Apply a resource for each provider - Terraform - terraform

I'm trying to create an aws_ssm_parameter in 2 regions from within 1 resource block as I need the writer endpoint in both eu-central-1 and eu-west-1 available from SSM.
Currently I'm doing it like this:
resource "aws_ssm_parameter" "primary_writer_endpoint" {
name = "/aurora/${var.environment}-${var.service_name}-primary-cluster/writer-endpoint"
type = "String"
value = aws_rds_cluster.primary.endpoint
overwrite = true
resource "aws_ssm_parameter" "primary_writer_endpoint_replica_region" {
name = "/aurora/${var.environment}-${var.service_name}-primary-cluster/writer-endpoint"
type = "String"
value = aws_rds_cluster.primary.endpoint
overwrite = true
provider = aws.replica
as I declared 2 providers:
provider "aws" {
region = "eu-central-1"
provider "aws" {
alias = "replica"
region = "eu-west-1"
Is there a cleaner way to do this, e.g. for each provider, or create a map of the providers?
Would be great to do this cleaner.


Is there a way to retrieve data from another Account in Terraform?

I want to use the resource "data" in Terraform for example for an sns topic but I don't want too look for a resource in the aws-account, for which I'm deploying my other resources. It should look up to my other aws-account (in the same organization) and find resources in there. Is there a way to make this happen?
data "aws_sns_topic" "topic_alarms_data" {
name = "topic_alarms"
Define an aws provider with credentials to the remote account:
# Default provider that you use:
provider "aws" {
region = var.context.aws_region
assume_role {
role_arn = format("arn:aws:iam::%s:role/TerraformRole", var.account_id)
provider "aws" {
alias = "remote"
region = var.context.aws_region
assume_role {
role_arn = format("arn:aws:iam::%s:role/TerraformRole", var.remote_account_id)
data "aws_sns_topic" "topic_alarms_data" {
provider = aws.remote
name = "topic_alarms"
Now the topics are loaded from the second provider.

loop over aws provider to create ressources in every aws account

I have a list of objects in Terraform called users and the structure is the following:
variable "accounts" {
type = list(object({
id = string #used in assume_role
email = string
is_enabled = bool
What I am trying to achieve now is to create a simple S3 bucket in each of those AWS accounts (if the is_enabled is true). I was able to do it for a single account but I am not sure if there is a way to loop over a provider?
Code for a single account -
provider "aws" {
alias = "new_account"
region = "eu-west-3"
assume_role {
role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::${}:role/OrganizationAccountAccessRole"
session_name = "new_account_creation"
resource "aws_s3_bucket" "bucket" {
provider = aws.new_account
bucket = "new-account-bucket-${}"
acl = "private"
You need to define one provider for each aws account you want to use:
Create a module (i.e. a directory), where your bucket configuration lives:
└── module
└── should contain the resource definition: resource "aws_s3_bucket" "bucket" {...}
In , define multiple aws providers and call the module with each of them:
provider "aws" {
alias = "account1"
region = "eu-west-1"
provider "aws" {
alias = "account2"
region = "us-west-1"
module "my_module" {
source = "./module"
providers = {
aws.account1 = aws.account1
aws.account2 = aws.account2
I guess you could also get fancy by creating a variable containing the providers, and pass it to the module invocation (you could probably also use a filter on the list to take into account the is_enabled flag)
More details about providers:
Found what I was looking for here:
Thanks Bryan Karaffa
## Just some data... a list(map())
locals {
aws_accounts = [
{ "aws_account_id": "123456789012", "foo_value": "foo", "bar_value": "bar" },
{ "aws_account_id": "987654321098", "foo_value": "foofoo", "bar_value": "barbar" },
## Here's the proposed magic... `provider.for_each`
provider "aws" {
for_each = local.aws_accounts
alias = each.value.aws_account_id
assume_role {
role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::${each.value.aws_account_id}:role/TerraformAccessRole"
## Modules reference the provider dynamically using `each.value.aws_account_id`
module "foo" {
source = "./foo"
for_each = local.aws_accounts
providers = {
aws = "aws.${each.value.aws_account_id}"
foo = each.value.foo_value
module "bar" {
source = "./bar"
for_each = local.aws_accounts
providers = {
aws = "aws.${each.value.aws_account_id}"
bar = each.value.bar_value

