How do you transform a `FixedSqlAction` into a `StreamingDBIO` in Slick? - slick

I'm creating an akka-stream using Alpakka and the Slick module but I'm stuck in a type mismatch problem.
One branch is about getting the total number of invoices in their table:
def getTotal(implicit session: SlickSession) = {
import session.profile.api._
val query = TableQuery[Tables.Invoice].length.result
But the end line doesn't compile because Alpakka is expecting a StreamingDBIO but I'm providing a FixedSqlAction[Int,slick.dbio.NoStream,slick.dbio.Effect.Read].
How can I move from the non-streaming result to the streaming one?

Taking the length of a table results in a single value, not a stream. So the simplest way to get a Source to feed a stream is
def getTotal(implicit session: SlickSession): Source[Int, NotUsed] =
Source.lazyFuture { () =>
// Don't actually run the query until the stream has materialized and
// demand has reached the source
val query = TableQuery[Tables.Invoice].length.result
Alpakka's Slick connector is more oriented towards streaming (including managing pagination etc.) results of queries that have a lot of results. For a single result, converting the Future of the result that vanilla Slick gives you into a stream is sufficient.
If you want to start executing the query as soon as you call getTotal (note that this whether or not the downstream ever runs or demands data from the source), you can have
def getTotal(implicit session: SlickSession): Source[Int, NotUsed] = {
val query = TableQuery[Tables.Invoice].length.result

Would sth like this work for you?
def getTotal() = {
// Doc Expressions (Scalar values)
val query = TableQuery[Tables.Invoice].length.result
val res = Await.result(, 60.seconds)
println(s"Result: $res")


NoNodeAvailableException after some insert request to cassandra

I am trying to insert data into Cassandra local cluster using async execution and version 4 of the driver (as same as my Cassandra instance)
I have instantiated the cql session in this way:
CqlSession cqlSession = CqlSession.builder()
.addContactEndPoint(new DefaultEndPoint(
Then I create a statement in an async way:
return session.prepareAsync(
"insert into table (p1,p2,p3, p4) values (?, ?,?, ?)")
(ps) -> {
CompletableFuture<AsyncResultSet>[] result =
(d) -> session.executeAsync(
return CompletableFuture.allOf(result);
data is a dynamic list filled with user data.
When I exec the code I get the following exception:
Caused by: com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.NoNodeAvailableException: No node was available to execute the query
at com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.AllNodesFailedException.fromErrors(
at com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.cql.CqlPrepareHandler.sendRequest(
at com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.cql.CqlPrepareHandler.onThrottleReady(
at com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.session.throttling.PassThroughRequestThrottler.register(
at com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.cql.CqlPrepareHandler.<init>(
at com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.cql.CqlPrepareAsyncProcessor.process(
at com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.cql.CqlPrepareAsyncProcessor.process(
at com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.session.DefaultSession.execute(
at com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.cql.AsyncCqlSession.prepareAsync(
The node is active and some data are inserted before the exception rise. I have also tried to set up a data center name on the session builder without any result.
Why this exception rise if the node is up and running? Actually I have only one local node and that could be a problem?
The biggest thing that I don't see, is a way to limit the current number of active async threads.
Basically, if that (mapped) data stream gets hit hard enough, it'll basically create all of these new threads that it's awaiting. If the number of writes coming in from those threads creates enough back-pressure that node can't keep up or catch up to, the node will become overwhelmed and not accept requests.
Take a look at this post by Ryan Svihla of DataStax:
Cassandra: Batch Loading Without the Batch — The Nuanced Edition
Its code is from the 3.x version of the driver, but the concepts are the same. Basically, provide some way to throttle-down the writes, or limit the number of "in flight threads" running at any given time, and that should help greatly.
Finally, I have found a solution using BatchStatement and a little custom code to create a chucked list.
int chunks = 0;
if (data.size() % 100 == 0) {
chunks = data.size() / 100;
} else {
chunks = (data.size() / 100) + 1;
final int finalChunks = chunks;
return session.prepareAsync(
"insert into table (p1,p2,p3, p4) values (?, ?,?, ?)")
(ps) -> {
AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger();
final List<CompletionStage<AsyncResultSet>> batchInsert =
(d) -> ps.bind(d.p1,d.p2,d.p3,d.p4)
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(it -> counter.getAndIncrement() / finalChunks))
boundedStatements -> BatchStatement.newInstance(BatchType.LOGGED, boundedStatements.toArray(new BatchableStatement[0]))
return CompletableFutures.allSuccessful(batchInsert);

How do I limit write operations to 1k records/sec?

