AES encryption constant input and output size - string

I have a key for AES encryption and I'm trying to encrypt strings with constant length as well, does the resultant encrypted string will always have the same length?

That depends on what you mean by 'the same length'.
The same length as the original string: generally no; the original string will be padded to a multiple of the cipher block-length. Check padding modes for details.
The same length every time you encrypt: yes; as long as you stick to the same mode and padding the encrypted output will have the same length.

First of all, a block cipher requires a full block to encrypt, therefore AES requires 16-byte ( or 128-bit ) input to encrypt will output 16-byte ciphertext. This is always the case for block ciphers since they are Pseudo-Random Permutations (PRP) - they are always permutations we expect them to be PRP.
Block ciphers, like AES, are primitives and must be used with a proper mode of operation. Here we will talk only about some of them.
ECB mode is the default and insecure.
Padding: In the case of the message size is not a multiple of the 128, we apply padding. There are various paddings, however, the most common one is the PCKS#7 ( update of PCKS#5 that was for 64-bit block ciphers like DES). This padding append characters to the end so that the size is multiple of 128.
Therefore; the appended number of characters for ECB mode can be from 1 to 16 ( if the block size is already a multiple of 128) then a new block is added with 16 10 bytes.
CBC mode requires a random and unpredictable IV so that we can achieve probabilistic encryption. As in ECB, it requires padding.
Therefore; the appended number of characters for CBC mode can be from 1+16 to 32 since we need to add the IV to the ciphertext.
CTR mode requires Initial Value (IV) that can be random or deterministic. CTR mode converts a block cipher (PRP) into a stream cipher. The plaintext is x-ored with the ciphertext where the input was the IV and incremented for each encryption. There is no need for padding in CTR mode.
Therefore; the appended number of characters for CTR mode is (at most)16.
AAED: The above are archaic mode of operations and today we use Authenticated Encryption (with Associated Data) (AE/AEAD). Unlike the archaic modes, these modes can provide us not only confidentiality but also integrity and authentication.
The authentication part requires a tag (MAC tag) and this really depends on the scheme.
AES-GCM is the NIST-approved mode. AES-GCM's recommended IV size 12 since different size requires an additional process. It always produces a 16-byte tag, however, one can reduce the size of the tag if they want to, although not recommended.
At first one might consider that the size is incremented by 12-16, however, it is not. The GCM always used Associated Data (AD) and allows zeroAD and the size of the AD is always added. For details, see NIST GCM specification
This was the short story of the long list of how the mode of operations behaves in terms of input vs output length.
If you omit the IV size, it is possible with CTR mode.


How does an IV work and what would be the best way to store it?

I want to encrypt and decrypt strings. I'm using Nodejs crypto for this. I've read that when encrypting and decrypting it's highly recommended to use an IV. I want to store the encrypted data inside a MySQL database and decrypt it later when needed. I understand that I need the IV also for the decryption process. But what exactly is an IV and how should I store it? I read something about that an IV does not to be kept secret. Does this mean I can store it right next to the encrypted data it belongs to?
it's highly recommended to use an IV
No, it's required or you'll not get a fully secure ciphertext in most circumstances. At the very minimum, not supplying an IV for the same key and plaintext message will result in identical ciphertext, which will leak information to an adversary. In other words: encryption would be deterministic, and that's not a property that you want from a cipher. For CTR and GCM mode you may well leak all of the plaintext message though...
But what exactly is an IV ... ?
An IV just consists of binary bits. It's size and contents depend on the mode of operation (CBC/CTR/GCM). Generally it needs either to be a nonce or randomized.
CBC mode requires a randomized IV of 16 bytes; generally a cryptographically secure random number generator is used for that.
CTR mode commonly specifies both a nonce and the initial counter value within the IV of 16 bytes. So you already need to put the nonce in the left hand bytes (lowest index). This nonce may be randomized, but then it should be large enough (e.g. 12 bytes) to avoid the birthday problem.
GCM mode requires just a nonce of 12 bytes.
and how should I store it
Anyway you can store the bytes, as long as they can be retrieved or regenerated during decryption. If you need text you may need to encode it using base 64 or hexadecimals (this goes for the ciphertext as well, of course).
I read something about that an IV does not to be kept secret.
That's correct.
Does this mean I can store it right next to the encrypted data it belongs to?
Correct, quite often the IV is simply prefixed to the ciphertext; if you know the block cipher and mode of operation then the size is predetermined after all.

