How to set a List value with JScript - jscript

In FileNet, using FEM or ACCE, it is possible to use JScript in order to set attributes' values to an object. The official IBM guide provides this example (for Strings):
function OnCustomProcess (CEObject)
CEObject.getProperties().putValue("DocumentTitle", "Test1");;
But is it possible to do the same thing for more complex objects? I'm referring, in particular, to StringList type. There are no examples on the web, and defining a JS-like array doesn't work.

It is definitely possible to do this for more complex objects. Most of it is just following the path you would follow using Java, but changing the name of the variable types to var. Therefore the code for setting the value of a multivalue string property is as follows:
function OnCustomProcess (CEObject)
var list = Factory.StringList.createList();
list.add("Value 1");
list.add("Value 2");
CEObject.getProperties().putObjectValue("TestMultiValueProperty1", list);;
I often use the putObjectValue() method instead of the putValue() method because JavaScript sometimes has problems determining which type safe version of the putValue() it should use.
For a lot of examples you could go to the Global Configuration > Data Design > Add-ons section in the domain tab of the ACCE. The pre- and post-import scripts of the different Add-ons contain a lot of relevant JavaScript code.


Why assign a reference to a struct in go?

I'm having a look at the code at this page:
And there's one thing I don't understand - at some point, a new structure is created and initialized like this:
client := &http.Client{
CheckRedirect: redirectPolicyFunc,
Why use & when creating this structure?
I've also read this blog post and structs are initialized like this:
r := Rectangle{}
What is the difference between both and how should I know which one to use?
The difference is in the type of your variable.
client := &http.Client{
makes client of type *http.Client
client := http.Client{
builds a http.Client.
The top one is returning a pointer. It is a Go idiom instead of using new. The second one is just a value object. If you need a pointer use the top.
Check the effective go doc for more about this
In object-oriented programming, in order for an object to have dynamic lifetime (i.e. not tied to the current function call), it needs to be dynamically allocated in a place other than the current stack frame, thus you manipulate the object through a pointer. This is such a common pattern that in many object-oriented languages, including Java, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, Smalltalk, JavaScript, and others, you can only deal with pointers to objects, never with an "object as a value" itself. (Some languages though, like C++, do allow you to have "objects as values"; it comes with the RAII idiom which adds some complexity.)
Go is not an object-oriented language, but its ability to define custom types and define methods that operates on that custom type, can be made to work very much like classes and methods. Returning a pointer to the type from the "constructor" function allows the "object" to have a dynamic lifetime.
When we use reference, we use a single item throughout the program runtime. Even if we assign that to a new variable or pass through a function. But when we use value, we make new copies of individual items.
( Reference is not right word according to golang convention. "Address of value" would be more appropriate here )
An example will make it much clear I hope.
type Employee struct {
ID int
Name string
Address string
func main() {
andy := &Employee{}
andy.Name = "Andy"
brad := andy
brad.Name = "Brad"
The result of this code block would be:
As we made new variable from it but still referring to same data. But if we use value instead of reference and keep the rest of the code same.
// from
andy := &Employee{}
// to
andy := Employee{}
This time the result would be:
As this time they both are individual items and not referring to same data anymore.

XText: permit invalid cross reference

I need to build a grammer containing a cross reference, which may be invalid, i.e. points to a nonexisting target. A file containing such a reference should not yield an error, but only a warning. The generator would handle this as as a special case.
How can I do this with XText?
It's not possible to create valid cross references to non-existing targets in EMF.
I would suggest to go with EAttributes instead of EReferences:
Change the feature=[EClass|ID] by feature=ID in {YourDSL} grammar.
Provide a scope calculation utility like it's done in *scope_EClass_feature(context, reference)* method in the {YourDSL}ScopeProvider class. As this scoping methods simply use the eType of the given reference the reimplementation should be straightforward.
Use this scope calculation utility in {YourDSL}ProposalProvider to propose values for the introduced EAttribute.
Optionally you can use this utility in a validation rule to add a warning/info to this EAttribute if it's not "valid".
Finally use the utility in your generator to create output based on valid target eObjects.
I also ran into this problem when creating a DSL to provide declerations of variables for a none-declerative language for a transition pahse. This method works but ask yourself if you realy want to have those nasty may-references.
You can drop the auto generated error in you UI module only. To do so, provide an ILinkingDiagnosticMessageProvider and override the function getUnresolvedProxyMessage:
class DSLLinkingDiagnosticMessageProvider extends LinkingDiagnosticMessageProvider {
override getUnresolvedProxyMessage(ILinkingDiagnosticContext context) {
if(context.context instanceof YourReference) {
// return null so the your error is left out
} else {
// use super implementation for others
All linker-errors for YourReference will be missed. But be aware that there will be a dummy referenced object with all fealds null. Exspecialy the name ist lost and you can not set it due to a CyclicLinkingException. But you may create a new method that sets the name directly.
Note that the dummy object will have the type you entered in your gramma. If its abstract you can easily check witch reference is not linked.

How to auto-generate early bound properties for Entity specific (ie Local) Option Set text values?

After spending a year working with the Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk namespace, I just discovered yesterday the Entity.FormattedValues property contains the text value for Entity specific (ie Local) Option Set texts.
The reason I didn't discover it before, is there is no early bound method of getting the value. i.e. entity.new_myOptionSet is of type OptionSetValue which only contains the int value. You have to call entity.FormattedValues["new_myoptionset"] to get the string text value of the OptionSetValue.
Therefore, I'd like to get the crmsrvcutil to auto-generate a text property for local option sets. i.e. Along with Entity.new_myOptionSet being generated as it currently does, Entity.new_myOptionSetText would be generated as well.
I've looked into the Microsoft.Crm.Services.Utility.ICodeGenerationService, but that looks like it is mostly for specifying what CodeGenerationType something should be...
Is there a way supported way using CrmServiceUtil to add these properties, or am I better off writing a custom app that I can run that can generate these properties as a partial class to the auto-generated ones?
Edit - Example of the code that I would like to be generated
Currently, whenever I need to access the text value of a OptionSetValue, I use this code:
var textValue = OptionSetCache.GetText(service, entity, e => e.New_MyOptionSet);
The option set cache will use the entity.LogicalName, and the property expression to determine the name of the option set that I'm asking for. It will then query the SDK using the RetrieveAttriubteRequest, to get a list of the option set int and text values, which it then caches so it doesn't have to hit CRM again. It then looks up the int value of the New_MyOptionSet of the entity and cross references it with the cached list, to get the text value of the OptionSet.
Instead of doing all of that, I can just do this (assuming that the entity has been retrieved from the server, and not just populated client side):
var textValue = entity.FormattedValues["new_myoptionset"];
but the "new_myoptionset" is no longer early bound. I would like the early bound entity classes that gets generated to also generate an extra "Text" property for OptionSetValue properties that calls the above line, so my entity would have this added to it:
public string New_MyOptionSetText {
return this.GetFormattedAttributeValue("new_myoptionset"); // this is a protected method on the Entity class itself...
Could you utilize the CrmServiceUtil extension that will generate enums for your OptionSets and then add your new_myOptionSetText property to a partial class that compares the int value to the enums and returns the enum string
Again, I think specifically for this case, getting CrmSvcUtil.exe to generate the code you want is a great idea, but more generally, you can access the property name via reflection using an approach similar to the accepted answer # workarounds for nameof() operator in C#: typesafe databinding.
var textValue = entity.FormattedValues["new_myoptionset"];
// becomes
var textValue = entity.FormattedValues
// renamed the class from Nameof to NameOf
NameOf(Xrm.MyEntity).Property(x => x.new_MyOptionSet).ToLower()
The latest version of the CRM Early Bound Generator includes a Fields struct that that contains the field names. This allows accessing the FormattedValues to be as simple as this:
var textValue = entity.FormattedValues[MyEntity.Fields.new_MyOptionSet];
You could create a new property via an interface for the CrmSvcUtil, but that's a lot of work for a fairly simple call, and I don't think it justifies creating additional properties.

