {s=$3;sub(/1/,"2",s);sub(/0/,"1",s);$3=s} 1' file
1 RQ22067-0 -9
2 RQ34365-4 2
3 RQ34616-4 2
4 RQ34720-1 1
5 RQ14799-8 1
6 RQ14754-1 1
7 RQ22101-7 1
8 RQ22073-1 1
9 RQ30201-1 1
the substitutions are made with sub() on a copy of $3 and then the copy with the changes is assigned to $3.
When you don't like the simple
sed 's/1$/2/; s/0$/1/' file
you might want to play with
sed -E 's/(.*)([01])$/echo "\1$((\2+1))"/e' file

linux text film, minus number of one column use other column or add one certain number?

like these two column,
1 2
2 3
1 4
1) column2 minus column1
the result will be
2) add 10 to column1
the result will be
11 2
12 3
11 4
Anyone has ideas about how to realize this two result, prefer by "awk" or "sed"?
Thanks in advance.
These two...
$ awk '{print $2-$1}' file
$ awk '{$1+=10}1' file

How to add specific columns to all text files in a directory in Linux?

Can't find a solution, although thousands of variants of this question have been asked before.
I have several text files in a directory. I want to add one column to the beginning of each file. The added column for the first file is a column of 0's, for the second file it is a column of 1's, for the third file it is a column of 2's etc.
So, how to turn this:
0 2 3 2
3 3 3 1
4 3 4 2
to this:
0 0 2 3 2
0 3 3 3 1
0 4 3 4 2
and this:
2 3 4 3
2 3 3 5
5 4 1 2
to this:
1 2 3 4 3
1 2 3 3 5
1 5 4 1 2
in a loop?
I tried the following without any success:
for file in "$path"/*.lsf;
awk '{$1=$(($jj)); print}' $file >> qq.txt
Try this:
for file in "$path"/*.lsf; do
awk "{printf \"$jj\"; print}" "$file" >> qq.txt
Problems in your try were: $jj=$(($jj+1)) - you need to assign variable without $; bash variable won't expand into ''.

Uniq and counts

Have a file with 2 columns,
need to use uniq on column 1 only and print
both the columns in the results as well as the count of the occurrences
(with -c).
1 a
1 a
2 a
3 c
4 d
2 1 a
1 2 a
1 3 c
1 4 d
echo '1 a
1 a
2 a
3 c
4 d
' | uniq -c
outputs exactly your 2nd block.
It's not clear to me what you mean by "use uniq on column 1 only." What do you want to happen if column 1 appears multiple times with different column 2 values? If this can happen, your question probably needs a little clarification. If this can't happen in your scenario, then the easiest solution is probably
uniq -c filename
if this in a file then
cat filename.txt|awk '{print $1}'|uniq -c
