Scalatest and mockito: spy not working as expected - mockito

I am using scalatest+mockito for unit tests. I have set a spy on an object to check if target method is actually invoking another method or not.
"Find all modules" in { f =>
for {
_ <- f.moduleService.persist(....)
_ <- f.moduleService.persist(....)
_ <- f.moduleService.persist(....)
serviceSpy = spy(f.moduleService)
result <- f.moduleService.findModules(
} yield {
verify(serviceSpy, times(1)).moduleQueries(None, Some(false))
result.size shouldBe 3
I expect that moduleQueries is invoked with arguments None, Some(false), and during debugging its actually called.
But its failing with
Caused by: Wanted but not invoked:
Actually, there were zero interactions with this mock.


How to find first desired result from kotlin coroutines Deferred<> (server)

I’ve built a sharding library and i’m trying to add coroutine functionality to it. In the following snippet it returns the first true result that it finds:
override fun emailExists(email: String): Boolean {
return runBlocking {
.asyncAll { userDao.emailExists(email) }
.map { it.await() }
.firstOrNull { it }
} ?: false
the shards.asyncAll method is:
fun <T> async(
shardId: Long,
context: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext,
start: CoroutineStart = CoroutineStart.DEFAULT,
block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T): Deferred<T> {
return scope.async(context, start) {
fun <T> asyncAll(
shardIds: Collection<Long> = this.shardIds,
context: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext,
start: CoroutineStart = CoroutineStart.DEFAULT,
block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T): List<Deferred<T>> {
return { async(it, context, start, block) }
This works, but it consults the shards in order for their return, meaning if the first shard takes a very long time to return and it doesn't return true but the second shard returns immediately with a value of true we're still waiting as long as the first shard took to return. Is there a better way to wait on values for a collection of Deferred<>'s and process them in the order that they return so that I can exit as early as possible?
Even if you were to get your answer early, runBlocking would still wait for all the coroutines you started to complete before returning.
In order to run the kind of coroutine race you're looking for:
When the first task completes with true, it needs store that result and cancel the parent job of all the other tasks; and
The other tasks should properly abort when cancelled.
Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure Kotlin doesn't include a function that does this, so you have to do it yourself. The easiest way is probably to have each throw an exception that indicates a true result. You can then use awaitAll on the group, catch the exception, and extract the result.

