How to code neutralinoJS to move the window to 0,0? - neutralinojs

Clueless dude here that does not get any results with anything in neutralino except HTML and CSS mods.
I have to neu build because CheckNetIsolation does nothing on my x64 Windows 10 Pro machine. So I can run the "myApp" executable. While that's annoying my real problem is I can't get any js code to produce results.
For example I enter Neutralino.window.move(0,0); immediately before Neutralino.init(); in VSCode. The window opens and remains in its default location.
What's my problem?

Check your neutralino.config.json file. In the latest version of Neutralino, enableHTTPServer has been replaced with just enableServer.
My Neu App remained while as well, until I did that.
Also, ensure that you have VSCode installed.
Finally, according to the documentation (scroll down to DANGER):
Aways use the ready event to call native API functions immediately. Don't call native API functions before the init() call or right after the init() call because the init() function doesn't synchronously wait until the WebSocket connection is established.
You need to call Neutralino.init() before any other functions, and since you need to move the window immediately, place it within the ready event:
Neutralino.init();'ready', () => {
Neutralino.window.move(0, 0);
I hope all this helps.


Why doesn't ElectronJS simply exit when given a blank index.js file?

I'm trying to understand the Electron Main process. I'm confused about something.
Try this:
% touch blank.js
% electron blank.js
You will notice that electron does not exit. Since no 'app' has been created, it isn't clear to me why the process is sticking around, and why I need to call process.exit from blank.js to terminate. The documentation is a bit thin in describing main/browser extensions to process.
Say I have a typical electron app:
await app.whenReady();
const win = new BrowserWindow();
await win.loadUrl("");
The window is created and the main method exits. Nothing else is awaiting anything. Electron doesn't exit in this case, because it doesn't make sense to since we're now just waiting on the user to interact with the window.
The things that should trigger an exit are the remaining window closing (window-all-closed event), or an explicit app.quit() type of command.
Now I guess you might say that this is different since a window actually got created, but how would Electron know that this will happen? For how long must it wait until it can be sure that no window will be created?
Establishing a rule like "the main method must await the window creation" seems overly-restrictive to me, so Electron just assumes that it might happen later or it might not, but until it's told to exit, it'll wait.
Ultimately, someone on the Electron team could give a more accurate answer, but this is my best guess.

Cannot get QWindow::fromWinId to work properly

My Qt 5.9 program (on X11 Linux) launches other applications, using QProcess.
I would like to have control over windows these applications spawn, so I obtain their winId value and use QWindow::fromWinId to get a QWindow instance.
The problem is these instances are invalid and do not represent the window they are supposed to.
If I check the winId values using xwininfo, the correct information is returned, so I know they are good.
What am I doing wrong?
Edit: An example won't help much, but here goes:
QProcess *process=new QProcess(this);
... // wait until window appears
WId winId=PidToWid(process->processId()); // this function returns the Window ID in decimal format. I test this with xwininfo, it's always correct
QWindow *appWindow=QWindow::fromWinId(winId);
... And that's basically it. appWindow is a valid QWindow instance, but it does not relate to the actual window in any way. For example, if I close() it, it returns true but the window does not close.
Even if I provide a wrong WId on purpose, the end result is the same.
This is not proper solution with explanation why it should work, however it may be helpful for somebody...
I had the same issue with my application when I switched from Qt4 QX11EmebeddedContainer to Qt5 implementation using QWindow. What I did to resolve / fix this issue was following:
Client application:
widget->show(); //Widget had to be shown
sendWinId(widget->winId()); //Post window handle to master app where is constructed container
Master application:
QWindow* window = QWindow::fromWinId(clientWinId);
window->show(); //This show/hide toggle did trick in combination with show in client app
QWidget* container = QWidget::createWindowContainer(window, parentWindowWidget);
After this I was able to control window properly through QWidget container.