Migrate terraform modules to updated provider format

I inherited a codebase with all providers stored inside modules and am having a lot of trouble moving the providers out so that I can remove the resources created from modules.
The current design violates the rules outlined here: and makes removing modules impossible.
My understanding of the migration steps is:
Create a provider for use at the top-level
Update module resources to use providers stored outside of the module
Remove module (with top-level provider persisting)
Example module
An example /route53-alias-record/main.ts is:
variable "evaluate_target_health" {
default = true
data "terraform_remote_state" "env" {
backend = "s3"
config = {
bucket = "<bucket>"
key = "infra-${var.environment}-${}.tfstate"
region = "<region>"
provider "aws" {
region = data.terraform_remote_state.env.outputs.region
allowed_account_ids = data.terraform_remote_state.env.outputs.allowed_accounts
assume_role {
role_arn = data.terraform_remote_state.env.outputs.aws_account_role
resource "aws_route53_record" "alias" {
zone_id = data.terraform_remote_state.env.outputs.public_zone_id
name = var.fqdn
type = "A"
alias {
name = var.alias_name
zone_id = var.zone_id
evaluate_target_health = var.evaluate_target_health
Starting usage
module "api-dns-alias" {
source = "../environment/infra/modules/route53-alias-record"
environment = "${var.environment}"
zone_id = "${module.service.lb_zone_id}"
alias_name = "${module.service.lb_dns_name}"
fqdn = "${var.environment}"
Provider overriding
## Same as inside module
provider "aws" {
region = data.terraform_remote_state.env.outputs.region
allowed_account_ids = data.terraform_remote_state.env.outputs.allowed_accounts
assume_role {
role_arn = data.terraform_remote_state.env.outputs.aws_account_role
module "api-dns-alias" {
source = "../environment/infra/modules/route53-alias-record"
environment = "${var.environment}"
zone_id = "${module.service.lb_zone_id}"
alias_name = "${module.service.lb_dns_name}"
fqdn = "${var.environment}"
providers = {
aws = aws ## <-- pass in explicitly
I was able to safely deploy with the providers set, but I do not believe that they are being used inside the module, which means the handshake still fails when I remove the module and the resources cannot be deleted.
I am looking for the steps needed to migrate to an outside provider so that I can safely remove resources.
I am currently working with terraform 0.12.24

Terraform optional provider for optional resource

I have a module where I want to conditionally create an s3 bucket in another region. I tried something like this:
resource "aws_s3_bucket" "backup" {
count = local.has_backup ? 1 : 0
provider = "aws.backup"
bucket = "${var.bucket_name}-backup"
versioning {
enabled = true
but it appears that I need to provide the aws.backup provider even if count is 0. Is there any way around this?
NOTE: this wouldn't be a problem if I could use a single provider to create buckets in multiple regions, see
Based on your description, I understand that you want to create resources using the same "profile", but in a different region.
For that case I would take the following approach:
Create a module file for you s3_bucket_backup, in that file you will build your "backup provider" with variables.
# Module file for s3_bucket_backup
provider "aws" {
region = var.region
profile = var.profile
alias = "backup"
variable "profile" {
type = string
description = "AWS profile"
variable "region" {
type = string
description = "AWS profile"
variable "has_backup" {
type = bool
description = "AWS profile"
variable "bucket_name" {
type = string
description = "VPC name"
resource "aws_s3_bucket" "backup" {
count = var.has_backup ? 1 : 0
provider = aws.backup
bucket = "${var.bucket_name}-backup"
In your main tf file, declare your provider profile using local variables, call the module passing the profile and a different region
# Main tf file
provider "aws" {
region = "us-east-1"
profile = local.profile
locals {
profile = "default"
has_backup = false
module "s3_backup" {
source = "./module"
profile = local.profile
region = "us-east-2"
has_backup = true
bucket_name = "my-bucket-name"
And there you have it, you can now build your s3_bucket_backup using the same "profile" with different regions.
In the case above, the region used by the main file is us-east-1 and the bucket is created on us-east-2.
If you set has_backup to false, it won't create anything.
Since the "backup provider" is build inside the module, your code won't look "dirty" for having multiple providers in the main tf file.

