LPNMITEMACTIVATE and code analysis (C26462) - visual-c++

Why is it that in the source code in the SDK for LPNMITEMACTIVATE it is defined with the asterix to the left?
typedef struct tagNMITEMACTIVATE
NMHDR hdr;
int iItem;
int iSubItem;
UINT uNewState;
UINT uOldState;
UINT uChanged;
POINT ptAction;
LPARAM lParam;
UINT uKeyFlags;
I am always used to the pointer being on the right. Either way, code like:
Will still flag a const (C26462) warning:
If I change the code to:
The warning will go away.

I tried this with Visual Studio 2022, first of all, warning C26462 was not enabled by default. Perhaps you are using an earlier release, or there is something odd with my installation.
After manually enabling the warning, I could make that warning go away by assigning pNMItem more than once:
pNMItem = reinterpret_cast<LPNMITEMACTIVATE>(pNMHDR);
How is this useful?
Or it can be fixed as suggested in other answers. But you may have additional problem because pNMHDR was probably declared as LPNMHDR, so you have to rewrite more lines:
NMHDR hdr = { 0 };
const NMHDR* pNMHDR = reinterpret_cast<NMHDR*>(&hdr);
const NMITEMACTIVATE* pNMItem = reinterpret_cast<const NMITEMACTIVATE*>(pNMHDR);
This can be a big waste of time. Note, the extra compliance is recommended if you are writing code that's supposed to run on any system. But MFC is tied to Windows so this isn't really an issue. MFC and Windows are still using that "long pointer" crap that's left over from 16-bit Windows, they are not compliant themselves, so consider turning off some of these warnings.

This is standard C/C++
Like in this (not runnable) code snippet:
typedef int *LPINT;
// typedef int* LPINT; // you could write this, it's exactly the
// the same as above
int main()
LPINT pint;
int* pint2;
*pint = *pint2;
pint and pint2 are both pointers to int. BTW this is hiding a pointer type behind a typedef, which is a bad idea (but was considered as a good idea in old MS days), but lots of Microsoft headers still have these typedef sometype *LPsometype; typedefs for compatibility reasons.
Another example which is closer to the MS header you're refering to:
typedef struct tagNMITEMACTIVATE
int hdr;
int iItem;
is equivalent to this:
typedef struct tagNMITEMACTIVATE
int hdr;
int iItem;

For pointer const can be applied to the type the pointer points at:
Or it can be applied to the pointer variable itself:
Now if you have typedef:
The const would not apply to the type being pointed at. Either way it is the pointer itself is constant:
To avoid this confusion, prefer not to use raw pointer typedefs (and not to define them).


Why does the `of_find_compatible_node` function have two definitions in `/kernel/include/linux/of.h`, and how is the definition chosen?

The function of_find_compatible_node has two definition. One is
static online struct device_node *of_find_compatible_node(struct device_node *from,const char *type, const char *compatible)
another is
extern struct device_node *of_find_compatible_node(struct device_node *from,const char *type, const char *compatible)
These functions are defined the same.I know the keyword static online and extern,but I don't understand :
When I use the function,what does the compiler choose?
Why are two functions not redefined?
In base.c and include<of.h>, there appears to be a re-definition of struct_device_node *of_find_comatible_node(struct device_node *from,const char *type,const char *compatible). Why? I think it causes redefinition when linking.
This is a very common pattern in kernel headers (and not just there). If you take a closer look at the file (or use an editor that does code folding), you can notice that both lines are inside conditional compilation blocks, like this:
#ifdef CONFIG_OF
extern struct device_node *of_find_compatible_node(struct device_node *from,
const char *type, const char *compat);
#else /* CONFIG_OF */
static inline struct device_node *of_find_compatible_node(
struct device_node *from,
const char *type,
const char *compat)
return NULL;
Thus if CONFIG_OF is enabled, the former part gets compiled in and serves as a declaration of the function, whose real definition is placed in some .c file. If the kernel is configured without CONFIG_OF, the #else branch will be used, supplying a dummy no-op implementation of the function so that the rest of the kernel still compiles correctly.
The dummy implementation is also static inline, allowing the compiler to just replace calls to it by a constant NULL value and likely optimize whole code paths away, decreasing code size and eliminating runtime overhead.

Does Arduino support the struct hack or similar solution in lieu of flexible array elements?

I coded an Arduino project for my son and learned about C in the process. All works fine but after dividing up the code into ten files and grouping the variables into structs in each file I'm not able to solve one wish for clarity. We need to empirically determine the best size of an array for storing and averaging port reads so this is what I want:
struct Alarms {
// Configurable parameters
const unsigned int number_of_reads = 24;
// State variables
int reads[number_of_reads]; // Error: invalid use of non-static data member 'Alarms::num_of_reads'
It’s simple but doesn't work. I tried flexible array members until I found that that feature is not supported in C++. Arduino compiles with C++. I tried many examples of the 'struct hack' but they all returned errors like this one:
struct Alarms {
// Configurable parameters
int number_of_reads = 24;
// State variables
int reads[];
} ar;
void setup_alarm() {
ar.reads = malloc(sizeof(int) * ar.number_of_reads); // Error: incompatible types in assignment of 'void*' to 'int [0]'
That looked promising but I suspect my ignorance is glowing brightly. Most struct hack examples call for declaring the struct and later initializing the struct variables. I’m hoping to not duplicate the struct.
I considered splitting the struct but that would be error prone and, well, another compile error:
struct Alarms2 {
int reads[ar.num_of_reads]; // Error: array bound is not an integer constant before ']' token
} ar2;
An alternative is to size the array and get the size later but it needs an explanation:
struct Alarms {
// Configurable parameters
int reads[ 24 ]; // Put number of reads to average between brackets
// State variables
int number_of_reads;
void setup_alarm() {
ar.number_of_reads = sizeof(ar.reads) / sizeof(ar.reads[0]); // this works
Is there a way to work the struct hack or some similar solution in Arduino to like achieve the first example?
The size of the struct must be known at compilation time. Const data types in structs can change per instance of the structure, that is why you are getting the invalid use of non-static data member 'Alarms::num_of_reads' when you try to initialize your array. The best way to solve this is to have an init_alarm and destroy_alarm functions. Like so ...
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct alarm {
// Configurable parameters
const int number_of_reads;
// State variables
int *reads;
void init_alarm(struct alarm *alarm)
alarm->reads = (int *) malloc(alarm->number_of_reads * sizeof(int));
void destroy_alarm(struct alarm *alarm)
int main(int argc, char **argv)
// When we create our struct, set number_of_reads to default
struct alarm alarm = {.number_of_reads = DEFAULT_NUM_OF_READS, .reads = NULL};
alarm.reads[0] = 13;
alarm.reads[23] = 100;
printf("alarm.reads[0] = %d, alarm.reads[23] = %d\n", alarm.reads[0], alarm.reads[23]);
return 0;
Note: Inorder to use the designated initializer to initialize a structure you must compile with ANSI (C99) like so ...
gcc --std=c99 test.c -o test

Bug in select() statement with inlining?

I would have posted this in the spinroot Bug Reports, but the spinroot forum is not currently accepting new users... If someone out there in charge of that is reading this, please let me in :)
Something very odd is happening when I try to use the select statement. Promela does not allow select() to be called on the field of a struct, so I have to make a temporary variable like this:
typedef someStruct {
int someField;
someStruct struct;
inline SetSelect() {
int temp;
select(temp: -1 .. 1);
struct.someField = temp;
This runs fine. I tested it and struct.someField is correctly set to either -1, 0, or 1. However, when I try to just put the inlined code straight into the init() process, I get a syntax error. The code looks like this:
typedef someStruct {
int someField;
someStruct struct;
int temp;
select(temp: -1 .. 1);
struct.someField = temp;
And the error message is:
spin: select_test.pml:9, Error: syntax error saw ''-' = 45'
Indeed, it looks like a bug for version 6.4.6 of Spin.
(The bug is fixed in version 6.4.7)
Interestingly, You can make it go away by simply writing temp : instead of temp:.
I suggest you to contact Gerard Holzmann for filing a bug report. I would also mention the fact that select does not seem to work with a struct field, perhaps that can be fixed too (even if it might be by design).
I am not entirely happy of creating an alias variable to get around the issue of the built-in select function with struct fields. Since the implementation of select is rather trivial, as can be found in the docs, I would introduce a novel inline function to replace the built-in select function:
typedef Struct
int field;
inline my_select (var, lower, upper)
var = lower;
:: var < upper -> var++;
:: break;
Struct st;
my_select(st.field, -1, 1);
printf("%d\n", st.field);

"Xpressive leak" fixed, but not understood

I know. Xpressive is (probably) not at fault here, but I've put a lot of effort into finding the memory leaks and I had to adapt the code layout to fix the haemorrhage.
Can someone explain to me why the change in layout fixed it? I don't see why the (correct/improved) use of "static const" fixes the leaks.
BTW, the leaks were occurring on a MIPs core, using boost version 1.49, and cross compiled with GCC 4.3.3.
Original "sieve" code:
// source.cpp
#include <boost/...
cregex token = keep(+set[ alnum|'!'|'%'|'_'|'*'|'+'|'.'|'\''|'`'|'~'|'-']);
cregex more = ...
bool foo(const char * begin, const char * end, size_t& length, std::string& dest)
mark_tag name_t(1);
cregex regx = bos >>
icase("name:") >>
(name_t= token) >> eos;
cmatch what;
bool ok = regex_search( begin, end, what, regx );
return ok;
Fixed "non-leaky" code:
// header.hpp
#include <boost/...
class Xpr {
static const cregex token;
static const cregex more;
// source.cpp
#include "header.hpp"
const cregex Xpr::token = keep(+set[ alnum|'!'|'%'|'_'|'*'|'+'|'.'|'\''|'`'|'~'|'-']);
const cregex Xpr::more = ...
bool foo(const char * begin, const char * end, size_t& length, std::string& dest)
mark_tag name_t(1);
static const cregex regx = bos >>
icase("name:") >>
(name_t= Xpr::token) >> eos;
cmatch what;
bool ok = regex_search( begin, end, what, regx );
return ok;
The leaks seemed to be occurring upon every call of foo!
EDIT: After writing the below response, I tried to reproduce your problem and was unable to. Here is the code I'm using.
#include <boost/xpressive/xpressive.hpp>
using namespace boost;
using namespace xpressive;
cregex token = keep(+set[ alnum|'!'|'%'|'_'|'*'|'+'|'.'|'\''|'`'|'~'|'-']);
//cregex more = ...
bool foo(const char * begin, const char * end)
mark_tag name_t(1);
cregex regx = bos >>
icase("name:") >>
(name_t= token) >> eos;
cmatch what;
bool ok = regex_search( begin, end, what, regx );
return ok;
int main()
char const buf[] = "name:value";
foo(buf, buf + sizeof(buf) - 1);
This code doesn't leak. Is it possible you're using an earlier version of xpressive? Could you post a complete, self-contained example so I can investigate? Even better, file a bug and attach the code there. Thanks,
-----Begin Original Response-----
I suspect that you're running afoul of xpressive's cycle tracking code. See here for a warning against nesting global regex objects in function-local ones. I think what's happening is that, in order to prevent dangling references, the function-local regx must hold a reference to token, and token must hold a (weak) reference back to regx. What is growing is token's map of weak references. This isn't a leak in the strict technical sense, since the memory will get reclaimed when token gets destroyed. But it's obviously not ideal.
I fixed a similar "leak" in xpressive a while back by adding an opportunistic purge of the map to clear out weak references to expired regexes. I have to look into why it's not happening in this case. Please file a bug here. Thanks.
In the mean time, your fix is plenty good. Declaring the function-local regx static means it will only get constructed once, so token's weak-reference map will never grow beyond size 1.

How to write custom module for ebtables?

