Referring to Files as variables in multiple ForEach loops [PowerShell] - excel

Im am making some progress on my script that automatically updates links in excel files without opening them. I have successfully made the function work on a single file with inputs of file name and text to replace. Now I am trying to scale this so that it does the same actions for all files in the script directory.
Here is how the script goes with comments on steps:
# This part will be responsible from fetching the week number to replace from the script directory name, currently I am testing with pre-determined number
# $wk = Get-Item -Path $PWD | Select-Object -Property BaseName
# $wknn = "$wk".Substring(13,2) -as [int]
$wknn = 41
$wkold = $wknn-1
$wkprev = $wknn-2
$DefaultFiles = Get-ChildItem | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "*.xls*"}
ForEach($File in $DefaultFiles)
# Build ZIP file name
$zipFile = $_ -ireplace [regex]::Escape(".xlsb"), ".zip"
# Create temporary folder
$parent = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath();
[string] $guid = [System.Guid]::NewGuid();
$tempFolder = Join-Path $parent $guid;
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $tempFolder;
# Rename file to ZIP
Rename-Item -Path $_ -NewName $zipFile
# Not using Expand-Archive because it changes the ZIP format
C:\7z\7za.exe x "$zipFile" -o"$tempFolder"
# Replace old text with new text. First replace wk-1 to wk and then wk-2 to wk-1
$fileNames = Get-ChildItem -Path $tempFolder -Recurse -Include *.rels
foreach ($file in $fileNames)
(Get-Content -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $file.FullName) |
Foreach-Object { $_ -replace $wkold, $wknn } |
Foreach-Object { $_ -replace $wkprev, $wkold } |
Set-Content $file.FullName
# Changing working folder because 7Zip option -w doesn't work
Set-Location -Path $tempfolder
# Update archive with new files. Not using Compress-Archive because it changes the ZIP format
C:\7z\7za.exe u -r "$zipFile" *.*
# Rename file back to XLSB
Rename-Item -Path $zipFile -NewName $_
#Move the final .xlsb file back to the script root
move-Item -Path $_ -destination $PSScriptRoot
#Set location to script root to start over
Set-Location -Path $PSScriptRoot
I am running into problems with the forEach loop. I am unsure on how do I refer to the file name within the first loop at the Build Zip File Name step. And how do I refer to the output file when i Want to move it to the script root afterwards. Also I suspect that stacking of forEach loops may be not as simple and require extra steps within the code, but due to me just starting out in C I dont have the experience and could not find a simple answer to my problem.
I would really appreciate some assistance with the syntax in my code :)

I would create a temporary folder outside the main loop and set the working directory to that folder. Then remove the folder and reset the working directory when all is done.
Also, there is no need to rename the finished zip file first and then move it back to its original location, because you can do that with the Move-Item cmdlet at the same time.
$wknn = 41
$wkold = $wknn - 1
$wkprev = $wknn - 2
$7zipExe = 'C:\7z\7za.exe' # path to 7za.exe
$sourcePath = $PSScriptRoot # path to where the Excel files are
# Create temporary folder
$tempFolder = Join-Path -Path ([System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()) -ChildPath ((New-Guid).Guid)
$null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $tempFolder -Force
# retrieve a collection of Excel files (FullNames only).
# If you ONLY want .xlsb files, set the Filter to '*.xlsb'
$excelFiles = (Get-ChildItem -Path $sourcePath -Filter '*.xls*' -File).FullName
# Changing working folder because 7Zip option -w doesn't work
Set-Location -Path $tempfolder
foreach($File in $excelFiles) {
# Build ZIP file name
$zipFile = [System.IO.Path]::ChangeExtension($File, '.zip')
# Rename file to ZIP
Rename-Item -Path $File -NewName $zipFile
# Not using Expand-Archive because it changes the ZIP format
& $7zipExe x "$zipFile" -o"$tempFolder" | Out-Null
# Replace old text with new text. First replace wk-1 to wk and then wk-2 to wk-1
Get-ChildItem -Path $tempFolder -Recurse -Filter '*.rels' -File | ForEach-Object {
(Get-Content -Path $_.FullName -Raw) -replace $wkold, $wknn -replace $wkprev, $wkold |
Set-Content $_.FullName
# Update archive with new files. Not using Compress-Archive because it changes the ZIP format
& $7zipExe u -r "$zipFile" *.* | Out-Null
# Rename and Move the updated file back to the original location (overwrite)
Move-Item -Path $zipFile -Destination $File -Force
# remove all files from the temporary folder to start fresh
Remove-Item -Path "$tempfolder\*" -Recurse -Force
# Set location back to script root
Set-Location -Path $PSScriptRoot
# remove the temporary folder
Remove-Item -Path $tempfolder -Recurse -Force


Searching contents of text files on remote computers and exporting to excel file using powershell and export-excel

I'm trying to search the contents of text files on remote computers from computers.txt which includes
And export it using export-excel PowerShell module
using this code:
$directory = $PSScriptRoot
$computers = Get-Content -Path $directory\computers.txt
$searchwords = 'word1','word2','word3'
Foreach ($computer in $computers) {
$path = "\\$computer\C$\test\logs"
Foreach ($sw in $searchwords) {
$excel = Get-Childitem -path $path -recurse -Include "*.txt" |
Select-string -pattern "$sw" |
Select-object pattern, linenumber, line, path |
Export-excel $file -autosize -startrow 1 -tablename pattern -worksheetname "errors" -passthru
$ws = $excel.workbook.worksheets['errors']
The problem is that it will only export the contents of pc4 which is the last in the computers.txt list.
Thanks in advance
Adding the -append switch on export-excel will get this working.
It was added as part of the release on 10/30/2017 -

Powershell Unable to find Excel and open Excel File

I am trying to have Powershell copy, rename than edit a excel file. It copies and renames the file as intended however when I go to open the file with excel it is unable to find the file. See attached code.
Thank you for the help.
#Export Textbox outputs
$S0 = $textBox1.Text
$jobname = $textBox2.Text
$contractor = $TextBox3.Text
#combine textbox outputs
$folder = "$S0" + "_" + "$jobname" + "_" + "$contractor"
$subsubfolder = ".\"+"$folder" + "\Dir"
$takeoffname = "$s0" + "_takeoff.xlsx"
$xl = New-Object -ComObject excel.application
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
$xl.Visible = $true
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
$wb = $xl.Workbooks.Open("$subsubfolder\$takeoffname")
$data = $wb.Worksheets.Item("Storm")
$Data.Cells.Item(1,2) = "$jobname"
$data.Cells.Item(1,7) = "$S0"
NEW updated Code - Added Join path and It broke the create folder loop. Sorry IF the added requirement to make the folder creates extra problems.
$S0 = $TextBox1.Text
$jobname = $TextBox2.Text
$contractor = $TextBox3.Text
$folder = ' {0}_{1}_{2}' -f $S0, $jobname, $Contractor
$file = '{0}_takeoff.xlsx' -f $S0
$PILname = 'PIL_{0}.xlsx' -f $S0
Write-host $folder
New-Item -ItemType Directory "./$folder"
foreach($line in Get-Content $Filenames)
New-Item $folder\$line -ItemType Directory
$subfolder = '{0}\1 - Estimating Original Quote Material' -f $folder
$subsubfolder = Join-Path -Path $PWD - ChildPath $Subfolder
$filePath = Join-Path -Path $PWD -ChildPath (Join-Path -Path $subsubfolderfolder -ChildPath $file)
$PILpath = Join-Path -Path $PWD -ChildPath (Join-Path -Path $subsubfolderfolder -ChildPath $PILname)
Write-host $filePath
Write-host $subsubfolder
#Copy Files
Copy-Item '.\_master_takeoff.xlsx' "$subsubfolder\_master_takeoff.xlsx"
Copy-Item '.\PIL_S0XXXXX .xlsx' $subsubfolder
#Rename Files
Rename-Item -Path "$subsubfolder\_master_takeoff.xlsx" -newname $takeoffname
Rename-Item -Path "$subsubfolder\PIL_S0XXXXX .xlsx" -newname $PILpath
$xl = New-Object -ComObject excel.application
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
$xl.Visible = $true
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
$wb = $xl.Workbooks.Open("$subsubfolder\$takeoffname")
$data = $wb.Worksheets.Item("Storm")
$Data.Cells.Item(1,2) = "$jobname"
$data.Cells.Item(1,7) = "$S0"
[System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($wb) | Out-Null
[System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($xl) | Out-Null
