Google Apps Script has stopped executing - execution

I have been using the same code for well over a year now, have made no changes recently. Yesterday the code worked, but today it is working intermittently, and I am dumbfounded and don't know what is the issue here.
The script keeps timing out after some 6 minutes which is the max execution time. My spreadsheet has about 3000 lines. Is that too much for Google?
What I did was copy the worksheet to another, deleted about 2000 lines and now it seems to work.
Why can Google handle so little, and what is happening inside of Google's little brain when it gets to 3000 lines?
Is there any way to solve this?
The beginning of my code is as follows:
function onEdit(){
var TargetSheet = 'Geroba';
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
var datass = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("List20")
var dataP = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("ListP")
var sname = ss.getName(); // Lists
if (sname == TargetSheet) {
var activeCell = ss.getActiveCell();
if(activeCell.getColumn() == 10 && activeCell.getRow() > 4){
activeCell.offset(0, 1).clearContent().clearDataValidations(); // Clears Series
activeCell.offset(0, 2).clearContent().clearDataValidations(); // Clears Code
activeCell.offset(0, 3).clearContent().clearDataValidations(); // Clears Material
activeCell.offset(0, 4).clearContent(); // Clears Extra (for Standard)
activeCell.offset(0, 5).clearContent(); // Clears Item description
activeCell.offset(0, 6).clearContent(); // Clears Weight (kg)
activeCell.offset(0, 7).clearContent(); // Clears RAL
activeCell.offset(0, 8).clearContent(); // Clears Qty
activeCell.offset(0, 9).clearContent(); // Clears Price Quoted from
activeCell.offset(0, 11).clearContent(); // Clears Unit Price
activeCell.offset(0, 12).clearContent(); // Clears Price after discount
activeCell.offset(0, 21).clearContent(); // Clears "Standard" from Drawing Status column
activeCell.offset(0, 22).clearContent(); // Clears Design link pathway
var CategoriesS2 = datass.getRange(2, 3, 1, 28).getValues(); // row, column, numRows, numColumns
var makeIndex2 = CategoriesS2[0].indexOf(activeCell.getValue()) + 3;
if(makeIndex2 != 0) {
var validationRangeSeries2 = datass.getRange(3, makeIndex2, 40); // datass.getLastRow());
var validationRuleSeries2 = SpreadsheetApp.newDataValidation().requireValueInRange(validationRangeSeries2).setAllowInvalid(true).build();
activeCell.offset(0, 1).setDataValidation(validationRuleSeries2);


Time Stamp Script not working on Pasting/Dragging Cell Values

I have a script which records the time stamp on which an entry is made in a specific cell. It uses a onEdit trigger.
When I'm dragging/copy-pasting the data over a range of adjacent cells(in the same column), only the first entry is producing a time-stamp output.
var s = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var sName = s.getName();
var r = s.getActiveCell();
if( r.getColumn() == 8 && sName == 'Processing') { //which column to watch on which sheet
var row = r.getRow();
var time = new Date();
SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange('CU' + row.toString()).setValue(time); //which column to put timestamp in
You are using onEdit to insert a timestamp when a field is edited. But when an edit is done by copy/paste or dragging a cell/range, the timestamp is applied only for the first cell in the new target range.
The reason that this is happening is that your script output recognises only the activecell and does not recognise the rest of the activerange
var r = s.getActiveCell();
var row = r.getRow();
There are several solutions to your problem.
Enable the script to process the number of rows in the active range.
function onEdit() {
var s = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var sName = s.getName();
var r = s.getActiveCell();
var row = r.getRow();
var ar = s.getActiveRange();
var arRows = ar.getNumRows()
// Logger.log("DEBUG: the active range = "+ar.getA1Notation()+", the number of rows = "+ar.getNumRows());
var time = new Date();
if( r.getColumn() == 8 && sName == 'Processing') { //which column to watch on which sheet
// loop through the number of rows
for (var i = 0;i<arRows;i++){
var rowstamp = row+i;
SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange('CU' + rowstamp.toString()).setValue(time); //which column to put timestamp in
Event Objects: Enable the script to take advantage of the event Objects generated by OnEdit.
In the following script, the edited range, the column, sheet name, the starting and ending row numbers are all obtained/determined by using Event Objects available to onEdit.
function onEdit(event) {
var s = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
// Logger.log(JSON.stringify(event)); //DEBUG
var ecolumnStart = event.range.columnStart;
var erowStart = event.range.rowStart;
var erowEnd = event.range.rowEnd;
var ecolumnEnd = event.range.columnEnd;
// Logger.log("DEBUG: Range details - Column Start:"+ecolumnStart+", Column End:"+ecolumnEnd+", Row start:"+erowStart+", and Row End:"+erowEnd);
// Logger.log("DEBUG: the sheet is "+event.source.getName()+", the range = "+event.range.getA1Notation());
var sName = event.range.getSheet().getName();
// Logger.log("DEBUG: the sheet name is "+sName)
var time = new Date();
var numRows = event.range.rowEnd -event.range.rowStart+1;
if( event.range.columnStart == 8 && sName == 'Processing') { //which column to watch on which sheet
// loop though the number of rows
for (var i = 0;i<numRows;i++){
var row = event.range.rowStart+i;
SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange('B' + row.toString()).setValue(time); //which column to put timestamp in

