ServiceStack - Check for WSDL changes in a unit test - servicestack

We want a unit test which fails if the WSDL hast changed.
Possible logic:
Generate a new WSDL and compare that with the old one from the metadata page stored in a file next to the unit test.
Question: Is that possible? If yes, how can we generate the new wsdl in a unit test?
We use version 5.11

ServiceStack's SOAP Support only supports ASP.NET Framework hosts which precludes it from running in an integration test which are run in a HttpListener Self Host, but your mileage may vary and may work in your case.
Here's a quick integration test example which checks the WSDL for a SOAP compatible ServiceStack Service:
public class Hello : IReturn<HelloResponse>
public string Name { get; set; }
public class HelloResponse
public string Result { get; set; }
class MyServices : Service
public object Any(Hello request) =>
new HelloResponse { Result = $"Hello, {request.Name}!" };
public class AppHost : AppSelfHostBase
public AppHost() : base("MyApp Tests", typeof(MyServices).Assembly) {}
public override void Configure(Container container)
Plugins.Add(new SoapFormat());
The integration test then just does a GET request to the /soap12 to retrieve its WSDL:
public class Tests
const string BaseUrl = "http://localhost:20000/";
ServiceStackHost appHost;
public void OneTimeSetUp() => appHost = new AppHost()
public void OneTimeTearDown() => appHost.Dispose();
public void Check_wsdl()
var wsdl = BaseUrl.CombineWith("soap12").GetJsonFromUrl();
If the self-host doesn't work, you would need to test it against a running IIS/ASP.NET Host to fetch its WSDL.


ServiceStack and FluentValidation not firing separate rule sets

I'm working in ServiceStack and using FluentValidation to handle incoming DTOs on requests. I've broken these out as follows, but my unit tests don't seem to be able to target specific rule sets. My code is as follows:
public class VendorDto
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public class DvrDto
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public VendorDto Vendor { get; set; }
public class DvrRequest : IReturn<DvrResponse>
public DvrDto Dvr { get; set; }
public class VendorValidator : AbstractValidator<VendorDto>
public VendorValidator()
RuleFor(v => v.Name).NotEmpty();
public class DvrValidator : AbstractValidator<DvrDto>
public DvrValidator()
RuleFor(dvr => dvr.Name).NotEmpty();
RuleFor(dvr => dvr.Vendor).NotNull().SetValidator(new VendorValidator());
public class DvrRequestValidator : AbstractValidator<DvrRequest>
public DvrRequestValidator()
RuleSet(HttpMethods.Post, () =>
RuleFor(req => req.Dvr).SetValidator(new DvrValidator());
RuleSet(HttpMethods.Patch, () =>
RuleFor(req => req.Dvr).SetValidator(new DvrValidator());
RuleFor(req => req.Dvr.Id).GreaterThan(0);
public void FailWithNullDtoInRequest()
// Arrange
var dto = new DvrRequest();
var validator = new DvrRequestValidator();
// Act
var result = validator.Validate(msg, ruleSet: HttpMethods.Post);
// Assert
I would prefer to be able to control what gets called depending on what the HttpMethod is that's being called. My thought here was, I want to validate all fields on the DvrDto (and child VendorDto) for both POST and PATCH, but only require a valid Id be set on PATCH. I am setting up my DvrRequestValidator to handle this. However, my unit test as written above (targeting the RuleSet for the POST verb) always finds the request to be valid, even though the validator should fail the request.
In fiddling with it, if I make the following changes:
public class DvrRequestValidator : AbstractValidator<DvrRequest>
public DvrRequestValidator()
RuleFor(req => req.Dvr).SetValidator(new DvrValidator());
RuleSet(HttpMethods.Patch, () =>
RuleFor(req => req.Dvr.Id).GreaterThan(0);
TEST CALL (removing the targeted verb)
// Act
var result = validator.Validate(msg); // , ruleSet: HttpMethods.Post);
The validator then works as I expect for a POST, but the PATCH rule set doesn't get executed. As a result, I seem to lose the granularity of what I want validated on a particular verb. It would appear to me that this is supported in examples I've seen both on StackOverflow and in the FluentValidation docs. Am I doing something wrong here? Or is this not possible?
The Validators are registered in ServiceStack's Global Request Filters so you'd typically use an Integration Test with a Service Client to test validation errors.
If you want to test the validator independently in a Unit Test you can execute a HTTP Method Result set with something like:
var req = new BasicRequest(requestDto);
var validationResult = validator.Validate(new ValidationContext(requestDto, null,
new MultiRuleSetValidatorSelector(HttpMethods.Patch)) {
Request = req
Unit Testing ServiceStack Features
Although note a lot of ServiceStack functionality assumes there's an AppHost is available, but in most cases you can just use an In Memory AppHost, e.g:
public void My_unit_test()
using (new BasicAppHost().Init())
//test ServiceStack classes
Of if you prefer you can set it up once per test fixture with something like:
public class MyUnitTests
ServiceStackHost appHost;
public MyUnitTests() => appHost = new BasicAppHost().Init();
public void OneTimeTearDown() => appHost.Dispose();
public void My_unit_test()
//test ServiceStack classes