Expect positive number parameter passed - jest

The test is linked to this question here which I raised (& was resolved) a few days ago. My current test is:
// Helpers
function getObjectStructure(runners) {
const backStake = runners.back.stake || expect.any(Number).toBeGreaterThan(0)
const layStake = runners.lay.stake || expect.any(Number).toBeGreaterThan(0)
return {
netProfits: {
back: expect.any(Number).toBeGreaterThan(0),
lay: expect.any(Number).toBeGreaterThan(0)
grossProfits: {
back: (runners.back.price - 1) * backStake,
lay: layStake
stakes: {
back: backStake,
lay: layStake
// Mock
const funcB = jest.fn(pairs => {
return pairs[0]
// Test
test('Should call `funcB` with correct object structure', () => {
const params = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(paramsPath, 'utf8'))
const { arb } = params
const result = funcA(75)
The object structure of arb.runners is this:
"back": {
"stake": 123,
"price": 1.23
"lay": {
"stake": 456,
"price": 4.56
There are many different tests around this function mainly dependent upon the argument that is passed into funcA. For this example, it's 75. There's a different length of array that is passed to funcB dependent upon this parameter. However, it's now also dependent on whether the runners (back and/or lay) have existing stake properties for them. I have a beforeAll in each test which manipulates the arb in the file where I hold the params. Hence, that's why the input for the runners is different every time. An outline of what I'm trying to achieve is:
Measure the array passed into funcB is of correct length
Measure the objects within the array are of the correct structure:
2.1 If there are stakes with the runners, that's fine & the test is straight forward
2.2 If not stakes are with the runners, I need to test that; netProfits, grossProfits, & stakes properties all have positive Numbers
2.2 is the one I'm struggling with. If I try with my attempt below, the test fails with the following error:
TypeError: expect.any(...).toBeGreaterThan is not a function
As with previous question, the problem is that expect.any(Number).toBeGreaterThan(0) is incorrect because expect.any(...) is not an assertion and doesn't have matcher methods. The result of expect.any(...) is just a special value that is recognized by Jest equality matchers. It cannot be used in an expression like (runners.back.price - 1) * backStake.
If the intention is to extend equality matcher with custom behaviour, this is the case for custom matcher. Since spy matchers use built-in equality matcher anyway, spy arguments need to be asserted explicitly with custom matcher.
Otherwise additional restrictions should be asserted manually. It should be:
function getObjectStructure() {
return {
netProfits: {
back: expect.any(Number),
lay: expect.any(Number)
grossProfits: {
back: expect.any(Number),
lay: expect.any(Number)
stakes: {
back: expect.any(Number),
lay: expect.any(Number)
const funcBArg = funcB.mock.calls[0][0];
const nonPositiveNetProfitsBack = funcBArg
.map(({ netProfits: { back } }, i) => [i, back])
.filter(([, val] => !(val > 0))
.map(([i, val] => `${netProfits:back:${i}:${val}`);
const nonPositiveNetProfitsLay = ...
Where !(val > 0) is necessary to detect NaN. Without custom matcher failed assertion won't result in meaningful message but an index and nonPositiveNetProfitsBack temporary variable name can give enough feedback to spot the problem. An array can be additionally remapped to contain meaningful values like a string and occupy less space in errors.

Typescript - Nested arrow function typing

I have this code for deferring the execution of a function
export type DeferredFunction<T> = () => T | PromiseLike<T>;
export class Deferrable<T> {
protected df: DeferredFunction<T>;
constructor(df: DeferredFunction<T>) {
this.df = df;
public async execute(): Promise<T> {
return this.df();
export const defer = <T>(df: DeferredFunction<T>): Deferrable<T> => new Deferrable<T>(df);
That works fine and I can run code like
await defer(() => someFunction('foo', 'bar')).execute();
but I what I want to do is type DeferredFunction in a way that I can specify the inner function's signature but I can't get it working. In generic cases the above works but when I want to limit the arguments such that they are specific to a certain type of function I don't have that kind of control.
For clarity, I want to be able to type the inner function's inputs like (as an example)
export type InnerDeferredFunction<T> = (a: string, b: number, c: SomeObjectType) => T | PromiseLike<T>
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
What "inner function" are you talking about? Is it someFunction? If so then the type of DeferredFunction<T> has no handle on it, since it's a function called by the implementation of DeferredFunction<T>. There's no way in TypeScript to specify "a function whose implementation must call a function of type (x: string, y: number, z: boolean) => string". Implementation details are not part of a function's call signature.
The only way I can imagine to begin to approach this would be for DeferredFunction<T> to accept as a parameter the inner function you want to call, along with the list of arguments to call it with. This might not be what you're looking for, but it's the closest that the type system can represent.
Something like this:
export type InnerDeferredFunction<T, A extends any[]> = (...args: A) => T | PromiseLike<T>;
export type ZeroArgDeferredFunction<T> = InnerDeferredFunction<T, []>
Here I'm keeping A generic but you can specify it to some hardcoded list of arguments. I've renamed your DeferredFunction to ZeroArgDeferredFunction to be explicit that it doesn't need arguments.
But now Deferrable needs to know about T and A:
export class Deferrable<T, A extends any[]> {
protected df: ZeroArgDeferredFunction<T>;
constructor(df: InnerDeferredFunction<T, A>, ...args: A) {
this.df = () => df(...args);
public async execute(): Promise<T> {
return this.df();
And you can see that you have to construct one by passing it the inner function and its arguments, and the ZeroArgDeferredFunction is built inside the constructor and is not passed in.
There are different ways to define defer(). It could be a thin wrapper around new Deferrable the way you had it, or you could imagine splitting it up so that the args come first:
export const defer = <A extends any[]>(...args: A) => <T>(
df: InnerDeferredFunction<T, A>): Deferrable<T, A> => new Deferrable<T, A>(df, ...args);
And then you can test it like this:
function someFunction(x: string, y: string) {
return (x + y).length;
function anotherFunction(x: number, y: number) {
return (x * y).toFixed()
const deferFooBar = defer('foo', 'bar');
await deferFooBar(someFunction).execute(); // okay
await deferFooBar(anotherFunction); // error! string is not assignable to number
Once you call deferFooBar('foo', 'bar'), the returned value will only accept functions that can be safely called with the arguments foo and 'bar'. That means someFunction will be accepted and anotherFunction will be rejected.
Okay, hope that helps; good luck!
Playground link to code