How to perform a digital signature on Smartcard with prestored hash

I am trying to use a smart card to perform a digital signature, my issue is when I try these set of commands:
Select Application: 00A4040410E828BD080F*********
Verify Pin: 0020008506*******
Set SE for CRT HT: 002241AA03800110
Set SE for CRT DST: 002241b606800112840105
Store Hash: 002a90a00890008004AAAAAAAA // AAAAAAAA are Just a random 4 bytes for the card to compute then store
Sign: 002a9e9a00
I can not sign neither by setting the security environment to CRT-DST nor CRT-HT, with the former it returns 6a88(SE problem) and the latter returns 6a95(Hash not found).
I am following IAS_ECC_v1.0.1 to the book but it is not clear which security environment to use in case of setting the hash then signing. I tried the commands for SHA-256 as well but same result.
I am used to setting the security environment then performing the digital signature but this is the first time I encounter the prestored hash type of card.
To clarify at least some issues: What you are describing is not a precomputed hash, but an intermediate hash value, as typically applied in the scheme, where the card has at least some influence in the hash computation. It is supposed to update the given intermediate hash by considering the last data bytes given. This is a sort of middle point between the card hashing all the input data (possible, but due to limited I/O bandwith seldom attractive) and providing the final hash value from the outside (no influence by the card).
Such an intermediate hash requires in DO 90 the intermediate hash value concatenated with a bit counter, which is 8 bytes long. For SHA-256 this would mean 40 bytes (32 bytes hash followed by bit counter). This is combined with DO 80 giving the final data.
Your example (store hash is at least a misleading term), provides the DO 90 as empty, however, contradicting the intention of an intermediate hash.

difference between the methods update() and dofinal() in cipher

I have read one article about difference between the methods update() and dofinal() in cipher.
It was about what will happend if we want to encrypt 4 Bytes Array, when the block size of the cipher is for example 8 Bytes. If we call update here it will return null. My question is: what will happen if we call doFinal() with a 4 byte array to encrypt, and the buffer size is 8 bytes, how many bytes encoded data will we receive on the return?
update(): feed the data, again and again, enables you to encrypt long files, streams.
dofinal(): apply the requested padding scheme to the data, if requested and necessary, then encrypt. ECB and CBC mode requires padding but CTR mode doesn't. If NOPADDING has used some libraries may secretly pad, in others you have to handle the padding yourself.
When you call, dofinal() with 4-byte data, if NOPADDING is not set, it will be padded and then encrypted.
From Java Doc;
update(byte[] input)
Continues a multiple-part encryption or decryption operation (depending on how this cipher was initialized), processing another data part.
Finishes a multiple-part encryption or decryption operation, depending on how this cipher was initialized.

EVP_DecryptFinal in OpenSSL

I am working on an OpenSSL project. While using the encryption and decryption functions under EVP. EVP_Decrypt_Final is not showing an error but after every OP_SIZE there is 8 bytes of extra data coming in the decrypted file. I used the programs given in stackoverflow with various other users but the error was same.
Please help :)
Extra 8 bytes of data may be result of padding. Block cipher encrypts/decrypts a block of fixed size at a time. If a given block is smaller than the block size, it is padded.
It looks like that you are using ECB or CBC mode.
You may be encrypting the data of multiple blocks. Then you should know different modes of block cipher.
If you do not want padding, consider encrypting your data using CFB or CTR mode.

Can you 'convert' ciphertext encrypted in CBC mode to ECB mode with known IV?

In CBC mode, C2 = Ek(C1 ⊕ P2)
C2 = 2nd block of ciphertext
P2 = 2nd block of plaintext
Ek = encryption function
If IV is known (let's say it's set to 0), is there anyway to find the ciphertext block such that C2 = Ek(P2) ?
If the message is only 1 block in size and the IV is null, then both ECB and CBC modes will produce an equivalent cipher text. However, the short answer to your question is NO. In most cases (like WEP and WPA) the IV is known to the attacker and this does not compromise the system. However, make sure that the IV is random when using CBC mode.
In Cipher Block Chaining mode (CBC), each plain text block is xor'ed with the previous cipher text block in the sequence. Thus you cannot decrypt the message in its entirety without following the "chain" or series of decryption routines. Its kind of like a one-time-pad meets a block cipher. The algorithm isn't that complex and here is a graphical representation of the two. Notice that they are nearly identical except CBC mode adds XOR operation for each block.
The simple answer is that if what you ask for was possible in general then CBC would then be equivalent to ECB anyway - there would be no security gained by CBC over ECB.
There is, however, an information leak in CBC. If you happen to observe two identical ciphertexts in CBC messages that were encrypted with the same key, Cn = Cm, then you can calculate Pn ⊕ Pm (it is equal to Cn-1 ⊕ Cm-1). Two identical ciphertexts are only likely in two cases: the first is that the sender re-used an IV, and the second is that you have observed a very large amount of traffic encrypted with the same key (for a 128 bit block cipher, on the order of 16 million TB; for a 64 bit block cipher, on the order of 4 GB).