Currently, I am able to write to database in the batchsize of 500. But due to the memory shortage error and delay synchronization between child aggregator and leaf node of database, sometimes I am running into Leaf Node Memory Error. The only solution for this is if I limit my write operations to 1k records per second, I can get rid of the error.
.map(line => readJsonFromString(line))
.foreach { recordSet =>
val dbRecords = => (m, Events.transform(m))) { record =>
try {
Events.setValues(eventInsert, record._2)
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
logger.error(s"error adding batch: ${e.getMessage}")
val error_event =[Map[String, Object]]))
logger.error(s"event: $error_event")
// Bulk Commit Records
try {
} catch {
case e: java.sql.BatchUpdateException =>
val updates = e.getUpdateCounts
logger.error(s"failed commit: ${updates.toString}")
updates.zipWithIndex.filter { case (v, i) => v == Statement.EXECUTE_FAILED }.foreach { case (v, i) =>
val error =[Map[String, Object]]))
logger.error(s"insert error: $error")
finally {
logger.debug(s"committed: ${dbRecords.length.toString}")
The reason for 1k records is that, some of the data that I am trying to write can contains tons of json records and if batch size if 500, that may result in 30k records per second. Is there any way so that I can make sure that only 1000 records will be written to the database in a batch irrespective of the number of records?
I don't think Thead.sleep is a good idea to handle this situation. Generally we don't recommend to do so in Scala and we don't want to block the thread in any case.
One suggestion would be using any Streaming techniques such as Akka.Stream, Monix.Observable. There are some pro and cons between those libraries I don't want to spend too much paragraph on it. But they do support back pressure to control the producing rate when consumer is slower than producer. For example, in your case your consumer is database writing and your producer maybe is reading some json files and doing some aggregations.
The following code illustrates the idea and you will need to modify as your need:
val sourceJson = Source( => readJsonFromString(line)))
val sinkDB = Sink( // you will need to figure out how to generate the Sink
val flowThrottle = Flow[String]
.throttle(1, 1.second, 1, ThrottleMode.shaping)
val runnable = sourceJson.via[flowThrottle].toMat(sinkDB)(Keep.right)
val result =
The code block is already called by a thread and there are multiple threads running in parallel. Either I can use Thread.sleep(1000) or delay(1.0) in this scala code. But if I use delay() it will use a promise which might have to call outside the function. Looks like Thread.sleep() is the best option along with batch size of 1000. After performing the testing, I could benchmark 120,000 records/thread/sec without any problem.
According to the architecture of memsql, all loads into memsql are done into a rowstore first into the local memory and from there memsql will merge into the columnstore at the end leaves. That resulted into the leaf error everytime I pushed more number of data causing bottleneck. Reducing the batchsize and introducing a Thread.sleep() helped me writing 120,000 records/sec. Performed testing with this benchmark.

The function in map is not executed [duplicate]

When I call the map function of an RDD is is not being applied. It works as expected for a scala.collection.immutable.List but not for an RDD. Here is some code to illustrate :
val list = List ("a" , "d" , "c" , "d") => {
println("mapping list")
val tm = sc.parallelize(list) => {
println("mapping RDD")
Result of above code is :
mapping list
mapping list
mapping list
mapping list
But notice "mapping RDD" is not printed to screen. Why is this occurring ?
This is part of a larger issue where I am trying to populate a HashMap from an RDD :
def getTestMap( dist: RDD[(String)]) = {
var testMap = new java.util.HashMap[String , String](); => {
println("populating map")
testMap.put(m , m)
val testM = getTestMap(tm)
This code prints null
Is this due to lazy evaluation ?
Lazy evaluation might be part of this, if map is the only operation you are executing. Spark will not schedule execution until an action (in Spark terms) is requested on the RDD lineage.
When you execute an action, the println will happening, but not on the driver where you are expecting it but rather on the slave executing that closure. Try looking into the logs of the workers.
A similar thing is happening on the hashMap population in the 2nd part of the question. The same piece of code will be executed on each partition, on separate workers and will be serialized back to the driver. Given that closures are 'cleaned' by Spark, probably testMap is being removed from the serialized closure, resulting in a null. Note that if it was only due to the map not being executed, the hashmap should be empty, not null.
If you want to transfer the data of the RDD to another structure, you need to do that in the driver. Therefore you need to force Spark to deliver all the data to the driver. That's the function of rdd.collect().
This should work for your case. Be aware that all the RDD data should fit in the memory of your driver:
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
def getTestMap(dist: RDD[(String)]) = => (m , m)).toMap.asJava