Terraform resource recreation dynamic AWS RDS instance counts

I have a question relating to AWS RDS cluster and instance creation.
We recently experimented with:
Terraform v0.11.11 v1.41.0
Creating some AWS RDS databases. Our mission was that in some environment (e.g. staging) we may run fewer instances than in others (e.g. production.). With this in mind and not wanting to have totally different terraform files per environment we instead decided to specify the database resources just once and use a variable for the number of instances which is set in our and files respectively for the number of instances.
Potentially one more "quirk" of our setup, is that the VPC in which the subnets exist is not defined in terraform, the VPC already existed via manual creation in the AWS console, so this is provided as a data provider and the subnets for the RDS are specific in terraform - but again this is dynamic in the sense that in some environments we might have 3 subnets (1 in each AZ), whereas in others perhaps we have only 2 subnets. Again to achieve this we used iteration as shown below:
|- /resources
Example Environment Variables File
terraform {
terraform {
backend "s3" {
bucket = "my-bucket-dev"
key = "terraform"
region = "eu-west-1"
encrypt = "true"
acl = "private"
dynamodb_table = "terraform-state-locking"
version = "~> 0.11.8"
provider "aws" {
access_key = "${var.access_key}"
secret_key = "${var.secret_key}"
region = "${var.region}"
version = "~> 1.33"
allowed_account_ids = ["XXX"]
module "main" {
source = "../../resources"
vpc_name = "test"
test_db_name = "terraform-test-db-dev"
test_db_instance_count = 1
test_db_backup_retention_period = 7
test_db_backup_window = "00:57-01:27"
test_db_maintenance_window = "tue:04:40-tue:05:10"
test_db_subnet_count = 2
test_db_subnet_cidr_blocks = ["", ""]
We came to this module based structure for environment isolation mainly due to these discussions:
Our Issue
Initial resource creation works fine, our subnets are created, the database cluster starts up.
Our issues start the next time we subsequently run a terraform plan or terraform apply (with no changes to the files), at which point we see interesting things like:
An execution plan has been generated and is shown below.
Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
-/+ destroy and then create replacement
Terraform will perform the following actions:
module.main.aws_rds_cluster.test_db (new resource required)
id: "terraform-test-db-dev" => (forces new resource)
availability_zones.#: "3" => "1" (forces new resource)
availability_zones.1924028850: "eu-west-1b" => "" (forces new resource)
availability_zones.3953592328: "eu-west-1a" => "eu-west-1a"
availability_zones.94988580: "eu-west-1c" => "" (forces new resource)
module.main.aws_rds_cluster_instance.test_db (new resource required)
id: "terraform-test-db-dev" => (forces new resource)
cluster_identifier: "terraform-test-db-dev" => "${}" (forces new resource)
Something about the way we are approaching this appears to be causing terraform to believe that the resource has changed to such an extent that it must destroy the existing resource and create a brand new one.
variable "aws_availability_zones" {
description = "Run the EC2 Instances in these Availability Zones"
type = "list"
default = ["eu-west-1a", "eu-west-1b", "eu-west-1c"]
variable "test_db_name" {
description = "Name of the RDS instance, must be unique per region and is provided by the module config"
variable "test_db_subnet_count" {
description = "Number of subnets to create, is provided by the module config"
resource "aws_security_group" "test_db_service" {
name = "${var.test_db_service_user_name}"
vpc_id = "${}"
resource "aws_security_group" "test_db" {
name = "${var.test_db_name}"
vpc_id = "${}"
resource "aws_security_group_rule" "test_db_ingress_app_server" {
security_group_id = "${}"
source_security_group_id = "${}"
variable "test_db_subnet_cidr_blocks" {
description = "Cidr block allocated to the subnets"
type = "list"
resource "aws_subnet" "test_db" {
count = "${var.test_db_subnet_count}"
vpc_id = "${}"
cidr_block = "${element(var.test_db_subnet_cidr_blocks, count.index)}"
availability_zone = "${element(var.aws_availability_zones, count.index)}"
resource "aws_db_subnet_group" "test_db" {
name = "${var.test_db_name}"
subnet_ids = ["${aws_subnet.test_db.*.id}"]
variable "test_db_backup_retention_period" {
description = "Number of days to keep the backup, is provided by the module config"
variable "test_db_backup_window" {
description = "Window during which the backup is done, is provided by the module config"
variable "test_db_maintenance_window" {
description = "Window during which the maintenance is done, is provided by the module config"
data "aws_secretsmanager_secret" "test_db_master_password" {
name = "terraform/db/test-db/root-password"
data "aws_secretsmanager_secret_version" "test_db_master_password" {
secret_id = "${}"
data "aws_iam_role" "rds-monitoring-role" {
name = "rds-monitoring-role"
resource "aws_rds_cluster" "test_db" {
cluster_identifier = "${var.test_db_name}"
engine = "aurora-mysql"
engine_version = "5.7.12"
# can only request to deploy in AZ's where there is a subnet in the subnet group.
availability_zones = "${slice(var.aws_availability_zones, 0, var.test_db_instance_count)}"
database_name = "${var.test_db_schema_name}"
master_username = "root"
master_password = "${data.aws_secretsmanager_secret_version.test_db_master_password.secret_string}"
preferred_backup_window = "${var.test_db_backup_window}"
preferred_maintenance_window = "${var.test_db_maintenance_window}"
backup_retention_period = "${var.test_db_backup_retention_period}"
db_subnet_group_name = "${}"
storage_encrypted = true
kms_key_id = "${data.aws_kms_key.kms_rds_key.arn}"
deletion_protection = true
enabled_cloudwatch_logs_exports = ["audit", "error", "general", "slowquery"]
vpc_security_group_ids = ["${}"]
final_snapshot_identifier = "test-db-final-snapshot"
variable "test_db_instance_count" {
description = "Number of instances to create, is provided by the module config"
resource "aws_rds_cluster_instance" "test_db" {
count = "${var.test_db_instance_count}"
identifier = "${var.test_db_name}"
cluster_identifier = "${}"
availability_zone = "${element(var.aws_availability_zones, count.index)}"
instance_class = "db.t2.small"
db_subnet_group_name = "${}"
monitoring_interval = 60
engine = "aurora-mysql"
engine_version = "5.7.12"
monitoring_role_arn = "${data.aws_iam_role.rds-monitoring-role.arn}"
tags {
Name = "test_db-${count.index}"
My question is, is there a way to achieve this so that terraform would not try to recreate the resource (e.g. ensure that the availability zones of the cluster and ID of the instance do not change each time we run terraform.
Turns out that simply by just removing the explicit availability zones definitions from the aws_rds_cluster and aws_rds_cluster_instance then this issue goes away and everything so far appears to work as expected. See also
