When buffer contents have changed how do I know if a line, having say a line no of 100, has shifted to line no 104?
Note: Content of the line may change so can't track the line using search patterns.
Hacky Solution
I was thinking using the TextChanged* events along with the current cursor position and change in the total number of lines will help. But this seems like it could lead to an incorrect answer.
I'm trying to create a plugin as a wrapper around vim's tags functionality.
The issue is: if a tag was inserted at line 100 and 4 lines were added above it, the tag points to an incorrect location, i.e. line 100, whereas it should be 104.
How do I calculate this difference of 4?
Solutions that apply to both vim and neovim would be appreciated.
I am looking for a way to move text further from the line number in Vim. Default settings are to add one space after the line number when using set number. I would like to add a bit more. Using set numberwidth=n doesn't help, because additional space goes before the line number, not in between the line number and the text itself.
No native Vim option seems to alter this, but there is an old plugin which could accomplish what you want to achieve called vimroom. It is not actively being maintained and I don't know if it still works with current Vim versions. But this screenshot makes it look like it is possible to have the line numbers way on the left.
Hopefully this pointer helps you out!
I use Sublime Text (3) for my default Git commit message editor. I try to follow Git conventions using a hard limit on the number of characters per line (50 for the first line and 72 for the rest). I currently have guides set up at those intervals for visual reference, however rather than manually having to put a line return at the end of 72 characters, I would love to have ST automatically insert a line return for me. Essentially, I want to be able to write without line returns, but have actual returns put in for wrapping instead of just visually wrapping in the editor. Is there a reasonable way to do this?
There is a useful plugin for this (that I somehow missed in prior searches) called AutoWrap. AutoWrap does exactly what I wanted and automatically wraps the line after a certain number of characters with a line return, and the settings for activating it and the number of characters can be set by syntax type. Here is my associated Git Commit Message.sublime-settings file (from Packages/User):
"rulers": [50, 70],
"spell_check": true,
"auto_wrap": true,
"auto_wrap_width": 70
The auto_wrap and auto_wrap_width lines work perfectly with the plugin and I can keep or remove the rulers as need be.
In vim I want to visually make transparent the space I have to write a text in markdown. I use hard wrapping with textwidth=79. I know by some calculation that I'll have 20 lines for a chapter for example. So, what I do is inserting 20 empty lines to get a visual feeling for what I can write. After writing some lines, I manually delete the number of lines already written from the empty lines, so that the visual impression still is correct.
What I want to do, is to automate this deletion process. That means I want vim to automatically remove one line below the last written line if this line is empty and after vim automatically started a new line because I reached 79 characters in the line before. How can I do this?
I know that there are autocommands in vim but I haven't found an <event> that fits to the action: after vim automatically hard wraps a line / reached new line in insert (or however you would like to describe it)
I don't think there's an event for that particular action but there's a buffer-local option called formatexpr that gq & co will use, if set. So you can write a function that inspects any placeholder whitespace, if existing. That function can call the text format command gqq to maintain original feel (+ the cursor movement to the new, empty line).
I am using
set relativenumber
set number
which let's me move easily around. However, it is often hard to know the exact the line number of the object where I would like to jump to because I first need to look to the left. I feel it would be easier if I could see the line numbers also on the right hand side right because my eyes have less space to follow (maybe?). I think the ideal setting would be to show the relative/absolute line number where the $ appears when whitespace characters are shown and to the left/right of the buffer. I.e.
1 Random text.$1 1
159 This is the line where the cursor is.$159 159
1 Some random text.$1 1
2 More random text. Another sentence. Maybe a third one? And so on.$2 2
3 Another line which might be quite long and my eyes focus somewhere here.$3 3
4 More random text containing more text and more words and stuff.$4 4
(In this example, I would like to do 3k but I may type 2k or 4k because I did not follow the correct line to the left.)
Is it possible to achieve this somehow?
Any suggestion on how to change my workflow are welcome, too.
Note: Using cursorline does not help as I do not seek the number of the current line.
No, there is no built-in support to your requirement. also I don't think this is easy to be done by plugin.
Maybe you could consider to change your habit/workflow. E.g. enable the cursorline option, to highlight your "current" line, it may let you easier to identify which line are you on right now.
To move cursor, if you don't want to count lines, you may want to try the EasyMotion plugin. It is very handy plugin. However it won't replace the hjkl ... motions.
No, that's not possible, unless you modify Vim's source code in a non-trivial way, or work around with kludges like a vertically split small scratch buffer at the side that is updated via autocmds.
Do you have :set cursorline? That helps (me) a lot to follow the current line, even with large window widths. Reducing those might help, too, though you have to deal with wrapping / scrolling of long lines then.
I am currently writing a plugin in Vim that needs to highlight arbitrary lines in a file
at the same time.
My approach so far has been implementing match with the line number to highlight it, but the problem is that I would need to add | for every other line in a file and append that information and then call it every time the window gets redrawn.
There is another problem with match in my case, and that is that a line that may not have any whitespace would not look highlighted (match only highlights existing text/whitespace).
So even if I had match rewrite the window and highlighting all the lines I need, from a user's perspective this wouldn't be to useful if the highlighting doesn't show anything if there is no whitespace/text.
Can I get any suggestions in how to effectively show/display/highlight (I'm open to different implementations to solve my problem) arbitrary lines in a file at the same time regardless of amount of text or whitespace?
Edit: My main request is to be able to highlight lines by line number not by regex
matching. So any solution should need to be flexible enough to accept a Line number to match.
Edit: signs is the answer to my problem, and I found this tutorial the best way to grasp and implement what I needed:
I would use region rather than match. Here is part of my manuscript syntax file that highlights speech:
:syntax region msSpeech start=/"/ end=/"\|\n\n/
:highlight msSpeech guifg=#000088
It starts with a double quote and ends with another double quote or the end of the paragraph. It will highlight multiple lines if need be.