Is there a google-script method like Application.Intersect(Target, Range) in Excel?

Now I understand that the question is deeper, and is connected with the tracking of events.
In Excel, I use this code:
If Not Intersect(Target, Sh.Range("$A$1:$A$300")) Is Nothing sub_do_something()
Here, Target - the address of the selected cell, Intersect determines whether the cell belongs to the specified range.
I use it in the system for filling and calculating the costing of the project.
The user clicks a row in a specific section of the calculation template. The script determines the address of the selected cell and switches the user to a specific sheet of the directory. Next, the user clicks on the desired line of the directory, the script copies a certain range of cells in the line and returns the user back to the calculation. When this happens, the copied data is inserted into a range of cells, starting with the selected one.
Thus, the creating a calculation, in which there can be more than 100 positions, is greatly simplified.
In Excel, everything works fine, but soon I plan to transfer this project to a cloud-based service, and Google Sheets is the best option.
Alas, only some events can be tracked in GAS, for example, using onOpen or onEdit triggers.
Excel has much more tracked events.
After a search on the StackOverflow, I found several similar issues related to tracing events, for example, How to find where user's cursor is in Document-bound script, Can we implement some code that fires upon selecting something in google document?, Google app script monitor spreadsheet selected ranges.
From the answers to these questions, it is clear that in GAS there is no such simple solution as Intersect(Target, Range) in Excel.
The last example uses the side menu, running a script from it that queries the sheet 5 times per second, and displays the address of the active cell in the "data" field.
Unfortunately, this code does not work for me. In the debugger, the getActiveRange() function works fine, but this code does not work:
$(document).ready(() => {
log(e) => {
If someone did something similar, please share your experience.
Or tell me why this example does not work. If he can be reanimated, I will adapt him to solve my task.
I worked on a similar project and here's the solution:
function onSelectionChange(e)
var ss = e.source;
var Sh = ss.getActiveSheet();
var range = Sh.getRange("A1:A300");
var target = e.source.getActiveRange();
//check for intersection
if(RangeIntersects(target, range))
Logger.log("Changed Row: " + target.getRow() + "\nValue: " + target.getValue());
//returns true if target intersects with the predefined range
function RangeIntersects(target, range)
return (target.getLastRow() >= range.getRow()) && (range.getLastRow() >= target.getRow()) && (target.getLastColumn() >= range.getColumn()) && (range.getLastColumn() >= target.getColumn());
Here's an idea. I can't quite get it to work though.
Maybe someone else can give a better answer.
Also, having functions running 24/7 is not possible with GAS, I think, as there are limits to the total run-time. You may wish to add a code-guard that exits the script if the last update time is longer than 10 minutes ago or something.
function checkSelection() {
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var targetRange = spreadsheet.getRange('activate');
// Change your named ranged name here
var tCol = targetRange.getColumn();
var tLastCol = targetRange.getLastColumn();
var tRow = targetRange.getRow();
var tLastRow = targetRange.getLastRow();
var num = 0;
for (num; num < 115; ++num) {
// Repeats the code below 100 times
var range = spreadsheet.getActiveRange();
var row = range.getRow();
var col = range.getColumn();
if (col >= tCol && col <= tLastCol && row >= tRow && row <= tLastRow) {
// Change the code in this block to your code.
// Waits half a second before repeating
115 repetitions * 500ms wait seems to run for almost a minute, then the trigger will fire the whole function again.
Intersection of two Ranges
You can use this to calculate intersection of two ranges. It requires an object in the form of: {rg1:'A1Notation String',rg2:'A1Notation String'}
function calculateIntersection1(rgObj) {
var iObj={};
var ss=SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var sh=ss.getActiveSheet();
var rg1=sh.getRange(rgObj.rg1);
var rg2=sh.getRange(rgObj.rg2);
var iObj={rg1colst:rg1.getColumn(),rg1colen:rg1.getColumn()+rg1.getWidth()-1,rg1rowst:rg1.getRow(),rg1rowen:rg1.getRow()+rg1.getHeight()-1,rg2colst:rg2.getColumn(),rg2colen:rg2.getColumn()+rg2.getWidth()-1,rg2rowst:rg2.getRow(),rg2rowen:rg2.getRow()+rg2.getHeight()-1};
if(iObj.rg1colst>iObj.rg2colen || iObj.rg1colen<iObj.rg2colst || iObj.rg1rowst>iObj.rg2rowen || iObj.rg1rowen<iObj.rg2rowst || iObj.rg2colst>iObj.rg1colen || iObj.rg2colen<iObj.rg1colst || iObj.rg2rowst>iObj.rg1rowen || iObj.rg2rowen<iObj.rg1rowst) {
return '<h1>No intersecting cells</h1>';
var vA1=rg1.getValues();
var v1=[];
var vA2=rg2.getValues();
var v2=[];
for(var i=0;i<vA1.length;i++){
for(var j=0;j<vA1[i].length;j++){
var s=Utilities.formatString('(%s,%s)', iObj.rg1rowst+i,iObj.rg1colst+j);
for(var i=0;i<vA2.length;i++){
for(var j=0;j<vA2[i].length;j++){
var s=Utilities.formatString('(%s,%s)', iObj.rg2rowst+i,iObj.rg2colst+j);
var oA=[];
for(var i=0;i<v1.length;i++){
var idx=v2.indexOf(v1[i]);
return Utilities.formatString('Intersecting Cells: %s', oA.join(', '));
It either returns the string "No Intersecting Cells" or a string identifying the intersecting cells in (row, column) format.