Periodic Broadcast in Apache Spark Streaming

I am implementing a stream learner for text classification. There are some single-valued parameters in my implementation that needs to be updated as new stream items arrive. For example, I want to change learning rate as the new predictions are made. However, I doubt that there is a way to broadcast variables after the initial broadcast. So what happens if I need to broadcast a variable every time I update it. If there is a way to do it or a workaround for what I want to accomplish in Spark Streaming, I'd be happy to hear about it.
Thanks in advance.
I got this working by creating a wrapper class over the broadcast variable. The updateAndGet method of wrapper class returns the refreshed broadcast variable. I am calling this function inside dStream.transform -> as per the Spark Documentation
Transform Operation states:
"the supplied function gets called in every batch interval. This allows you to do time-varying RDD operations, that is, RDD operations, number of partitions, broadcast variables, etc. can be changed between batches."
BroadcastWrapper class will look like :
public class BroadcastWrapper {
private Broadcast<ReferenceData> broadcastVar;
private Date lastUpdatedAt = Calendar.getInstance().getTime();
private static BroadcastWrapper obj = new BroadcastWrapper();
private BroadcastWrapper(){}
public static BroadcastWrapper getInstance() {
return obj;
public JavaSparkContext getSparkContext(SparkContext sc) {
JavaSparkContext jsc = JavaSparkContext.fromSparkContext(sc);
return jsc;
public Broadcast<ReferenceData> updateAndGet(SparkContext sparkContext){
Date currentDate = Calendar.getInstance().getTime();
long diff = currentDate.getTime()-lastUpdatedAt.getTime();
if (var == null || diff > 60000) { //Lets say we want to refresh every 1 min = 60000 ms
if (var != null)
lastUpdatedAt = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());
//Your logic to refresh
ReferenceData data = getRefData();
var = getSparkContext(sparkContext).broadcast(data);
return var;
You can use this broadcast variable updateAndGet function in stream.transform method that allows RDD-RDD transformations
objectStream.transform(stream -> {
Broadcast<Object> var = BroadcastWrapper.getInstance().updateAndGet(stream.context());
/**Your code to manipulate stream **/
Refer to my full answer from this pos :
Hope it helps
My understanding is once a broadcast variable is initially sent out, it is 'read only'. I believe you can update the broadcast variable on the local nodes, but not on remote nodes.
May be you need to consider doing this 'outside Spark'. How about using a noSQL store (Cassandra ..etc) or even Memcache? You can then update the variable from one task and periodically check this store from other tasks?
I got an ugly play, but it worked!
We can find how to get a broadcast value from a broadcast object.
just by broadcast id.
so i periodically rebroadcast through the same broadcast id.
val broadcastFactory = new TorrentBroadcastFactory()
broadcastFactory.unbroadcast(BroadcastId, true, true)
// append some ids to initIds
val broadcastcontent = broadcastFactory.newBroadcast[.Set[String]](initIds, false, BroadcastId)
and i can get BroadcastId from the first broadcast value.
val ids = ssc.sparkContext.broadcast(initIds)
// broadcast id
val BroadcastId =
then worker use ids as a Broadcast Type as normal.
def func(record: Array[Byte], bc: Broadcast[Set[String]]) = ???
bkc = sc.broadcast(tableResultMap)
bkv = bkc.value
You may try this,I not guarantee whether effective
It is best that you collect the data to the driver and then broadcast them to all nodes.
Use Dstream # foreachRDD to collect the computed RDDs at the driver and once you know when you need to change learning rate, then use SparkContext#broadcast(value) to send the new value to all nodes.
I would expect the code to look something like the following:
dStreamContainingBroadcastValue.foreachRDD{ rdd =>
val valueToBroadcast = rdd.collect()
You may also find this thread useful, from the spark user mailing list. Let me know if that works.

Scala slick 2.0 updateAll equivalent to insertALL?

Looking for a way to do a batch update using slick. Is there an equivalent updateAll to insertALL? Goole research has failed me thus far.
I have a list of case classes that have varying status. Each one having a different numeric value so I cannot run the typical update query. At the same time, I want to save the multiple update requests as there could be thousands of records I want to update at the same time.
Sorry to answer my own question, but what i ended up doing is just dropping down to JDBC and doing batchUpdate.
private def batchUpdateQuery = "update table set value = ? where id = ?"
* Dropping to jdbc b/c slick doesnt support this batched update
def batchUpate(batch:List[MyCaseClass])(implicit subject:Subject, session:Session) = {
val pstmt = session.conn.prepareStatement(batchUpdateQuery)
batch map { myCaseClass =>
pstmt.setString(1, myCaseClass.value)
session.withTransaction {
It's not clear to me what you are trying to achieve, insert and update are two different operation, for insert makes sense to have a bulk function, for update it doesn't in my opinion, in fact in SQL you can just write something like this
SET SomeColumn = SomeValue
WHERE AnotherColumn = AnotherValue
Which translates to update SomeColumn with the value SomeValue for all the rows which have AnotherColumn equal to AnotherValue.
In Slick this is a simple filter combined with map and update
.filter(_.someCulomn === someValue)
If instead you want to update the whole row just drop the map and pass a Row object to the update function.
If you want to update different case classes I'm lead to think that these case classes are rows defined in your schema and if that's the case you can pass them directly to the update function since it's so defined:
def update(value: T)(implicit session: Backend#Session): Int
For the second problem I can't suggest you a solution, looking at the JdbcInvokerComponent trait it looks like the update function invokes the execute method immediately
def update(value: T)(implicit session: Backend#Session): Int = session.withPreparedStatement(updateStatement) { st =>
val pp = new PositionedParameters(st)
converter.set(value, pp, true)
sres.setter(pp, param)
Probably because you can actually run one update query at the time per table and not multiple update on multiple tables as stated also on this SO question, but you could of course update multiple rows on the same table.