Remove terminal icon in node notifier

I am using the package to show notifications in shell.
This is my code:
var notifier = require('node-notifier');
var path = require('path');
title: 'My awesome title',
message: 'Hello from node, Mr. User!',
icon: path.join(__dirname, 'coulson.jpg'), // absolute path (not balloons)
sound: true, // Only Notification Center or Windows Toasters
wait: true // wait with callback until user action is taken on notification
}, function (err, response) {
// response is response from notification
notifier.on('click', function (notifierObject, options) {
// Happens if `wait: true` and user clicks notification
notifier.on('timeout', function (notifierObject, options) {
// Happens if `wait: true` and notification closes
The notification comes like this:
As you can see a terminal icon is coming before the name.
Can you help me how to remove that icon?
It is known issue with node-notifier.
From issue #71:
No, I'm afraid that's how the notification work, as it's the terminal that initiates the message. The only way to avoid this is to use your custom terminal-notifier where the Terminal icon is swapped for your own. It's not a big task, and you can easily set customPath for notification center reporter.
This happens because of the way notifications in OS X work. The notification will show the referring app icon, and because we're using terminal-notifier to push notifications, we have the icon of terminal-notifier.
To work around this, you'll need to compile terminal-notifier with your own app.icns. Download the source, change out the AppIcon bundle with your own in Xcode, recompile terminal-notifier and pop it into node-notifier. (/node-notifier/vendor/
Now that you have your own terminal-notifier inside node-notifier, remove all the icon references from your OS X Notification Center code, and run the notification as if it has no icon. If the old app icon is showing in your notifications, you need to clear your icon cache. (Google how to do this)
Another valuable comment from mikaelb:
That's correct. But keep in mind, node-notifier uses a fork of terminal-notifier ( to add option to wait for notification to finish, so this should be used to add your own icon. A easy way to do it is to copy/paste from the vendor-folder and use customPath to point to your own vendor.
I tried #Aleksandr M's steps but it didn't seem to work for me. Maybe I didn't understand the steps well enough. Here's how it worked for me.
I cloned . Then opened the project with xcode and deleted the Terminal.icns file and replaced it with my custom icon Myicon.icns.
Then edited terminal-notifier/Terminal Notifier/Terminal Notifier-Info.plist by setting the key icon file to Myicon.
After doing this, simply building the project did NOT work. I had to change the values of the build version and build identifier (any new value would do) see this.
Afterwards I just built the project with xcode and then copied the built .app file (you can find it by clicking the Products directory of the project from xcode Products > right click the file > show in finder) to my electron project
e.g your final path may look like this. electron-project/vendor/
Then I set customPath as #Aleksandr M suggested.
Here's what mine looked like
var notifier = new NotificationCenter({
customPath: 'vendor/'
And THEN it worked! 🙂
This solved my problem and you only need to have your icns file ready:
run this command in terminal after downloading :customise-terminal-notifier
** path/customise-terminal-notifier-master/customise-terminal-notifier -i path/Terminal.icns -b com.bundle.identifier

Hide status bar in UWP

I have used below code to hide status bar in UWP. When I run the app in development mode in my computer the status bar is not shown in windows phone. I deployed the app in Windows Store, after downloading the app, I see the status bar appears in my app.
Here is my code:
var isAvailable = Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ApiInformation.IsTypePresent(typeof(StatusBar).ToString());
if (isAvailable)
async void hideBar()
StatusBar bar = Windows.UI.ViewManagement.StatusBar.GetForCurrentView();
await bar.HideAsync();
The question is, why the above code shouldn't work in windows store?
Also, I have the link to my app App link in windows store, but when i search for exact key word in windows store, my application is not shown in windows store, but clicking in link would appear my app in window store.
Checking for the Contract, rather for the type StatusBar works fine for me.
private async Task InitializeUi()
// If we have a phone contract, hide the status bar
if (ApiInformation.IsApiContractPresent("Windows.Phone.PhoneContract", 1, 0))
var statusBar = StatusBar.GetForCurrentView();
await statusBar.HideAsync();
You have to use FullName instead of ToString():
This code won't work because after .Net Native compilation (which Store does) typeof(StatusBar).ToString() will not return the literal type name as you expect, but will return something like "EETypeRVA:0x00021968". Use literal string instead (you aren't going to rename StatusBar, right? ;) or use IsApiContractPresent or typeof(StatusBar).FullName (as was already advised).
P.S. The same issue can be reproduced without publishing, just run it using Release configuration.
Could it be that when you compile in Release and with the .NET Native toolchain, the type info gets discarded and so you're not passing the string you think you're passing? Maybe you can try hard-coding the full type name?
In Windows 10 the command is