By taking strings off textboxes and combining that to a file path with string concatenation, you're bound to end up with a path that doesn't exist.
Having said that, the error comes from using the .\ in the path.
Powershell may know where that is, but Excel will have no idea where to look for the file. Excel has its own Default path, usually pointing to the Documents folder and when given relative paths, it will use that.
Always use existing, absolute file paths for opening stuff in external applications.
Better use something like this
#Export Textbox outputs
$prefix = $TextBox1.Text
$jobname = $TextBox2.Text
$contractor = $TextBox3.Text
#combine textbox outputs to form the directory (I like using the -f format operator)
$file = '{0}_takeoff.xlsx' -f $prefix
$folder = '{0}_(1}_{2}\Dir' -f $prefix, $jobname, $contractor
$filePath = Join-Path -Path $PWD -ChildPath (Join-Path -Path $folder -ChildPath $file)
# test if the file can be founc
if (Test-Path $filePath -PathType Leaf) {
$xl = New-Object -ComObject excel.application
$xl.Visible = $true
$wb = $xl.Workbooks.Open($filePath)
$data = $wb.Worksheets.Item("Storm")
$Data.Cells.Item(1,2) = $jobname
$data.Cells.Item(1,7) = $prefix
# important: clean-up COM objects after use
[System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($wb) | Out-Null
[System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($xl) | Out-Null
else {
Write-Warning "File '$filePath' not found"
Instead of using $PWD (Print Working Directory) you can also use Get-Location which in fact is the same thing
Since I have no idea why your updated code is creating subfolders, I'll leave that out here.
Please look at how the -f Format operator works because now you're doing that wrong.
Also, to not confuse the working directory for PowerShell and the default path for Excel anymore, define the full root path first in the code. Below I'm using a variable called $workingDir for that.
Copy-Item can copy and rename at the same time.
# let's forget about the 'Set-Location' and use absolute paths from the beginning
$workingDir = '\\Server\Share\Folder' # set this to the real path
# Export Textbox outputs
$S0 = $TextBox1.Text
$jobname = $TextBox2.Text
$contractor = $TextBox3.Text
# combine textbox outputs to form the directory (I like using the -f format operator)
$PILname = 'PIL_{0}.xlsx' -f $S0
$file = '{0}_takeoff.xlsx' -f $S0
$folder = '{0}_(1}_{2}\1 - Estimating Original Quote Material' -f $S0, $jobname, $contractor
$folderPath = Join-Path -Path $workingDir -ChildPath $folder # --> Full absolute path to the working folder
$filePath = Join-Path -Path $folderPath -ChildPath $file # --> Full absolute path to the file
Write-host $filePath
Write-host $folderPath
#Copy and rename master Files
$masterFile = Join-Path -Path $workingDir -ChildPath '_master_takeoff.xlsx'
$pilFile = Join-Path -Path $workingDir -ChildPath 'PIL_S0XXXXX.xlsx'
Copy-Item -Path $masterFile -Destination $filePath
Copy-Item -Path $pilFile -Destination (Join-Path -Path $folderPath -ChildPath $PILname)
#Write to new take off file
# Call excel and open file
$xl = New-Object -ComObject excel.application
$xl.Visible = $true
$wb = $xl.Workbooks.Open($filePath)
$data = $wb.Worksheets.Item("Storm")
$Data.Cells.Item(1,2) = $jobname
$data.Cells.Item(1,7) = $S0
[System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($wb) | Out-Null
[System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($xl) | Out-Null
Everything seems ok with the code, but you are using relative paths.
If you are doing that, you need to change the working directory before opening the excel.
Ex: Set-Location C:\

