Parsec Connection Failure Error -10 and -11 - windows-10

After fresh installing Windows 10, I was not able connect to a Parser Host using another Windows PC.
The error was:
Error: Client Connection Failure (-10)
According to the docs, this refers to DECODE_ERR_INIT

There might be several reasons for these two errors, however the Parsec docs does not give possible solutions.
In my case going to App & Features > Optional Features > Add Feature and then look for Media Feature Pack and install it, reboot and should work.
I was able to discover this issue due to Rainway and Dixter failing because a .dll was missing regarding this precise feature.


Azure B2C Provider in DNN

i am using B2C provider for DNN and trying to install it as extension and it's throwing error
i am trying to use multiple version as well but not installed properly and using source from
Please help me out.
There was an issue in the DNN manifest file that has been solved on v1.4.7 (release Tracking the issue at
I wrote the answer below before seeing this:
Perhaps this is pertinent to your question. You might want to check with Ryan Moore (moorecreative" to see if he was able to resolve the issue.
First, please bear in mind that I am not familiar with this particular extension, but it seems as if it is "just another" authentication provide for DNN.
I'm also a little confused. The error message indicates that you've already installed th Intelequia AzureB2C provider. Is that true?
You also say "I am using" and then "trying to install it as an extension." If you are using it, that means that it is already installed as an extension, so a second attempt to install it should throw an error. But, I would think that the installer should see that problem earlier in the process.
Finally, you say "i am trying to use multiple version as well." A provider should be installed only once, and that is what the error message is telling you.
Once you have installed an authentication provider you typically enable it for a portal, and it becomes part of the authentication process.
You should read the documentation carefully, and make sure that you are trying to use the provider as the developer intended.

Node red OSC Error "Flows stopped due to missing node types"

I am setting up an OSC receiver at the moment using node-red and node-red-contrib-osc on a Windows 10 machine (Node.js version 12.13.1, npm Version 6.12.1).
Unfortunately, I cannot deploy the flow, node-red throws the following error: "Flows stopped due to missing node types". The OSC plugin was installed using the "Manage pallette" button.
On the console there is the following information logged during installation process:
[info] node-red-contrib-osc : Syntax Error : Unexpected token ...
When I start Deploy, the following info is logged: [info] Waiting for missing types to be registered: - osc
I can reproduce the issue on two Windows 10 machines and on Raspbian, too.
There are some similar questions here on stackoverflow which I read, but no suggested solution worked for me.
I hope someone has a deeper knowledge than I have.
A syntax error reported against a node can mean either:
you are using too old a version of Node.js for the code in the module
there is some other error with the node
Given you are using Node 12, it is unlikely to be the first issue. I suggest you check the node's github issue list to see if there are any known issues in this area and if not, perhaps report what you are seeing there.

Node library for TDS 7.0 (SQL Server 7)

Has anyone successfully connected to Sequel Server 7 (TDS 7.0) with node.js? How did you do it?
I've tried tedious and node-mssql, but the lowest version of the TDS protocol that they use is 7.1. I need to access a SQL Server 7 database, which only speaks TDS 7.0. (Ancient, I know . . .)
The only library I've found that looks like it works is node-tds, but it was abandoned long ago, so getting help with it is pretty unlikely. I get TypeError: invalid_argument when trying to connect, and there is no documentation on the connect() function. :(
Well, I got it to work, but it wasn't as simple as installing a single node module that contained all the necessary pieces. I ended up using node-odbc. You just have to install and configure a couple pre-requisites (unixODBC and FreeTDS). This was always a pain when I'd had to do it in the past, but this time around I found some instructions for installing both via Homebrew. It's probably just as easy with your package manager of choice. Configuring the setup was a little bit of work, but manageable by following the instruction guide at

Node Cipheriv Warning in Azure DevOps Extension - Release Task

I am working on a project to develop an Azure DevOps release task extension. Recently, I am getting this warning message printed multiple times in the logs when the release task runs- "Warning: Use Cipheriv for counter mode of aes-256-ctr".
I was not getting it earlier. And the time when I started getting this error, I only changed some console.log(..), and not even any code that could possibly trigger this error. (Might be some npm dependency updates!)
Any idea regarding why am I getting this error, and how to fix it! If not, how to disable it?
P.S. - I know this question has been asked and could probably be categorized as duplicate. But I am asking in the context of Azure DevOps release tasks, others are independent node.js projects. And, those fixes didn't work for me.
This is related to the Azure-Pipelines-Task-Lib and the Azure-Pipelines-agent and outside of your control. The problem should be fixed in those projects or their dependencies.
Since these all ship with the agent installer and the tasks themselves, this is not directly under your control.
This is likely caused by the dependency of the Agent on Node 6. There is work in progress to support Node 10 LTS on the agent (Node 10 now ships side-by-side in the agent installer).
The Azure-Pipelines-Agent calls the wrong method here.
let encryptKey = crypto.randomBytes(256);
let cipher = crypto.createCipher("aes-256-ctr", encryptKey);
let encryptedContent = cipher.update(secret, "utf8", "hex");
encryptedContent +="hex");
As far as I can tell it should call crypto.createCipheriv() instead of crypto.createCipher() when running on Node 8 or higher. The Azure-Pipelines-Task-Lib seems to rely on the same piece of code.
It looks like 2.8.0 of the Azure-Pipelines-Task-Lib fixes this. It's on npm now, so upgrade to make these warnings disappear.

AHBot in an AzerothCore 3.3.5 Server

Does anyone have a guide on setting up AHBot in an AzerothCore 3.3.5 server? I can find no mention of ahbot in the world.conf and no DB tables like auctionhousebot in the database or any references. It is included in TrinityCore so all the google references that I find point me back there.
Our server is just two of us and it would be nice to have some items on the auction house. At the moment, if you need a silver bar you have to go out in the world and find it. That was exciting the first couple of times... but gets old.
I followed the guide to install off github: and am using the latest release under Ubuntu linux.
Thank you for any help. You are my last hope...
AHBot is not currently an 'official' supported module of AzerothCore (which would be why you aren't finding any settings in the worldserver or anywhere else regarding it).
There is a module in development that isn't currently part of the AC list, but I've gotten it working on my personal server: Note that this is a bit different than a normal module as there is also a git patch that needs to be applied manually.
Theres a module in azerothCore repository you have to apply patch manually but it wont compile on Win x64 and unix x64 comes up with an error about 9 arguments, but seems to compile for some
