Run gitlab on subdomain in local network? - gitlab

I installed gitlab on a raspberry pi 4 in my local network and will use it only locally. When I configure in /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb the external_url 'http://rpi4.local' (and execute sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure afterwards) it works. I can even configure a different port here.
But the configuration external_url 'http://gitlab.rpi4.local' does not work. Do I need to configure something else, like my /etc/hosts file ?

You will need to make the name valid in DNS through some mechanism. There are multiple ways depending on your needs and your options for DNS.
As you mentioned, you can add the name to your /etc/hosts file. This should be done both on the GitLab server and on any workstation you wish to have access to GitLab (assuming Linux-based machines. The process differs for Mac or Windows).
Use a valid DNS name and add it to your DNS. Use a name such as gitlab.<a-domain-you-own> and add it to DNS. Many domain registrars offer DNS for free or you could use a dynamic DNS service if your Raspi has a dynamic internal address. The advantage of using this method is you won't have to modify any /etc/hosts files and all workstations will know how to access your GitLab instances without any changes.


Gitlab DNS Entry For Kubernetes Setup?

I have a n00b question about setting up gitlab on a kubernetes. I'm running a basic minkube cluster on my home machine and I want to install gitlab onto it. The setup instructions note the following prequesite:
The ability to point a DNS entry or URL at your GitLab install
How do I do this? What is the basic mechanism for setting up a "DNS entry" on a home machine running minikube? There example shows:
externalUrl: ''
If I own a domain how would I set this up? Why does the setup need an external URL?
Thank you in advance for you consideration and response.
You'll be setting it up with a nodeport and can access it normally through that. If you really want a DNS entry you can just add one in your hosts file at /etc/hosts:
[minikube ip]
You can get minikube's IP by running minikube ip.

Configure one-off DNS resolution for address on EC2 instance

How can I configure my EC2 instance so that one specific wildcard domain (e.g. resolves to some IP that I've chosen (e.g., and all other DNS resolution proceeds as usual?
Adding the following line to my /etc/hosts file didn't help:
All systems have a hosts file in which you can override specific DNS lookips. On linux based systems it should be /etc/hosts. In windows its somewhere in the windows folder.
The format is very simple, but you want to be careful about deleting anything already in it. Each line is set up as

How to clone a Git repo from a VM?

I am currently developing inside a virtual Ubuntu box with Git, and I need to clone this repo to another CentOS VM. I don't know how to describe the git repo's location using the user#server:/path.git syntax.
Anyone can point me to the right direction? Thanks!
Can you ping one VM from the other? If so, then the IP you can ping you should be able to ssh to.
If you cannot ping, then perhaps you have a host which is reachable from both VMs. You could create a server repo there. For instance, or or the many many others might be a suitable third party host. Perhaps you could install a proxy (squid or dante-socks or something similar) to allow the VMs to talk to each other.
If you have email connectivity, perhaps you could mail git-bundles back and forth instead of using normal live git connections. There are many ways to do this, but we really need to know more about the networking and communications environment of these Vms to say more.

bind ip to subdomain

i have a linux client which uses pppoe to connect to the internet and
everytime this client comes online I wanna bind his ipadress to a subdomain.
dyndns is not an option due to their TTL.
It looks like i have to setup my own nameserver on my root server to accomplish this task because I cannot create the keys needed to run an nsupdate on the client with a provider nameserver... am I correct?
If so is there a good Howto for setting up a bind server for this specific task?
I havent ever maintained pppoe but if it uses dhcp to provide the ip address to the client, you could do updates from the dhcp to the dns.
Instructions on how to do this for debian here:
Do not thou that you can adapt these to other distros too. You can find the same software atleast on fedora and ubuntu, difference is only how you install the required software.
One posibility is to set their machine to register with somebody like DynDNS. They have all the software you need to automatically notify them when they come online/go offline. This will give them a domain name of something like (it does not really matter). You then put static CNAME entries in your DNS to point your nice domain names eg to point to
When they come online the domain will start to resolve and stop when they go off line since DynDNS have low TTL for this very reason. You can use large TTL in your zone file since the CNAMEs will not change.
Well dont you just need to create an A-Record for this IP on your DNS Server?
If your domain is '' and you wanted your host to be called 'server1'. Create an A-Record for 'server1' and point it to your machines IP.
Unless I am misunderstanding what you are asking for help with.

How to manage a DNS server remotely?

I whant to make a web interface on a server that will manage a few dns servers on another servers.
How can i remotely manage a bind dns server programmaticly ?
I would like to add/edit/delete zones.
I see that there is rndc but that only allows reloading of zones and not adding/deleting.
I could NFS mount zones from dns servers and edit them but is there a better way?
If there isn't a hard requirement on writing something like this from scratch, why not simply use an already existing interface without having to reinvent the wheel? A simple Google search for the keywords bind dns web interface yields an entire list of good open source projects in the very first result link.
There is work at the IETF to define a standard for remote control of name servers based on the Netconf framework. See:
The requirements include the ability to add/remove zones, etc.
You could set up something that does remote SSH commands? That may be a bit insecure, though, unless the server running the commands themselves is pre-authenticated with an SSH key, and that's the only way you can access the server.