Delete rows after a date has passed automatically for Google Spreadsheets [duplicate]

I'd like to be able to delete an entire row in a Google Spreadsheets if the value entered for say column "C" in that row is 0 or blank. Is there a simple script I could write to accomplish this?
I can suggest a simple solution without using a script !!
Lets say you want to delete rows with empty text in column C.
Sort the data (Data Menu -> Sort sheet by column C, A->Z) in the sheet w.r.t column C, so all your empty text rows will be available together.
Just select those rows all together and right-click -> delete rows.
Then you can re-sort your data according to the column you need.
function onEdit(e) {
try {
var ss = e.source; // Just pull the spreadsheet object from the one already being passed to onEdit
var s = ss.getActiveSheet();
// Conditions are by sheet and a single cell in a certain column
if (s.getName() == 'Sheet1' && // change to your own
e.range.columnStart == 3 && e.range.columnEnd == 3 && // only look at edits happening in col C which is 3
e.range.rowStart == e.range.rowEnd ) { // only look at single row edits which will equal a single cell
} catch (error) { Logger.log(error); }
function checkCellValue(e) {
if ( !e.value || e.value == 0) { // Delete if value is zero or empty
This only looks at the value from a single cell edit now and not the values in the whole sheet.
I wrote this script to do the same thing for one of my Google spreadsheets. I wanted to be able to run the script after all the data was in the spreadsheet so I have the script adding a menu option to run the script.
* Deletes rows in the active spreadsheet that contain 0 or
* a blank valuein column "C".
* For more information on using the Spreadsheet API, see
function readRows() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var rows = sheet.getDataRange();
var numRows = rows.getNumRows();
var values = rows.getValues();
var rowsDeleted = 0;
for (var i = 0; i <= numRows - 1; i++) {
var row = values[i];
if (row[2] == 0 || row[2] == '') {
sheet.deleteRow((parseInt(i)+1) - rowsDeleted);
* Adds a custom menu to the active spreadsheet, containing a single menu item
* for invoking the readRows() function specified above.
* The onOpen() function, when defined, is automatically invoked whenever the
* spreadsheet is opened.
* For more information on using the Spreadsheet API, see
function onOpen() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var entries = [{
name : "Remove rows where column C is 0 or blank",
functionName : "readRows"
sheet.addMenu("Script Center Menu", entries);
Test spreadsheet before:
Running script from menu:
After running script:
I was having a few problems with scripts so my workaround was to use the "Filter" tool.
Select all spreadsheet data
Click filter tool icon (looks like wine glass)
Click the newly available filter icon in the first cell of the column you wish to search.
Select "Filter By Condition" > Set the conditions (I was using "Text Contains" > "word")
This will leave the rows that contain the word your searching for and they can be deleted by bulk selecting them while holding the shift key > right click > delete rows.
This is what I managed to make work. You can see that I looped backwards through the sheet so that as a row was deleted the next row wouldn't be skipped. I hope this helps somebody.
function UpdateLog() {
var returnSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('RetLog');
var rowCount = returnSheet.getLastRow();
for (i = rowCount; i > 0; i--) {
var rrCell = 'G' + i;
var cell = returnSheet.getRange(rrCell).getValue();
if (cell > 0 ){
quite simple request. Try this :
function try_It(){
deleteRow(2); //// choose col = 2 for column C
function deleteRow(col){ // col is the index of the column to check for 0 or empty
var sh = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var data = sh.getDataRange().getValues();
var targetData = new Array();
if(data[n][col]!='' && data[n][col]!=0){ targetData.push(data[n])};