Threads Output move-item verbose to file

I need some help with 2 problems to my script:
I have a script that moves all pictures (if there are any) from all the subfolder locations to a new subfolder under the "PRO" folder.
Problem 1:
I've turned on the -verbose command on move-item in hopes of outputting it to a log.txt file, but due to the threads it gives me errors "file is allready being used by another proces".
Problem 2:
Either i turn on the -Force command on the move-item and risk losing pictures when there are files with the same name or i find some way to rename them on the fly....
what i have sofar:
the extensions i want to move:
$movefiles_foto = #("*.tif", "*.tiff","*.gif","*.jpeg","*.jpg","*.jif","*.jfif", "*.jp2","*.jpx", "*.j2k", "*.j2c","*.fpx","*.pcd","*.png","*.JPEG")
the moving scriptblock:
$movefilesfoto = {
$archive = "FOTO"
Get-ChildItem -Path $loc -Recurse -File -Filter $extension -Exclude $archive | ForEach-Object {
if ($_.FullName.IndexOf('\PRO\') -gt 0) {
$Destination = Join-Path -Path $_.FullName.Substring(0,$_.FullName.IndexOf('\PRO\') + 5) -ChildPath 'FOTO';
if (-not (Test-Path -LiteralPath $Destination -PathType Container)) {
New-Item -Type Directory -Path $Destination | Out-Null
$_ | Move-Item -Destination $Destination -Verbose;
} else {throw ("\PRO\ path not found in '$($_.FullName)'");}}}
starting the jobs part:
write-host "move foto"
foreach ($foto_file in $movefiles_foto)
Start-Job -ScriptBlock $movefilesfoto -ArgumentList $foto_file, $location
Get-Job | Wait-Job | Receive-Job | Out-File -FilePath $location\log.txt
My apolegies if this is too many questions at once, but wanted to avoid having to ask 3 seperate questions that might be related.
thanks in advance for any input
verbose output to file is solved, so scratch problem 1!
The verbose info claiming it moves files from the same folder to the same folder disappeared and can't seem to be reproduced. So that leaves problem 2, the renaming
Problem 1:
An article on Stream redirection (full support introduced in PSv5)
Write-Verbose 'Example message!' -Verbose 4>&1 | Out-File C:\ex.txt -Force
Problem 2:
Function MoveFilesFoto
$Archive = 'FOTO'
Get-ChildItem -Path $Location -Recurse -Filter -Include $Extensions -Exclude $Archive |
ForEach-Object {
If ($_.FullName -cmatch '\\PRO\\')
$Destination = Join-Path 'Parent' $Archive
If (!(Test-Path $Destination))
New-Item -Type Directory -Path $Destination > $Null
Move-Item -Path $_.FullName -Destination $Destination -Verbose 4>&1 | Out-File $Destination\Log.txt -Append -Force
Throw "Could not find \PRO\ in $($_.FullName)"

Partial string match and folder creation using PowerShell

I have a directory with thousands of files, and I would like to create new directories based on part of the file name, and then sort the partial matching files into those directories.
The files all start with the same prefix, "123-", and then have numbers random and ranging in length, but I do not want whatever is after the numbers. I tried regular expressions, but I am having issues with matching the varying number lengths after the "123-" and skipping everything after the middle number.
Example files:
Example Result:
Try this:
gci $yourdir -File -Filter 123-*.pdf | %{$newdir=$yourdir + "\" + ($_.Name -replace '(123-\d+).*', '$1'); New-Item -Path $newdir -Force -ItemType Directory; Move-Item -Path $_.FullName -Dest $newdir -Force }
PS C:\> '123-4441Zebra.pdf' -replace '(123-\d+).*', '$1'
gci "c:\place\" | mv -Dest { "c:\out\$($_.Name -replace '(123-\d+).*', '$1')\" } -Force -WhatIf
Auto-generated PS help links from my codeblock (if available):
gci is an alias for Get-ChildItem (in module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management)
mv is an alias for Move-Item (in module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management)

Renaming many folders in PowerShell

I have over 1000+ files that have to be renamed.
The first set folder and/or files are grouped by location, so the first four characters are the same for each file; there are four-five different locations. I need to delete the first few characters of the folder's name.
Old File: ABC_Doe, Jane
New File: Doe, Jane
any suggestions as to the quickest way to carry this out?
I've tried all of the following:
1st Attempt
$a = Get-ChildItem C:\example
$b = Where-Object {$ -like “*ABC_*”}
$cmdlet_name = “Rename-Item”
$d = (cmdlet_name $a $b)
invoke-expression $d
2nd Attempt
$e = Get-ChildItem C:\example
$f = $e.TrimStart (“ABC_”)
3rd Attempt
Rename-Item -{$ -like “*ASD*”, “”}
Try this, get all child items (files only), remove abc_ by replacing them (with nothing) and rename each file. To rename files in sub-directories add the -Recurse switch to the Get-ChildItem command:
Get-ChildItem c:\example -Filter ABC_* | Where-Object {!$_.PSIsContainer} | Rename-Item -NewName { ($_.BaseName -replace '^ABC_') + $_.Extension }
Actually, this should work as well and is much shorter (no need to append the file extension cause renaming is performed on the file name).
Get-ChildItem c:\example -Filter ABC_* | Where-Object {!$_.PSIsContainer} | Rename-Item -NewName { $_.Name -replace '^ABC_' }
get-childItem ABC_* | rename-item -newname { $ -replace 'ABC_','' }
Source: get-help rename-item -full