Weird Behavior of Scala Future and Thread.sleep

I'm currently writing codes to extend the Future companion object. One function I want to implement is Any
//returns the future that computes the first value computed from the list. If the first one fails, fail.
def any[T](fs: List[Future[T]]): Future[T] = {
val p = Promise[T]()
fs foreach { f => {
f onComplete {
case Success(v) => p trySuccess v
case Failure(e) => p tryFailure e
} }
I tried to test my code with
test("A list of Futures return only the first computed value") {
val nums = (0 until 10).toList
val futures =
nums map { n => Future { Thread.sleep(n*1000); n } }
val v = Await.result(Future.any(futures), Duration.Inf)
assert(v === 0)
But the returned value is 1, not 0. When I switched sleeping time to n*1000 to (n+1)*1000, it works fine(returns 0).
Is there any special effect when called sleep on 0?
Thread.sleep is a blocking operation in your Future but you are not signaling to the ExecutionContext that you are doing so, so the behavior will vary depending on what ExecutionContext you use and how many processors your machine has. Your code works as expected with if you add blocking:
nums map { n => Future { blocking { Thread.sleep(n*1000); n } } }
I think the function name is any so I think you implement any right way.
But if you want the first one you just get the 1st element from the List argument fs and complete with a promise.

How to inspect a Groovy list recursively?

I was going to use Groovy's inspect() methods for quick and dirty object persistence but it didn't work as I expected. More specifically if I inspect() a list then list items are not inspect()ed but rather are toString()ed instead. Consider the following script:
class Foo {
String inspect() { 'new Foo()' }
assert new Foo().inspect() == 'new Foo()' // passes as expected
assert [new Foo()].inspect() == '[new Foo()]' // fails
Running this script produces the following output:
Assertion failed:
assert [new Foo()].inspect() == '[new Foo()]'
| | |
| | false
| [Foo#3d52315f]
meaning that inspect() on my Foo instance is never called. Is this a Groovy bug? I'm testing with Groovy 2.4.1.
Try in the following way:
class Foo {
String inspect() { 'new Foo()' }
assert new Foo().inspect() == 'new Foo()' // passes as expected
assert [new Foo()]*.inspect().toString() == '[new Foo()]'
You need to call inspect on every element of the list provided and then make to list inspectable itself. But indeed the behavior seems strange when it comes to the docs.
It seems that this is a bug. From DefaultGroovyMethods call to inspect() is redirected to InvokerHelper. Since you pass a collection (list) formatList method will be invoked. This method iterates over the list passed and calls format in the same class. Since formatdoesn't know about Foo it will call toString to the object passed (line 629).
The following example shows how it works:
class Foo {
String inspect() { 'new Foo()' }
String toString() { 'new Foo()' }
assert new Foo().inspect() == 'new Foo()'
assert [new Foo()].inspect() == '[new Foo()]'