EDIT : re-reading the question I'm not sure if the question is asking for a 'live' on Edit function or a function (like this above) to apply after data has been entered... It's not very clear to me... so feel free to be more accurate if necessary ;)
There is a simpler way:
Use filtering to only show the rows which you want to delete. For example, my column based on which I want to delete rows had categories on them, A, B, C. Through the filtering interface I selected only A and B, which I wanted to delete.
Select all rows and delete them. Doing this, in my example, effectively selected all A and B rows and deleted them; now my spreadsheet does not show any rows.
Turn off the filter. This unhides my C rows. Done!
There is a short way to solve that instead of a script.
Select entire data > Go to menu > click Data tab > select create filter > click on filter next to column header > pop-up will appear then check values you want to delete > click okay and copy the filtered data to a different sheet > FINISH
reading your question carefully, I came up with this solution:
function onOpen() {
// get active spreadsheet
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
// create menu
var menu = [{name: "Evaluate Column C", functionName: "deleteRow"}];
// add to menu
ss.addMenu("Check", menu);
function deleteRow() {
// get active spreadsheet
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
// get active/selected row
var activeRow = ss.getActiveRange().getRowIndex();
// get content column C
var columnC = ss.getRange("C"+activeRow).getValue();
// evaluate whether content is blank or 0 (null)
if (columnC == '' || columnC == 0) {
This script will create a menu upon file load and will enable you to delete a row, based on those criteria set in column C, or not.
This simple code did the job for me!
function myFunction() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(); // get active spreadsheet
var activeRow = ss.getActiveRange().getRowIndex(); // get active/selected row
var start=1;
var end=650;
var match='';
var match2=0; //Edit this according to your choice.
for (var i = start; i <= end; i++) {
var columnC = ss.getRange("C"+i).getValue();
if (columnC ==match || columnC ==match2){ ss.deleteRow(i); }
The below code was able to delete rows containing a date more than 50 days before today in a particular column G , move these row values to back up sheet and delete the rows from source sheet.
The code is better as it deletes the rows at one go rather than deleting one by one. Runs much faster.
It does not copy back values like some solutions suggested (by pushing into an array and copying back to sheet). If I follow that logic, I am losing formulas contained in these cells.
I run the function everyday in the night (scheduled) when no one is using the sheet.
function delete_old(){
//delete > 50 day old records and copy to backup
//run daily from owner login
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var bill = ss.getSheetByName("Allotted");
var backss = SpreadsheetApp.openById("..."); //backup spreadsheet
var bill2 = backss.getSheetByName("Allotted");
var today=new Date();
//process allotted sheet (bills)
bill.getRange(1, 1, bill.getMaxRows(), bill.getMaxColumns()).activate();
ss.getActiveRange().offset(1, 0, ss.getActiveRange().getNumRows() - 1).sort({column: 7, ascending: true});
var data = bill.getDataRange().getValues();
var delData = new Array();
for(n=data.length-1; n>1; n--){
if(data[n][6] !=="" && data[n][6] < today.getTime()-(50*24*3600*1000) ){ //change the condition as per your situation
//get first and last row no to be deleted
for(n=1;n<data.length; n++){
if(data[n][6] !=="" && data[n][6] < today.getTime()-(50*24*3600*1000) ){
var strow=n+1 ; //first row
for(n=data.length-1; n>1; n--){
if(data[n][6] !=="" && data[n][6] < today.getTime()-(50*24*3600*1000) ){
var ltrow=n+1 ; //last row
var bill2lr=bill2.getLastRow();
bill.deleteRows(strow, 1+ltrow-strow);
bill.getRange(1, 1, bill.getMaxRows(), bill.getMaxColumns()).activate();
ss.getActiveRange().offset(1, 0, ss.getActiveRange().getNumRows() - 1).sort({column: 6, ascending: true}); //get back ordinal sorting order as per column F

