Identifying connect to Postgres using node pg-postgres - node.js

I have an application using a PostgreSQL database with multiple backend-API's. Because we some times run out of connections, I would like to be able to identify which backend API has active connections in view pg_stat_activity. Is it possible to identify the connection from node pg-postgres?

What you see (in pg_stat_activity) is what you get. If none of those fields are helpful, then I guess the answer is no.
Aren't all the APIs pooled together through the same shared connections?
Application_name could help if you can convince node.js to set them per API. query text could help if you recognize what query text is from which API.


Connection Pooling in typeorm with postgressql

I've gone through enough articles and typeorm official documentation on setting up connection pooling with typeorm and postgressql but couldn't find a solution.
All the articles, I've seen so far explains about adding the max/Poolsize attribute in orm configuration or connection pooling but this is not setting up a pool of idle connections in the database.
When I verify pg_stat_activity table after the application bootstraps, I could not see any idle connections in the DB but when a request is sent to the application I could see an active connection to the DB
The max/poolSize attribute defined under the extras in the orm configuration merely acts as the max number of connections that can be opened from the application to the db concurrently.
What I'm expecting is that during the bootstrap, the application opens a predefined number of connections with the database and keep it in idle state. When a request comes into the application one of the idle connection is picked up and the request is served.
Can anyone provide your insights on how to have this configuration defined with typeorm and postgresql?
TypeORM uses node-postgres which has built in pg-pool and doesn't have that kind of option, as far as I can tell. It supports a max, and as your app needs more connections it will create them, so if you want to pre-warm it, or maybe load/stress test it, and see those additional connections you'll need to write some code that kicks off a bunch of async queries/inserts.
I think I understand what you're looking for as I used to do enterprise Java, and connection pools in things like glassfish and jboss have more options where you can keep hot unused connections in the pool. There are no such options in TypeORM/node-postgres though.

Proper way of using db connections? (Python + pyodbc)

I am currently building a REST API using Python and Flask. Most endpoints require some type of interaction with a SQL database (SQL Server, using pyodbc). What is the best way of going around this.
Should I open a single connection (e.g. in a singleton class) and try and reuse it as much as possible?
Should I use different connections? If so, at what granularity? One connection per endpoint? One connection per query?
What role does connection pooling play in all of this and how do I make use of it?
Do I have to worry about concurrent requests?

NodeJS sharding architecture with many MondoDB databases approaches

We have architecture problem on our project. This project requires sharding, as soon as we need almost unlimited scalability for the part of services.
Сurrently we use Node.js + MongoDb (Mongoose) and MySQL (TypeORM). Data is separated by databases through the simple 'DB Locator'. So node process needs connections to a lot of DBs (up to 1000).
Requests example:
HTTP request from client with Shop ID;
Get DB IP address/credentials in 'DB Locator' service by Shop ID;
Create connection to specific database with shop data;
Perform db queries.
We tried to implement it in two ways:
Create connection for each request, close it on response.
we can't use connection after response (it's the main problem, because sometimes we need some asynchronous actions);
it works slower;
Keep all connections opened.
reach simultaneous connections limit or some another limits;
memory leaks.
Which way is better? How to avoid described problems? Maybe there is a better solution?
Solution #1 perfectly worked for us on php as it runs single process on request and easily drops connections on process end. As we know, Express is pure JS code running in v8 and is not process based.
It would be great to close non-used connections automatically but can't find options to do that.
The short answer: stop using of MongoDB with Mongoose 😏
Longer answer:
MongoDB is document-oriented DBMS. The main usage case is when you have some not pretty structured data that you have to store, but you don't need to use too much. There is lazy indexing, dynamic typing and many more things that not allow you to use it as RDBMS, but it is great as a storage of logs or any serialized data.
The worth part here is Mongoose. This is the library that makes you feel like your trashbox is wonderful world with relations, virtual fields and many things that should not to be in DODBMS. Also, there is a lot of legacy code from previous versions that also make some troubles with connections management.
You already use TypeORM that may works instead Mongoose. With some restrictions, for sure.
It works exactly same way as MySQL connection management.
Here is some more data:
In this case you may use you TypeORM Repository as transparent client that will init connections and close it or keep it alive on demand.

How many connections could node's mongoose and mongodb themselves handle? Will the server crash?

I was thinking about building some kind of API built on NodeJS with mongoose. I read that mongoose uses 1 connection per app.
But let us say that we have 300,000 users joining a room to answer some questions (real-time), will mongoose/mongodb handle it? Or will the server itself even handle it?
Thinking on the database side only:
The mongod executable have a parameter (--maxConns) for setting the maximum number of connections, prior to v2.6 you had a limit for that. Now, as the docs say: "This setting has no effect if it is higher than your operating system’s configured maximum connection tracking threshold", see here for linux.
Besides that you MUST consider a sharded cluster for this kind of load.

Scaling nodejs app with pm2

I have an app that receives data from several sources in realtime using logins and passwords. After data is recieved it's stored in memory store and replaced after new data is available. Also I use sessions with mongo-db to auth user requests. Problem is I can't scale this app using pm2, since I can use only one connection to my datasource for one login/password pair.
Is there a way to use different login/password for each cluster or get cluster ID inside app?
Are memory values/sessions shared between clusters or is it separated? Thank you.
So if I understood this question, you have a node.js app, that connects to a 3rd party using HTTP or another protocol, and since you only have a single credential, you cannot connect to said 3rd party using more than one instance. To answer your question, yes it is possibly to set up your clusters to use a unique use/pw combination, the tricky part would be how to assign these credentials to each cluster (assuming you don't want to hard code it). You'd have to do this assignment when the servers start up, and perhaps use a a data store to hold these credentials and introduce some sort of locking mechanism for each credential (so that each credential is unique to a particular instance).
If I was in your shoes, however, what I would do is create a new server, whose sole job would be to get this "realtime data", and store it somewhere available to the cluster, such as redis or some persistent store. The server would then be a standalone server, just getting this data. You can also attach a RESTful API to it, so that if your other servers need to communicate with it, they can do so via HTTP, or a message queue (again, Redis would work fine there as well.
'Realtime' is vague; are you using WebSockets? If HTTP requests are being made often enough, also could be considered 'realtime'.
Possibly your problem is like something we encountered scaling SocketStream (websockets) apps, where the persistent connection requires same requests routed to the same process. (there are other network topologies / architectures which don't require this but that's another topic)
You'll need to use fork mode 1 process only and a solution to make sessions sticky e.g.:
I have some example code but need to find it (over a year since deployed it)
Basically you wind up just using pm2 for 'always-on' feature; sticky-session module handles the node clusterisation stuff.
I may post example later.