libspotify: logging out or releasing session causes crash

This is in response to dan's (dan^spotify on IRC) offer to take a look at my testcase, but I post it here in case anyone has encountered similar issues.
I'm experiencing a problem with libspotify where the application crashes (memory access violation) in both of these two scenarios:
the first sp_session_process_events (triggered by notify main thread callback) that's called after the sp_session_logout() function is called crashes the application
skipping logout and calling sp_session_release() crashes the application
I've applied sufficient synchronization from the session callbacks, and I'm otherwise operating on a single thread.
I've made a small testcase that does the following:
Creates session
Logs in
Waits 10 seconds
Attempts to logout, upon which it crashes (when calling sp_session_process_events())
If it were successful in logging out (which it isn't), would call sp_session_release()
I made a Gist for the testcase. It can be found here:
The test case is made using Qt (which is what I'm using for my project), so you'd need Qt 5 to compile it. I've also only written it with Windows and Linux in mind (don't have Mac). Assuming you have Qt 5 and Qt Creator installed, the instructions are as follows:
Download the gist
Copy the libspotify folder into the same folder as the .pro file
Copy your appkey.c file into the same folder
Edit main.cpp to login with your username and password
Edit line 38-39 in sessiontest.cpp and set the cache and settings path to your liking
Open up the .pro file and run from Qt Creator
I'd be very grateful if someone could tell me what I'm doing wrong, as I've spent so many hours trying anything I could think of or just staring at it, and I fear I've gone blind to my own mistakes by now.
I've tested it on both Windows 7 and Linux Ubuntu 12.10, and I've found some difference in behavior:
On Windows, the testcase crashes invariably regardless of settings and cache paths.
On Linux, if setting settings and cache to "" (empty string), logging out and releasing the session works fine.
On Linux, if paths are anything else, the first run (when folder does not already exist) logs out and releases session as it should, but on the next run (when folder already exists), it crashes in the exact same way as it does on Windows.
Also, I can report that sp_session_flush_caches() does not cause a crash.
EDIT: Also, hugo___ on IRC was kind enough to test it on OSX for me. He reported no crashes despite running the application several times in a row.
While you very well may be looking at a bug in libspotify, I'd like to point out a possibly redundant call to sp_session_process_events(), from what I gathered from looking at your code.
void SessionTest::processSpotifyEvents()
if (m_session == 0)
qDebug() << "Process: No session.";
int interval = 0;
sp_session_process_events(m_session, &interval);
qDebug() << interval;
m_timerId = startTimer(interval);
It seems this code will pickup the interval value and start a timer on that to trigger a subsequent call to event(). However, this code will also call startTimer when interval is 0, which is strictly not necessary, or rather means that the app can go about doing other stuff until it gets a notify_main_thread callback. The docs on startTimer says "If interval is 0, then the timer event occurs once every time there are no more window system events to process.". I'm not sure what that means exactly but it seems like it can produce at least one redundant call to sp_session_process_events().
I notice that you will get a crash on sp_session_release if you have a track playing when you call it.
I have been chasing this issue today. Login/logout works just fine on Mac, but the issue was 100% repeatable as you described on Windows.
By registering empty callbacks for offline_status_updated and credentials_blob_updated, the crash went away. That was a pretty unsatisfying fix, and I wonder if any libspotify developers want to comment on it.
Callbacks registered in my app are:
I should explicitly point out that I did not try this on the code you supplied. It would be interesting to know if adding those two extra callbacks works for you. Note that the functions I supply do absolutely nothing. They just have to be there and be registered when you create the session.
Adding the following call in your "logged in" libspotify callback seems to fix this crash as detailed in this SO post:
