I have created a VBA add-in for Microsoft Word. Both a Windows and Mac version. The add-in communicates with 3rd party apps.
This has worked fine for years. I'm now struggling making this work for the Mac-version with M1-based macs (Maybe also Big Sur related).
The communication works partly via a dylib written i c, via stdin and stdout.
Secondly some functions use AppleScriptTask.
I can't make either of these two methods work.
AppleScriptTask always return the error:
Run-time error '5'
Invalid procedure call or argument
s = AppleScriptTask("WMscript.scpt","Test","")
I tried scripts with .scpt, .scptd and .applescript.
Also newly created scriptfiles with simple test.script:
on Test(paramS)
tell application "Finder"
end tell
end Test
The api works in other applications, but I can't open 3rd party apps in it when used from VBA.
I use these special folders for the all the 3rd party files to circumvent sandboxing for both methods:
/Library/Application support/Microsoft/Office365/User Content/Add-ins/
~/Library/Application Scripts/com.microsoft.word/
I also tried the GrantAccessToMultipleFiles(FileArray) function. It always returns 'True' regardless which filenames are sendt in the array. It never prompt the user.
M1 Mac
Big sur 11.6 (M1)
Microsoft Word for Mac 16.54 (21101001)
Not sure following will help you.
If your third-party application is from unknown developer, then it goes to GateKeeper quarantine. Try to remove quarantine before calling your VBA script, running following script.
set theApp to application id "Avidemux.org" -- EDIT here the bundle ID
set quotedPath to quoted form of (POSIX path of (path to theApp))
do shell script "xattr -rd com.apple.quarantine " & ¬
quotedPath with administrator privileges
You can include the code above to beginning of your VBA script.
The ApplceScriptTask problem was related to an incorrect path, for the script file:
Incorrect: ~/Library/Application Scripts/com.microsoft.word/
Correct: ~/Library/Application Scripts/com.microsoft.Word/
Had to be Uppercase W.
I am trying to run a very simple apple script from VBA. The VBA code is:
NavigationJunk = AppleScriptTask("Budget Report Apple Scripts/NavigationMoveWindowsAppleScript.scpt", "NavigationMoveWindowLeftHandler", "")
The script reads:
on NavigationMoveWindowLeftHandler(Junk)
tell application "System Events" to key code 123 using {option down, control down}
end NavigationMoveWindowLeftHandler
where the complete path for the .scpt is: "/Users/Andrew/Library/Application Scripts/com.microsoft.Excel/Budget Report Apple Scripts/NavigationMoveWindowsAppleScript.scpt" (this is the correct path as documented here: Apple Script Task Throwing an Error 5
This code simply performs the key stroke cntrl+option+left arrow. That key stroke is a shortcut for the app Magnet to move the window to be half screen left.
This worked prior to updating my system to MacOS Ventura. I attempted to restart, uninstall Excel, reset the permissions in System Settings/Privacy/Automation (as documented here: Reset MacOS Privacy Settings) and reinstall Excel. When I tried to run the VBA code I was prompted to grant permission to system events and still received an invalid procedure error. I verified that when I call the handler from within the Apple Script Editor the system performs the keystrokes with no issues. I assume this is some sort of permission thing...How do I fix this?
Of note: this code called prior to the AppleScriptTask above runs just fine:
AppleScriptResult = Split(AppleScriptTask("Budget Report Apple Scripts/NavigationMoveWindowsAppleScript.scpt", "NavigationGetScreenResolution", ""), " ")
This is curious because the .scpt is the same file and calls a different handler:
on NavigationGetScreenResolution(Junk)
return do shell script "system_profiler SPDisplaysDataType | grep Resolution"
end NavigationGetScreenResolution
and runs just fine. Any help here would be greatly appreciated
First, take note that I am using the Xilinx SDK 2018.2 on Kubuntu 22.04 because of my companies policy. I know from research, that the command I'm using is deprecated in newer versions, but in the version I am using, it works flawlessly - kind of... But read for yourself:
My task is to automate all steps in the FPGA build to create a pipeline which automatically builds and tests the FPGAs. To achieve this, I need to build the code - this works flawlessly in XSDK. For automation, this also has to work in the command line, so what I did is following the manual to find out how this is achieved. Everything works as expected if I write it in the interactive prompt like shown here:
user#ubuntuvm:~$ xsct
****** Xilinx Software Commandline Tool (XSCT) v2018.2
**** Build date : Jun 14 2018-20:18:43
** Copyright 1986-2018 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Then I can enter the commands I need to import all needed files and projects (hw, bsp, main project). With this toolset, everything works as expected.
Because I want to automate it via a pipeline, I decided to pack this into a script for easier access. The script contains exactly the commands I entered in the interactive shell and therefore looks like this:
user#ubuntuvm:~/gitrepos/repository$ cat ../autoBuildScript.tcl
setws /home/user/gitrepos/repository
openhw ./hps_packages/system.hdf
openbsp ./bsp_packages/system.mss
importprojects ./sources/mainApp
importprojects ./bsp_packages
importprojects ./hps_packages
regenbsp -bsp ./bsp_packages/system.mss
projects –clean
projects -build
The commands are identical to the ones entered via the interactive CLI tool, the only difference is that this is now packed into a script. The difference is, that this now does not build completely anymore. I get the following error:
user#ubuntuvm:~/gitrepos/repository$ xsct ../autoBuildScript.tcl
INFO: [Hsi 55-1698] elapsed time for repository loading 1 seconds
Starting xsdk. This could take few seconds... done
'mainApp' will not be imported... [ALREADY EXIST]
'bsp_packages' will not be imported... [ALREADY EXIST]
'hps_packages' will not be imported... [ALREADY EXIST]
unexpected arguments: –clean
while executing
"error "unexpected arguments: $arglist""
(procedure "::xsdb::get_options" line 69)
invoked from within
"::xsdb::get_options args $options"
(procedure "projects" line 12)
invoked from within
"projects –clean"
(file "../autoBuildScript.tcl" line 8)
I've inserted projects -clean only, because I got the error before with projects -build and wanted to check, if this also happens with another argument.
In the internet I didn't really find anything according to my specific problem. Also I strictly held on to the official manual, in which the command is also used just as I use it - but with the result of it being working.
Also, I've checked the line endings (set to UNIX) because I suspected xsct to read maybe a newline character or something similar, with no result. This error also occurs, when I create the bsp and hardware from sketch. Also, to me the error looks like an internal one from Xilinx, but let me know what you think.
So, it appears that I just fixed the problem on my own. Thanks on everyone reading for being my rubber ducky.
Apparently, the version 2018.2 of XSDK has a few bugs, including inconsistency with their command interpretation. For some reason the command works in the interactive shell, but not in the script - because the command is in its short form. I just learned from a Xilinx tutorial, that projects -build is - even though it works - apparently not the full command. You usually need to clarify, that this command should come from the SDK like this: sdk projects -build. The interactive shell seems to ignore this fact for a reason - and so does the script for any command except projects. Therefore, I added the "sdk" prefix to all commands which I used from the SDK, just to be safe.
I cannot believe, that I just debugged 2 days for an error whose fix only contains 3 (+1 whitespace) letters.
Thanks everybody for reading and have a nice day
Recently, a macro I use via VBA (in Excel) to run a script has stopped working; this subroutine worked for the previous six years. This is on a work device in which I do not have full admin privileges. The script file is stored on a network drive which I have access to, and can open and double-click to execute.
I have read from multiple sources, each not having an answer (including here on SO), that people have begun to see RTE5 when using Shell(), which may be related to security settings from the administrator.
One suggestion was to use use ShellExecute, which I have not had luck using.
I receive RTE5 (invalid procedure call or argument) on the line for Shell() within the below code.
Has anyone had this same issue and been able to resolve said issue? Please indicate how you resolved.
'To open file, which previously worked:
Dim Loc As String
Loc = "Z:/filename.bat"
Call Shell(Loc, 1)
'Attempt at using ShellExecute, which gives Network Access error
Dim Loc As String
Loc = "Z:/filename.bat"
Call CreateObject("Shell.Application").ShellExecute(Loc, 1)
I have a VB6 application that, despite everything manages to work on lots of systems, including the numerous Windows 7 x64 systems.
On most of them, the windows dialogs accessed through COMDLG32.OCX work just fine. However, on one particular system, this doesn't work at all. Some forms, when attempting to show the "Open" (or "Save") dialog causes an exception:
Run-time error '32765'
The common dialog function failed during initalization. This error often occurs when insufficent memory is available
Although some other forms that use it simply never show the dialog box at all. Needless to say, memory is not an issue. Microsoft have a kb article on the error where they say:
You have a Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 program that runs on a Terminal Server, the program uses the Common Dialog control to open a file, and the following conditions are true:
The user is using a roaming profile.
There is a policy to delete the roaming profile when the user logs off.
When these conditions are true, you may receive [the error quoted above]
The conditions mentioned are not true - this is all through the (only, local) user on the system. The suggested solution involves calling the relevant API calls directly.
Reluctant to implemenet the pile of code suggested in every form relevant, I found a class already built for the purpose - CDlgEx. While this works fine on all the computers where the OCX also works fine, on the system which has problems, whenver this line is reached:
RetValue = GetOpenFileName(OFN)
Private Declare Function GetOpenFileName Lib "comdlg32.dll" Alias "GetOpenFileNameA" (pOpenfilename As OPENFILENAME) As Long
and OFN is of the private type expected by the function, nothing happens. No dialog box appears, and the program simply moves on to the next line.
Further testing has shown that this only happens when running from the IDE. Running from a compliled executable, everything is fine.
Had the exact same problem. Grab the cCommonDialog class from the following link and add it to your project.
You can then do something like this in your code
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim commonDialog As New GCommonDialog
Dim fileName As String
commonDialog.VBGetOpenFileName fileName
MsgBox fileName
End Sub
i have a problem using inno setup. I'm installing an update with inno, and with the update.exe the user get a txtfile with a licencenumber. On his Unit this licencenumber readable by a dll function.
Before the installingprocess i have to compare these numbers. Only if this numbers are identical the user is trying to installing the update on the right machine with the right licence.
If i would put this check into an seperate exe, it would be easy to crack it by change the exe with one just doing nothing (no errorcode). So i want to split the checking into the seperated exe (where i check some other things like installed version number etc.) and the update.exe
In update exe, i want to read the txtfile inside the updatepackage - this is easy.
In check.exe i want to call the internal dll and get the licencenumber of the machine. I have to return this number as an int. C# allows me to do that.
But how can i get this number in innosetup?
I tried to take the errorcode for this (0=error - not right version etc, XXXXXXXXX = licencenumber of machine). But the errorcode is just 2 chars in inno. I get only 2 chars...
Saving the number in another file would'nt be a solution cause the user can crack it this way... Is it possible to get the number into inno without giving the user the chance to manilpulate??
If you move the code into a DLL (either COM or a plain stdcall DLL) then it can be used by Inno and pass extra data between them including full strings, etc.