Find value on any sheet in spreadsheets using Google Script

Using the code below I'm able to look through multiple sheets in a spreadsheet to find the first value that equals the selected cell. The only problem with this bit is: The cell with the value found is highlighted yellow, but the cell with the value found isn't selected. See code below for hopping through sheets. I can't get my head around this :)
Funny thing is that the code for highlighting and selecting a value does work when I'm not hopping through the list of sheets, see the best answer: Find value in spreadsheet using google script
function SearchAndFind() {
//determine value of selected cell
var sh = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var ss = sh.getActiveSheet();
var cell = ss.getActiveCell();
var value = cell.getValue();
//create array with sheets in active spreadsheet
var sheets = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheets();
//loop through sheets to look for value
for (var i in sheets) {
//Set active cell to A1 on each sheet to start looking from there
var sheet = sh.getActiveSheet();
var range = sheet.getRange("A1");
//set variables to loop through data on each sheet
var activeR = cell.getRow()-1;
var activeC = cell.getColumn()-1;
var data = sheets[i].getDataRange().getValues()
var step = 0
//loop through data on the sheet
for(var r=activeR;r<data.length;++r){
for(var c=activeC;c<data[0].length;++c){
Logger.log(step+' -- '+value+' = '+data[r][c]);
if(data[r][c]==''||step==1){ continue };
This code is able to search across multiple sheets, it is obviously based on your published code but uses a memory (scriptProperties) to keep the search value 'alive' when changing from one sheet to the next one and to know when to search for it.
It has 2 non-optimal aspects : 1° you have to keep searching up to the last occurrence before you can begin a new search.
2° : when it switches from sheet n to sheet n+1 it first selects cell A1 before finding the value occurrence.
I guess it should be possible to get rid of these issues but right now I don't find how :-)
Maybe the approach is simply not the best, I started from a simple one sheet script modified and complexified... that's usually not the best development strategy (I know), but anyway, it was a funny experiment and a good logic exercise ...
Thanks for that.
function SearchAndFind() {
//determine value of selected cell
var sh = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var ss = sh.getActiveSheet();
var cell = ss.getActiveCell();
var value = cell.getValue();
if(ScriptProperties.getProperty('valueToFind')!=''){value = ScriptProperties.getProperty('valueToFind')};
//create array with sheets in active spreadsheet
var sheets = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheets()
var sheetNumber = sheets.length;
var currentSheet = ss.getIndex()-1;
//loop through sheets to look for value
for (var i = currentSheet ; i<sheetNumber ; ++i ){
Logger.log('currentSheet = '+i)
//Set active cell to A1 on each sheet to start looking from there
// sheets[i].getRange(1,1).activate();
//set variables to loop through data on each sheet
var activeR = cell.getRow()-1;
var activeC = cell.getColumn()-1;
var data = sheets[i].getDataRange().getValues()
var step = 0;
//loop through data on sheet
for(var r=activeR;r<data.length;++r){
for(var c=activeC;c<data[0].length;++c){
Logger.log('sheet : '+i+' step:'+step+' value '+value+' = '+data[r][c]);
if(data[r][c]==''||(step==1&&i==currentSheet)){ continue };
cell = sheets[i].getRange(1,1);

