Validate array of objects in Node - node.js

I have an array that looks something like this
settings: [
{ key: 'maxImageSize', value: '512' },
{ key: 'maxFileSize', value: '2048' },
{ key: 'searchResultsLimit', value: '10' },
I would like to validate the value of each key before saving them to a database.
Example: searchResultsLimit should be greater than 1 but never exceed 20.
I am using Objection.js and express-validator.

Here's a function that returns a boolean based on whether the array is valid or invalid.
function myValidate(settings) {
try { => {
if (validator.toInt(setting.value) <= 1 || validator.toInt(setting.value) >= 20) {
throw new Error("Invalid");
} catch (e) {
return false;
return true;
Turns out validator.js does not provide a validator to check if a number is in range. Check for details.
In case you want to just ignore the items that are invalid, you can use the filter method instead to get the items in the required range.


How do I count the documents that include a value within an array?

I have a Mongoose abTest document that has two fields:
status. This is a string enum and can be of type active, inactive or draft.
validCountryCodes. This is an array of strings enums (GB, EU, AU etc). By default, it will be empty.
In the DB, at any one time, I only want there to be one active abTest for each validCountryCode so I'm performing some validation prior to creating or editing a new abTest.
To do this, I've written a function that attempts to count the number of documents that have a status of active and that contain one of the countryCodes.
The function will then return if the count is more than one. If so, I will throw a validation error.
if (params.status === 'active') {
const activeTestForCountryExists = await checkIfActiveAbTestForCountry(
if (params.activeTestForCountryExists) {
throw new ValidationError({
message: 'There can only be one active test for each country code.',
const abTest = await AbTest.create(params);
checkIfActiveAbTestForCountry() looks like this:
const checkIfActiveAbTestForCountry = async countryCodes => {
const query = {
status: 'active',
if (
!countryCodes ||
(Array.isArray(countryCodes) && countryCodes.length === 0)
) {
query.validCountryCodes = {
$eq: [],
} else {
query.validCountryCodes = { $in: [countryCodes] };
const count = await AbTest.countDocuments(query);
return count > 0;
The count query should count not only exact array matches, but for any partial matches.
If in the DB there is an active abTest with a validCountryCodes array of ['GB', 'AU',], the attempting to create a new abTest with ['GB' should fail. As there is already a test with GB as a validCountryCode.
Similarly, if there is a test with a validCountryCodes array of ['AU'], then creating a test with validCountryCodes of ['AU,'NZ'] should also fail.
Neither is enforced right now.
How can I do this? Is this possible write a query that checks for this?
I considered iterating over params.validCountryCodes and counting the docs that include each, but this seems like bad practice.
take a look at this MongoDB documantation.
As I understood what you need is to find out if there is any document that contains at least one of the specified countryCodes and it has active status. then your query should look like this:
status: 'active',
$or: [
{ validCountryCodes: countryCodes[0] },
{ validCountryCodes: countryCodes[1] },
// ...
note that counting documents is not an efficient manner to check if a document exists or not, instead use findOne with only one field being projected.
You are using the correct mongo-query for your requirement. Can you verify the actual queries executed from your application is the same? Check here
{ status: 'active', validCountryCodes: { $in: [ countryCodes ] } }
For eg; below query :
{ status: 'active', validCountryCodes: { $in: ['GB' ] } }
should match document :
{ status: 'active', validCountryCodes: ['AU','GB'] }

Json/Nodejs: How do I get specific data from a JSON file

I am trying to develop a discord bot with nodejs. My question is how do I get a specific data out of a JSON file (for instance, from this json. I want to only specify a single uuid like "59d4c622c7cc459a98c2e947054e2b11" and get the data.
Assuming you have already parsed the JSON into an actual Javascript object named data and given the way the data is currently organized, you would have to search the data.guild.members array to find the object that had the desired uuid property value.
function findDataForUuid(uuid) {
for (let obj of data.guild.members) {
if (obj.uuid === uuid) {
return obj;
// no match found
return null;
let item = findDataForUuid("59d4c622c7cc459a98c2e947054e2b11");
if (item) {
console.log(item); // will show all the properties of the member object
Or, using .find() on the array:
function findDataForUuid(uuid) {
return data.guild.members.find(item => {
return item.uuid === uuid;
The simple soln you can use filter. Best is use reduce.
const data = {
guild: {
_id: "5b2906070cf29ddccd0f203c",
name: "Dulcet",
coins: 122010,
coinsEver: 232010,
created: 1529415175560,
members: [
uuid: "59d4c622c7cc459a98c2e947054e2b11",
rank: "MEMBER",
joined: 1529683128302,
questParticipation: 39,
expHistory: {
"2020-02-16": 0,
"2020-02-15": 0,
"2020-02-14": 0,
"2020-02-13": 0,
"2020-02-12": 0,
"2020-02-11": 0,
"2020-02-10": 0
const members = data.guild.members.filter(
member => member.uuid == "59d4c622c7cc459a98c2e947054e2b11"
const firstMember = members[0]

node js access value in json result and get the value

i have following json object which i get from API end point
let myjson = { Team1: { SCORE: 10 } }
i want to access the score inside Team but not able to complete as i need to just the result as 10
i have tried following code but not able to get the result
for(var attribute name in JSON.parse(myjson)){
return console.log(attributename+": "+body[attributename]);
i also used bellow code
const userStr = JSON.stringify(myjson);
JSON.parse(userStr, (key, value) => {
if (typeof value === 'string') {
return value.toUpperCase();
return value;
Not a node developer but why do you need to json.stringify it? Can't you just reach the value with dot notation like this:
myjson is already an Object, you don't need to do JSON.parse nor JSON.stringify on it.
Just access the property directly:
If you have multiple teams, or want to access it dynamically:
const obj = { Team1: { SCORE: 10 }, Team2: { SCORE: 20 } }
for(const [team, value] of Object.entries(obj)) {
console.log(`${team}: ${value.SCORE}`)
you also can use this if it fulfills your query.
here is the code.
let myjson = {Team1: {SCORE:10}, Team2: {SCORE: 20}};
Object.keys(myjson).forEach(function(item) {
Not sure if there can be more teams in that object, so I put here some more complex solution and then the straightforward one.
const myjson = { Team1: { SCORE: 10 }, Team2: { SCORE: 20 } }
const result = Object.keys(myjson).map(key => myjson[key].SCORE);
console.log('For dynamic resolution', result);
console.log('If there is only Team1', myjson.Team1.SCORE);

array manipulation in node js and lodash

I have two arrays
typeArr = [1010111,23342344]
I am expecting following
Code :
response = calculate(age);
infoArr.default = 'ok';
infoArr.default = 'nok';
return infoArr;
var data =, type => {
return updaterecord(infoArr,type);
return (data);
var myData = createRecord(infoArr,typeArr);
I am getting
with some reason the last record updates the previous one. I have tried generating array using index var but not sure what's wrong it keep overriding the previous item.
how can I resolve this
You are passing the entire infoArr array to your updaterecord() function, but updaterecord() looks like it's expecting a single object. As a result it is adding those properties to the array rather than individual members of the array.
It's not really clear what is supposed to happen because typeArr has two elements and infoArr has one. Do you want to add another to infoArr or should infoArr have the same number of elements as typeArr.
Assuming it should have the same number you would need to use the index the _map gives you to send each item from infoArr:
function createRecord(infoArr,typeArr) {
var data =, (type, i) => {
// use infoArr[i] to send one element
return updaterecord(infoArr[i],type);
return (data);
I'm not sure how you are calculating default since it's different in your expected output, but based on one number. To get an array of objects based on infoArray you need to copy the object and add the additional properties the you want. Object.assign() is good for this:
let typeArr = [1010111,23342344]
let infoArr={'name':'jon','age':25}
function updaterecord(infoArr,type){
var obj = Object.assign({}, infoArr)
return Object.assign(obj, {
type: type,
default: infoArr.age > 25 ? 'ok' : 'nok' //or however your figuring this out
function createRecord(infoArr,typeArr) {
return, type => updaterecord(infoArr,type));
[ { name: 'jon', age: 25, type: 1010111, default: 'nok' },
{ name: 'jon', age: 25, type: 23342344, default: 'nok' } ]

How to write regex in a sequelize.js field validation.isIn.args

I had wrote two regex in isIn.args, i want the phone validator can check my input value is one of these, but failed.
var ValidateMe = sequelize.define('Foo', {
phone: {
type: Sequelize.STRING(20),
validate: {
isIn: {
args: [[
// moible number of china
// telphone number of china
msg: "moible or telphone number format error!"
I want get the result:
var inputNumber = '15208282123'; // or '8008123'
( /^(13|14|15|17|18)\d{9}$/i.test(inputNumber)
|| /^((\(\d{2,3}\))|(\d{3}\-)|(\d{3}))?(\(0\d{2,3}\)|0\d{2,3}-)?[1-9]\d{6,7}(\-\d{1,4})?$/i.test(inputNumber)
) === true;
Run it in the browser console, result is true.
sequelize "isIn" validator doesn't provide regex support, it checks weather value is directly present in the list of args or not, instead "is" validator supports regex, but i don't think it will support more than one regex at a time, you need to either convert 2 reg ex into 1 or create custom validator which checks both the regex and return true if one of them is passed, something like below
var ValidateMe = sequelize.define('Foo', {
phone: {
type: Sequelize.STRING(20),
validate: {
validatePhone: function(value) {
if(!/^(13|14|15|17|18)\d{9}$/i.test(value) && !/^((\(\d{2,3}\))|(\d{3}\-)|(\d{3}))?(\(0\d{2,3}\)|0\d{2,3}-)?[1-9]\d{6,7}(\-\d{1,4})?$/i.test(value)) {
throw new Error('phone format error!')