AmbiguousMatchException exception in ServiceStack?

PFB my code.
namespace ManualCSharpe
public class MyServices : Service
[Route("/L/hello/")] //RequestDTO one
public class HelloL
public string Name { get; set; }
[Route("/H/hello/")] //RequestDTO two
public class HelloH
public string Name1 { get; set; }
public class HelloResponse //ResponseDTO
public string Result { get; set; }
public class HelloServiceL : Service //Service One
public object Get(HelloL request)
return new HelloResponse { Result = "Low" };
public class HelloServiceH : Service //Service
public object Get(HelloH request)
return new HelloResponse { Result = "High" };
//Define the Web Services AppHost
public class AppHost : AppSelfHostBase
public AppHost()
: base("HttpListener Self-Host",new Assembly[] {typeof(HelloServiceL).Assembly, typeof(HelloServiceH).Assembly}) { }
public override void Configure(Funq.Container container) { }
//Run it!
static void Main(string[] args)
var listeningOn = args.Length == 0 ? "http://*:133/" : args[0];
var appHost = new AppHost()
Console.WriteLine("AppHost Created at {0}, listening on {1}",
DateTime.Now, listeningOn);
When I am tring to added two service then it is show below exception.
An unhandled exception of type 'System.Reflection.AmbiguousMatchException' occurred in ServiceStack.dll
Additional information: Could not register Request 'ManualCSharpe.MyServices+HelloL' with service 'ManualCSharpe.MyServices+HelloServiceL' as it has already been assigned to another service.
Each Request DTO can only be handled by 1 service.
I have below douts.
Here I have created two different DTO for Two Service. Why it is showing error like Each Request DTO can only be handled by 1 service. In simple word, Two route mapped with two DTO with two Service.
Can I create one route for multiple RequestDTO with multiple service? In Simple word, One Route/L/hello/ can be mapped with two DTO HelloL and HelloH.
You can't have Service class implementations nested inside another outer MyServices class:
public class MyServices : Service
[Route("/L/hello/")] //RequestDTO one
public class HelloL
public string Name { get; set; }
[Route("/H/hello/")] //RequestDTO two
public class HelloH
public string Name1 { get; set; }
public class HelloResponse //ResponseDTO
public string Result { get; set; }
public class HelloServiceL : Service //Service One
public object Get(HelloL request)
return new HelloResponse { Result = "Low" };
public class HelloServiceH : Service //Service
public object Get(HelloH request)
return new HelloResponse { Result = "High" };
Remove the outer MyServices class completely and just have the DTO's and Service classes directly under a C# namespace.
Also routes shouldn't end with a / suffix, so I'd change:
#mythz answer is correct for OP but I came here looking for an answer for a different situation which the cause was not particularly obvious - you will get this exception if you attempt to register the same assembly twice, for example, if you move a service implementation into the same assembly and were pulling it in like so:
public AppHost() : base("App", typeof(AdminService).GetAssembly(), typeof(InboundService).GetAssembly(),typeof(ProductService).GetAssembly())
For those of you who come here from a google search, a AmbiguousMatchException exception in ServiceStack can sometimes be triggered within ServiceStack but handled internally.
You can change your exception setting so it doesn't break on this exception.
I had changed my exception setting to break on all exceptions and this had me stuck for a while.

ServiceStack's Funq.Container not Newing-Up Properties

My service uses a utility class and that utility class has several public properties. Is there something special I need call to ensure these public properties are setup?
The service uses a ASP.NET host. Inside of Global.ASAX I have declared a new AppHostBase:
public class MyServiceHost : AppHostBase
public MyServiceHost() : base("My Service Host", typeof(ServiceLibrary).Assembly) {}
public override void Configure(Funq.Container container)
Within both my repository library and utility library is a main class. This may class receives the Container and registers more specific utilities and repositories:
public class UtilityLibrary
public UtilityLibrary(Funq.Container container)
In the example below, WidgetARepository was set in the constructor of the RepositoryLibrary class. The RepositoryLibrary class, which contains the WidgetARepository, was supplied to the Container in the Configure method of the AppHost (first snippet above). Even still, the WidgetARepository (below) is never set:
public class WidgetAActions
public WidgetARepository WidgetARepository { get; set; }
public WidgetA Get(string id)
var item = this.WidgetARepository.Get(id);
if (item == null) { return null; }
// Do something else
return item;
Must I manually call Resolve()? This seems like it would defeat the purpose of injection by doing this.
If you are using wanting to use the Funq Container Autowire IoC outside of the ServiceStack service then you need to call Container.AutoWire yourself to have the container inject the relevant dependencies. This call is made behind the scenes in the ServiceStack request pipeline.
For ServiceStack v4:
For ServiceStack v3:
I would typically add this call to the construtor method of the object I want populated with the injections. So in your case:
public class WidgetAActions
public WidgetARepository WidgetARepository { get; set; }
public WidgetAActions()
// (Substitute with v3 usage if required.)
Hope this helps.
Edit: Have you considered having the container inject the corresponding repository to WidgetAActions's constructor?
container.RegisterAutoWired<WidgetAActions>(c => new WidgetAActions(c.Resolve<WidgetARepository>()));
public class WidgetAActions
public WidgetARepository WidgetARepository { get; private set; }
public WidgetAActions(WidgetARepository repository)
WidgetARepository = repository;
Edit: Or you could resolve and set the public property of your object to the repository and then you don't have to have a constructor:
container.RegisterAutoWired<WidgetAActions>(c =>
new WidgetAActions { WidgetARepository = c.Resolve<WidgetARepository>() }
public class WidgetAActions
public WidgetARepository WidgetARepository { get; set; }
Or you could call autowire at time of resolving WidgetAActions:
container.RegisterAutoWired<WidgetAActions>(c => {
var actions = new WidgetAActions();
container.AutoWire(actions); // All dependencies injected
return actions;
public class WidgetAActions
public WidgetARepository WidgetARepository { get; set; }

Service Stack Plug-in Not Addressable

I am trying to setup a modular ServiceStack implementation but I can't seem to figure out how to address my plug-in.
Here is my ASP.Net MVC 4 Global.asax.cs:
public class MvcApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication
public class HeartBeat
public class HeartBeatResponse
public bool IsAlive { get; set; }
public class ApiService : Service
public object Any(HeartBeat request)
var settings = new AppSettings();
return new HeartBeatResponse { IsAlive = true };
public class AppHost : AppHostBase
public AppHost() : base("Api Services", typeof(ApiService).Assembly) { }
public override void Configure(Funq.Container container)
Plugins.Add(new ValidationFeature());
Plugins.Add(new StoreServices());
protected void Application_Start()
new AppHost().Init();
This loads fine and I'm able to see the available "HeartBeat" Service. The service loaded by the plug-in is not found though.
Here is the plug-in code:
public class StoreServices: IPlugin
private IAppHost _appHost;
public void Register(IAppHost appHost)
throw new ArgumentNullException("appHost");
_appHost = appHost;
and the corresponding service that it loads:
public class StoreService:Service
public Messages.StoreResponse Get(Messages.Store request)
var store = new Messages.Store {Name = "My Store", City = "Somewhere In", State = "NY"};
return new Messages.StoreResponse {Store = store};
public class Store : IReturn<StoreResponse>
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string City { get; set; }
public string State { get; set; }
public class StoreResponse
public Store Store { get; set; }
The url to run heartbeat is from localhost}/heartbeat and the meta can be found at from localhost}/metadata.
When I try to call {from localhost}/stores/1234 though I get a unresolved route?, but if you see the route attribute on the service call it should resolve?
The following is the response I get for the stores request:
Handler for Request not found:
Request.ApplicationPath: /
Request.CurrentExecutionFilePath: /stores/123
Request.FilePath: /stores/123
Request.HttpMethod: GET
Request.MapPath('~'): C:\Source Code\White Rabbit\SpiritShop\SpiritShop.Api\
Request.Path: /stores/123
Request.ResolvedPathInfo: /stores/123
Request.PhysicalPath: C:\Source Code\White Rabbit\SpiritShop\SpiritShop.Api\stores\123
Request.PhysicalApplicationPath: C:\Source Code\White Rabbit\SpiritShop\SpiritShop.Api\
Request.RawUrl: /stores/123
Request.Url.AbsoluteUri: http://localhost:55810/stores/123
Request.Url.AbsolutePath: /stores/123
Request.Url.Host: localhost
Request.Url.LocalPath: /stores/123
Request.Url.Port: 55810
Request.Url.Scheme: http
Request.Url.Segments: System.String[]
App.IsIntegratedPipeline: True
App.WebHostPhysicalPath: C:\Source Code\White Rabbit\SpiritShop\SpiritShop.Api
App.WebHostRootFileNames: [global.asax,global.asax.cs,packages.config,spiritshop.api.csproj,spiritshop.api.csproj.user,spiritshop.api.csproj.vspscc,web.config,web.debug.config,web.release.config,api,app_data,bin,obj,properties]
App.DefaultHandler: metadata
App.DebugLastHandlerArgs: GET|/stores/123|C:\Source Code\White Rabbit\SpiritShop\SpiritShop.Api\stores\123
This code doesn't does not give your service a url prefix like you're assuming:
Instead the optional params string[] atRestPaths only specifies routes for the DefaultRequest route of that Service. You can specify which operation is the default using the [DeafultRequest] attribute, e.g:
public class StoreService : Service { ... }
Which allows you to specify the routes in-line instead of on the request DTO, i.e:
But as you've already got the routes on the Request DTO you can ignore them here, i.e:
But you'll need to include the missing /stores url prefix, e.g:
public class Store : IReturn<StoreResponse> { .. }

servicestack AppHostHttpListenerBase handlerpath parameter not working?

not sure if I am missing something here. I am using the AppHostHttpListenerBase in a unit test to test a service and in its constructor I pass "api" for the handlerPath parameter. I have a service registered at /hello/{Name} and am using version 3.9.17 of servicestack.
Within the Config method of my appHost class if I access
it retrurns "api"
Once I am back in the unit test the same call returns null
If I try and call the service with /hello/test it works.
If I use /api/hello/test it fails
It appears that the AppHostHttpListenerBase is loosing the handlerPath ?
Does this sound like a bug or am I missing something ?
below is the code
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using NUnit.Framework;
using ServiceStack.ServiceClient.Web;
using ServiceStack.ServiceInterface;
using ServiceStack.Text;
using ServiceStack.WebHost.Endpoints;
namespace Bm.Tests
/// <summary>
/// Test self hosting for unit tests
/// </summary>
public class TestService
private TestServiceAppHost _apphost;
private const string HOST_URL = #"http://localhost:1337/";
public void TestFixtureSetUp()
_apphost = new TestServiceAppHost();
public void TestHelloServiceJson()
var prefix = EndpointHostConfig.Instance.ServiceStackHandlerFactoryPath;
Assert.AreEqual("api", prefix, "Should be api");
var client = new JsonServiceClient(HOST_URL);
var response = client.Send<HelloResponseTest>(new HelloTest() { Name = "Todd" });
Assert.AreEqual("Hello, Todd", response.Result);
public void TestFixtureTearDown()
public class HelloTest
public string Name { get; set; }
public class HelloResponseTest
public string Result { get; set; }
public class HelloServiceTest : ServiceBase<HelloTest>
protected override object Run(HelloTest request)
return new HelloResponseTest { Result = "Hello, " + request.Name };
//Define the Web Services AppHost
public class TestServiceAppHost : AppHostHttpListenerBase
public TestServiceAppHost() : base("testing HttpListener", "api", typeof(HelloServiceTest).Assembly) { }
public override void Configure(Funq.Container container)
// this works and returns api
var prefix = EndpointHostConfig.Instance.ServiceStackHandlerFactoryPath;
If you want the handler root path to be /api you need to add that to the listener url, i.e:
