F5 Does not start debugging in Azure Cloud Shell - node.js

I am following the Azure learning path on Microsoft's website. One of the modules requires starting a node.js application with Azure Cloud Shell. I followed all the steps on the module with no issue, until trying to press F5 to start debugging. If I press F5 when the cursor is on the command line, ~ is added to the command line. If I press F5 when the cursor is not on the command line, the page just refreshed and I have to start over. I tried this on both Microsoft Edge and Chrome, both have the same behavior. Any idea on how I can start debugging? Desperate for help (Have to use Azure Cloud Shell in order to get access to the free azure resources)
This is the link to the learning module:https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/learn/modules/automatic-update-of-a-webapp-using-azure-functions-and-signalr/3-exercise-analyze-limitations-of-polling-in-a-web-app?source=learn

I have tested the same in my VS Code and its working fine , Following are the steps to be followed to debug the function app that you have . And we can not debug by hitting F5 in our azure cloud shell.
By following MS DOC ,Hope you have already installed this in your local:
Visual Studio Code
Azure Functions Core Tools
Azure Functions extension for Visual Studio Code
Azure Storage extension for Visual Studio Code
Azure Account extension in your VS Code.
And install GitBash in your local and turn on your IIS express from control panel . And
Then run the same command in your VS code and install NPM .
Go to Run & debug section as on screenshot and add one launch.json file and then hit F5 to debug your function app .
Here are some screenshots for reference:
After that from your gitbash run the npm start cmd which will gives you the Output
as below:
Based on the following MS DOC beginning state of the app is located
in the start folder. Make sure you are in that folder for the rest
of this module. Run the following command to open the start folder
in Visual Studio Code
You can refer this for more information: Debugging in Visual studio code.

Let me see if I understand this. I post clearly stated questions about the previous posting, and these are not clear enough for you.


How to debug an Excel Add-In created using Yeoman, running IE in Windows 8

I created an Office Add-In using the Yeoman generator, I chose the React add-in and I was able to make it run properly within VS Code by following this tutorial:
The react boilerplate includes a piece of code which logs an action to the console, but I see no console anywhere. According to the documentation, since my version of Office is 2016 volume licensed, I'm running Internet Explorer, and since my Windows system is 8.1, I can't use the F12 tools nor the Microsoft Office Add-In Debugger, so how do I view these logs like I do when I develop web applications for other browsers like Chrome and Firefox?
I followed the instructions in this guide by microsoft:
Now, for what I understood, the only option I'm left with is to "Switch to the Internet Explorer 11 webview". So I ran the command npx office-addin-dev-settings webview manifest.xml ie in the terminal and it returned "The web view type is set to Microsoft Internet Explorer". Then when I go ahead and type npm start, the add-in loads correctly but I still can't see any dev tools.
I did try something else by going to the Run and Debug tab in VS Code, choosing the option "Excel Desktop (Edge-Legacy)", running the command npx office-addin-dev-settings webview manifest.xml edge-legacy, modifying the launch.json file so it didn't complain but I saw no difference.
I was able to have bridge chrome and edge devtools using the IEDiagnosticsAdapter, but nothing appears in the console, so I think it's unsupported.

TFS run local process

i have TFS express 2015 running on a local machine, i'm trying to get it to run a local process (a calculator window) as a second step after building.
i've tried command line, tried batch script and even tried powershell. the second step seems to go through just fine but no calculator is beeing opened.
is there anything i'm missing here? the TFS Express is installed on the same machine that runs visual studio.
please help!
For XAML build
If you want to open the local process (for example notepad) during Team Build, you need set your Build Service running as Interactively, launch your TFS Admin Console>>Build Configuration>>Build Service Properties>>Stop the service>>selected Run the Service Interactively.
Then you need to customize your build process template to create a InvokeProcess activity. You can use the InvokeProcess activity to start a process (run a program) on the build server. This activity is essentially a wrapper over Start. In your InvokeProcess activity, set FileName = “C:\Windows\notepad”.
After above two steps, you can open the notepad during Team Build. When running your build definition, the notepad will be opened on your build agent machine, and your build keeps on running this open notepad activity. You need logon your build agent using your TFS Build Service account, then you will see the notepad be opened on build agent machine, after you close this notepad, your build will continue run next steps.

Got an error while running web api project on azure worker role

I was trying this tutorial: http://www.asp.net/web-api/overview/hosting-aspnet-web-api/host-aspnet-web-api-in-an-azure-worker-role and when I started to run the project for the first time I got the following error:
May be I need to add the emulator to windows firewall, but I don't know how to do that.
Found the solution on this page https://github.com/SignalR/SignalR/issues/1523 which is to run Visual Studio and Emulator as admin.

Windows store app deployment error

I just downloaded and installed Visual studio on my computer (windows 8.1) to start building windows 8 apps. The problem is when I try to run any application this error message shows up (the application from this error message is called Parcels.comStarter):
Error 1 Error : DEP0700 : Registration of the app failed. Deployment
Register operation on Package
failed with error 0x8E5E0530. See
http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=235160 for help diagnosing app
deployment issues. (0x80073cf9) Parcels.com
I searched the entire internet but I didn't found a solution. I also did reinstall visual studio and I still have the problem.
Thanks in advance
Open the Services management console (services.msc) and stop the Windows Installer service.
In Windows Explorer, go to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\AppRepository\ and rename PackageRepository.edb to PackageRepository.edb.backup.
Back in the management console, restart the Windows Installer service.
Now run Visual Studio as an administrator and open your project.
I was having this exact same problem, and the solution for me was to unlink my Windows account from my Microsoft account.
There are a couple of things to try.
Run WSReset (press [Win] then type wsreset)
Delete the metastore and remotemetastore folder here: C:\Users\%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\SettingSync where %userprofile% is your username. (I suggest just renaming them to metastore.old and remotemetastore.old)
Make sure that there are no staged packages for the app in question.
If you re-deployed an app that was already installed by some other user, then you would get a deployment error. This should wear off if you change the identity in your package.appxmanifest fie.
You should try an OS refresh. You should not lose your apps and settings.
After that re-link your windows account to microsoft account.
If that doesnt work...The problem may be that visual studio is not able to delete the application data in local folder. So when you go in the location C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Packages you will find application data of app installed in your computer, now you need to find your app's application data and delete the folder. The folder name is the same as the package family name which you can see in your solution.
now again open the solution and rebuild and your app will run. (hopefully)
close visual studio and simulator before deleting the folder.
make sure that your account is set as administrator.
I had the same problem with visual studio running under Parallels VM. The solution was to copy the project from a cloud based directory to a local directory.

Eqatec profiler-reset counter and take snapshot buttons disabled

I'm trying to use EQATEC Profiler to profile my ASP.Net app. I am following the below steps to do it. I have selected the application's bin folder in App path and clicked on the build button. Then I have run the application from visual studio 2005. However, i don't see the reset counter or take snapshot buttons enabled. Please help.
You'll find a nice step-by-step instruction and explanation in this thread.
I may also have an explanation of what's going wrong for you:
You compile your asp.net app in VS2005 - fine
You then instrument and overwrite your app using Build in the profiler - also fine
But then you run your app from VS2005 and that may re-compile your app again so you're running an un-instrumented version. Instead of running it from VS2005 you should simply have IIS "launch" the code by navigating to the corresponding webpage.
If this is not the problem then take a look at the log-file generated by the running, profiled app. By default the log-file is located in C:\Windows\Temp\EQATECProfilerLogs\profiler.log.