Basically, I want to write a kernel module that adds a possible filter to ebtables. Then I need to tell ebtables to use my filter on a bridge I have set up.
The reason I need to write my own module is that I want to introduce delay between consecutive packages (for some testing reason). To demonstrate, my network originally has a traffic like this:
where + shows traffic of a package and - means no package on the line. I want to put a bridge in between so that the pattern of the packets would change to this:
This means that I would make sure there would be a certain amount of delay between arrival of each packet.
Now I have written the following simple code which I basically took from linux-source/net/bridge/netfilter/ebt_ip.c:
static bool match(const struct sk_buff *skb, const struct xt_match_param *par)
printk(KERN_INFO"match called\n");
return true; // match everything!
static bool check(const struct xt_mtchk_param *par)
printk(KERN_INFO"check called\n");
return true; // pass everything!
static struct xt_match reg __read_mostly = {
.name = "any", // I made this up, but I tried also putting ip for example which didn't change anything.
.revision = 0,
.match = match,
.checkentry = check,
.matchsize = XT_ALIGN(4), // don't know what this is, so I just gave it an `int`
int init_module(void)
return xt_register_match(&reg);
void cleanup_module(void)
I successfully load the module. But it's as if it's not there. I'm not getting the logs inside match and check functions so the bridge is clearly not considering my filter. What am I doing wrong?
I have tried many combinations of loading my filter first, setting up the bridge first or setting ebtables rules first, but none of them change anything.
P.S. The bridge itself works. I am certain that ebtables is also in effect because if I add a policy to drop packages, I don't receive them on the final computer. What I can't figure out is how to tell ebtables to consider my filter also.
I got this working, not in the most elegant way, but anyway, I am writing it here for a future wanderer:
Let's say your filter name is: "any"
User-space plugin
You need headers that are not available outside the ebtables source. So, get the source code, and go to extensions folder. In the Makefile, add any to EXT_FUNC (that is targets to be built) and write the source file ebt_any.c like the following:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include "../include/ebtables_u.h"
/*struct whatever
int a;
static struct option _any_opts[] =
{"use-any", required_argument, 0, 0},
static void _any_help(void)
printf("any match options: nothing!\n");
static void _any_init(struct ebt_entry_match *match)
static void _any_check(const struct ebt_u_entry *entry, const struct ebt_entry_match *match, const char *name,
unsigned int hookmask, unsigned int time)
static int _any_parse(int c, char **argv, int argc, const struct ebt_u_entry *entry, unsigned int *flags, struct ebt_entry_match **match)
printf("any_parse: %d\n", c);
if (c == 0)
return 1;
return 0; // return true for anything
static int _any_compare(const struct ebt_entry_match *m1, const struct ebt_entry_match *m2)
/* struct whatever *w1 = (struct whatever *)m1->data;
struct whatever *w2 = (struct whatever *)m2->data;
if (w1->a != w2->a)
return 0;*/
return 1;
static void _any_print(const struct ebt_u_entry *entry, const struct ebt_entry_match *match)
static struct ebt_u_match _reg = {
.name = "any",
// .size = sizeof(struct whatever),
.help = _any_help,
.init = _any_init,
.parse = _any_parse,
.final_check = _any_check,
.print = _any_print,
.compare = _any_compare,
.extra_ops = _any_opts,
void _init(void)
Note: if you have data going from user-space to kernel space, write something instead of struct whatever. I have commented it out because I am not using anything.
Note: even if your program doesn't require an option (such as mine which was supposed to match everything), you need to give an option anyway because that's how ebtables knows to use your filter.
Note: some of these functions seem unnecessary, but if you don't write them, you get a "BUG: bad merge" error.
Kernel-space module
The kernel-space module is simpler:
#include <linux/netfilter/x_tables.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
MODULE_AUTHOR("Shahbaz Youssefi");
/*struct whatever
int a;
static bool match(const struct sk_buff *skb, const struct xt_match_param *par)
return true;
static bool check(const struct xt_mtchk_param *par)
return true;
static struct xt_match reg __read_mostly = {
.name = "any",
.match = match,
// .matchsize = sizeof(struct whatever),
.checkentry = check,
int init_module(void)
int ret = 0;
printk("Bridge initializing...\n");
ret = xt_register_match(&reg);
printk("Bridge initializing...done!\n");
return ret;
void cleanup_module(void)
printk("Bridge exiting...\n");
printk("Bridge exiting...done!\n");
Note: if you use struct whatever in user-space, you must use the same in kernel-space.
Note: unlike user-space plugin that use ebtables headers/functions, the kernel module uses xtables instead!!
Compile the module (fairly standard) and install it for automatic loading. Alternatively, you can insmod and rmmod the module yourself before adding/after removing ebtables rules.
How to make ebtables use your filter
Just add a rule that contains --use-any some_value and you're good. For example:
ebtables -A FORWARD --use-any 1 -j ACCEPT
Note: this --use-any is the option that was given in ebt_u_match reg.extra_ops (which was defined in array _any_opts) in the user space plugin.
To use a kernel module, you also need to write an appropriate plugin for the userspace program, and afterwards, insert a rule invoking it.
If you do not have any options, do not specify any .matchsize parameter in struct xt_match (equal to specifying 0).