Naming Vars with strings

Can a variable be named with a string or character array, in any language? Basically I want something like:
Var_String = "varname"
Var_String as double
And then I could fill the double varname.
If it helps im trying to make a program that can declare variables on the fly, while running. Even if thats not possible, I am open to workarounds even if they're impractical, although I would prefer that workarounds be in VB6, C++, or PHP, because I know those languages already, but they dont have to be.
Javascript is completely capable of declaring variable names on the fly. A javascript object can be treated "associatively" as a dictionary. Observe:
var testyObject = function()
Awesome = "hello";
var myObject = new testyObject();
alert(myObject.Awesome); // creates an alert window that says hello
alert(myObject['Awesome']); // the same as above
myObject[myObject.Awesome] = "woo!"; // We just created a property on the object with the name "hello"
alert(myObject.hello); // creates an alert window that says "woo!"
I also believe you can add them to your immediate scope rather than as properties on other objects by using this["whatever you want it named"] = "woo!"; but I'm not certain, someone can correct me on that if such does not work.
You can read more about associative arrays at
The usual way to do something like this is called a hash. You store name/value pairs and given the name, can look up its value. You can generally define them to store any sort of object. In fact, in some languages, objects themselves are essentially hashes with a few extra properties.
You can find more information on wikipedia:

Is it possible to take the name of a variable and turn it into a string in ActionScript 3.0?

I am making a simple debugger window in ActionScript for myself where I can add and remove variables I want to track. I was to be able to add variables to the list by just doing something like
My question is, is there any way I can turn "variable" itself (the name, not the value) into a String to be added into a text field?
Depending on how "intelligent" your debugger should be, you could just pass the name along:
DebuggerMonitor.trackVar( variable, "variable" );
since obviously, when used in a context like this, the name should be known at the time you are writing the program.
You can also do some reflection magic to get instance variable names, but it won't work for temp variables (their names are dropped at compilation time):
public function getVariableName( instance:*, match:* ):String {
var typeDescription:XML = describeType( instance );
var variables:XMLList = typeDescription..variable;
var accessors:XMLList = typeDescription..accessor;
for each(var variable:XML in variables)
if(matchesXMLName( instance, variable, match ))
return variable.#name;
for each(var accessor:XML in accessors)
if(matchesXMLName( instance, accessor, match ))
return accessor.#name;
return "No name found.";
private function matchesXMLName( instance:*, xml:XML, match:* ):Boolean {
return match == instance[xml.#name.toString()];
var varName:String = getVariableName ( myObject, variable );
Using reflections like this will also be quite costly, if used often - you will have to think of a way to cache the type descriptions.
I recommend you check out the as3commons reflections package - there is a lot of useful functionality in there...
Short answer - No :(
You can access the type name but not individual instance names, as these are lost at run-time.
There is a confusion caused by the keyword 'var' because it is used to create several types of bindings.
Lexical bindings (the keyword 'var' was used inside a function).
Dynamic bindings (the keyword 'var' was used to declare a class' field).
Lexical bindings are interpreted by the compiler at compile time as addresses of the registers of the registers space occupied by the function. The names given to lexical bindings perish at this time and it is not possible to restore them at runtime - therefore you can't get the "name" of the variable.
Dynamic bindings are a kind of "public API" of the objects that declare them, they may be accessed from the code that was not compiled together with the code that created them, this is why, for the purpose of reflection the names of these bindings are stored in compiled code. However, ActionScript has no way of referencing LHS values, so you cannot, even if you know the name of the variable and the object declaring it, pass it to another function. But you can look it up in the debugger or by calling describeType on the object declaring the variable. Note that describeType will not show information on private variables even if you are calling it from the scope of the object in question.