Find value in spreadsheet using google script

1 spreadsheet
multiple sheets
1 cell selected (may vary)
What I'd like to do is to find and set focus to the next cell in any sheet that matches the selected cell (case insensitive) upon clicking a button-like image in the spreadsheet. Sort of like a custom index MS Word can create for you.
My approach is:
- set value of the selected cell as the variable (succeeded)
- find the first cell that matches that variable (not the selected cell) (no success)
- set value of found cell as variable2 (no success)
- set the focus of spreadsheet to variable2 (no success)
function FindSetFocus()
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
var activecell = sheet.getActiveCell();
var valueactivecell = activecell.getValue();
//here comes the code :)
I have found this snippet in the following topic, but I'm having a little trouble setting the input and doing something with the output: How do I search Google Spreadsheets?
I think I can replace 'value' with 'valueactivecell', but I don't know how to set the range to search through all sheets in the spreadsheet. Also, I'd like the output to be something I can set focus to using something like 'ss.setActiveSheet(sheet).setActiveSelection("D5");'
* Finds a value within a given range.
* #param value The value to find.
* #param range The range to search in.
* #return A range pointing to the first cell containing the value,
* or null if not found.
function find(value, range) {
var data = range.getValues();
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < data[i].length; j++) {
if (data[i][j] == value) {
return range.getCell(i + 1, j + 1);
return null;
also found this but no luck on getting it to work on the selected cell and setting focus: How do I search for and find the coordinates of a row in Google Spreadsheets best answer, first code.
Please bear in mind that I'm not a pro coder :) If code samples are provided, please comment inline hehe.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Edit 24/10: Used the code from the answer below and edited it a bit. Now able to look through multiple sheets in a spreadsheet to find the value. The only problem with this bit is: My cell is highlighted yellow, but the cell with the value found isn't selected. See code below for hopping through sheets. I can't get my head around this :)
function SearchAndFind() {
//determine value of selected cell
var sh = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var ss = sh.getActiveSheet();
var cell = ss.getActiveCell();
var value = cell.getValue();
//create array with sheets in active spreadsheet
var sheets = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheets();
//loop through sheets to look for value
for (var i in sheets) {
//Set active cell to A1 on each sheet to start looking from there
var sheet = sh.getActiveSheet();
var range = sheet.getRange("A1");
//set variables to loop through data on each sheet
var activeR = cell.getRow()-1;
var activeC = cell.getColumn()-1;
var data = sheets[i].getDataRange().getValues()
var step = 0
//loop through data on the sheet
for(var r=activeR;r<data.length;++r){
for(var c=activeC;c<data[0].length;++c){
Logger.log(step+' -- '+value+' = '+data[r][c]);
if(data[r][c]==''||step==1){ continue };
Here is an example of such a function, I inserted a drawing in my spreadsheet representing a button which I assigned the script so it's easy to call.
I added a feature to set a light yellow background on the resulting selected cell so it's easier to see the selected cell but this is optional.
function findAndSelect(){
var sh = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var ss = sh.getActiveSheet();
var cell = ss.getActiveCell();
cell.setBackground('#ffff55');// replace by cell.setBackground(null); to reset the color when "leaving" the cell
var activeR = cell.getRow()-1;
var activeC = cell.getColumn()-1;
var value = cell.getValue();
var data = ss.getDataRange().getValues();
var step = 0
for(var r=activeR;r<data.length;++r){
for(var c=activeC;c<data[0].length;++c){
Logger.log(step+' -- '+value+' = '+data[r][c]);
if(data[r][c]==''||step==1){ continue };
This code only searches 'downwards', i.e. any occurrence in a row that would precede the selected cell is ignored, same for columns...
If that's an issue for you then the code should be modified to start iterating from 0. But in this case if one need to ignore the initial starting cell then you should also memorize its coordinates and skip this value in iteration.
